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a little less lonely together — Fool's Gold Chasm 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
It was only after he continued to relax into this that she realized how much a part of her had been hoping what she said would jar him and catalyze the return of his edges. She realized too, that it was because, as was becoming her theme not only in this conversation but her whole life, that would be simpler. Pushing him away would mean she didn't actually have to deal with this, any of it. So was the honesty selfish, altruistic, or paradoxically both?

It also would have been easy to make a fling of this, to burn hot and quick just to get it out of their systems then bury the ashes and move on. Instead, every step of the way, he was giving her what she needed instead of what she desired. It was a stark difference from each of her past lovers, and while there was a lot that could still break them, she couldn't help but think perhaps that would be what made them work.

Though, I can't promise to not be impulsive. It's... in my nature.

Well if that wasn't the most attractive thing he'd said yet. She wanted to sneak back into his arms, feel his heartbeat against her temple once more. The temptation only strengthened as he agreed to give her what she asked for, a breath of relief falling from her lips. Still, there was one more tangle. Now that she understood the wealth of possibility that lay between herself and Adelard, it was likely the matter would resolve itself, and yet she felt it just as important to confess.

"There's uh, another thing. Maybe worse?"

Despite herself, she took a step forward into his gravitational pull. Maybe he'd take this in stride too.

"What about... if, while you've been feeling this, I've been hung up on Saga?"

Hell, she'd even seen Rhae in a different light ever since the other woman had stood up to her and her bullying tongue. She'd been looking in nearly every direction but his, until when he'd had to walk her through the matter, inch by inch illuminating for her that this was not only friendship. These were reasons to doubt, weren't they? Or was she still just looking for excuses not to stay vulnerable? Maybe it was just her final stall.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2022, 06:04 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
His nostrils twitched. Just when he thought he had become nose blind to her, the tempting scent of her perfume pierced his senses. Desire raked its invisible fingers through his agouti fur, bristling his shoulder and rump hackles.

"There's uh, another thing," she stated. "Maybe worse?"

Instinct whispered in his ear as he braced himself. It could have been worse, but instead, it just resurrected a ghost he had long since put to rest. His breath caught in his chest as she drew close to him.

Woya, too, had eyes for Saga.

At first, he clenched his teeth. The younger version of himself would have acted out in jealousy. Instead, forgotten pains in his sternum sprang renewed. He winced, unwilling to run or to let himself be cast aside. Half-lidded eyes found her face after being fixated on her pale paws. They honed in on every silver hair between her black-lined eyes. There was no room for insecurities or doubt. He straightened but failed to tame the bristled fur along his spine.

His words grew solemn again in timbre, the middle one pronounced with a subtle growl, "I don't care." If he couldn't have Saga - or even Rhaegara for that matter - then Woya couldn't either. He advanced upon her, a looming tower of shadow and bright sunstone eyes. Intimidation began to tinge his tone, "I want you and only you."
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
In every second of silence suspended between their words, her mind was a flurry of thought that attempted to predict what was coming next. She wouldn't have been surprised this time if he maintained the teasing calm, but he didn't. There was a shift, a crack, and her heart hammered against its walls as she witnessed it. Still, his claim was precise.

I don't care.

Concern began to tint her features, but he clarified with both action and words. Once more he was eclipsing her, close enough to feel his breath fall across her whiskers, and once more she locked her legs and lifted her chin, refusing to break eye contact.

I want you and only you.

His tone, flaunting his size, it was all a familiar trigger for her anger, illusory slights she would have viciously dug her teeth into. Woya felt none of that with Adelard. Instead of bullying she saw passion, rather than threatening her, his proximity had her smoldering, and his declaration was more profound within her ears than 'I love you' could have ever been.

It was time to take that break she had asked for, before he had her signing over her soul and first born.

As much as it pained her to, Woya stepped away instead of toward. She'd never been so kinetically fickle in her life, and it was frustrating her. She could only imagine the patience he was practicing. For her. She took a breath.

"Take me on patrol," the command came in a tone that was an attempt at her usual briskness, though her immense fondness for him shone through regardless.

"You can't talk though. I'm supposed to be thinking."

She took a few more steps away before angling herself, a nod of her muzzle given to indicate she wanted him to lead. The more cool air circulating between them, the better, or so she hoped. Unable to stop herself from relying on something familiar to try and feel the ease she was attempting to exude, Woya shifted to flirtatious humor with a wide, toothy grin that turned her eyes to crescent moons.

"C'mon, lemme see that ass, beau."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Greyer who has 255 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Adelard Gerau
She pulled away from him then and Adelard felt his whole frame inch forward as if by an invisible force. When she took a breath, he held his.

"Take me on patrol," it was a demand that met him in tonality. "You can't talk though. I'm supposed to be thinking."

Self-satisfied, he felt his chest swell. Even more so as he watched her start to lead the way but then gesture that he was to escort her. His stride was slow as he made his way towards her, careful to brush his elbow and side along her flank - she was his.

He couldn't help but laugh. Hearing Woya say 'ass' shouldn't have been unexpected but something about it cracked him up. He took up a leisurely stroll with a bit of pep in his step. Woya's own personal parade. True to his word, he did not say anything. A coy glance from over his shoulder was offered to make sure she was following. A few steps more and he sobered up, ready to take his little sprite on a beat.
ADELARDheat stroke, bring the fire
black smoke, I take it higher