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roots before branches — Hidden Tree 
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Played by Ghost who has 659 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
Blind date for @Cyrrith Just after midnight, clear skies, -4C/25F

Viorel had no idea the history that was beneath his paws at this very moment as he explored the once cherished land of the Hidden Tree pack. Realistically, he had no idea just how booming the relic lands had once been, long before he ever tread here and led a pack of his own. Even before he was born many wolves had once called these lands home, and they really had lives through trials and triumphs, if only he could know.

But alas, he could not ever have a way of knowing.

The air was only getting warmer as days went by, and spring was somewhere on the horizon, and most of his kids were away. That let Viorel’s nightly explorations push further and longer than they normally would have. Ever since his pups arrived he had tried to keep closer to home, but now he felt a little restless. When was the last time he had so much freetime?

The forest he meandered through was rich with new growth, but the story of a fire still stood amongst the broken trees and charred limbs. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of something like that happening again so close to home. He was not normally a worrier, but he really hoped his kids were doing alright all the way up the mountain. At least a fire up there was unlikely he supposed.

A nearby den caught his attention, Viorel abandoned his worry with a cheeky grin. Well well well, what did we have here? Loping over, the dark man stuck his head into the den with abandon, not even for a moment considering it might be occupied.

Played by Tasha who has 19 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyrrith Morhen

Settling in the footholds of former packs he never knew existed seemed to be a reoccurring theme with Cyrrith. He had been travelling with Vesemera, keeping her close and safe just as he had promised the moment he had found her again. He was still awake, wandering about and exploring and he had left Mera where they were going to rest for the night. Hazel eyes scanned the surroundings. It was not uncommon for him to scope out the surrounding territory and ensure that things were safe while she slept. He was going to be a guardian, her guardian… and that meant his sleep schedule had been shot to shit.

An unfamiliar scent was on the wind, a man as black as night lingering a bit as Cyri found himself growling lightly. He did not know the man, and therefore he did not know if he posed a threat to the travelling pair, his eyes narrowing lightly as his tail leveled with his spine, the uncertainty of friend or foe showing in his posture. “What is your purpose here?” There were other distinct scents on his pelt, and Cyri needed to know if there was a pack nearby to avoid, but also if the man was looking for someone in particular, like him or his partner.

Until he had all of the information, he would not act aggressively, only hold himself with the uncertainty and caution he felt the situation provided to him. The who did not truly matter, only the motive.

Cyrrith is travelling with Vesemera and as such she has a right to enter any of his threads regardless of whether or not they are marked private
Played by Ghost who has 659 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

The leader had been happily snuffling around in the abandoned den, looking for clues as to who or what had once lived here, and how long ago? Viorel had just satisfied his curiosity that whatever had been here was long gone when a voice greeted him from behind. The stranger was standing in a way that was frankly a little off putting, and his words were demanding. The salt and pepper man glanced around in amusement.

Viorel had certainly not wandered into pack territory, and this stranger did not smell of enough other wolves to think he had much backup. Raising his eyebrows in a way that probably came off condescending he chuckled, ”Woah, that seems like a bit of an overreaction considering you don’t own this place.” Was that going to piss this stranger off for belittling his authority? Maybe, but Vi did not care for that much.

Maybe it was being a leader that made him feel so cocky, or maybe it was the fact that for once he wasn’t responsible for being someone’s dad. Either way, he did not feel that this situation was all that serious, and this strange man could stand to settle down a little. Take life a little less seriously.

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