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a few more days — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
There were only a few days remaining between now and when he and Siyet would be departing. As excited as Jet was to begin this next journey, the closer said date grew, the more he realized he’d miss this place. The mountains, the lake. The familiar scents of the others he had grown to know and trust, around. But it helped that he would not be alone.

This would likely be one of the last times he’d get to wander the shores of this lake, for quite a while, though. On this day, the sun was bright, glinting off the water in a dazzling display, though a chill still hung in the air. It was a beautiful place, one that he still stopped to marvel at, after all this time. So much had changed since he’d first seen it. The weary, distrusting creature he had been upon arriving here initially was no more. It was an existence Jethro hoped fate did not ever force him back toward.

Spring, the time of change was coming. With it, so was a new chapter in life.

-AW if anyone wants to say goodbye to Jet.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It was a little different walking through the cove as a leader but Oksana felt she was adjusting well. Despite the season and having gone through her heat and spent a wonderful night with her husband she was taking it seriously. She wanted to make sure that the wolves of the cove knew she was there for them and always available if they needed her. Her biggest concern was complimenting Aleister in the leadership and not working against him.

She found herself at the lake. It almost seemed like a beacon to her these days. Everything about it was good and the sad memories she had of it were less painful. She wasn't expecting to find Jethro but she did and she was glad for it. She knew he was leaving and she didn't want to miss him. "Siyet said you're leaving?" She called out to him as she continued her approach.
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Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Given the time of year it was, Jet had half expected everyone to be out.. doing their own thing, or doing other things with their love interests. He didn’t feel quite as bad about not being around for the last week or so because of that, and if he was being honest it was probably better that he was away from Siyet, just in case. But he was genuinely happy to see someone. One of the many familiar dark figures living in the Cove, and one with whom he’d recently had the opportunity to grow a lot closer.

It was nice to see Oksana again, and it was the very thing he’d neglected to mention to her, that she brought up before they’d even finished closing the distance between one another. He smiled a little, the expression a mixture of excitement and sadness, though his eyes now shown with a new life and resolve that hadn’t necessarily been there, before.

”That’s correct,” he called back, with a nod to Oksana. ”We’re gonna try to build my.. or, well - our own home,” Jet added on, though he’d wait until they had gotten closer to each other to elaborate beyond that.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
In the time that had passed since she'd spoken with Siyet and learned of her and Jethro leaving the shock had worn off. She was thankful for that so that she could think more clearly about the situation. Mostly when she thought about it she was filled with sadness at losing two of her packmates and friends.

The Raven closed the distance between them. She didn't think this was a conversation that needed to be shouted across the air. Though Jethro did confirm what she'd said and added a little more information about him and Siyet leaving. "Do you know where you will go?" She asked once she was close enough they could speak in normal voiced.

It was the first question that had come to mind when he'd said that. Even still there was so much more that she wanted to know. She also knew she would have to say goodbye. It saddened her that she and Jethro wouldn't get more chances to talk.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
With the distance closing between them, he was able to get a little better read on his packmate’s expression. Oksana looked sad. Sadder than he might’ve expected, too, although she did a fair job of disguising it. As close as he surmised the other and Siyet to be, though, he could imagine it was painful for her, to be losing a friend.

Which, again, spoke to how much Siyet cared for him. Her question was a good one, and tentatively, Jet shook his head. ”I have some ideas. I’d like to check out some of the places you told me about, last time. Explore a while, then Siyet and I.. and, anyone else, can make the decision together.”

That was the way he intended for things to go, anyway. Jet hoped to have at least a couple of friends and commits to the idea before he settled down, that way they had a chance to give an opinion, too.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
While Oksana was sad that Jethro and Siyet leave the cove she wanted them to be happy. If leaving was what they thought would help them accomplish that then she couldn't hold them back. It in a way reminded her of the conversation she'd had with Chan. She couldn't let him go and accept his leave and not them.

Oksana was glad that she was getting the chance to talk with Jethro before they left. She was curious about where they might go so that was the first question she asked. "That sounds like a good plan. It's a good idea to see what places might work for your needs." She voiced but she had caught the last part of what he'd said, "So are you thinking about starting your own pack?"

She herself hadn't started her own pack but she'd seen the process. Though she'd still been just a pup when Driftwood Surge was founded she remembered how it was. Lachesis talking with the others that would be involved even taking her and the other pups on a day trip and asked them what they thought. It seemed Jethro might be taking the same steps.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Oksana expressed a belief that his plan sounded like a solid one, but there was still a note of hesitancy in her tone. Or, perhaps it was sadness? Whatever the case, Jet found himself saddened by it, slightly. Except for Siyet, he had not really considered how leaving might affect the others, aside from the pragmatic aspects to it - not having another valuable body around, mostly.

Aleister had understood and seemed happy for them. Oksana seemed supportive as well, but sad. It was unfortunate, he thought, that pursuing his dream would cause heartache for others. Briefly, he wondered if he ought to have let Siyet remain, so at least Oksana wouldn’t be losing a better friend - but it would not have been fair of him to not give Siyet that option.

