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Beast of Burden — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
60°F. Slight breezes. Sunny.

The wolf brought herself along through the blooming flowers, her paws
stepping in a rhythmic way. She was lightly humming a song to herself,
one that her mother had sang to her when she was young. Jaws parted
slowly, and Chant began to sing in an airily manner, her dark chocolate eyes
closing as she pawed along. Cream peltage seemed to glow within the sun's
rays, standing out amongst the blooming field of red.

Her flesh was warmed by the giant ball of fire in the sky, but she did not mind.
Chantille had enough of the winter, and she welcomed Spring graciously once
it had arrived. Prey was now more abundant, filling their stomachs with all sorts
of grasses and varieties of plants. She had recently satisfied her stomach with
a small rabbit, but would certainly be looking for prey within the next hour or so.

So spread your wings and fly, fly away
Because you don't know when it will be your last day...

Her voice was smooth, and quite feminine. Her ears perked as she listened to the
birds in the surrounding trees, pretending that they were singing along with her.
Hey, she had been alone for a year, so she had to entertain herself some way.

(This post was last modified: Apr 22, 2012, 11:41 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Mind if I join you? <3

<blockquote>God he was exhausted. Limping home wasn’t really on the cards for today, but it appeared with the River wolf attacking him out of no where, he was bound to come away with some sort of injury. Thankfully it was minor and though he wasn’t worried, he was glad he had walked away the victor; in his eyes at least. By sparing the other’s life he hoped his Naira would be safe now, she had her young. Not his young, hers... even though they were theirs. He really needed to come to terms with the pups being his, but he supposed until they were here he could only hope he would eventually come around to the idea.
Every so often he glanced behind himself, making sure the River wolves or that friggin’ crazy Nina wasn’t following. Whilst he wanted to rip her head off her body, he feared he’d only spur on the Creek wolves to come and chase him down too. Honestly, being a wanted man was so annoying.

Upon the breeze an unfamiliar scent tickled his nose. Great, all he needed was an encounter with a pissed off stranger. What made it worse was it was coming from the direction he had to head to get home; the trek over the mountains was going to be tough, especially with his balance being a little off. He wasn’t going to waste time going around, he simply had to press on.

As he passed over a red hued rise, he spotted the owner of the smell. A cream female, no pack scent upon her body was simply minding her own business; watching birds it would seem. Looks might be deceiving, but for now he wasn’t concerned with her trying to kill him- still, he’d been wrong before... she was female as well... No, he was going this way. He needed to get home.

With a limp, he began his decent down the colourful hill, right towards her. His posture was slightly dominant, he had to look a little tough, especially as he was sporting a limp with his front limb. As the distance between them closed, he gave a short bark, letting her know he was coming. He had to be careful, seemed as relaxed as possible as not to pose a threat- tired, sore... he didn’t want another fight, just a good nights sleep.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

A bark sounded through her ears. She turned her head in slow manner,
brown eyes focusing upon a dark figure. He walked with a bit of a limp,
which immediatly sparked concern within her. Opening her own mouth,
Chant replied with a soft bark. Turning her frame, she padded a few steps
forth before pausing. "Would you like some help?" she questioned.
No, she did not know this wolf nor his past, but she was not one to judge
others. She treated everyone the same, until she really got to know them.

Chantille felt her muscles tighten as her body prepared her to flee just in case
this brute was to attack. Why would he do such a thing? Look at him. He just
came from a fight. The cream toned wolf attempted to alleviate herself, but it
did not work. Muscles remained tense as she stood, waiting to see how this wolf
would react to her question.

"I've had some practice with healing..." she said this quietly, her voice trail-
ing off a bit. Perhaps she was overdoing it by saying this, but eh, it was worth a
shot. Her tail remained low, mirroring him as to say that she meant no harm at all.

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Oh no. It was worse then attacking, she wanted to talk and offer to help. God, everyone was so darn nice around here. Was it just him who had a trouble being nice without having to force it? With a silent sigh, he supposed he couldn’t just brush her off, Naira wouldn’t be too happy if she found out he had been mean to someone who was trying to be kind, and with his current mood, he didn’t want her on his case as well. So instead, he offered a half smile, though it looked unnatural, he really did struggle to look happy desite his good looks, and then shook his head. <b>”Thanks, but my mate is a healer... No need to trouble yourself.”</b> he said. It was only after he had spoken the words that his ears twitched, had he just referred to Naira as his mate? Usually she was <i>his female</i> and he’d never used the term before. Taken back a bit, he had opened his mouth to say something more but closed it quickly.

