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we're a wow in a world full of ho-hum — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Backdated to 1/10, intended for the kiddos but aw~ @Lynx @Kateri @Stella

The antler's tines rattled as they were dragged over the frozen, rock-littered ground that made up the pack's metaphorical front yard. Woya was very clearly excited by her find, tugging the dense and unwieldy bone along with relentless determination. It felt as though it were almost as large as she was - it was certainly large enough for all of @Aleister's children to share, even at their size.

She dropped her gift when finally she was in front of the den, and tilted back her head to send up a soft howl intended for the youth of the pack.

Gotta surprise for ya, kids.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Kateri had been napping most of the day, she was still pretty tired after her ordeal. It had only been a few days that she'd been back in the cove where she finally felt she could relax. Her mother had returned the day before but even after being checked out by Aquene she still didn't feel up to running around. Her leg still hurt and she couldn't put much weight on it. Really she was just glad to be home with her family. They were all there now, back together and that made the young girl happy.

She lay inside the medical den mismatched gaze peering out I to the forest. She'd just woken from one of her naps but had yet to move. When she heard the soft howl she raised her head up knowing the call was for her and her siblings. She didn't think her mother would mind if she went to it. So she pulled herself up on her three good legs and limped out of the den. It was short distance she had to go which wasn't too much considering how far she'd already gone on her bad leg. She just took her time and was very careful u til she finally reached the wolf that had called.

She recognized her from when her mother had returned. "I'm here," she said coming to rest close to where the woman was.
Played by Arya who has 35 posts.
Inactive VIII. Yearling
Lynx Vuesain

Lynx wasn't too far when the call for all the kids came from his cousin Woya, his dark tipped ears listening to her message before moving to where she was. A surprise? The boy wondered what she had for them as he made his way to the main den. Seafoam gaze took in the forms of Woya and Kateri that had gathered as well as the surprise that Woya had found. Huge antlers laid out in front of the den, his gaze widening as he took them in. They were as huge as Woya and almost as big as Kateri. "Oh, that's cool! He commented excitably as he approached the tines to give them a further inspection.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
When she saw Kateri appear, limping, Woya realized her mistake and promptly felt properly guilty. Her ears leaned back, the expression within her honeyed eyes clearly apologetic. She moved to greet her with an affectionate nudge of her nose to the girl's cheek, and an apology was on it's way from betwixt parted jaws when Lynx's familiar voice took place in the air instead.

Woya's head lifted, and she greeted the boy with a smile, tail wagging once more.


Careful not to stab the young boy with any of the tines, she bit down and dragged it the remaining distance to his half-sister so that she wouldn't have to walk another step on her bad leg.

"Whoever dropped this had to of been big."

She could only imagine the beast that had carried them, imagining they would have brought the rack home had it been felled already by the Cove wolves.

still open to @Stella and anyone else too~
(This post was last modified: Feb 06, 2022, 05:48 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Kai who has 160 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kateri Vuesain-Slayer
Kateri was pretty excited to find out what the call was about. She didn't really even think about the fact that her leg was injured. To be honest at this point it had unfortunately become almost second nature to not put any weight on it. Her gaze was on the large rack of antlers that Woya had brought with her.

Then she caught the woman coming toward her and soon found her cheek being nudge. Kateri quickly turned her head and licked Woya's muzzle. A moment later her attention was drawn to her brother as he spoke. After that the young Slayer moved to sniff at the antlers, "Do we get to chew on it?" She asked looking up at Woya. Cause it would definitely be great for that.