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the rush of blood — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
The foothills of the home were an enchanting place to be. The rocky cliffs and edges were plentiful here - she had loved that part the most about whenever she skipped town, the flying feeling of leaping from perch to perch down and out, and the exertion of her muscles on the climb back home. But the foothills also held their share of the forest she had left behind - sky-climbing pines and tufts of tall grass littered the rock wherever they could, while moss clung to the sides of smaller rocks and patches of colorful wildflowers lined the way back home. Vivid yellow, delicate-petaled arica rooted nearby the small, purple alfalfa flowers in one corner. Swinging her head she found pale indigo harebells <span class='word'>caparisoning</span> in the other. Her favorite spot had to be a high boulder with a fairly flat top which warmed beautifully in the sunlight beneath which clustered red paintbrush and goldenrod flowers.

She had not headed out from the lake to laze upon her rock, but fate had gotten twisted and now she was. Ava's dark paws hung off the side of the grey protrusion as she lay upon her belly regally, her chin held high in the air while her black tail flipped from side to side impatiently. She had followed a herd of goats into the foothills. They were much better at traversing the rocky areas than she was, but in the weeks since she had enlisted in Poison Path's ranks Ava found her improvement quickly coming and satisfactory. The herd had dispersed, but not before she wounded a large male goat. The smell of his blood had lead her out into the area, but the trail of red dots had disappeared. Somewhere nearby there was a tasty meal for the cache with a big scab in its side. It couldn't move too quickly with that sort of pain, and infection was quick in such a delicate area. Knowing she'd find it again, Ava's amber gaze was bright and watchful for its return.

Until then she remained on her favorite perch, constantly scenting the air for a little goat or blood to reveal him to her once more so she could fulfill her duty.
(This post was last modified: Apr 10, 2012, 10:07 PM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

The afternoon was filled with border patrol and finding any goat herds in the mountains. This was turning into a routine for the little white wolf and frankly she was started to like it. Horizon watching in the morning, followed by border guarding and search of prey throughout the area. Then ending with sunset watching a top her favorite outcrop in Mountain of Dire. However, today was going to be different. Although she did not miss the sunrise, she decided to go to Riddle Heights. She had not been there for a while now, since she liked to keep in the mountains and near the lake.

She was just letting her paws take her wherever until she came upon Ava's scent. So, she was out here too? Her pace quickened slightly as her nose tracked the trail down. She soon spotted her upon a flattened boulder lying down. She seemed calm and it would be a perfect time for them to get closer. They were family now, right? Her footsteps slowed down when she came upon the perch. She looked up at the black woman with a gentle smile on her face. "May I join you?", she asked politely. Today would be a perfect day for sun bathing and Ava's perch was the perfect place to do so.
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
It wasn't the smell of a bloody goat that came to her next, but that of her pack's second female. Ava inclined her head in the direction of the scent and watched as Athena approached. Despite its closeness the boulder wasn't technically within the pack's borders - routine patrol would not bring the female over to her. Ava was curious as to what she was doing over here, but not unwelcome to her company. As she requested to come upon her perch, Ava smiled. "<b>Absolutely,</b>" she responded, butting over so there would be room for the white wolf on her perch. Her previous coldness had long since left her, though she hadn't gotten a moment alone with another one of her packmates following the meeting. The black wolf was feeling much more secure within the mountain. Her home gave her shelter and adventure and now a purpose, with a duty to serve and goals to achieve. Ava lived with comfort - not laziness, but certainty. <i>Finally.</i>

Once Athena was settled, Ava would glance over from the corner of her amber eye and explain, "<b>I was following a wounded goat but it got past me. They like to rub it in my face that I've been in the mountains for a few weeks, and they've been here for decades.</b>" She added a small chuckle, though her watchful eyes scanned the foothills once more. She'd find the bastard and slit his throat for making her look stupid, she would! Letting the bloodlust boiling in her veins cool down, she turned her head to her newfound company and questioned, "<b>What's your story?</b>" Then again, Ava didn't know the white female, really, and this might be part of her daily route. Ava hunted far and wide through the mountains to find a variety of pray so she wasn't often close to the packlands in the day time. She was interested to find out.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

As Ava's smooth voice reached her ears, she smiled and leaped up to join her on the warm boulder. Settling down in a laying position, she directed her attention towards the black subordinate next to her. They haven't had the chance to talk after the meeting and Athena was looking forward to getting to know her. But what scared her the most was opening up herself. She was not that type to spill out her whole life story to some stranger. Athena still considered Ava a stranger, since she didn't know anything about her. However, Ava was probably thinking the same thing of the her. A stranger plain and simple. But now was the moment to change that.

