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by your grace — Kingsfall 
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Played by Molo who has 135 posts.
Inactive Deceased
It didn’t matter how far she’d ventured, nor how much a part of her had wanted to, but the ghost hadn’t quite been able to pull herself away from the others. Mainly Reika, that stubborn, caring girl who was most likely the reason Colette was still alive right now. A fact that was both a blessing and a curse, some days. However she felt about it, though, the young lady deserved a proper thank you for her probably lifesaving kindness and efforts. That, and an actual goodbye.

What was left of her conscience ached often enough as it was, with the weight of her past deeds. Colette didn’t need to add this to it by leaving Reika wondering and worrying.  

So, despite how she loathed the forest Reika and her companions seemed to have hunkered down in, Colette made her way through it, seeking any sign of the younger female. She didn’t dare call out, not wishing to draw any more attention to herself from any of the others. At least the forest was a little easier to navigate, with winter upon them. But not much.

(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2022, 06:12 AM by Colette.)