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in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet — Sanguine Cove 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
For @Oksana and/or @Nash, whoever has time. <3 Woya would like to speak alpha-to-alpha!

Things weren't completely awful in the valley, she supposed. So far, this moment here was the worst of it. She should have been seeking out her cousin and his familiar, safe face. Instead, she was reminded all the more strongly of the hole he'd left behind as she wished for his presence, unease nibbling at her stomach. Sandy eyes and oily nose scanned for the alphas of the Cove as Woya traipsed their territory, preferring to run across Oksana first.

There were no nerves about what the answer might be. Even if turned away, they would be just fine and likely take the opportunity to escape the Lore altogether. What bothered her was the act of asking for help, of being perceived as needy, weakened or pitiful. She wasn't fond of the idea of giving anyone the wrong impression. Woya swallowed that fear only for the sake of her children, hoping their cousins might help ease them through such a big change...

Branches shifted and snow rained down as something moved through the forest ahead.
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
The dark Baranski woman had no destination in mind when she set out that morning. It had been early but she wasn't worried about the children. They were big enough now that left to their own devices wouldn't get into too much trouble...she hoped. The snow had begun to fall just as the light was returning to the forest. Oksana found some solace in the quiet of the forest as her dark paws carried her through the trees. Life for her certainly was different without her husband to walk it with her but she hadn't stopped taking their daily walks after his passing. It was something she hadn't shared with anyone.

Oksana was lost in her thoughts so she didn't notice that there was another wolf close by. She was in the moment taking in the forest and remembering all the times before when she and Lee had walked this same path. The things they'd talked about and the way they'd just enjoyed being in each other's company. This was the way she chose to keep him alive.

Then her orange gaze caught movement not too far from her. She wondered if it might be one of her pack mates. It was hard to tell through the snow fall and the scent hadn't reached her. "Hello?" She called out in hopes of getting their attention.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

The visit from the Chasm wolves was unexpected, especially with how deep into winter they were. Woya had proved the snow to be no deterrent for her the previous year, however, when she'd arrived while the pass was blocked by avalanche. This time, at least, their way had been mostly clear.

Nash didn't know the specific dynamics of their neighboring pack, but even he could tell something was different. There was only one yearling among them, and even though Nash had only met her a couple times he remembered her to be a bright, sunny girl - a stark contrast to the quiet, reclusive teen herding this year's pups. The leader had set out looking for the Chasm leader, hoping to gain some clarity from her and see if there was anything the Cove could do to help. They were Al's family, after all, and that made them as good as his family in his eyes.

He heard Oksana's voice call out and steered his paws toward her, the soft whump of snow hitting the ground. He quickly made out her dark form, and then another smaller form a little further. He called out a greeting as he approached.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya ended up with both of them, and she supposed that was an alright arrangement. They seemed to regard her with a friendly curiosity, and she focused on Oksana's burning eyes once they'd found her. Her pale tail wagged to let them know this wasn't anything too severe, but... it wasn't exactly simple either, was it?

"Hey. I uh, have some news for you guys. If you've got a moment for it."

She glanced between them briefly, before going ahead. After all, there wasn't any sense in leaving them hanging.

"We're disbanding our pack. It's just... best for everyone," Woya informed them, speaking the words lightly. This wasn't necessarily something she was sad about, much less upset with, and she hoped that was clear. Pity was not being asked for nor was it at all wanted, for this wasn't something happening to them. This was them finally taking back the reins.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
Oksana had hoped that in the aftermath of Aleisters passing the relationship between the cove and Chasm wolves would continue on. She especially hadn't wanted Woya to think that they weren't welcome any longer. Thankfully that didn't seem to be the case because Woya was now on the mountain which was curious to the Crow.

Her attention was drawn from Woya when she heard Nash's voice. He soon joined them to hear what Woya had come for.  "Of course we have a moment," she reassured, "What news do you bring us?" Oksana glanced to Nash to check and see if he was ready to recueve the news. It wasn't anything that Oksana had or might have expected.

"I'm sorry to hear such news but you have to do what's best." Oksana knew that if she was in a position where disbanding the pack was best she would. "Will you be staying in the Chasm?" She asked feeling it was an important thing to know.
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 666 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Nash Eastfall

It seemed the year wasn't done destroying things. Al had died, and now it appeared his cousin was dissolving her pack. Nash's ears dropped in sympathy. He couldn't imagine losing the Cove. They'd worked so hard, put down roots - even though they'd already had roots here - and had children. This was their home. His heart hurt for Woya and her children.

He looked to Oksana as she spoke, echoing his own thoughts. Would they be giving up their home in addition to their pack? What about her kids? Would all the other adults be leaving? What about Enera, the only remaining yearling? She'd seemed more despondent than before, and now he knew why.

Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
They gave her condolences, Oksana vocally and Nash with his dumb caterpillar-colored eyes, despite her having hoped against them. Irritation tickled her chest, but she smothered it swiftly. There was no use in getting pissy about them caring, right? Woya rolled her shoulders.

"We're going to travel, actually," she answered, continuing to speak without the weight of any negative emotion. Her words were airy, positive even.

"I'm not sure what the other adults will plan, but Lard n' I are taking the kids and hopin' to be on the move once spring's here. Ideally, over the remainder of the winter, I was thinking it'd be good for us and the kids to be here... with you guys."

It was only here where she hesitated, looking between them both. Woya didn't want to get touchy-feely with her peers here, but she didn't want to leave them to the assumption that her family needed to be taken in. This wasn't for shelter or food, this was because it was important to her that her children formed ties with their cousins while they had the chance. It was guaranteed that she herself would return at least briefly to meet with @Enera and hopefully the twins, but it was possible that this would be the final months in the Lore for the rest of her gaggle of offspring.

"I don't know what the future has in store for us, but I know there's opportunity now for our kids to get to know each other and bond. I don't want them to lose any more of their family than they already have."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Kai who has 617 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Oksana Baranski
It was both sad and surprising news of the Chasms disbanding. Oksana had believed they'd always be there and now she was hearing that they wouldn't be. She had to take a moment to process all of what Woya was saying. The one question that had stuck in her mind was if they would still be around.

That wasn't meant to be either. Woya spoke of them traveling. Oksana didn't really like the idea of them traveling but she knew Woya well enough that she wouldn't be able to change her mind. "Do you have some place your going?" She asked despite the fact that traveling sounding like they didn't.

The other woman then went on to elaborate a little more on their plans. Then she expressed wanting to be in the cove for the remainder of the winter. The crow looked over at her co-lead. She was sure that he felt the same about the situation. As Woya continued to speak Oksana understood it all better.

These were her and Aleister's children that Woya was talking about. It really didn't take much thought on her part. She wanted the sake for her own children. For them to have a bond with their cousins. She was sure that Aleister would want the same thing too.

"I don't want my children to not have the chance to get to know their cousins and to form the bond of family. I would really like it if you came and stayed in the cove for as long as you like. We may not be blood Woya but you are my family."
Please see Sharlee's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you