The white lady nodded at Ava's explanation which seemed quite reasonable. It was really irritating how the goats acted around here. They weren't like the deer in the woods, that's for sure. They liked to leap faster up the mountain to just tease you. They were truly sick bastards. They show you some leg to get you intrigued, then they're off just like that. As Athena was boiling inside her as she recalled some angry moments, she almost missed the simple, yet unwanted question. Her heart almost sank as she fiddled around for a answer that wouldn't reveal too much of her life story.

As she tried sifting through possible answers to tell the woman, she soon realized that she had to tell you the utmost truth. How was this new pack mate going to trust her if she was going to fed her lies about he own life? She wasn't going to. Then she wouldn't put her life on the line for her if they ever went under attack. Athena couldn't possibly tell this woman lies if she wanted to life to see another day. The truth was what had to be spoken here. No fast-ass lies that are thought of in twenty seconds. She needed to go deep, real deep and tell her about the real her. The wolf that she truly was. The wolf that she had become. She had to tell her, her real life story. No matter how much it pained her.

She took a deep breath and glanced out towards the foothills for a moment before looking back at those dark amber eyes. "I was born northwest of here, by the ocean and mountains. I had two brothers and one sister. My mother was the greatest mother anyone could have, while my father wasn't the best man." Here comes the calm before the storm. "I lived a happy life for about 9 months. My mother and siblings treated me fairly well, but my father hated me." She glanced back towards the mountain as she paused for a moment. It has been a while since she ever told anyone this. Actually, only one knew of this incident and she was dead. Rhysis knew a little bit about her past, but she didn't go in depth about it as much as she was doing now. "One day, my father told me he was going to take me out on a hunting trip. You know, teach me a few tips or too. Well, my father was a horrible man and he had no intentions on teaching me anything. He only wanted to get rid of the weakest link."

Her eyes almost filled with tears, as she recalled that terrible day. She regained her composure and looked back at Ava. "He took me out way past the borders of our lands to a place I had never been too. He attacked me then and left me there to die. He left and told my mother and siblings that I drowned in the river. I was almost a year old and I could not possibly manage on my own. That was when Hope came along and literally gave me hope." A light smile played across her pretty face as she remembered seeing Hope heal her up and teach her all that she knows now. She was like a second mother to her and Athena will never forget her. "Hope helped me heal, but she soon died after a couple months. I was seeking revenge on my father when I learned that he killed my mother. I found him and his new mate in the dead of the night sleeping in a abandoned fox den and I killed them both."

As she said the last part, she glanced away from Ava slightly assumed of what she had done that night. She had never told anyone this, so the experience of letting everything out was quite new. It felt like weight was finally lifted off her shoulders and she could now continue on the sands of time, leaving her no blood-stained paw prints.
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
They must've been a funny sight, the two females sunbathing on their perch: one black and one white, but both with amber eyes sparkling in the rays of the sun. Yet the difference was clear up close, though it was not in appearance. Ava was at ease, prepared for pleasantries in the golden warmth of that day. What she didn't see was Athena's discomfort at her good-natured question. It wasn't until the white she-wolf sighed and turned her gaze toward Ava, seriousness peering into her depths. Instantly the black female respected Athena's moment to speak. Even though she hadn't been prying for the deepest truth about her second in command, she realized much like the white wolf had that this was an excellent oppportunity to close the gap between the two, as much as they could - to solidify their pack-sworn bond. Who knew, perhaps Athena could be a friend as well?

The story began well - she found that they were both wolves of the water, even if Ava's was fresh and her's was salt. But as Ava listened her expression went from respect and peace to utter horror. The tears that began to well in the white girl's eyes struck Ava even more harshly. She had always felt such a strong wall from Athena, perhaps even a coldness. Seeing such an open break of that boundary, with such a great expression of emotion, was somewhat an honor as much as it was a shock. To be polite she turned her eyes away from the female, giving her respect, although she stuck the occasional <span class='word'>apercu</span> as to not appear disinterested or bored. She'd only return her gaze once Athena regained her strength. But that eye contact was short lived - she had to turn away to hide the surprise and confusion that grew upon her face at the story's continuation.

Athena had killed. Tiny, unknown Athena was a wolf capable of it. Ava honestly didn't think she could ever do such a thing. Suddenly she became overwhelmed with a curiousity that disgusted her. What was it like, she wondered. Was it like sinking your teeth into the succulent neck of a deer, feeling the warm rush of blood flooding between her canines and on to her lips and into her cheeks and loving every moment of it? It couldn't possibly be anything like it - that was bloodlust of hunger, bloodlust of the hunt. What was the bloodlust of malice? Of revenge? Of death? Ava was certain she would never know the feeling, never have it within her to take the life of another. Then again, perhaps she had never truly known <i>hatred</i> so deep... She would at least look upon Athena in a different light - a strong, wise wolf. They had chosen Athena for a reason and know she knew why.

