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The vertigo is gonna grow
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Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
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Oksana Baranski

Oksana was just search of her friend. After everything that'd happened over the last month or so she wanted to make sure Siyet was doing okay. She'd taken a really nasty fall during the hunt and Oksana hadn't had a chance to check on her which she felt very badly about.

The crow wound her way along the well marked paths of the cove in search of her friend. She hadn't been in any of the places that she'd already checked though it was completely possible that she'd just missed her.

Oksana finally found her way back to the main den. She decided to give up searching and just call for her. It wasn't her favorite way to get their attention but it was effective. She raised her muzzle to the air and called through the trees for Siyet.
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
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Siyet Crym
Siyet was tucked away in the warmth of one of the snow caves she had dug out. She was enjoying a mid day rest, nestled in a tightly curled ball when she hear the call of a familiar voice nearby. Her ears had perked up and she listened to make sure it wasn't one of dire need. It seemed like it was just one used to search. She got up and poked her head out of the snow cave. She was pretty camouflaged so she decided to go over to the call and see what was going on

" Oksana! Hello over there! How have you been lately? Keeping yourself warm?"

She couldn't help but giggle as she trotted over to Oksana. She hadn't talked to her in some time and really enjoyed spending time with her.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
She felt like she'd searched the whole cove for Siyet though in reality it probably wasn't that far. She'd finally had to resort to calling for her. Then she waited for any sign of her friend. Finally the familiar voice of the pale woman reached her ears.

"Hello Siyet," she called back cheerfully just before the other woman appeared. "I'm doing well and you could say I've been keeping warm," she informed.

She had to check herself because she wasn't there to talk about herself, at least not yet. "I was actually wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry I haven't checked up on you but I wanted to make sure you were doing alright after the hunt," she explained.
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Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
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Siyet Crym
Siyet was glad that her friend had been doing well and keeping warm in these cold temperatures. It was easy for Siyet to stay warm, but she wasn't entirely sure how the rest of the pack faired.

Oksana was concerned about Siyet, and her health. Siyet had to hold back a smile, as she was glad that Oksana cared about her.

"Well, it was quite difficult to walk for a while and hurt pretty bad. But I got better and now I only really get dull aches if I step wrong or something. I have been digging snow caves and such to help strengthen my shoulder."

She flashed her teeth at Oksana.

"What about you? What have you been up to the last little while? I feel like I haven't really seen you much lately."

She took this opportunity to get an annoying itch that was bothering her right behind her ear.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It was little awkward to tell Siyet that she was great because she had the things that she wanted in life. That the reason she was staying warm was because she spent so much time cuddled up with her hubby. Only because she'd come to find out how her friend was doing and she remembered their last conversation.

She knew that she was going to have to tell Siyet. The other woman was her friend and she deserved to know the truth. It would come in due time. First she had to see where Siyet was in her recovery. A smile crossed her maw as her friend spoke. It was mostly all good news.

"I'm so glad to hear that you're doing so much better. I was really worried that it was much worse. A little rest does go a long way in the healing process but it sounds like you are working it out. I think digging the snow tunnels is a great idea, it will certainly help to get your strength back but it might also help with the pain too."

From her experience the pain that was still lingering could just be from both using it while it was healing. Now that she was working it and using the muscles Oksana thought the pain would eventually go away.

Then the moment came where she couldn't not tell Siyet the truth. "Um, something really importants happened actually. I've been spending a lot of time with Aleister, helping him. He's been through so much this year," she explained, "It seems you were right Siyet because we told each other how we felt about each other and now...now we're mates. I'm sorry we haven't spent so much time together, I've been with him a lot ."

Oksana no way felt guilty about the time she was spending with her mate. She loved him and frankly wanted to be able to spend all of her time with him. She also realized that they both had responsibilities they needed to take care of. She felt badly that she hadn't been there for Siyet like she should have been. Also that she had what she knew her friend would like to have and she didn't want to rub it in the other woman's face.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet couldn't help but grin at the news she just heard, completely ignoring the talk about her pain.

" Aha! I knew it. I told you something was going on between you two. I could just feel it in my bones. Soooo come on. Tell me, how's it been with him?"

Siyet maintained her grin. She was happy for her friend, to have found someone special like that. Hopefully they would have a great, loving time together.

She was also happy that she FREAKING CALLED IT.
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2022, 01:32 AM by Siyet.)
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
All Oksana could do was smile sheepishly. Her friend had been right. Those months ago when she'd first asked Oksana had been afraid to give their relationship a definition because what if she was wrong. It seemed that Siyet was really excited for her.

"Yes you did, maybe your not as bad as seeing these things as you thought," she said with a small laugh. As for how it had been with Aleister.

"He's great, amazing really amd he always listens and I can tell how much he cares. Mostly I really like that he doesn't hold back with me and for the first time in a very long time I finally feel like I found a man that I can trust with myself and any children we might have."

That was a very important thing to her. She didn't want her children to be like her, she didn't want them to grow up without their father. She knew what that felt like and she didn't think she could handle watching her children repeat her life.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet watched as her friend spoke, and how the smile on her face grew, and how she lit up talking about her lover.

Siyet couldn't help but smile too, her friends smile was contagious.

"He definitely sounds like such a wonderful partner for you! I'm so glad you two are so close like that. And hey, him being the pack leader is a plus too."

She giggled, winked, and bumped her head into Oksana in a playful joking manner.

"Are you guys..thinking of having pups this season?"

She asked the question almost without thinking. This was a private matter and she hopped it wouldn't offend Oksana. She let that show on her face with widened eyes.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It was actually nice to have some to talk to about her relationship with Aleister. She wouldn't ever reveal the more personal things that the two of them talked about but sharing how great her husband was definitely was something she wanted to share with everyone. As it turned out Siyet thought that he was a wonderful partner for her. Oksana smiled, "He really is. I don't think I could have found anyone better and I can't imagine my life without him." Oksana laughed at her friends joke, "Yes, that is definitely a nice perk," she joked back.

The truth was Oksana had never cared about Aleister's status. She loved him for him storm clouds and all. Oksana was proud of her husband for taking his leadership back despite his hardships.

Her eyes widened at Siyets question before she smiled at the playful bump and returned the gesture with a nip toward her friends ear. Then she became thoughtful. "I told him I wanted children but we haven't discussed it fully. That was before we admitted our feelings to each other. I know that I'm ready to have them but I don't know if he's ready to be a father again."

She supposed that this was something they would have to talk about. She was well aware the time of year that was coming.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nyan who has 186 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Siyet Crym
Siyet listened to her friend talk, it looked like the topic of children didn't seem that sensitive. She was glad she didn't offend Oksana. As Oksana spoke she had mentioned her readiness for children, but unsure of Al's.

Siyet pondered at that for a bit before saying,

"Well I definitely think talking to him is a good idea. I mean, having kids and adding more pups for the pack to look over.
.is definitely something to be aware of. I don't know though. I'm not a very good person to talk about children with, I haven't had any myself"

She let out a slight chuckle, unsure about what other advice to give, if any. Hopefully Oksana's talk with Al would be fruitful.