His thoughts landed on his female then, her smiling face, her good nature. He supposed he should be relieved that she should now be safe, he had made his point with the River wolves and hopefully they would lay off for a while. Of course, his troubles were far from over and he now had Jedd to hunt down and tear to shreds with his betrayal. Honestly, he’d never met such a wolf. It didn’t matter where the pack came from, but if you came to their lands, asked to join and then didn’t like their foundations? What did that matter. You fought for your pack, whether you liked them, loved them or hated their every breath. That is what a pack meant. He had no doubts that the slimeball would end up in another pack, with any luck it would be the River wolves, but with his attack on Triell he doubted that would happen. That meant either the Creek wolves would take him, and he could fuel the fire on their hatred of him, or he’d join up with the Hollow wolves, potentially creating yet another pack to hate him. Soon there wouldn’t be a pack in the land who wasn’t on orders to kill him on sight. Still... Naira was safe. She and her young... at least from one pack.

With a shake of his head, he brought his thoughts back to the here and now, realising he must have been staring into space whilst his mind was running wild with thoughts. He supposed he should be polite, she seemed kind enough and so far, the kind females had proven to be worth while. Naira had been kind, Ava too. Athena had been quite, but kind all the same and all three of them were an asset to his life. <b>”Sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, long day.”</b> he said with a shrug. <b>”Names Rhysis.”</b> he added, making a point not to include the name, location... or anything really about his pack, not one to break his own rules. The pack was to be kept quiet.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

Chant watched in silence as the ebon shaded wolf stood, his eyes blank.
He was zoned out. She waited patiently, and she nodded after he spoke
his words. "It's fine" she said "I'm Chantille." No, she was not
going to ask what happened to him, for it was none of her business. Chant
kept her nose out of other wolf's lives unless they were willing to share with
her, then of course she would lend an open ear.

A cool wind blew, wafting the scent of the firey colored flowers into her nose.
With a flick of her tail, she let her eyes close for a brief moment, obviously enjoy-
ing the beautiful day. Lids lifting back up, her brown eyes looked back to Rhysis.
"I am sorry if I am preventing you from getting home. Feel free to go anytime."
her voice was hushed now, almost a mere whisper. Ears were flat against her head,
and she felt embarassed for some odd reason- like she was in the way.

The birds around the rise continued to sing, the sounds whirring through her ears.
As the silence followed her sentence, she just focused on the voices of the birds,
singing her song within her head once more.

Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
So short. Sorry. :c

<blockquote>He nodded, it seemed she didn’t want to talk and he was fine with that, though something in her eyes made him feel like she felt awkward around him; he didn’t think he’d said anything out of place, but maybe he was wrong... <b>”Er sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’ll be on my way.”</b> he said and went to leave... Or had been, until he put his injured paw down and put some weight on it. Fire struck him, especially at the toe and he snatched the limb back up to his chest instantly, a wince across his face told the world just how painful that limb was right now . He took another glance to those mountains, where the climbs could be treacherous even with all of his legs working. Maybe some light relief might come in handy... <b>”On second thoughts, there anything around here suitable for pain relief? I got a long walk home...”</b> he said, accepted defeat on this one occasion.

He was a smart wolf, he knew when to run, when to fight and when to ask for help. He wasn’t proud and would always use what was available to him- at this moment in time, it was the cream wolf before him. <b>"If it's no trouble of course."</b>
(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2012, 10:40 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis
Not a problem :).

Chantille felt her tail begin to wag as the wolf changed his mind. She winced
as his paw shot up; he was in quite the amount of pain. "Oh!" she exclaimed,
perking her head up. Her ears now rose up, and she turned around swiftly. "Give
me a moment, please...Rhysis."
She tossed his name in at the last moment, just
so she would remember it. Chant began to sprint along, feeling the cool spring air
rush through her pelt and across her skin as she dashed across the rise.

She came to the edge of the flowers, where they died down into Cedarwood forest.
Nodding to herself, she lowered her head, ebon nose nudging plants as she pawed
along. No, no, no....ah, there we are. She felt a wave of excitement rivet through
her body- finally, she could use her ability to heal on someone again! It felt as if it had
been quite awhile.

Jaws parted, and she delicately plucked her share of useful healing plants. After about
fifteen or so minutes, she emerged from the forest and back into the swarm of flowers.
Her jaws were full, and goldenrod leaves fell behind as she padded steadily back to where
the male was. Once she arrived towards him, she dropped all of her supplies, huffing.
"Excuse me" she said, turning away to catch her breath. Once she had regained her
composure, she turned back to Rhysis.

