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From the Bottom of My Heart — Drooping Willows 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
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Naira Tainn
<blockquote>sisyhR and anehtA had risen with the sun, and avA was easily outfoxed. She knew it wouldn't take long for them to realise she was gone, but she needed to stretch her legs and collect supplies. It wasn't fair to drag one of them away to be bored to death while she snooped around in roots and flowers, digging up what she needed and snapping off branches where she could reach. She had scavenged a scrap of goats hide to carry her growing collection in and headed straight down the heights to the place she found her most versatile treatment. <i>Willow.</i>

She had picked up other plants along the way as she happened to stumble across them. Fireweed shoots, and mushrooms (after carefully crushing one first to make sure it was not the type to give her crazy dreams), even snapdragons were finally making an appearance. She gathered angels breath, various barks and some sap where she could get at it. She also collected goldenrod, and houseleek along the way. It was amazing the diversity of plants she had found on such a short walk. She could happily stay on the territory after this walk, confident others could collect what she needed if she had an example to show them.

The small bunch of little yellow flowers caught her eye, and sadness washed over her. She had left her bright little buttercup at the river. Pushing her emotions to the side, she bent down to pluck them from the ground and lay them in the skin along with all the rest before she went about collecting willow leaves and branches. She was proud she had achieved so much today, but that feeling was quickly washed away with the sensation of eyes on her back. Trying to remain calm she turned to place the willow down slowly to scent the air. It was a River wolf. <i>Shit.</i></blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    I know you are wrong, and this is not where you belong.

It did not take long for the news of ariaN, sisyhR, and anehtA's departure to reach the Tainn's ears. He could not say he was exactly shocked by it, something in him had questioned their presence together the moment he had saw them at the meeting. He had ignored his instincts not believing ariaN would do something like that. After the time they'd spent together she had gained his trust, and admiration. Now, he did not trust any of them. What really bothered him was who really were the evil ones, and who were the good?

It was not easily seen as it had been when he was younger. Evil did not wear a red sign with alarms, and whistles. Just as the evil was not easy to read, neither was the good. This was what bothered him about ariaN. Everything had said she was nothing wrong, not until the day sisyhR had appeared. In his soul he felt the fire burn, and his fangs to sink deep within his flesh to never hear a twangy sound bound out of his throat. He was aware of the consequences of his actions. If ariaN eventually formed a pyknic shape, there would be puppies with no father. He could not hurt someone like that...could he? He didn't know what he wanted, nor what he was capable of. He was just angry, and it was building like a fiercesome black storm beneath his onyx coat. sisyhR, and ariaN were only half of it's cause.

So the Tainn went wandering from the grove least he snap at someone he loved. He trudged out of the swampy grounds, keeping his back to the more acursed mountain. He rambled many a curse beneath his breath, and for awhile his black hackles were lifted along his back in wild ridges. He rarely knew what landscape was infront of him, only that it was changing the further he walked. His eventually his emotions calmed too, and he found himself in the relaxing company of the Drooping Willows. He had to take a moment to look around, never being here before. It was the setting he had needed, calm and breezy. All of that was about to change when he spotted ariaN in the distance. What peace he felt was stolen, and he imediately went on guard.

Eyes shooting he was sure she could not possibly be alone, and his nostrils twitched nervously waiting for the other swarthy male. Far as he could tell she was on her own. This might have perplexed him, but he didn't see ariaN taking orders very well. Feeling obligated he prowled closer, and she soon seemed to realize she had company.

"No body guards?" He half teased, but their was a coldness to his tone he had never taken with her before.

(This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2012, 03:10 AM by Triell.)
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Her body stiffened, shame washing her features at his little joke stated with such a cold tone. Nothing hurt her more than the way she must have hurt the pack that took her in as one of their own. Ears flicked back and tail lowered as she purposefully avoided the golden eyes of the younger wolf. All the guilt she had suppressed for days, the feeling she had thought had finally left her in peace was back, but ten times worse than it had been before.

sisyhR hadn't wanted her to travel anywhere unaccompanied and she had thought his orders ridiculous. She wasn't trespassing on anybody's pack lands and at most she didn't even expected to encounter a loner on her little ramble. <b>"Do I need them?"</b> she questioned back quietly, wondering if perhaps her mate wasn't being as ridiculous as she had thought.

Despite her wilted appearance she was ready for an attack if it came. Had it been any other wolf but lleirT, she probably would have run already, but she felt she owed the younger wolf... what? A chance to hurt her as she had hurt his family? An explanation? She knew they knew little of what had happened that night, what she <i>thought</i> she was leaving to. She wasn't about to launch into a sorry drivel of apology or explain away what she had done, or what her expectations had been that night. He was in control of this encounter and she wasn't about to take that from him too.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    I can't give everything away.

