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the music's fading out (m) — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
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for @Camden only, will most likely contain mature themes.

Walrus had never gone this far west, nor had she ever attempted to scale a mountain before. It was exhilarating, while also reminding her of the limitations she was accepting if she wished for a healthy pregnancy. Given the way @Adelard had acted and spoken, she did not expect to be allowed to stay within the Chasm for much longer. If she did not want to lose the whelps before she could even birth them into the world, Walrus knew that she would not be able to exert herself like this.

It made the climb a little bittersweet, but the women reassured herself that she would be back on her paws and returned to familiar ways before she knew it, with her toddlers along for the ride.

She paused in her ascent a moment to regard the peak's point still far out of reach. Clouded breaths pushed from her nostrils.
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

His tour of the lands had proved fruitful and interesting, a smirk on his features and a light heave as he slowly worked on scaling the mountain. He planned to cross to the other side and see what lingered along it’s border to the east. He had already reached the peak, coming down the other side when an alluring scent caught his snout once more, taking a soft second to shift into character as a smirk found his features, finding himself move closer.

The Casanova made his way, a woman slightly larger than him and built like a tank. This perhaps might be his biggest challenge yet, but one he found himself eager for. “Well, hello there, mon cherie.” He greeted the woman who strayed from his usual type, but intrigued all the same. “Quite the time to be scaling a mountain… perhaps you could use some company.” A flirtatious hint carried his tone tucking his chin lightly as the feminine man batted his eyelashes.

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Everything appeared either white or gray, even the overcast sky. When color appeared abruptly on the horizon, Walrus' sights honed in. Glittering green eyes regarded her from a distance, and she lifted her nose to the air, attempting to take in their scent. Male. Her lips formed the Cheshire Cat's smile.

While he approached, she remained in place, without qualm about allowing him to put in a little legwork. His words caused her ears to rise and face forward, taking them in.

She didn't know what a mon cherie was and she didn't quite care.

"Maybe for a minute or two," she drawled with a feigned nonchalance her curled grin did not echo. It seemed there was no shortage of men willing to spill their seed and run, much to her delight. She wouldn't have allowed them a claim to the children anyways.
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

His very presence brought a smile to her lips and he offered a dashing grin back, a certain level of hunger in his eyes as he crept forward. Her words gave her away. He was going to work for it, rather than the encounter being complementary like the Angel from the Willows. The fact that she lingered in his mind even still was a testament to the feat she had accomplished. The Casanova hardly considered a woman once she was out of sight and out of mind.

A minute or two. He hummed softly, shifting around her, daring to move his maw closer, hoping to run it lightly underneath her jaw. “I ought to use my time wisely then, shouldn’t I, Cher?” He cooed out softly, nipping playfully if she would allow it. He did not want to overstep. Earlier in the season he had done so and his nose had nearly been bitten off and he had learned a valuable lesson that day. “Looking for a bit of mischief, Love? I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
An eagle flies overhead and drops pieces of its kill. +3 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Every bit of his prowling form told her this was going her way. Her fur still bristled when he drew close without invitation, but when his touch came at her chin, she eased. The instinctive deference of the gesture got him out of it without a pointed nip of his flesh. When the playful bite made contact, she reacted in like, though one could be forgiven for mistaking the roughness of her actions as aggressive. Her teeth snapped at his own neck, the attempt swiftly followed with a rough shove of her shoulder into his, aiming to push him back a few steps away from her.

Her black tail curled over her back, the picture of dominance. She'd come to know that a man's impulse was more pressing than hers, especially now that she'd already lain with two others. This was something no longer needed to see the end she desired, simply wanted. More romps would hopefully help to ensure a large litter, allowing room for error and nature and, most ideally, for her to have her pick. Walrus would not raise runts.

"Sure yer c'n handle this?" her retort was quick, and through it all she maintained that chilling smile.
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2022, 08:43 PM by Walrus.)
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

He had calculated the move, and she seemed to accept it once their skin made contact. He started to rear back when she nipped back, the aggressive nature of her touch causing him to draw back and place space between them once more, barely avoiding the shove of her shoulder in the process. He hummed at her question, a brow raising as he snorted. “Oh, I know I can handle this.” He once again slowly started to creep forward to close the distance between them.

She was a brutish thing. She was rough and lacked refinement around the edges, but he wasn’t particularly picky about behavior or bedside manner at the moment. There was only one thing that he wanted, and her chilling smile told him that he could still get it. She gave off all kinds of conflicting messages for the young Cajun to consider. “Are you sure you can handle me?” He prompted back, knowing that for him this was all the fun of the chase. He found something different to appease in every woman he tried to drag to bed, and she was no different. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll be more than happy to provide, Cher.”

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
He heeded her unspoken wishes, and her citrus eyes glimmered. Appraising him once more, she decided that yes, it'd be beneficial for her children to potentially carry his genes. She gave her massive pelt a shake, hair and dust whipped away by mountain winds.

Oh, I know I can handle this, he all but purred, and she side-eyed him and his second attempt to approach. As long as his dick worked, she supposed he could, but only with her consent. Her pride, even after the bout in the southern forest, told her that there was no other part of her that he'd be able to handle.

Her tail swayed, and she did not discourage his proximity this time.

Are you sure you can handle me?

An amused scoff issued from her throat.

Tell me what you want, and I’ll be more than happy to provide, Cher.

She bared her fangs in a crooked smile that was meant to be inviting.

"Le's find out. I wan'cher to do yer worst, Tybalt."
(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2022, 09:22 PM by Inger.)
Played by Tasha who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Camden Elliot

Her tail swayed and he took it as another sign to advance. Her fangs barred but the crooked smile told him that he had found his target, slinking closer as he dared for a light nip behind her ear, running his side against her as as he traced around her. Tybalt. He had no understanding of the nickname but a flash of desire pooled in his eyes as he smirked.

Doing his worst he could certainly do, continuing his affections until she might let him go all the way with her… another notch for his bedpost this season, which had already proven quite fruitful with the ladies.

Cam's Fade

sorry baby girl but i can't tonight

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 54 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Again she returned his bite, teasing reciprocated with brusqueness. She did not, however, make to repel him from her flank this time. The game was finished, now to engage in mutual reward and part ways permanently. These men were all fools if they ever sought to connect with her or the children she bore. Their attitudes at present said they wouldn't, but wolves were often fickle creatures.

She'd be sure to chase him from her side once they were finished, to make the message exceptionally clear.