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back against the wall — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko felt ragged. His pelt was seemingly ungroomed now – while Aeylen fussed over him, the regal male was far more intent on reassuring himself that she was well, despite his absolute desire to crawl in to a black hole and never resurface. Sleep was lost upon him – the spare moments when his body would finally be lulled to such an action his mind would only offer him nightmares – visions of Kinis as a puppy, under the protection of his older brother. Kinis as a youth, who had stuck by his side in the River when everyone else had left.. Kinis who had left with him, when Indru had taken leadership once more.

Kinis’ life had revolved around Ruiko, following him for his dreams, aspiring to make them come true. And then one morning all that was left after they had brought these dreams to light was blood and fur. Gone. The male’s shoulders sagged as he pulled himself closer to the pack borders he was so familiar with – Indru, Corinna and Triell deserved to know, and with a heavy heart, the Tainn male swung his muzzle back, casting a beckoning song in to the cool spring air.

The note of his song was not one of joy as he would have wished when he visited family, and as the howl spiraled down to nothing but an echo in the air, Ruiko finally settled to his haunches, his stoical gaze cast out to the pack borders with hidden dread. He had failed them all.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    We all fall down.

The air was chilly today though the sun was bright, and it bothered him. Something wasn't right, and he had no idea what it was. He could feel it deep in his bones, in his gut, but he did not know what. He sat on the edge of the river bank picking his brain. Was it the new pack? Naira? Was it Volkan, Corinna? Indru? What about Ruiko, and his family? Not knowing was the worst thing, and he didn't think sitting her would accomplish anything. He should check on things, but where to start...Swift River was the obvious choice, but if something was wrong here wouldn't he hear something. Hmm where was Ice? He questioned, wanting to ask if he thought he was crazy. His right front paw shifted at the dit, over and over wih this unsettling energy. What was wrong?

It was almost a cue the song of Ruiko's disrupted Triell's thoughts, pulling on his senses that he was right. Something was wrong. Since it was Ruiko sounding the call Triell feared the worst. His mind was on Volkan, and the Copper Rock Creek pack. Had Rhysis done something in return for their little stand off? It was then he felt his heart fall, and he thought himself a fool for believing in Naira. He tightened his jaws, jumping to his paws. He would try not to think what it was, and simply work on accomplishing geting to Ruiko.

Legs pulling out from underneath him, they tugged him forward, and he pushed himself to go faster, and faster. His ears swept in different directions often moving quicker than his very paws. Ruiko's call had been loud, and pinpointing it was not as easy when his mind was picturing a bloodly battlefield. It was too the borders he went, running along their length when he spotted his older brother. Something about him looked defeated, and that was not a charicteristic about him. His dark mask a picture of worry with rushing breaths he let out a loud woof, saying he was here. When he saw Ruiko his orange flecked eyes meeting the bright pair he did not hesitate to ask,"What's wrong,brother?"

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

His littermate's howl was one Indru knew without question so when he heard it at his borders, and so spirit-broken too, Indru headed towards it without question. The leader's pace was fast but even so as he approached closer he picked up the scent of his younger brother too and he could tell that Triell's arrival would be just before his own. A woof, where Triell signalled his approach to Ruiko, reached his ears and just as the younger, dark furred Tainn spoke his greeting Indru passed through the trees into view and his fiery eyes fell upon his brothers.

He didn't speak, apprehension thick in his stomach, but he nodded to each in turn though his attention was more focussed on Ruiko. Thought not as close as they had once been, it was still not hard for Indru to read Ruiko with the same familiarity as before (as he presumed it was the same for Ruiko) and almost immediately he knew something had happened to their family, and on that same thought he knew it must be Kinis. What happened? He choked, his voice carrying even in it's soft tone, and he approached Ruiko slowly with intentions to comfort him, pushing his black nose against his brothers cheek as he waited with his heart in his mouth for Ruiko's answer. He hoped, desperately, that it was something like an injury, a bad wound perhaps but still fixable or even better that he had been wrong and that it wasn't Kinis at all but intuition and his brother's expression all seemed to tell him otherwise.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Since Tyrant and I agreed to break the fight off, I've decided that it's safe for me to start posting with Ice again. <3 I hope no one minds him hanging around here.

