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at the end of the day, i choose you — Kingsfall 
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Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
For @Jethro and @Flair only to keep it quick, this'll be to mark Flair coming home & Chan joining PF. c:

The trees grew taller, and deep reds began to bleed through. Flair certainly looked to belong in this place, and it was by keeping his focus on her that Chan was able to wade through the memories and subsequent emotions that threatened to flood him. They weren't all bad, his thoughts and reflections on returning, and it certainly wasn't as painful as he'd feared it might be. Rather than being overwhelmed with anxiety and a deep sense of displacement as anticipated, he just felt sad. A deep, blue sad, but one that his closest friend mitigated merely with the warmth of her presence. It was a balance, it was grounding, and it felt far less like running away than when they'd departed from the Cove.

The markers were clear, telling Chan right where to halt. The sun had just risen, lighting up the snowy forest while birds sang good morning. A beautiful place with a calm, inviting ambience. They certainly had chosen well, and if he hadn't come here with Flair he might have wondered if he really had any right at all to be here without having helped work for it.

As things were, he could only feel grateful in this moment. Chan tipped back his head and howled for Jethro.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2023, 04:22 AM by Chan.)
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila

They were home. Seeing the stone walls of the valley appear out of the redwoods made her heart swell with a joy she had never felt about any other place she’d called home. And looking at her closest friend, walking beside her, only made the feeling that much more resonant. This forest was home to her deepest sorrow and her greatest accomplishment, and in the end she wouldn’t have it any other way, she only hoped Chan would feel similarly, if not right now then in time.

She wanted to rush right in, to let them all know she was back and he was with her, but in the end Chan had the proper idea and she stopped at his side, letting him call for their mutual friend. There was no doubt in her mind that Jethro would be happy to see the Eastfall again, and have no qualms about accepting him into their pack. But still, it was only right to let him do so at his border, and before everyone else came rushing to.

As they waited, she couldn’t help but smile, tail waving high behind her. Yes, this place held memories of dark days, and that weight would always rest on her shoulders, but she had become comfortable with that, and she was happy to be home.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Finally, finally, they were here. So very much had happened in the last couple of weeks, not a lot of it good. But to have Flair back with them, along with the welcome addition of Auburn and Chan, had the dark one’s spirits higher today than they’d been recently. Perhaps today would mark another turning point. The reversal of this recent trend of misfortune, and get the group back on a better path.

He was going to hope so.

Jet wasted no time in exiting his den to venture toward the call. Early morning sunlight was there to greet him, which he was also going to take as a good sign. Quickly he trotted away from the heart of their home, towards the borders.

Flair’s fiery fur caught his attention easily, and Chan’s familiar figure alongside of her had his tail waving and a happy smile crossing his countenance even at a distance. A rarity as of late.

Were it anyone else, he’d have stopped at a respectable distance. But given his relationship with these two, Jet didn’t hesitate to venture in for a quick, welcoming embrace for each of them.

”It’s good to have you both back here. I missed you.” All the more, as of recently.
Played by Cade who has 909 posts.
Paradise Falls I. Leader
Chan Eastfall
Jethro too appeared changed. Lighter, happier, more confident than he'd ever come across up atop the mountain range. Chan hoped dearly his arrival would not end up spoiling any of this immense good, like it seemed to have always done for the Cove. Perhaps living here would help him figure out whether it had always been something bad in him, or something bad in that place.

Chan wagged his tail and grinned toothily, muzzle nuzzling against the younger wolf's shoulder briefly to return the greeting.

"I hear you've got a lot to be proud of."

Of course this triumph was rightfully shared with Flair, but this all existed because Jethro had given himself a goal and seen it through. Chan was deeply impressed with such an accomplishment.
[Image: 5BdYuOb.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 370 posts.
Paradise Falls IV. Second
Flair Smoke-Athesila
@Jethro didn't mean to let this drop ^^; Sorry


Seeing Jethro appear between the towering trunks and lush underbrush only made her smile wider, tail waving faster as she returned her co-leader’s embrace. “Y’ too! Glad t’ be back,” she answered emphatically, feeling the truth of the words deep in her heart. This was home and she felt at peace here – especially now, with Chan by her side.

His words to Jet made her chuckle quietly, nodding her head in agreement as she looked with pride at the dark man and the woods behind him. She was in full agreement with the praise laid on the younger wolf, knowing how much of this achievement was his doing and how much he had grown into his leadership role.

”Speech" Thoughts
Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
Jethro wasn’t exactly sure what he had been anticipating they’d say, first. There was so very much to talk about and explain, especially with Chan. However, you’ve got a lot to be proud of was probably the last thing he’d anticipated.

It brought the dark one to a pause, his smile faltering a little, as he gave a little shake of his head. ”Not just me. That pride belongs to all of us.” Praise for the construction of this pack was not something Jet felt comfortable with keeping to himself. He wasn’t sure if Chan had meant it that way, but it felt important enough to clarify, just to be safe. Sure, when he had set out, he’d hoped to make a difference, but it’d never been about recognition.

Every wolf he’d met in the last couple of years had helped shaped this. Those among them now had worked just as hard for the home the group now had. He might’ve had the idea, but they all had all believed in it; taken it and run with