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the birth and death of a day — Swift River 
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Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
For @Archer This is Viorel's yearbook RE: You wake up to a wonderful little stash of gifts. What are we celebrating?!
Afternoon, Overcast, -1F/-18C

Typically the leader didn’t nap at this time in the afternoon, and he hardly ever slept away from the territory. But, now having somebody by his side and shouldering half the burden he was feeling a little more relaxed. Plus, the sound of the rushing river was just so calming, like a melody, and he couldn’t fight the yawns off for long. So, he had hunkered down between a few of the larger boulders to protect himself from the cold wind, and let himself drift off to dreamland.

The salt and pepper wolf woke with a start at the sound of something scuffling off the closest boulder. The yellow eyes blinked in surprise at the sight of a stone tumbling off the top, shiny and green, it reminded him of the colour of grass in late spring when it was at its healthiest. Viorel sniffed at it curiously, and then noticed a little bit further on an antler fresh and unchewed, a bright smile crossed his features.

Getting to his paws he pushed forward to investigate the antler, and noticed one more thing a fat, juicy fish, still giving a half hearted effort at flopping. It must be his lucky day, where did all this stuff come from?

(This post was last modified: Jan 22, 2023, 11:55 PM by Viorel. Edit Reason: typo :) )
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Archer knew his Da was having a hard time, and that he himself wasn't helping. They may have reconciled after the fight with Sharlee and Eros may have decided not to lead them off to start their own pack, but Archer's littermate was still gone looking for Ma and Archer was still here waiting. He'd promised to look after their family... and what a great job he'd done.

Llinnea had disappeared without a word - left, according to Asmund, of her own volition. It didn't sit well with Archer and while he'd looked, he hadn't found her. He hoped wherever she was, she was okay. He couldn't worry about her anymore; he had his own sisters to look after, and his Da.

He wasn't the sneakiest, but when Da settled down for a nap Archer crept about, carefully placing an antler nearby where his da couldn't possibly miss it, and then a fish he'd caught just that morning. It was when he was creeping away he knocked the little green stone down; at its sound he ducked, hoping to avoid being seen - at least right away.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel was not a very cautious wolf, though that sometimes came back to bite him in the butt. He was lucky this time that his unknown gifter was his son and not someone wishing him harm, because he didn’t hesitate at all before digging into the fish. Salt and pepper tail waved joyously behind him as the fatty taste hit his tongue and he realized how hungry he had become during his nap. It wasn’t until he was a few bites in that he remembered that these things didn’t just fall out of the sky.

The leader looked up from his snack, trying to find some kind of clue. His nose was filled with the scent of the fish and wasn’t much use to him, but his eyes fell upon the tracks of another after a moment or two. Getting to his paws he went to investigate, and intended on thanking his benefactor for brightening his day so much. Following the tracks with abandon he was led to some of the nearby boulders, and it was then when he was close enough to recognize his son’s scent.

Chuckling he called out teasingly, ”It’s been a long time since I had to pretend I couldn’t find you during hide and seek.” A bright smile adorned his features, ”Why don’t you come on out and enjoy some of those lovely gifts with me?” This must have taken him most of the day to prepare.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle

Archer Valle

Perhaps the heavy winter following the rough summer had Archer feeling a little puppy-ish, or at least wanting to feel like a pup again. They were simpler times, where he and Eros had few worries and lots of agemates to play with. Not that Archer really did ever play with his siblings and aunt. Sometimes he wished he could go back and change his attitude; here was no reason for him to have been as resentful of them as he was. And now they were all gone and he was left.

He slipped out of his shelter, trying to hide his embarrassment at being called out. "It's for you," he said, gesturing to the pile. He hadn't intended to share it; he'd only brought enough for his da. "I thought you might like something to cheer you up." Da had been trying his best, but it was still a rough time for all of them. They were missing his ma and other family members, so they needed to stick together now more than ever.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
This thread feels sad knowing what is to come :(

The father grinned as Archer came out of his hiding pace, looking a little apprehensive, maybe at being caught? He said the gifts were for him, but the older man shrugged that off easily, ”I don’t mind sharing. It’s more of a gift if we can enjoy it all together.” Besides he didn’t feel like being alone now that he had awoken from his nap. Now that leading felt a little easier with Clover at his side he was beginning to get his social side back. A little goofier, a little lighter.

Grabbing hold of the antler and leaving the other gifts for Archer to choose from, the man reclined onto his belly with a slight oof. He was still a young wolf, but stress and the cold made him feel older than his age at times. Salt and pepper tail swooped in long lazy arcs behind him with pleasure as he set to work on chomping at the chew. Looking up at Archer he felt the need to add, ”Thank you, this made my day. But, you don’t need to worry, things are getting easier.” Even though Vanadis and the others were still gone.