"<b>I'm terribly sorry for everything you suffered,</b>" she said quietly, then turned her eye upon Athena with a crooked smile. "<b>At the very least you have proven you are not the weakest link. And guarantee I will protect your secrets.</b>"

Then she felt almost ashamed to share her past. Within it there was much less strength and ambition than what was in Athena's. But if her fog had now lifted, Ava had to do her the kindness of providing a new landscape to look at. So she turned her eyes to the clear sky, becoming lost in the pure blue. Feeling as though she had exited the bodily realm, she was able to truly open her mind and speak.

"<b>I was born to the south of the Feather Valley pack on the banks of a large lake. I had a large family, very loving and very close. Our pack was quite huge - it was such a different environment. My four older brothers were members of the guard, and they also guarded me, my two littermates, and my baby twin siblings.</b>" She paused, already feeling as though she were coughing up too much of a mouthful. But she couldn't help it. She wanted desperately to re-live that childhood, back when times were good and she was surrounded by love and warmth and protection. So she kept going. "<b>We had a huge land. There was a neighboring pack that wanted it. There were frequent border skirmishes, but nothing that my brothers and I couldn't handle. It was child's play for us every time they came around, threatening to edge in. We never took it seriously.</b>" She glanced at Athena briefly, knowing that the she-wolf could assume what would come.

"<b>One day they turned a border skirmish turned into an invasion. And,</b> the next words came out forced, unwilling to feel the pain of admittance. "<b>the alphas - my parents - had gotten too old to win once more. They pushed us off of half our land, and in the process they <i>slaughtered</i> my baby brother and sister. They killed innocent little ones. Patak and Pakshi.</b>" Their names felt foreign on her tongue. It'd been so long since she had thought about the loss, much less talked about it. Previously she had spoken with Naira about her family, but briefly, and of good memories of Finch and Wren and a goose that whooped their asses. Never of the wrongful murder of harmless children.

"<b>Following the weakening of our path, the Betas challenged for leadership and they won. Everything changed - it became awful.</b>" She failed to mention that they had conceived before taking over, just like Naira and Rhysis. Ava had finally accepted her position in this pack. She couldn't doubt it, she <i>couldn't</i>. "<b>Much like the pack our family literally fell apart. Two of my brothers left almost immediately. Then another. We had gone from nine siblings to only four. Then my mother died, and my father became so weak and heartbroken that he was basically dead anyway.</b>" She immediately regretted speaking so cruelly. "<b>My littermates told my brother and myself to leave - there was nothing left for us. So we did. Once my father died, they buried him and met up with us... It was terrifying to have your life completely ripped from the ground, leaving with you with broken pieces of equally broken wolves. I couldn't bare to remain around my siblings. They took off one way... and I took off the other.</b>"

The pain of remembering four in her family were dead, that she hadn't seen three of her oldest brothers in over a year, and the rest of her siblings in months. Ava had fled them, with a sorrowful but short goodbye. Had she done the right thing? She closed her eyes to force her thoughts back into reclusion. Finally she sighed and looked back to Athena, awaiting what ever her judgment might be.
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2012, 02:37 AM by Ava.)
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

After those last words escaped her maw, she attempted to continue, but she was silent. No matter how hard she tried none of the words she wanted to saw would come out. It was if the breath in her lungs was taken out of her and she could no longer speak. Then again, an invisible weight was lifted off her shoulders when she finally told her full story. Indeed, Rhysis knew about her father's harsh treatment, but she did not tell him about the murder she committed. Now with this weight lifted, she felt the need to tell both her leaders of her past and get it all out in the open. However, would she actually go through with it?

Athena was glad that Ava promised not to tell anyone. She felt protected in a way; as a part of her was exposed to the piercing pain of the world, but Ava was her protector. She was her shield of tough armor and Athena was proud of that she had Ava as her knight. Her chest filled with pride with her comment on proving herself. It felt good that Ava did not underestimate her and in turn, Athena would not underestimate her pack mate.

Athena listened to Ava's story of her past and quite proud that she was told this. They may not realize this, but they have formed a new bond towards each other. A new prospect and friendliness towards one another. It was unique and Athena welcomed it with open arms. It finally seems that Athena has gained a closer friend one that she would cherish.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble that you went through. And I also guarantee that your secrets are safe with me" , she said softly after Ava finished. A soft smile formed on her face as she looked back at the woman.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
To Ava's immediate pleasure she found a delicate smile gracing the face of Poison Path's second in command, and she was more than grateful for it. For whatever reason she had been anticipating something like disappointment, for whatever lack of strength she showed within her history. She should've killed those who killed her siblings in return. She should've killed those who took her pack over. She should've done something, she should've remained at her other siblings' side. But there was no such judgment to behond within Athena's soft amber gaze. It put her well at ease, realizing their first exchange of support. What one had done for the other the other had done in return. Suddenly she felt more grounded, almost as if the roots in her paws had dug deeper into the stoney ground of the mountainside where they had laid claim to their home. It almost felt somewhat exciting, prompting her own smile to grow.

