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One man, Two man, Three man down M — Kingsfall 
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Played by WildFlower who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Luca Denahi
Backdated to Feb 22nd for Caspian, nighttime. M for hunting.

The figure stood low, a paw lifted off of the cold hard ground. His calculating eyes locked onto the target in front of him. He stalked closer, slowly at first, before bursting forward. Powerful hind legs propelled him forward while front took the ground in lengthy strides. His body curved, skidding slightly as he hastily turned to give chase, nipping at the heels of a Snowshoe Hare. The male weaved in and out of the trunks surefooted. His stamina kept him going until finally his front teeth made contact with its tail. He flung the hare up, aiming to get a better grip. He snagged its back midair. His teeth crunched down, an audible crack breaking through desperate squeals. Luca dropped the animal down, brown eyes watching it struggle to walk as he placed a small paw on its head. Wasting no time he put an end to its suffering, breaking the neck with powerful jaws. As he lifted his head back up, prize firmly grasped, he shook it for good measure. Perhaps a bit excessive.

The man trotted back to the pack's cache with his head high, tail neutral but wagging enthusiastically. A wolf lived for the thrill of the hunt, and he was no exception. His muzzle was splattered with blood, the animal hanging limp in his clutch. Luca added it to the pack's storage and turned around to head back out. It was the small rodent's breeding season, and he didn't doubt his chances of seeing another one hoping around the territory."HE SPEAKS"

(This post was last modified: Mar 10, 2023, 01:53 AM by Luca.)
Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Caspian had awoken again, from some dream he couldn't quite recall. Whatever it was had left a lingering melancholy on the usually cheerful young wolf.

The pale youth slunk from his sleeping place careful not to wake his mother or brother. He didn't intend to go far. He was still getting used to the sounds and smells of this place, and the others they shared it with. During the day time it was all well enough, but at night, he frequently awoke and tonight was no different as he poked his head out and peeked about their new home, the snowy grotto and its falls. In the pale winter moonlight, it was strange but pretty.

A figure was just departing from one of the caches in the area, and Cas let out a soft bark in greeting as he bounded to catch up with the other wolf. This was one of the members of the group he'd yet to meet, and any pensive thoughts were quickly discarded as the prospect of meeting a new face - before Ry, maybe! - had the boys spirits lifting quickly.

"Hallo," he began in a slightly-hushed tone, aware they weren't to far from others who might prefer to slumber on undisturbed.
Played by WildFlower who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Luca Denahi

The quietness of the night was broken by a soft voice. Luca turned his head to glance over his shoulder and came to a stop. His ears pressed forward, head cocking. A child? The man looked at the ghostly boy with confusion, "Are you allowed out here this late?" He asked, a single brow raised with a forced expression. He attempted to look seriously at the pup, but a smile broke the stern expression. The corners of his lips turned up. He was happy to meet another packmate.

The older wolf couldn't hold the act long even if he wanted to. "My name's Luca."


Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
It was Caspian's turn to raise a brow at the question. Allowed out? What did this wolf think he was, a whelp? He'd been exploring by himself for ages now!

Cas's night-time hauntings and explorations were not a new or infrequent habit of his by any means. Mom didn't have a whole lot of rules but he did his best to follow them, but he didn't think she'd mind as long as he stayed close by and out of trouble and made it back before anyone had to worry. It wasn't like he'd even left the falls, yet!

Raising his tail and inclining his head a degree to match, Cas tried to hold himself taller, to look more like the intrepid youth and less the lost pup. Seeing the other wolf smile, he returned the expression with unabashed confidence.

"Yeah sure, I'm practicin' to keep watch!" in hushed but excited tones, he quickly invented an explanation that didn't involve bad dreams being what had him up at this hour. "Nice ta meet ya Luca, I'm Caspian," he added with a grin.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2023, 07:58 PM by Caspian.)
Played by WildFlower who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Luca Denahi

Luca's grin widened when the boy postured, chuckling at his unwavering confidence. He seems like a good kid. "Keep watch, hmmm? The man's facial expression suggested mischief. The near yearling offered his name and he responded with a warm well-meaning,"Same to you kid."

The grey wolf moved forward with his body lowered into a stalking stance, "So if you're on the lookout...what are you going to do if you find someone?" His voice was playful.

The man's intentions were pure. Luca always had time to break from his duties for the youth, so long as he was allowed, and no one had told him otherwise. Gentle pools of brown watched the ghostly pup anticipating his next move. Hopefully, he'd recognize the man's invitation to a friendly spar. He waved his tail and chuffed.


Played by Winter who has 59 posts.
Inactive Pup
Cas nodded in affirmation, curiosity coloring his eyes as he watched the man's face.

At the next question he tilted his head, wrinkling his brows in thought. He didn't quite know all the intricate differences yet between being a pack with proper territory and borders as opposed to the loose community of loners they had been before. But home was home. If an intruder came this close to his family and friends, really, he should get help. He knew that. But the playful expression of the other, and Caspian's own show of confidence still on his mind, let him know that this time, the question begged a more creative answer. "Hmmm,"

"...If they weren't out to cause any trouble, then I'd say hello," he said before pausing thoughtfully,

"but if they were I'd chase 'em off and bite their heels!" the youth declared, greeting the play bow with a grin-like baring of his young incisors and dropping his own front half toward the snow, front limbs outstretched. His tail wagged excitedly, but his gaze slid back to the den's mouth. He'd feel bad if he got caught up in their game and caused a commotion. But his energy was up, and after a moment Cas darted forward, trying to tag one of Luca's ankles as he'd promised moments before. Hopefully the other wolf would play chase with him!
Played by WildFlower who has 84 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Luca Denahi

Luca remained smiling but questioned the boy's first answer. He'd say hello? The man himself would likely interrogate another and potentially ask for the presence of an alpha if it felt need be. The innocence of a child, he figured. His ears pressed forward at the second reply and he chuckled. He smirked as his invitation to play was met with a mirroring bow.

When the boy sprung forward Luca pushed back up onto his front legs, turning to take off. He was not fast enough to dodge a nip to his heel. He responded by lightly kicking the leg back at the boy. The small white wolf rushed forward and looked over his shoulder briefly to ensure he was indeed being pursued and not merely making a fool of himself.