Her tawny, black speckled form went rigid, and he noted the change his words had enstilled upon her features. Good, she should feel guilty. He thought darkly, his ears pressing against his in to show the coarse of his anger. After the highs, and lows everyone had thought of her as a true River wolf, loyal, brave, and true. Now, he was irritated, and appalled by her actions not understanding fully why she'd done what she did. Triell was self-sacrificing, and his own wants were often at the bottom of his list he could not relate. Or not without knowing the rest of the story. Then again, he'd not chosen Volkan over everything else, not yet.

Her question could have thrown him off guard, and to a point it did. Her to question him in this way was as cold as what he'd said. He suppose he deserved that. They weren't friends any more, were they? Possible enemies, much like he and Rhysis. Again the yearling found it hard to know who was in the wrong, if he really should be pinning her as a new foe. This was why he was likely standing her, hoping to find out. Where did they stand.

"Not today, your lucky you ran into me and not someone else though," he answered while shifting his golden eyes to the cloest willow. If Naira wasn't so honest he would be worried they were not alone, but she hadn't become an actress yet. Slowly his ears lifted, not quite pinned to his skull as they had been. He could not stop his tail from giving an idle flick of his displeasure. He wanted to demand an explantion, but he was no King. What he most wanted was her just to tell him on her own free will, why she'd done what she did. If it was all worth this. A disrupted sigh, he let his bright eyes flicker back to her own. "Do I get to know why? Or am I bound to be kept in the dark like you?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>His last statement left her puzzled for a moment as she thought over how best to answer. She had gone over and over this conversation in her head, the one where she would apologise for all the harm she had cause, beg for forgiveness, and now the opportunity was here, she was speechless.

Why? Why had they run so suddenly in the middle of the night? <b>"I'm..."</b> Was it safe to say it out loud? There was enough of a distance between the pair that if she needed to run she could, but would she? <b>"I planned on going back to being a loner, even though..."</b> Why was it so hard? <b>"Even though they probably wouldn't survive..."</b> She ended weakly. She couldn't simply say she was pregnant. She had been selfish, stupid, but she didn't regret it for a moment.

She couldn't meet his eyes, it was like her own brother was denouncing her. It made her sick to her stomach. <b>"I'm sorry everything had to end the way it did..."</b> Finally finding her voice she looked to the younger male and added <b>"But I could not and <i>will not</i> let them die Triell."</b> she finished determinedly. She wouldn't, no, couldn't risk a fight with the younger wolf, but he didn't have to know that. All she needed to be able to do was outrun him. <i>If</i> she had to.</blockquote>
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Headstrong I'll take you on.

Her demeanor went from ashamed, and fearful to bemusement. He let it all register, doubting she would know he meant Rhysis. He was sure he kept her in a dark, feeding her crap like some wild mushroom. He could be wrong, but for the sake of things he'd assume Rhysis was the ass he was. The Tainn, he had no want to hurt her. He actually wanted to give her some truth, and maybe get some in return. He was not exactly happy for what she did, but as she explained his face grew still, and he was quite silent. He could well understand the love she had for those pups, not yet even bigger than his nose. If they were not Rhysis' he might not see any harm. When he thought about it, he did not love Volkan any less despite who her father, or brother were for that matter. He loved her. Could you really choose who you fell in love with? He wasn't sure it worked like that. Ruiko, and Aeylen they had clicked, the same as Indru and Corinna. It was like two pieces that had been broken, and welded back into the one thing they had been all along.

The ephebe took in a calm breath, and plodded closer to the female. He kept his distance, and folded his ears as if she'd never left Swift River at all. "Give me some credit. I can't understand exactly what it's like to have pups, not my own. But I do understand love," he commented, a sad smile playing at his dark lips. No, he could never hurt Naira, and wished Rhysis was someone who actually deserved her. Once he might have thought so, his mind had forever been changed. For now he wouldn't flat out insult her chosen mate. That would be cruel, and he already didn't like how cold he'd been.....how mad he was. Could he help but be worried though? The pups might not live long if..

To offer his peace he calmly sat down, releasing a weary sigh. Where to start? He had no idea what would really happen, he was aware things didn't look good because of a certain black, and silver wolf. "Look Naira, has Rhysis told you what he came here for?" He asked, meeting her honey colored eyes once holding them for a moment if he might find the words he wanted to say. He clamped his jowls, waiting for her answer before he said more.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>Relief washed over her and every muscle in her body relaxed as the young Tainn made his way closer. Her rear fell to the ground gratefully. They may not be in the same pack anymore but she still viewed the dark boy as a brother. It hurt her that she had to hurt him and Corinna, but everything had happened so fast there was little other choice.

His admission of love took her off guard. She had never scented some strange female anywhere near the pack lands and that little scrap of a grey wolf didn't seem his type. She wanted to ask of this woman, what she was like. Her inner gossip wanting to rear its chatty head but before she could have a chance the topic was already changed. She thought over his words, wondering what was weighing so heavily on the younger wolfs mind.