"<b>Thanks,</b>" Ava exhaled, simply but with genuine intent, glancing away from the white she-wolf for a moment and watching the colorful wildflowers beneath their perch dance in a fluttering breeze. Gently she laid her head upon her legs, cheek touching the sun-warmed rock. "<b>That's the reason why, actually, I don't like pups. I don't know what kind of impression you've gotten off me but if you got a good one you'd assume I'm the kind of girl who adores puppies. Most wolves make that assumption. And it's true, I did really used to love them,</b>" She sighed, her voice growing quieter. "<b>Now I hate them because they remind me of Patak and Pakshi.</b>" She snorted gently, a delicate frown edging over her previous smile. Maybe she was hurt when she saw puppies because they brought back the memories of her baby siblings. Maybe she was jealous that they had life while her own brother and sister had it taken from them so unfairly. The thought caused her hackles to raise just slightly, paws tensing on the stone beneath her belly.

Then her mind changed to thoughts of Naira, who was teaching her medicinal techniques. A kind soul, so open to receiving Ava within their ranks, almost as if she was the <span class='word'>hsien</span> of the Poison Path wolves. It didn't matter to her what betrayal she had caused the Swift River wolves, she just kind of liked Naira anyway. She had simply taken immediately. Rolling her shoulders back in a lazy shrug, Ava in a jokingly begrudging fashion,"<b>But I'll probably like Naira's anyway.</b>" Quietly she chuckled to herself, her mind unable to fathom what that future would be like.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

She smiled as Ava thanked her. She was internally grateful that they're weren't hostile or unfriendly towards each other anymore. She was really glad that she came down to Riddle Heights now. It has open new doors for her. Ava and her, even if they don't realize it, have the potential now to become very good friends. With their first exchange of support for one another, they could grow from this.

As Ava began to speak of pups, her heart sank a little when she said she hatted them now. In reality, Athena adored them to no end. Something about them gave her hope for the future that she couldn't find anywhere else. She hadn't come seen a lot of puppies, but some of the lone females her and Hope met were raising them and Athena was able to interact with them. She grew to love those little buggers and she was excited to take part in Naira and Rhysis's pup's upbringing. Athena paused for second before answering her. "Well maybe Naira and Rhysis's pups will remind of the good memories that you had with Patak and Pakshi. Perhaps you can learn to love or at least tolerate them because of that." She said, finishing with a genuine smile. She really hoped that her idea of puppies could change what she thought of them.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Her shoulders rolled in a slight shrug as the considered Athena's words, lips pursing as she attempted to imagine the way it would be if she thought like that. If she could look upon different pups as her own loving blood... in all honestly, she probably couldn't. It'd just be too sad to relate them at all to Patak and Pakshi. But when Ava returned her gaze to the white female, she didn't display any dismay or sadness. Instead, her expression was intrigued - she certainly had a thought.

"<b>To be honest, I kind of do see this as a new beginning.</b>" As the words slipped from her jaws she felt the most intense pain welling in her heart, expanding so rapidly it was as though the organ might very well burst within her chest. And yet, she pushed through the feeling. "<b>I could always like them just because they're them. Completely unrelated to my past or any sadness at all. Or I could just try and like 'em because they're Naira's, in case they're awful.</b>" She laughed at her own joke, the trilling sound of happiness swallowing whatever horrible sadness had seeped into her body from her first comment. Life was rarely ever kind or easy - more often was it hard and cruel. But the fundamental truth was that it went on, regardless of what happened to you. And here Ava was, her life continuing, with or without Patak and Pakshi, Wren and Finch, mother, father, any of them. But it was continuing with Athena. Naira, Rhysis. She had friends outside their borders, but they were not certain to always be around the way her packmates were.

Besides, who knew? Maybe she'd like being an aunty.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Wanna wrap it up? This has been going on for so long haha. It’s outdated now(; My fault. Another post from you then archive, or I can reply/archive...?

Athena nodded considering her words, laughing softly at the subtle joke she made. Her words made sense in a way, just like how her life was affect by Poison Path. She needed and wanted a new beginning. A place where she would not be judged by her past and the things she has done. But, a place full of new relationships and friends that she can depend on when the time comes. It was reassuring to have a real family again.

The day was starting to get darker and their little rock was increasing getting colder with the aphotic sky appearing. Standing up silently, she bowed down to stretch out her relaxed muscles and turned towards her dark friend. ”Want to get going? We might be missed.” She joked lightheartedly. The journey home would not be treacherous; it would just be like any other day. Rocks and more rocks.

She leaped down from her shared pedestal and walked a few paces before looking back to see if she was being followed. Soon they might be out here more often, searching for the nomad goatherds for the ravenous puppies on the way
Athena out.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||