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Chains will snap [m] — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Sunshine who has 12 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Possible mature content ahead!

Pangs of hunger gnawed at Sukea's stomach lining like a ravenous beast, fueling her already foul mood more so in conjunction with the prognostics of her heat that seemingly refused to subside. It was such irkings that had the woman thrashing her body against any rough-surfaced object in hopes of providing some relief currently until something more tantalizing caught her attention. Above a raven cry had dark painted ears pricking forward before ashen green eyes shifted skyward to gaze between the treetops in order to watch a duo of ebony feathered birds fleeting back and forth between branches just up ahead, piquing not only the marbled wolf's interest but that of her stomach as well.

It was common knowledge that these specific feathered friends had a tendency of symbolizing a good omen in various ways. A symbiotic relationship Sukea had no qualms partaking in. Usually, their presence meant a carcass, and that meant food which her body desperately craved at the moment. She may not have the cure for her other ailment, but hopefully, she could cure her grumbling stomach. Travel weary paws pushed forward to where the fluttering birds had gathered around what appeared to be a fallen deer, eventually her nose catching whiff of the unmistakable cologne of death and decay. Lunch was served.

Word Count: 216
Commision by Kumiho-kami
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2022, 10:19 PM by Sukea.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Scully had so far failed to find a single trace of @Moore, and while he'd thought himself plenty prepared for their founding members to eventually scattered, he had to admit this one kind of stung. He'd really liked that bear of a wolf, had thought maybe... there was some real promise there, between them. Just another stupid crush. He let out a sigh, abandoning his perusal of the ground and it's many scents. At least he hadn't found his corpse or something, he supposed.

Pressing forward, he moved into a new section of the wood, coming close the bounds of how far he'd wanted to travel away from home. Just when he'd started thinking maybe he should change direction, something wonderfully enticing assailed his senses. His whole being perked up, and his full-moon eyes spied the strands of dark and pale fur caught within the bark of a nearby tree.

Well, well, well.

He pursued her trail, nose twitching as the stench of decay began to lace with her far more pleasing aroma. When he caught sight of her, he knew he'd gotten near enough. Scully stopped, and barked out his hello from a distance. He didn't want her thinking he was here to tangle with her over a meal; the meat at her paws may well have been putrefied for all the attention he gave it.
Played by Sunshine who has 12 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

Tarnished fangs made easy work of shredding through the slabs of meat, a dominant paw pinning the carcass down to steady the ripping motion her ravenous jowls made. Little time was wasted in an attempt to chew any chunk that was sliced, instead, Sukea's throat wolfing down piece by piece between low emitted growls to ward off any onlookers from within the shadows daring to take a bite. This was her prize and hers alone.

An unknown bark intertwined with the sounds of her low growls as the woman fed causing once erect ears to pin their charcoal dipped selves down and backward in a visual warning before daring to whip her head around, fangs bared. Hackles and tail immediately stood on end while ashen green irises honed in on the intruder, settling on the silvered silhouette of an equally young specimen a respectful ways off. Much like her littermate, he was quite the handsome devil, sporting a pair of full moon-like eyes. Looks meant nothing, though, and Sukea was smart enough to understand that.

Instincts had the marbled woman shifting to face the newcomer, body adopting a defensive stance near the carcass to signify he wouldn't be getting any closer if he was here looking for a quick meal despite the glossiness to his coat that deemed him healthy. Or perhaps it was the scent of her heat that lured him here much like that other gentleman. "And what brings you out to my neck of the woods?" A brow quirked in mild curiosity.

Word Count: 256
Commision by Kumiho-kami
(This post was last modified: Mar 26, 2022, 10:23 PM by Sukea.)
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
She wasn't the largest in the land, but her physical prowess was still clear as she tore into the dead beast. Scully couldn't help the appreciative smirk upon his muzzle nor the appraising look within his eyes as he regarded her. Even the aggression she greeted him with served only to make her more attractive. He bore his own teeth, shaped by a devilishly crooked grin rather than a snarl, and settled his haunches down upon the ground to assure the stranger he wouldn't be making any quick moves.

"Lookin' fer a wolf named Moore, you meet 'im?"

At this point, he doubted he was about to hear a yes.
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2022, 08:11 PM by Scully.)
Played by Sunshine who has 12 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank

Any acts of aggression the marbled woman had shown so far did little to deter this strange male and if that toothy grin plastered across inky lips meant anything, Sukea was convinced he may have actually liked such displays from her. Regardless, her gaze remained intent on the dark-coated man as he settled his haunches onto the ground instead of making any advances closer. A wise decision, but it was barely enough to soothe the hackles poised like needles along the nape of her neck, shoulder blades and bring the inky curtains of her lips to smooth back over tarnished teeth.