But, he couldn’t think about that. He needed to focus on what it is that they did still have.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle
Yeah... this hurts.

Archer Valle

Rather than pick something to share, Archer just settled in comfortably next to his da as he chewed, watching him enjoy his gift. He returned a bit of a smile. It was still difficult sometimes, when he missed his ma the most. And the others. He wanted more than anything to go back to that easy time when he was little, when all he knew was the love of his ma and da and Eros, and the rivalry he'd imagined between himself and Oleander. He even missed his half-sisters, who had been with them so little time.

He really should spend more time with Sephrina and Isla.

But that could wait. Right now he was with his Da, enjoying sitting with him while he enjoyed an antler Archer had gone to great lengths to pick out for him. Fresh, and untouched - other than Archer carrying it over here, of course.

He didn't want to spoil the good mood by asking what was really nagging at him, so instead Archer said, "Did I pick a good one?"

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel worked his teeth against the antler, the primal part of his brian releasing dopamine and helping him get rid of any stress he had been holding onto. It was a strong one, which meant he had to get really into it to break any pieces off. For a while they had sat in a comfortable silence other than the scrape of his teeth, but then Archer asked an earnest question.

Pausing, the father nodded enthusiastically to show his appreciation, ”It’s perfect, where did you find it?” Viorel always loved a good antler to wind down on in the afternoon and maybe Archer knew of some secret stash that he didn’t. He had no inclination that his son had other questions on his mind, or maybe ulterior motives to such a good gift. He was happy just to take all of this as face value.

Glancing back at the rest of the gifts he questioned, ”Are you sure you don’t want anything? I’m happy to share such a good gift with you.” It would make him feel a little less greedy if Archer would just take something.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle


Archer finally relented and began picking at the fish. At least he'd caught a decent one, and he would be able to leave enough for his da to enjoy some of it too. His stomach growled as he took his first bite and his ears swept back in mild embarrassment. Okay, maybe he should have caught himself some lunch too.

He shrugged at the question and swallowed before answering. "I found it under a fallen log out by the boundary; I think it's been there for a bit, mostly hidden by a snowdrift - otherwise Eros or one of the girls might have snagged it first," he added with a chuckle. He'd been tempted to smuggle it off somewhere to enjoy on his own, but... he was very glad he hadn't. His Da seemed so happy to have a little surprise waiting for him after his name, and Archer was happy to spend the time together. They hadn't had a lot of it this last year, not just the two of them, and if he'd learned anything it was that time was precious and finite.

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.
Played by Ghost who has 664 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel might have teased his son for his grumbling belly if it had not been for the embarrassed expression on his face. Instead he smiled softly but just let the moment go, continuing to gnaw at the antler enthusiastically. He nodded thoughtfully at Archer’s answer, though he might have been a little disappointed there was no secret antler hideaway he didn’t let it show. His son really had gone through so much trouble to set this all up for him which was the loveliest thing anyone might have ever done.

Then he grinned, ’You’re probably right, you know Sephrina has been stashing things away like a little crow don’t you?” The girl may have thought it was a secret, and maybe it was well hidden by cub standards, but it hadn’t taken long for the father to find it. An antler like this would have been a huge prize for her to add into her little hideaway. It all seemed harmless so he had left the cache alone.

He pressed his side warmly against Archer, a content sigh slipping from him. He looked at his son and repeated, ”I really can’t thank you enough for this, this is the nicest gift anyone has ever given me.” He paused and then chuckled, ”Except your moms who gave me you and your siblings, but it’s hard to compete with that.” With the light of such a thoughtful even Vanadis’ absence stung a little less.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Flywolf who has 346 posts.
Lone Wolf Deceased
Archer Valle


It was nice, sitting her and conversating with his da. There was a glow of satisfaction at seeing Da so relaxed. Mission success, he thought. He wondered if he might be able to do the same for mama Clo; she'd lost so many of her loved ones to the wide world too. She could use a smile.

At the mention of his sister Archer laughed. "I've noticed she's been up to something," he said. "I shouldn't be surprised she's collecting things." It seemed like a very puppy thing to do, after all. His smile faded a bit as he thought about her, how something appeared to be wrong... but he was quickly distracted by his da's next statement. The smile was back. "Well, that's a given, I think," he said. As a pup he might have been resentful about how many children he had to share his da with, but he was close with Eros and now that most of his half siblings were gone... he almost missed them. Maybe Da might be less sad if more of them had remained at home.

"I'm glad you like your gift," Archer said. "I wanted to make you smile."

(This post was last modified: Oct 02, 2023, 01:56 AM by Viorel.)

Archer is very haggard and thin; it is obvious he is not doing well.