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He hadn't just been dreaming on his way south. Indru really was back.

Not much evidence of his fight with Rhysis remained to be seen - scabbed-over wounds under the thick fur of his neck, a couple of scratches on his face, and, not seen but felt, a slight ache in his left hock. The Copper Rock Creek female had done the last to him, randomly punching his leg before running off to pull Rhysis' tail, or something that at least made Athena pissed enough to attack her. Ice didn't spend too much time pondering it though, but something that tasted dangerously close to shame had kept him from running straight into the pack territory again. As the slightly battered guardian rounded a couple of more trees, vaguely aware that Triell's scent led in this direction, he wondered why on earth he felt the way he did. Was it because he had acted without thought, endangering himself and Triell? Or because the backlash could be so much worse? Or was it just the lingering panic at the sensation of teeth holding him by the neck? A shudder coursed through him at the memory, the scabs itching as if on cue. No matter what it was, it seemed that while he was off poking the hornet's nest and doing stupid things, Indru had been busy getting back.

Selfishly, bitterly, he wondered if he'd made it back before Corinna went out of heat. The next moment, he berated himself for it. Obviously the male was alive and well, which meant Cori had forgiven him whatever he had done. If she hadn't... well, it'd be blood and fur strewn across their borders, not his urine. It was at that point, as he was lazily following his black friend's trail, that an unknown howl shattered his fragile peace and put the hairs on his back on end. Despite not being someone he knew, it was close to home, and.. very tragic sounding. Worry erupted like a volcano in the pale wolf, and he set off without a second thought, heading for the source of the call.

Soon enough it became clear that his Triell was already there, as well as Indru. Good. Ice had to lay his silver eyes on him sooner or later, and the faster he got around to seeing the man he'd pledged his life to, the faster he could get over whatever nastiness that festered in his gut. He didn't like it, but it was there, clinging to him like a parasite. Grunting under his breath, Ice silently glided onto the scene. He came up behind Triell where he paused, looking at the stranger - tall, thick, furry, golden eyes. Familiar with both Indru and Triell he guessed from the relaxed, worried way the pair watched him. Another Tainn, perhaps? Smelling like the Creek female did. Unpleasant memories. He withheld judgment for now, though, remaining somewhat behind-beside Triell. A glance was thrown Indru's way, uncertainty rooting him to the place. In the end, he swung his head a little closer to the black guardian, touching the tip of his nose to his furry shoulder, never taking his eyes off the stranger.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The eerily familiar call broke the silence, causing Corinna's head to jerk up rapidly as she turned her attention to it. Green eyes narrowing with concern, she was swift to her feet, headed off in the direction of the borders. Corinna Tainn had not heard Ruiko's voice since he had departed from the River, months ago now, and it was his tone that worried her. She had hoped that their reunion would be a happy one, but his voice hardly indicated that this would be the case. The curiosity and anxiousness hastened her step, and it didn't take her long to reach the small gathering that had assembled along the clearly marked border.

She was somewhat taken aback by the group that had gathered there, gaze quickly moving from wolf to wolf. The newly returned Indru was there, no doubt just as curious as she was to see why it was Ruiko had called (and also wanting to begin to present himself as a leader should, now that he was back). Triell had also answered the call, the odd one out when it came to his siblings in terms of appearance, though he carried himself just as Indru and Ruiko did, and despite the tenseness in the situation, Cori couldn't help but smile slightly at him. The last of the River wolves, Ice, was also there, and it was to him that Cori's eyes lingered the longest before she swept past the group. His injuries were beginning to fade from his tangle with Rhysis, though the two of them would need to discuss it further. She hadn't told him about her unexpected pregnancy, though there was no doubt that he knew - her scent had changed well enough that most of the adults in the pack would know what had transpired.

Striding past all three River wolves, she closed the distance between herself and Ruiko. Stepping forward, Corinna's muzzle met Ruiko's cheek in greeting. She had always been fond of him, and it had hurt when he had departed the River pack, both the first and second time. "Ruiko." There was no need to ask, no doubt, one of the others already had.

Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Time seemed blurred to him, unimportant. The nagging part of his mind ached at being so far from Aeylen right now, but his need to tell his family the news had come before his own desires. Even as the swarthy figure of Triell came to view, Ruiko was loathe to deliver such news to the boy. He was about to bring Triell’s world crashing down, and there was no way to sugar coat news like this. Kinis’ likely death left him empty, and he knew Triell would feel the brunt of it as well; the male had been Kinis’ littermate.

Indru was next, and like their younger sibling, was quick to realize this was not a visit of pleasure. Ruiko’s stony features drifted between them both; brothers who appeared so different and yet held many of the same personality attributes. Kindness. Bravery. Loyalty. If Kinis had stayed.. If Indru or Triell had been there to protect him, would he be gone now? Ruiko doubted it, and the thought left him cold.

Swallowing heavily, his heart heavy in his chest, the Leader of the Creek was about to deliver the news when an unfamiliar male waltzed up to the group. The presence of the stranger drew Ruiko’s jaws to a quick, snapping shut, and while the wolf was clearly a loyal member to his brother’s pack, it did not stop the regal’s pelt from bristling now. As the silver male’s gaze seemingly assessed him, prying in to such a delicate and personal family matter, Ruiko Tainn’s tainted lips pulled back to reveal his gleaming ivories and his distaste at the unknown wolf’s presence.

Corinna’s presence soothed him however, and the large male’s hackles relaxed slightly. His unreadable gaze fell once more upon the unknown male before regarding the three present. Three wolves he would protect from this hurt if he could. “Kinis is gone.” His tone rumbled, devoid of any emotion until at the end his voice cracked.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
    Hold me when you're scared, I'll always be there.

One by one they all came like the very wind was whispering the bad news in some incoherent way. He recalled Ruiko had howled, and surely even the wolves beyond Swift River may hear of it's sober note. Indru was the first, at the ready knowing something was not right. Triell was happy for his support beside him in all this. He always felt lost, like a piece of him was missing when Indru was not around. He too would ask the question of Ruiko. He merely watched while Indy tried to comfort him. Triell had not pieced together what was desperately wrong, and about to shatter his world. His heart kept beating, and he kept hearing Volkan in each pound against his ribs. His dark paws were glued to the ground, waiting for Ruiko to speak because this waiting...this was killing him.

He became aware Ice was soon beside him sorta, he had spoken to him of things, and was glad for his friend. Even more grateful for the touch of moral support. Corinna would come next, and her smile would be lost to him. He had not let his eyes move from Ruiko's stoic mask. He almost couldn't bare any more silence, any more of not knowing. It was Ruiko's sign of displeasure of Ice that finally had Triell moving. Ice was just as good as any blood, and he might as well here this news. Momentarily he would shift closer to the silver brute, some of his own dark hairs rising out of all the pressure that had been placed upon him these last weeks. Corinna helped ease things, and Triell was grateful. Then at last all he had wanted to know, and now wished he had not was said. Kinis is gone.

Could his heart stop beating? He certainly was not breathing any more, and his eyes were wide from both shock and hurt. Kinis? The last wolf he had thought about. He was sure his eyes were brewing with moisture in their ducts, and his heart was gnawing on itself in pain. Something was surely ripping at his tender innards. Not Kinis, he would whisper in disbelief, and pain. He hadn't seen him since they had left, and that time...it seemed even longer now to think he might never see his brother's smirk, or receive his teasing nip. All Triell wanted to do was go hide, or deny it. How could he. Cori and Indru offering Ruiko their support it was Ice he would turn to. He would quietly hold his sobs, but bury his head in the thick waves of silver avoiding the scars best he could from stupid Rhysis. If Ruiko was here it meant something had happened to him, and finding Kinis was not likely dead or alive.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

The tension in the air at Ice's arrival was lost on Indru with such other matters and he could not bring himself to take his gaze away from his littermate for more than it took to give a brief glance to Ice in welcome. The leader was unsurprised at Ruiko's dislike at the white wolf's presence but Indru lacked the desire to do anything about it, and besides Ice was pack now and part of Indru's family whether he was part of Ruiko's or not. Corinna arrived and he watched her greet his brother, aware of their mutual fondness and pleased that she may be able to offer him some comfort of her own and hopefully soothe Ruiko's anger at Ice's presence. However, once she had spoken his name, Indru could not help stepping forward and resting his muzzle gently across his mate's shoulders as if gently drawing some strength and comfort from her himself as he waited for Ruiko to speak.

