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Ain't that Unusual? — Hidden Tree 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Could you talk to me...

That stench. It was stuffing up his home and making being there unbearable. He was struggling not to track the man down and rip out his throat, but he doubted Jayse would approve so he had gone back to his wandering ways. The charred trees of the wildwood surrounded him, now more green shoots than charcoal remains, the area smelled of fresh life. New beginnings. Perhaps he was due for one of his own...?

He had no idea why he was heading towards the River wolves, perhaps it was curiosity that tugged him toward the former home of Rhysis' bitch. The closer he got, the more his side burned, so he was content to remain amongst the trees. There were still lingering scents of the pair, here and there. He wondered how long they would remain, or perhaps it was simply his mind playing tricks... Other familiar scents crossed his nose, some were pack mates, some were not. Amongst those that weren't was Finn's.

He remembered the little grey female fondly. She was quite the fisher, but something about her scent wasn't quite right, so he set to following his nose. Intent on getting to the bottom of this little mystery if only to offer him a distraction. Something to keep him from tracking down the coward Jedd and mounting his head on a stick. If it had been the Hollow wolves fighting the River wolves, he would have fought regardless of his own involvement. He shook his head, as if to remove the thoughts from his mind. It was no use. He couldn't shake the foul mood he was in alone.


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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae

It feels like...

Finn's tail flicked as she brought her head upward from a small patch of bracken.
Chocolate eyes were aglow with delight as she snapped her jaws, ivory fangs
sinking into the flesh of a freshly caught vole. They were cute little critters, she'd
admit, but they tasted even better. With a slight grin on her face, she quickly ate
the corpse, licking her chops afterwards in satisfaction.


Beyond the fresh scent of blood, there was that of a familiar wolf. Who was it?
Her mind began to tick, the faces of wolves she had met flashing through her head.
Valiant. Tail slightly wagging, her head jerked around as her eyes scanned the
area around her. Where was he? The scent was a bit distant, but she knew he was
there, somewheres. Jaws parting, she released a slight bark, one that was not too
loud but audible enough for him to hear if he was within distance.

If this was just a scent carried on the breeze, she would be quite embarassed. The
slender gray-silver female paused now, right paw raised as her ears erected themselves.
Finn waited patiently, listening for any signs of movement.

It's been forever.
(This post was last modified: Apr 21, 2012, 06:56 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

'Cause I never heard a word you said now...

Finally her scent was growing stronger. If he were more of a tracker and a whole lot less lazy, he may have found her sooner. As it was, unless a scent full on smacked him in the face, he rarely paid attention. And Jedd's scent had done little but smack him full in the face each time he returned home. He was trying to keep the peace for Jayse's sake but he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

Her bark teased his ears in welcome and he couldn't keep the smug smile from his face. He moved with more purpose now in the direction of her voice. Finally managing to catch sight of her he charged playfully with a bark of laughter, hoping to knock the smaller lady from her feet and pin her beneath his larger frame.

And I ain't just being mean...

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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae

Finn stood now, waiting like she would as if she was watching prey. Out of
nowheres, or so it seemed, Valiant burst into her view with a tittering bark.
The silver-gray woman had no time to react, for she felt his body make contact
with hers, sending her to the forest floor. She was pinned. Playful chocolate eyes
looked to Valiant's handsome face, and she could not help but release a laugh into
the cool air.

"Well, it seems you are all better now, hmm?" her voice was teasing, and her
ears fluttered briefly before flattening against her head. Her ebon lips were now
pulled into a coy grin, one in which she sported in the most suiting way. The impact
from Valiant had taken her by surprise, for being thrown to the ground on a full stomach
was something no one really enjoyed. She did not mind, though, for she had not seen
this man in what felt like forever.

It was unlike her, but Finn raised her neck, tongue snaking out of her mouth. She gave
Valiant a quick lick to the cheek before her tongue dissapeared. With the smile still upon
her face, she watched to see the wolf's reaction as well as the reply to her words.
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 01:08 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote> He kept himself comfortably atop the smaller grey female, triumphant smile clear on his face as her words graced his mocha tinted ears. Easing up a little so as not to suffocate the poor girl, a cocky grin was plastered to his handsome face. <b>”I told you I’d be fine.”</b>

As her tongue sneaked out to graze his cheek his cocky grin was replaced with a small smirk before he shifted his bulk off her smaller frame, standing over her almost protectively and glancing about their surroundings. Now she smelled of River wolves he would have to keep his eyes out for over protective pack mates, but for now it looked like they were in the clear.

