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evangelina — Whisper Marsh 
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Hellhound Archer
AW! Early morning around dawn, overcast, -13C/8F

Back on the coast to coast life

& You know I live for the hustle

He had found one of his cousins and the Scowle, but it did not seem to abate the restless energy that Hellhound felt. None of it had been exciting as he had thought it would be, and so he was going to keep it moving until he found something that thrilled him. He had seen the home of the old timers, maybe met a ghost, found his family, maybe he needed something a little less old? Maybe he needed to try something new, and he was beginning to wonder if that should come in the form of a romance.

His dad had certainly had enough of them. And, it seemed like his grandma had had a few flings in her heyday before becoming a bit of a nutter - one he loved, but you know. Hellhound was not even particularly picky, at this point in his life he would be happy to have a warm body to sleep next to him for a night or two before moving on.

Anyways, all of this was to say that Hellhound was not going to find that kind of companion by hanging around his cousin all day. Sure, he would go back and check in, but he had some sights to see, some people to woo, maybe the some mysteries to happiness figured out. You know, all the things you do before dawn, right?

He paced his way through the frozen marsh, the clouds overhead slowly beginning to lighten as the sun rose on the other side of them. The reeds whispered against his ginger pelt, Hellhound moved leisurely, he didn’t have a destination, only a journey to go on.