When Indru heard Ruiko confirm his fears he gave himself a moment, just 30 seconds, and while his facial features had no change it was his eyes that showed the tempestuous thoughts that were going on inside of him. It was his turn to be strong again for his family this time, to hold it together and to fight off the grief that he suspected would consume Triell and Ruiko, if it had not already. When the time he had given himself passed air escaped from him in a burst, his eyes shutting briefly for a few seconds before flashing open once more, the tortured expression replaced with a steely determination as he caught Ruiko's eye. We'll find him, was all he said to his brother, though his voice was as thick with emotion as Ruiko's had been. I promise you, Ruiko. We will find him.

Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
It wasn't surprising that the stranger's face took on such an expression - he should've known that it would happen. The mussed fur, haggard look, haunting sorrow, and here comes a stranger to listen to his woes. Ice neither flinched nor looked guilty as teeth were bared in his direction. He remained stoic and silent, worried but not certain why. The beaten stranger might dislike his presence here, but he'd not leave unless one of the other two Tainn's - or Corinna, his nose betrayed to him - would command him to go. Slowly, the pale wolf swung his head around to peer, head ducked and ears flat, at her. There could be no doubt about it anymore. She was pregnant. Indru was forgiven, then, and so he would forgive him, too. Ice turned his attention back to the stranger, but as Corinna spoke a name, memories and reality clashed in an unreal blend.

"Ruiko's the leader, then there's my litter mate Kinis .. is gone."

The brother of all three present male Tainn's, littermate of Triell. Ice's face didn't change even as he drank it in and thought back on his own home beyond the mountain range - he'd left his own brothers to forge a life for himself in the wide world, but.. that had been a choice. You had only to look at Ruiko with one eye for less than a second to see that this hadn't been a peaceful kind of goodbye. Something was wrong, and as Indru promised to find him, Ice felt his heart sink to somewhere below his paws. Swift River was his family now, yes, but this was... perhaps a bit too delicate for him to justify remaining. He'd never really met Kinis. Smothering a sigh, Ice was just about to step backwards and retreat into the shadows when Triell moved, leaning in closer. Surprised and vaguely pleased he held his ground as the dark head buried itself in the thick mess of his fur. Although the youth was shedding no tears, Ice could nearly taste the sorrow that was overwhelming him - heck, the entire scene was full of it.

"Ssh," he whispered, shifting a little to better hold his balance. Blinking his unusual pale eyes, Ice draped his head across Triell's neck, hugging him closer while staring at the forest beyond. What could he possibly say? Nothing, his mind whispered, and so nothing he said - he simply stood there, offering his support even though his heart was reeling in his chest.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
I apologize for the short post. =(

Gone Tomorrow

The words broke the silence unexpectedly. Of all of the news that Ruiko could have brought them, this was the least likely. Kinis had stuck by Ruiko throughout all of the turmoil; he had certainly never assimilated into Swift River during their brief stay with them throughout the winter. While hardly close to herself, Corinna could very well imagine the pain that must have struck the hearts of his brothers; she did not have to turn around to see it. Indru had come to rest his muzzle on her shoulder, but it was withdrawn as the news was announced. She could hear the release of breath, and the promise of a recovery. But Corinna's heart had sunk, and looking at Ruiko, always so stoic, she knew that there would be no finding the lost child, at least no time soon.

Finally she turned her head around, as she heard Ice whisper softly to Triell. Green eyes watching the two River guardians, she felt her heart crack, and her proud head fell to beneath her shoulders. Watching Kinis' littermate and his anguish, that was enough to reach into her chest and tug at her. She had never gotten the feeling that the two brothers had been very close, but they had grown up together, in a confusing world that had been ravaged by fire. Even when the going had gotten tough, they had held on to one another. That's what would make this more difficult. Saying nothing, Corinna leaned into Ruiko further, offering her shoulder for him to lean onto if he needed. While not one for emotion, there was a time and a place for everything, and this was the time.