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i like to believe in all the possibilities — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Cade who has 888 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Incoming delegation from Sanguine Cove! Please let @Jethro post first as he is accompanying Chan. Takes place at night (1:27 AM 1/20).
@Adelard @Saga @Rhaegara @Caelyn @Marrah @Enera

It had taken quite a few days, but they eventually located the Chasm pack and their western markers. Chan made sure to stop at what he considered to be a respectful distance, and bowed to let the fur slide off of his shoulders onto the ground. He then deposited the extra hare he had picked up on their journey, and gave his jaws a stretch.

Scenting so many strangers, in a place of the Lore he hadn't specifically visited before, was it's own kind of exhilaration for the Eastfall. He smiled broadly, mangled tail wagging carelessly behind him.

"Here goes," he tossed to Jethro, before tilting back his head and calling out to the wolves of the Chasm, and mentioning Adelard by name.
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2022, 09:32 PM by Scully.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
This journey had taken much longer than the previous one had, but in the middle of the cold season, that was to be expected. As with before, Jet had tried to pay close attention to the land and any noteworthy features. He’d been reminded by this, that there was still a whole world out there to explore. And a part of him was feeling like he wanted to do exactly that.

For now though, he was still part of a pack, there were duties to attend to, and the dark one would not intend to let his desires get in the way of that. Not until he’d had time to think about and talk it out with a few others, first.

Just like with the trip to the Backwater pack though, he and Chan arrived at the first scent markers in the middle of the night. Jet wondered if these folks would be as receptive of them, despite that fact, as the others had. Setting what he’d carried upon the ground, Jet offered a nod and a wry smile to his companion. They were about to find out. With luck, the offering of two pelts and two hares would be enough to convince anyone irritated about the timing of their arrival a little less annoyed.
Played by Flywolf who has 286 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


Enera wasn't exactly a deep sleeper, though she wouldn't think of herself as a light sleeper either. She was used to a decent bedtime, enforced by @Rhaegara who bribed her with stories, and she liked to rise early enough to pounce on Marrah when she woke up. That is to say, the girl was fast asleep when the call came through, and it took her a moment to realize she wasn't dreaming. Her head lifted and she sniffed at the mouth of the den, as if the scent would carry all the way from the borders.

"Mama," she whispered, poking her mother's side sharply before looking back at the entrance. "Someone's here." After another brief consideration of how cold it was going to be outside, when she was no longer tucked into her mama's side, Enera wriggled free before she could be stopped and took off toward the origin of the sound.

Two strange men came into sight, and Enera's tail wagged as she approached them. All the sleep was gone from her eyes, replaced by the excitement of meeting new friends. They smelled like many other wolves; were they from another family like the Chasm? "Hi!" she piped, plopping her but onto the frozen ground and immediately regretting it. So cold.

"I'm Enera," she said cheerfully. "Who are you? Where are you from? Are you friendly? Did you come a long way?" As always, the girl was full of questions and didn't stop to wonder about why they were there.

Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

Most of these nights Marrah had been spending her nights out searching for her lost brother, but she was just so tired tonight. She had given herself permission to stay in, but even though she was not out looking for Aweho, she couldn’t sleep. Snuggled up next to Caelyn where it was warm, her mind was still racing with the thought that her other brother was probably somewhere cold and lonely. But, she wasn’t sure she could keep looking for him either. She was so tired all the time, and going out at night by herself could be really scary.

When an unfamiliar call went up, her ears perked and hope flickered in her heart. It was not Aweho, but maybe he had made a new friend and had come home and why was she still laying in here!? Getting to her paws in a fury, she took off in a hurry towards where the call had come from, and was relieved to see that Enera was there already. Marrah skid to a stop in the snow when her eyes lifted to see that it was not a wayward brother but two grown strangers. Slowly creeping up beside her friend she whispered, ”Enera….” She wasn’t so sure about this, they should have an adult here.

Where were all the adults!?

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2022, 12:33 AM by Hellhound. Edit Reason: fixing the borther's names )
Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne

Rhaegara had been resting after what had been an eventful day of hunting and patrolling the day before when her daughter was poking her side and she was groaning softly, her eyes slowly dragging open and blinking before she saw her daughter’s rump disappearing and sighed, pushing her way onto her paws. Two strangers with a familiar scent of another pack were at the borders when she arrived, placing herself somewhat in front of the children, her head tilting to the side slightly as she looked at them up and down before continuing in greeting.

