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no need to explain to anyone else — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 241 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Pack Random Event: Willow Ridge, your water supply seems filled to the brim with fish! All welcome!

Hagar knew of the cavern system beneath the fields to the west, but he had not thought that the honeycombed ground would have extended to beneath their very feet. Chasing after a relatively plump badger, he had made the effort to dig out the stubborn creature's den and exposed the riddled limestone it delve into. It didn't take long for him to realize what he had discovered; the entrance to an underground cave, and within it, he smelled water.

Excited, he prowled about the opening, assessing and attempting to safely access the dark, dank space. When he did make it inside, he was able to find footing on moss-slicked stone and make out the pale shapes of eyeless fish swimming within a shallow, cool pool. Relief flooded him, and he scampered back to the sunlight before taking a even single drink for himself. Avella had to know.

He threw back his head and howled to the pack, I've found water! and food!
(This post was last modified: Sep 21, 2022, 10:44 PM by Hagar.)
[Image: 2zvAVMd.png]
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
The masked woman hated the fact that her children might have to learn what a drought was so early in their lives. Thankfully everyone were doing their best to keep her and the pups well hydrated which eased some of her worries. However, it was only logical that if the drought continued they might lose what little water was still available to them.

Tired of being cramped in the den she'd brought her children out to play where they would have much room as they wanted. She even joined in with them in their games. It had been a long time for the matriarch but she did alright for being a grown up. When she heard Hagar's call she stopped in her play amd listened. Water and food, things they desperately needed. "Come children. We must find out what Hagar has found," she said checking to make sure the three of them were gathered and ready to move.
Played by Winter who has 65 posts.
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Iseldir Archer
Iseldir was content to watch the world go by while he rested in a patch of shade, his roly-poly little form stretched out with his nose resting on his paws. These early days had been full of pleasant surprises and  happy stability for the boy, and at the moment he was tuckered out. His small tail wagged without much rest, but he seemed otherwise half-asleep, his stomach full and young mind free from worries. Whenever anything particularly exciting happened, he might give a yip of encouragement from his napping spot.

There was a call, and Ma's attention shifted. Iseldir picked up on this, not knowing what the call meant, but the young Archer lad's sleepy head raised as he watched his mother's reaction. A yawn escaped him as he stretched and got to his feet, tail wagging gently. If only he could follow along without falling asleep on his feet.
Played by Vami who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineve Archer
Eve did not always go where he brothers went, but where her mother went (so long as she was aloud) Eve was sure to follow. She shadowed her mother, who was the most beautiful, strongest, wisest and coolest wolf she had ever met. And she often came with food!

Today, she played along with her mother, running through and in-between her limbs, barking and biting (and trying to hang on) her tail. But another's call disturbed them, a voice which she had come to be familiar with.

Avella followed. Then one of her brothers and so then did she.
Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer
Note to self: Same day as naive orleans

Every day they got to be outside was a good day, in Daegal's book. He was really getting to like it. This morning's adventure with Hagar's gift had tired him out, and he was content to lay with Izzy in the shade and watch Eve's antics as she harassed their mom. Daegal couldn't help but snort in amusement as she tried hanging off her tail.

He was just contemplating nibbling Izzy's ear when Hagar's voice reached them and he perked up. What does that mean? And then mom was getting up and beckoning for them to follow, so Dae dutifully did as instructed and trailed after his family to see what new things he would get to learn.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 241 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hagar listened to his call fade from the sky, and watched dutifully for any of the pack to appear. Avella's pale form was easily spied amongst the golds and tans of their surroundings, and his tail began to wag enthusiastically when he noticed the children toddling after her. He took a few quick strides forward to meet them, dragging his side along his alpha's in silent greeting on his way to the kids. Each of them was given a fond nudge to their crown, before he encouraged them toward what he'd found.

When they were close enough, he would signal for them to stop so that they would not fall in.

"It's enough for everyone to drink from," he told Avella.

"Maybe it'll even last..."

It wouldn't, but in that moment Hagar could certainly hope.
[Image: 2zvAVMd.png]
Played by Kai who has 345 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avella Archer
Whatever Hagar had called out for sounded like a happy reason to the Ridge alpha. So she'd gathered the children and hurried to meet the chocolate man. She was curious what news he had for them. All three of her little ones followed along behind her ass she made her way through the trees until she finally spotted Hagar waiting for then. As she approached he came to meet them brushing againstbher side in greeting before going tobthe children.

She stopped at his signal. It was then she noticed the dug out earth causing her interest to really be piqued. Her mismatched gaze turned to Hagar as he spoke. She moved forward to peer into the cavern and saw the water and the fish. "This is an amazing find Hagar and at just the right time."

She couldn't believe that he'd found water when she believed there wasn't any. She looked to him again when he spoke. "We can try to make it last as long as we can. Either way you've done a great thing for us."
Played by Winter who has 65 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iseldir Archer
It was a short walk to the place Hagar wanted to show them, where he had apparently dug something from the earth. Dug the earth itself open, it appeared. The chocolate boy trailed along with his brother by his mother's ankles, peering past her and listening. Both she and Hagar seemed pleased, excited even, by whatever it was. He grew more and more curious with each word his ears caught, trying to understand it all.

Izzy glanced at his brother and sister with a curious tilt of his head, and then crept forward, hesitantly,  and looked into the pit in the earth.  It opened up into some sort of, den? Full of water? He furrowed his brow as he took it all in. Then, below, in the darkness, something moved! The pup yelped in excitement, his tail tucking between his hind legs as he scampered backwards. He could hear his own voice echoing back from the cave at him. He took a breath to steady himself, and then he crept up again, desperate to get a better look. With his whole family right here with him, his fears were quickly overcome, and wondering eyes fell upon the strange fish.

The idea that fish had dens beneath the earth was new, but so were most things, and for him the world had just grown to contain another wonder. Iseldir glanced up at Hagar, tail wagging happily as he bumped into the man's leg, his small way of thanking him for showing this to them.
Played by Vami who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nineve Archer
The length of the chocolate wolf's body would rub along her mother and then he would go to greet each of the pups. It had never been said, though Eve would be left to wonder if he was family too. Family like her brothers, like the mother which had fed them every day. She didn't know the term of 'father' just yet, but perhaps in time she would.

For now, it was 'Hager', the name which her mother used. Eve came to stand next to him, curious of what he had found for their little family (although little it was not). Iseldir took to the front lines and Eve allowed it. That was, until he jumped back, filled with startle and excitement. Instantly, she was at his side, growling and tail high. She licked the muzzle of her mother, calming only when she knew him to be well and then she too got caught with much an interest of the creatures moving in the water.
Played by Flywolf who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Daegal Archer

Daegal didn't like taking up the rear, but he was more content than his sister to allow the others go before him. Daegal stretched up into his father's greeting and wagged his tail, happy as always to see the darker man. When Izzy jumped back Daegal was hot on his sister's heels to come to his defense. Just as quickly, however, he too was charmed by the writhing shapes in the water. "Whatsit?" he asked, unable to tear his eyes away from this new mystery in the darkness yawning before him. It smelled like water, and he was thirsty, but even if Izzy had calmed, Daegal wanted to be sure it was safe to proceed.