”Yeah, wanna have plenty of options to choose from. And.. I am.” Jet confirmed her last question with a small nod. ”I wanna try to help others like I was helped by this place, give those that need it a supportive, empathetic environment, and a place to call home.” Considering he knew how it felt to be hurt, rejected, and alone, Jet believed this was something he could provide.

”But I also.. have to do it, for me. I told ya I came from a bad place, when we talked before. Well, I was never suppose to be anythin’ more than a slave, there. Don’t get me wrong - the cove is way better. Since we talked last, though, I decided I want to be more than just a slave or subordinate to others’ desires.” It was almost as much a journey of self-discovery, proving himself, and finding independence as it was aimed at helping others. The former was his overall goal, but the latter was important, too. If he truly wanted to break free of the horrific legacy he’d been born into, this was the way to do it. As kind and empathetic as she'd been before, Jet was hopeful that Oksana would understand this view, as well.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
The plan that Jethro had laid out to her was clearly thought out. She was glad to know that he wasn't leaving without a plan at all. She'd done that and she couldn't say it had gone so well. Oksana was thankful she'd met Aleister and that things had turned out the way they had. She had never consodered what might've happened had she not met him. She supposed she really had no reason to think about it being as happy as she was.

Oksana was sad to lose her close friend and Jethro too. She felt like they'd never gotten the chance to be good friends. She wouldn't ask them to also though. If this was what they believed to be best for them then she knew they had to do it. They had to go out and do what made them happy.

The crow smiled as he explained more of his plan. "I told you that you were kind. I know Siyet will be in good paws with you Jethro. You'll take care of her?" Oksana wanted to make sure that her friends were well taken care of "I think you are just the man to provide such a place for others. A place that can help them find whatever they might be missing. It's a noble endeavor." She was happy to hear the plans for the kind of home he wanted to make. It truly sounded like a sanctuary for those wolves who were in need most.

She nodded at what he said next. "I understand having to do what you need to do for yourself. Wanting to become more than what you are now, I get that too. Actually I want to commend you on this decision Jethro. It's so easy to get comfortable somewhere and then not seeking out your dreams but you are." It was sad that she would be losing them both but she was happy for them. She hoped that in whatever they ended up doing they would find happiness.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
As with his meeting with Aleister, the dark one found himself glad to once more be conversing with Oksana, even if the nature of this conversation was more somber than the previous. It helped though, to see a smile develop across the countenance of the other, the words she spoke all the more meaningful and encouraging. A few months ago, noble wasn’t a word Jet would have thought would be associated with him, ever. But.. here he was.

”Thank you. And of course, I’ll watch out for her, and I’m sure, her for me. I’m.. fortunate to have a friend like her.” Very fortunate, indeed. And true to his word, Jet hoped not to ever let anything hurt or harm Siyet. All the more since he’d developed a greater understanding of her affections for him, something he’d need to address again, though preferably after they’d left the cove.

It was rather surprising to hear that Oksana felt he ought to be commended, but her reasoning for that feeling was logical. The cove was a quiet, comfortable place. Somewhere he could’ve remained and probably had a rather decent life for himself. Perhaps due to his upbringing, comfort wasn’t something that had factored into the decision, though. The rest of it was more or less on point, however.

Respectfully, Jet dipped his head to the other. ”I appreciate your understanding. And all of the knowledge you’ve given me. It.. really does mean a lot. If we do decide to settle in or around your homeland, I hope we can do it justice. For you.” From the way Oksana had described it last time, even without seeing it, the place seemed to call to him. The closer the leaving date got, the more Jet was feeling a literal itch in his paws to get underway.

”There’s.. one favor I’d like to ask of ya, though, before I go, if I may?” Jet inquired with a slight tip of his head.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
She wouldn't have ever thought that such dreams were in Jethro's head. Though perhaps had they had the chance to speak she might have learned about them. Truth be told Oksana really couldn't blame him for leaving and in a way she might be sad for losing two great wolves in her life she was happy for him. So that he could go and realize his dreams just as she'd been able to her own.

She smiled brightly when he said he'd take good care of Siyet. Oksana nodded along to his words. "Thank you Jethro. I am certain she will watch out for you. We are both very fortunate to have a friend like her. Take care of yourself too. I don't want anything to happen to either of you." Though she didn't know the man well she still cared very much about him. She would hate for something to happen to him just as he was trying to do something really great.

There weren't many wolves who went out to seek to create a home for the betterment of others. Oksana had seen many different types in her life and one like Jethro she couldn't ever meeting. She couldn't wait to visit and see what he would end up creating with Siyet. She was sure that with the pale woman's help it would have to be really great.

She smiled as he told her how he appreciated her understanding and nodded as ge went on. "You're welcome and it's truly been my pleasure. I really appreciate that Jethro. I'm sure that you will a place like what you want to create belongs under the redwoods." She believed that because of what her home had once been. Though she'd been young she remembered the sorts of wolves that had once called it home.

Her head tilted curiously to the side, "Of course anything you need," she stated when he asked about a favor.
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