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Snake's Ravine
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In a ravine south of the lore lies an odd pack of wolves. Snake's Ravine has been inhabited from the dawn of time by their blood (according to stories...) due to the strength of their faith and the orders followed within. Outsiders are typically only welcomed for brief trade or if a generation requires new blood. Otherwise the Ravine tends to be rather closed off and possibly confusing to outsiders who are not welcomed.

These wolves often hold more mystical belief system among their group. Priest(esses), astrologist, musicians, story tellers and traders (think scout but bartering!) are common roles as a result. Each character concept below was chosen via a tarot pulling. You are welcome to either build upon this as you wish or discard it entirely!

How to Adopt: Please send a PM to Niamh with ideas, personality, and anything else! Music, moodboards, etc. welcome and encouraged! Free form adopts also welcomed, simply PM me with ideas on that instead!


Typically the world can signify an ending of a certain cycle with an indication of a major change. It is possible that this character has followed in the footsteps of Niamh and has dispersed from the Ravine with the want to see more, or perhaps has even been ousted for some reason. Regardless, they are prepared to plunge into the new world with their prior experiences guiding them.

Trader, female or male, large build. Age 3-5.


The High Priestess can often symbolize a time of reflection full of mystery and passivity. Things around this character may not be what they seem to be... Born from one of the new blood generations, she was meant to be the next guiding light of Snake Ravine in some capacity. Yet something learned or realized has driven her out from the Ravine. What could possibly be so pressing?

Priestess, female, small or medium build. Age 2-4.


This card typically deals with learning the middle ground in life. Avoiding extremes and finding a sense of calm. Nobody has ever said that life in Snake's Ravine was easy and perhaps that life has proven to be too troublesome or overwhelming for this induvial. They have tried their best to shed off the snake skin, so to speak, and find what life is like without the pressures of the Ravine.

Role UTA, male, medium build. Age 1-3.

adopt my brother!
[Image: dc2fbin-ebafc8dd-4a28-4007-a4d7-3b44f6408cfc.png]
note: mentions of fortune telling and magic are purely a belief system.

One wolf in particularly has gone after Niamh. A brother who is deeply loyal to Snake's Ravine and sees Niamh leaving to become a trading soothsayer as an upset when her skills clearly have more use back home.

How to Adopt: Please send a PM to Niamh with ideas and a 100+ word sample! Music, moodboards, etc. also welcomed and encouraged!


A man who believes that his home must come first above all. He dived into the role of guardian from a young age, always the one to check the visitors of the Ravine and had no qualms on roughing them up if he found no interest among them. He bears his own series of scars from these activities, most notably a half-gone right ear.

How will he react to his sister's sudden marriage and pregnancy? Betrayed further by the planting of roots or seeing it as an opportunity to bring Snake's Ravine here...?

Guardian, Lawful Evil, Medium Stocky Build. Age 3.

adopt my brother!
[Image: dc2fbin-ebafc8dd-4a28-4007-a4d7-3b44f6408cfc.png]
note: mentions of fortune telling and magic are purely a belief system.
Niamh has wedded and brought child earthside, just to be widowed as swiftly.

Snake's Ravine might smell weakness or tragedy on the breeze and come crawling through the lands in the plumes of smoke. There's plenty of opportunities to weasel their way through the shifting changes in the group Niamh has joined and perhaps leave their own mark upon them too.

Interested? Everyone is still open!
adopt my brother!
[Image: dc2fbin-ebafc8dd-4a28-4007-a4d7-3b44f6408cfc.png]
note: mentions of fortune telling and magic are purely a belief system.