It was late, but they had called which meant that they were not planning any kind of attack. “Good evening.” Evening was an understatement. “My name is Rhaegara. And you are?” She was nothing if not polite as her parents would have expected her to be. She had not lost her edge of diplomacy, even if the very nature of her life over the past year had brought out her rather feral side. She could worry about the children’s arrival before an adult arrived later. “I apologize for all of the questions, my daughter is very curious.” She offered once more, having heard the onslaught and Marrah’s hesitation upon her arrival.

Played by Cade who has 888 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
It was a young girl who met them first, and Chan smiled as she approached with a rather jovial manner about her. Another youth emerged, far more cautiously and attempting to gain the other's attention while she rattled off a slew of queries. He opened his mouth to both answer and ask that they fetch an adult, but a third wolf joined in and he was relieved to see that this one was grown. Not that he didn't mind kids, but they certainly weren't the ones to discuss pack relations with.

The woman's features reminded him of Flair, though she was of more darker, subdued shades than his friend.

"It's not a problem," he assured her with a toothy grin and easy wag of his shortened tail. He looked between mother and daughter both as he answered all of the questions that had been pitched to them so far.

"I'm Chan, and this is my friend @Jethro. We come from Sanguine Cove, which is waaay up there," he swung his muzzle toward the mountains in the distance for the girls' benefit.

"Woya visited us not too long ago, as did @Sawyer. We were hoping to meet with Adelard?"
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Not one, but two kids were the first to arrive on the scene to greet them, which was exactly the opposite of what he had been expecting. At least with kids though, they didn’t have to worry about the timing, but they did have to contend with a series of questions from one of the kids. Fortunately, an adult was not too far behind the two youths, and thankfully she didn’t appear to be angry, either.

And with Chan here, he also did not have to much of anything except maintain a neutral stance and nod when introduced to support his packmate. But, he didn’t exactly want them thinking he was a mute or something strange like that, either. ”Evenin’. Nice to meet y’all,” Jet offered, more than content to let his companion answer everything else. There would come a time he’d have to do this for himself, but that time was not now, and the more Jet could learn from his elder packmate, the better.
Played by Flywolf who has 286 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


It wasn't long before Marrah was arriving at Enera's side, only emboldening the paler girl all the more. As ever, she was oblivious to her friend's discomfort. Before the strange men could answer, however, Rhae was there, partially standing in front of the girls as she introduced herself and apologized for Enera's questions. The girl in question dodged around her mama's legs so she could see the strangers. She wanted to hear what they had to say!

Chan and Jethro. Enera thought they were good names, but she was distracted from saying so by the mention of another pack waaaaay up the mountain. The pup's eyes grew wide as she looked. The mountain looked tall. "You live up there?" she asked in disbelief. "How long did it take you to walk all the way down here? What's it like up there?" Even though her mama had just made mention of her questions, the girl was not deterred; she would have her answers.

Played by Ghost who has 143 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Marrah Macieo-Tainn

I’m Done Putting Out The Fires You Start

No sooner than the girl had wondered where all the adults were, then Enera’s Mama had shown up, apologies quick on her lips. Marrah was emboldened by an adult coming and seeming polite but relaxed, and she straightened her posture minutely. It wasn’t much, she still was not brave enough to speak up, but she was certainly less afraid of being out here in the dark with strangers.

Amber eyes widened dramatically in time with her friend’s exclamation. They flickered in the direction that Chan had pointed. Sure, she had seen the mountain in the distance before, but had never thought about what it would be like to live up there. Above the clouds, so high, ”does it ever storm way up there!?” What a dream that would be.

Realizing that had probably been rude she blushed and dipped her muzzle down, ”oops, sorry.” She had not meant to be so blunt, but she just had to know. Was there really a place that she could live that would have no storms?

When The Cranberry Vodkas Hit A Little Too Hard

Played by Tasha who has 178 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rhaegara Rayvne

Chan and Jethro. Sanguine Cove. They were the wolves who had also lost a pup. Woya had gone with them to search which had made Rhaegara question whether or not they should have looked harder for Awheho. Enera was jumping out from around her with even more questions and Rhae couldn’t help but chuckle in amusement from it. Marrah followed it up and then apologized. “You don’t need to apologize, Marrah. It’s okay.” She assured her softly because the girl was already so shy. “But Enera you can let them answer a question before you ask another.” It was all about reining her wild child in.

“I heard about your missing child. I’m glad that she was found safe.” Relatively, at least. “I can call for him again.” She offered when they revealed they were hoping to talk to Ad. She raised her maw and let out another call, alerting him both to the fact that she had answered the initial call but that his presence was still necessary. “In the meantime, I hope you don’t mind indulging the kids curiosities’?” She asked hopefully, hoping the experience would be formative for both girls.