<b>”So it seems you’ve gone and found yourself a pack?”</b> he worded the observation as a question for conversations sake but decided it may be better to simply find out more about her past. She was a wolf he wanted to keep tabs on in the future. <b>”So we didn’t really get much of a chance to talk before. What was your family like before the River pack?”</b> If she didn’t move quickly he was going to flop back down atop her to stop her from fleeing, if she did move he would find himself beside her. He didn’t feel like playing chase today.</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae

As Valiant rose up, Finn remained on the ground. Her silver-gray back was on the
forest floor, her paws tucked up on her chest. Finn's tail wagged slightly, brushing
old leaves around on the ground. "Yes I have" she said simply. Her chocolate
eyes watched him carefully as he gazed around, looking to see if her other packmates
were about. They were fine.

Ears perked as he questioned her of her life before joining Swift River. Well, it would
not be much of a barnburner of a story. Parting her jaws, she blinked
slowly before beginning "Well, I lived waaaay south from here." her Western accent
was thick, and she smiled at Valiant softly before continuing. "I was lookin' for somethin'
better, and so I left my old Clan. My brother Jedd wasn't too happy about it, but he can deal
with it, I suppose."
Little did she know Valiant had come in contact with her brother...
or that he was even here in the Wildwood.

After she finished speaking, the small woman prodded a paw playfully at Valiant's chest as
he stood atop of her in a protective manner. A cool breeze ran through the trees, sweeping
the fragile old leaves along the earth. She closed her eyes for a moment before lids lifted and
she locked her eyes onto Valiant's.
(This post was last modified: Apr 25, 2012, 03:47 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote> Her accent already told him she had come from far away, but he liked the sound of her voice. At the mention of a brother and her brothers name he momentarily stiffened, but just as quickly relaxed again. No need to go worrying her with tales of a coward. He would deal with that soon enough and she need never know he had come so close.

Her chest prod pulled the serious look from his face and replaced it with something more familiar. A playful smile tugged at his lips as he prodded her back and hoisting his large frame up, he moved a short distance away before bowing down playfully, his tail held high like a banner waving in the breeze. He had been far too serious of late, far too absorbed in the affairs of others. He needed a chance to just let go.</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn observed as the wolf seemed to grow almost statue like; his body was still and face stoic. As soon as she had pawed at him, though, he returned to a playful disposition. As he bounded back into a play bow, Finn smirked. She rose up to her paws swiftly, and her brown eyes focused upon the male. With an airy bark, she returned the play bow. Flocculent silver-gray tail waved to and fro wildly before she leaped back and forth. She was fully comfortable around this wolf- she trusted him.

Suddenly leaping forward, she snapped her jaws in front of Valiant. Her jaws came together with a loud click, and she smiled in a coy manner before she leaped back again. "So," she said, her voice almost seductive now "You still thinking about making your own pack, or have you changed your mind?" Finn tilted her small head now, elegant face looking at the handsome male before her. She had recalled him speaking of leaving the Hollow, and she was very curious now about what he would do.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote> Her questioning about pack made him smile again. Dramatically he sighed. <b>”Alas, it would seem I was blindsided! But not to worry, it just means I have to wait some more...”</b> he almost genuinely sounded upset, when in actual fact he was more than relieved. <b>”And besides, you can’t lead a pack without a suitable lady at your side... They seem to be in short supply...”</b> the last was a tease, aimed to get a reaction from the little wolf in front of him. One day he may well try for a pack again, but for now he was happy to roam where he willed beyond the compulsory hunts and meetings that were a part of life at Grizzly Hollow.

There was also the advantage of not being responsible for the actions of those beneath you. He felt sorry for Jayse sometimes, he was hardly a model pack mate. He had managed to vanish for the best part of breeding season, he had actually left the lore, but nobody needed to know exactly where he went. The dreams were all he needed to get him through another year for now...</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn chuckled softly at his sudden dramatic sigh. "There's still a few good ones left" she teased back, a smirk pulling at the right side of her face. Her tail remained wagging, but it began to slow. "I hope your pack is treatin' ya well" she eyed him carefully now, waiting to see his reaction.

She paced up slowly to him, walking right past the man. Her tail gently touched his flank as she slunk by, her chocolate eyes soft. Now raising her head, she scented the air, testing for any prey. An old scent of rabbit hung still within the crisp afternoon air, and she sighed. Lowering her head, she turned back to Valiant.

"Where have you been, if you don't mind me asking?" She hoped that her question would not aggravate him at all. She meant no harm by it; curiosity just lingered within her. If he was to get slightly annoyed, she was to apologize as best as she could. Finn enjoyed the company of Valiant, and desired to get to know him better- she hoped he wished the same of her.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."