<b>"Honestly,"</b> she began a little embarrassed, <b>"Between yelling at each other and running away, falling off the beaver dam and that..."</b> what was his name again? <b><i>"Valiant..."</i></b> she practically spat the name. Hopefully she had hit something important and he had bled out somewhere in the forest. <b>"We haven't spoken of the past. What does it matter anyway? Where you come from doesn't change the wolf you have become..."</b>

She had the feeling something was terribly wrong and she mentally braced herself for whatever her companion could possibly say. Now that she had said her piece, she felt it was time to ask a question of her own. <b>"Who is this girl?"</b> she questioned curiously, a small smile dancing in her eyes.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 06, 2012, 07:46 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    I just can't handle it.

The lady relaxed at last, and Triell was glad to see she was honest, and sincere as she'd been the first moment he'd met her. If only they were on the same page. He did not interrupt, and listened carefully to what she said, his ears pinned in her direction. It seemed like she had wanted to ask about Volkan, but the thing was that's where he was going with this conversation. If they were going to talk about love, and war he had to know some things....she had to know some things.

Instead what she said was vaguely some things he knew, and some other things he had never been aware of. He securely tucked Valiant's name away aware if he met the man he would remember Naira's interpretation of him. He might not think she was great when it came to Rhysis, but love was blind wasn't it? Then she got to the part he really wanted to know, and that was her dark silver tongue hadn't said a word. Would she believe what Triell had to say? He did not know, but they did trust each other did they not? They wouldn't be sitting in each other's company chatting like this. He had to keep a straight face. She was thinking he was going to talk dirt on Rhysis? (not exactly) He seemed to repeat that to himself, if to succumb temptation.

It was very funny how Naira saw Triell. She couldn't be more right, and especially the part of siblings. She was greatly like Niija in everywhere, maybe why they'd all taken a shine to her. Heck, there were thigns about her Niija would have not done, or said and he liked that about her too. He was about to try to form a sentence when she asked the question that had been hanging on her lips. Who is this girl? Could he really summarize all that Volkan was? Not really. This...he decided gave him an angle. He let out a half childish snort, and smirked. "Well, she's the other part I'm missing. She's silly, and playful. She can tease, and be teased. She likes to laugh, and grin. And she understands me. It's like we're so a like, but at the same time wonderfully different," he spoke with fondness and admiration for this girl. Then he crinkled his nose, and shook his head. "If that makes sense," he sheepishly smiled feeling kinda like a lovestruck pup. Slowly he dared meet her eyes waiting for her to tease him so. It wasn't all, and he gently swallowed as if this action would help him. "And she's...Rhysis' sister."

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
<blockquote>The quiet thump of her tail on the ground and the smile that spread across her face were enough to confirm that she knew nothing of the true relationship between the siblings. <b>"Well then Triell, it looks as if one day you're going to be an uncle...again."</b> she teased lightly, adding the last as an absent minded realisation. She loved her siblings and couldn't imagine it any other way. Sure they had fought, but it never changed the love they shared. She was so naive. Love really was blind.

Perhaps it was something in his posture, or a changing light in his eyes. Perhaps it was simply the gust of wind that blew and forced a small shudder down her spine, as if the winds of fate themselves were caressing her body, but her tail stopped and her happy demeanour changed to one of questioning. There was more. But she couldn't bring herself to ask.

Looking to the goat skin where her herbs were collected a thought sparked in her mind. She had promised the young Tainn and the pups lessons that she had never had a chance to deliver. If she could teach him a little, then he could teach the pups, and a little more of her guilt would evaporate.

Curiosity however was a terrible trait that none of her family ever managed to escape. She had to hear what it was that bought about the sudden turning point in their discussion but she couldn't bring herself to simply open her mouth and ask.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Apr 07, 2012, 11:13 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies.

The words that came out Naira's mouth threw him for quite a loop. He ran them through his mind. One day he's going to be an uncle again. What? How was he going to be that? He first took it as Naira telling him he was like her brother. Then the Tainn realized she might not have meatn that exactly. She meant if he and Volkan were mates her pups would be his family to claim too. He was certain his head hurt a litte where his eyebrows were tightly pressed. He couldn't quite bring himself smoothly from his awkward silence, or pretend it hadn't happened. He eventually grinned at the amusing circumstances. It slowly slipped away, and he cleared his throat become more serious. "I would claim them as family regardless," he added meaning it with every ounce of his being.

Then it was quiet, and she shivered understanding Triell had a lot more to say. There was no easy way to put this, it had to be said. Naira had to know, Triell owed her that. Rhysis shouldn't be holding all the cards, and frankly Triell didn't like how he tried to keep things from Naira like he was some perfect dark, handsome gentleman.

He took a deep breath, and pent it up. He had to do this he kept telling himself. "Look, can you just promise me something?" He mustered up the courage to lift his eyes, trying to gently hold hers. "It's just you believe me to be honest right? You can ask me anything now, and I'd tell you the truth?" He questioned, wanting to know if she did believe him, and how much. It was very important. If she didn't,as he would hope, he would put that shadow of a doubt in her head against her mate. Make her question him, even if it might not be enough.

(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2012, 04:20 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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