Jet did not think he’d seen anything like this, before. Based on preliminary investigation, the problem appeared to have spread beyond just this region, though. Smaller streams, rivers, or ponds had all dried up. And it had him worried. More than he’d been for quite a while. He couldn't help but wonder, too, if the Cove had been affected. Would such a thing even impact them, way up there, in the mountains?
Jethro didn't want to entertain the idea that this might be fate's way of smothering out his agenda and plan, but he couldn't help wondering. Why did this have to happen now, of all times?
If there was any upside to it, though, it was that getting to the islands had been a heck of a lot easier than it would’ve been, otherwise. While there certainly was not much to be had out here, the rocky islands did make for a halfway decent resting place. Somewhere he could explore and think pretty much undisturbed.
For now, at least.
-AW for anyone in the area