"Now" she began, eyes locking onto his "Rhysis, please show me where you are
hurting. Have you a headache as well?"
she had not realized it, but she was speaking
like her mother. She had taught her the ways of healing, as well as other useful skills of life.
She scanned over the dark coated one, looking for any signs of blood.

(This post was last modified: Apr 18, 2012, 11:48 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>She seemed excited to help him, and he wasn’t going to turn it down. He needed help and he would be stupid to try and get home in this condition. Even if the pain was eased a bit, it would make the long trek home that bit safer. At her request, he allowed his rear to sink to the floor as she ran off into the wild red of the hills. He wasn’t sure where she was going, but he sat there on alert, ears perked waiting for anything which seemed out of place. He was still on high alert, the fight had ended a while ago now but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to be followed. Keeping their pack secret was their best defence for the time being, and he had no idea that Jedd was off to spill the beans about them. Traitor.

Soon enough, cream ears appeared beyond a rise and shortly after the smaller female slipped back into view, carrying a mouthful of who knows what in her mouth. With a smile on her face, and a skip in her step, she approached him at her own pace. He did nothing but watch as she finally drew up to him and placed the leaves upon the floor before him. He took a look at them, recognising them but never really had used them. As a pup he had been forced to learn the basic methods of healing battle wounds, but he’d never really put them into practise.

As she asked for indication of his pain, he elevated the paw he held off the floor as he sat, turning the end slightly to expose his far toe which had a nice little tear at the top. So far he had avoided infection, keeping it elevated had kept crap from the floor from entering it but it wasn’t really good enough. <b>”I managed to step on something ugly and it bit.”</b> he said, not going into too much detail but was pleased with the dig towards Ice. He shook his handsome head at the last question, surprisingly he was headache free, but that didn’t mean they had stopped. If anything, his frequent headaches were worse, but he dealt with them in silence, away from his pack and his female- he didn’t want her worrying. <b>”No headache. Just the toe.”</b> he said, extending the limb further as he watched with interest what she was going to do.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Chantille Idasis

"Oh goodness, that must have been a nasty little critter. I stepped right near a
muskrat once, and.."
She was talking too much. At least in her point of view she
was. Closing her mouth, she shook her head slowly, mumbling to herself to stop
blabbering. "Alright" Chant said, lowering her head to the plants. She chewed
at the goldenrod, and placed it gently on a small rock that was near her hind leg.
Now knawing on one of the goldenrod leaves, she spat it out onto the plant itself,
using her paw to mix it around. It was a bit rough, not smooth enough- it should work
just as well. Using her nose, she scooped a bit up, and turned, coming towards Rhysis.

With his foot raised, she brought her elegant head downward, rubbing her nose onto
the wound. The concotion went on quite easily. "It may sting at first, but try to keep
it all on there. You have seemed to have done a good enough job so far fighting infection."

The creamy wolf turned away from a moment, and when she faced Rhysis again, there
was a leaf in her mouth. She gently placed it before him.

"I know you said you did not have a headache, but just chew on this leaf, just in case...
if you want, I mean."
If the wolf did not want to, he didn't need to. It was a mere suggest-
ion. She hoped she was not coming off as demanding, for the wolf was made of all
bona fides.

(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2012, 10:19 PM by Chantille.)
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He remained still, silent as he watched her work. He'd never really taken an interest in healing... nor had he every taken much notice when Naira talked on and on about plants and herbs; but watching her work took his mind away from the feeling he was being pursued and for the moment, he was still and calm. Of course, it wouldn't last long but well, he needed to just step away for a moment and gather himself again.

As the liquid touched the side of his toe, a sharp sting filtered up from his paw to his leg, but he remained calm, focused. It took a lot to make him yell out in pain and this was nothing. His eyes followed her closely, watching each movement she made as she went about her work. He reminded her a little of Naira, not just for the healing but her caring nature towards him, though he was but a complete stranger. Naira would like her... they'd make a great team.

<b>"My female would like you. She's a healer as well..."</b> he said, rather absently as he just spoke his thoughts aloud. She made that more apparently then as she told him to chew the leaf once more, just like Naira, pushing him to do something for his own good and with a huff, he lowered his head... cautiously, and picked up the leaf within his teeth and began to chew. It tasted disgusting, but he cringed and beared it until the paste in his mouth slid down to his belly. <b>"Ergh..."</b> he said before he shook his head, the taste clinging to his tongue.

<b>"You got a place you're heading Chantille?"</b> he then asked, thinking perhaps she and Naira might have a lot in common.</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]