Curiosity was further piqued, though, as the silvered man provided an answer to her more or less rhetorical question. On the hunt for a missing friend was he? At this her ears relaxed some, coming to point forward instead of back. "Never heard of 'em." Sukea admitted gruffly, salmon tongue taking a moment to clean the bits of flesh wedged between her teeth and lick away droplets of blood daring to stain her alabaster snout. "Only met a boy with pale fur near those red hills." Doubt it was of much use to this man, but it was the only bit of information she could provide.

Word Count: 207
Commision by Kumiho-kami
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
Of course she hadn't. Scully gave a sigh, though the disappointment was so short lived it could easily have appeared ingenuine. The description given of an other did not match his Moore in the slightest, and he shook his head in a way that communicated as such.

"He ain't a boy," he replied through that impish smirk, recalling the other's alluring physique. Having found naught thus far, he'd pretty much accepted that the other man had pretty much vanished. Not the first, not the last. He rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

"What about you? Don't smell like pack."
Played by Sunshine who has 12 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
As expected the small morsel of information she had to offer was otherwise regarded as useless spare a minor correction that the one he was looking for was not a boy, not that Sukea really cared in the end. This was his delima not hers. Yet disappointment only graced the young silvered male's face for a fleeting moment accompanied by a sigh before being whisked away to give forth to another impish smirk. His attention was now drawn toward the marbled woman.

What about you? Don't smell like pack.

Sukea all but scoffed at his words, ashen green irises rolling while a smirk of her own dared to etch itself onto the inky lining of her lips. "I don't need a pack nor do I want their false sense of family and loyalty." All she needed was her brother Sunder wherever he had managed to wander off to now. They had plans to fulfill and clearly, he had become sidetracked by the current season. Well, maybe it was time she had a little fun of her own hm? "I'm looking for my brother, but my search hasn't been very fruitful."
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
She wasn't necessarily wrong, his own loyalty still tied firmly to his own flesh-and-blood sibling rather than the Ridge as a whole. She went on to mention a brother of her own, and he couldn't help but wonder after the similarities and differences between this roving sibling duo and who he and @Avella had been before they'd settled alongside the mountain.

"He as easy on the eyes as you?" he purred, tail starting up a steady beat at his back against the thawing ground. He certainly hadn't caught sight of anyone with markings as sleek and pleasing to the eyes as this woman, outside of his own Kaeruka.

"There's nothing you can think of that a little company could give you?"

Maybe enlisting with a pack wasn't for everyone, but certainly their were benefits his presence could still provide her with if she were open to it.
(This post was last modified: Mar 27, 2022, 10:22 PM by Scully.)
Played by Sunshine who has 12 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
The bait had been set and without hesitation, the silvered man had begun to nibble away at what dangled in front of him. Curiosity had her creme tinged brows quirking skyward at the interesting question he posed in regards to her brother, but that didn't subdue the smirk that widened across her ivory maw. "Not quite as a pleasure as myself, but still handsome enough to make the devil himself jealous." Sukea returned, all former signs of aggression melting away to pull back the curtains and give the spotlight to her more seductive side that rarely got to come center stage.

A few swishes of her tail allowed the perfume of her heat to permeate the area, the carcass that lay mutilated behind her nothing more than a second thought in the moments to come as the marbled woman slowly advanced, ashen green irises obtaining a more smoldering glint to them. "Oh, I have an idea, but it depends.." The words filtered off her lips like a smooth wine, each step carefully placed to circle him like a shark on the trail of blood while gradually shrinking her radius. "I need company that can scratch this itch I have." The tip of her tail brushed along the underneath of his jaw in passing, ensuring her perfume all but suffocated him at this point as she began to walk away.

Reaching a distance easily crossed in a lunge, Sukea lowered her upper half toward the ground to stretch out. Rump teasingly held in the air, the nails on her forepaws scored the soil beneath while glancing back over a marbled shoulder at the man. "Think you know some company that can help with that?"
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 231 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Scully Archer
There we go, he thought as his patience and deferential distance appeared to have now paid off. While he grinned in a devilish way that only their species can, Scully remained rooted in place as she came to him, maintaining a relaxed nonchalance should she be seeking just to tease him. He certainly hadn't come across her brother if his description fit hers, and the thought of absent sibling was therefor thoroughly discarded as silver-dollar eyes watched the dusky courtesan's every move.

The closer she got, the more instinct insisted on taking over, and he pressed his dull claws downward into the dirt beneath to keep himself from moving as she all but curled around him and poured honey in his ears. It wasn't until she flagged him over that he swiftly returned to all four paws and followed after. It took effort not to appear overly eager.

"I'll be your hero," he answered smugly through a grin, then pounced.

/ Fade