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I say a little prayer (for you) — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
For @Pan @Sonnet @Spartan !
Mid-morning, cool and bright spring day with broken clouds in Dragonveil Fold
The pups are playable and can now venture out of the den <3

Isomne lay with her twin daughters, humming low and thoughtfully, as her tail flicked. Her eyes lifted to contemplate a now-familiar sun beam which, at a certain time of morning, cut into the little cave she had used as a birthing den.

The mother had contemplated this for the last few days, not entirely sure what was holding back. Her daughters were growing with each day still, certainly not content to remain tiny and secreted away from the world forever. She thought she could sense their growing impatience, or at least readiness, to greet the world. Their father already doted upon them, and though there was nothing more of a pack or family for them to meet, still she felt there was great importance to this moment.

Perhaps it was simply that she feared for them, some of the things the world held were hard to bear. They would need to begin learning to hunt, to strive, to survive and face it all. Certainly it would be a worthy journey, an exciting adventure! Her heart soared to think of all that they might do. But she would relish in these last quiet moments, just them in this little cave, for a moment longer. How could she not? She was their mother after all, and these were her first children, already she held them so deep in her heart. Here they were easily kept safe, but they could not stay and grow and be the wolves they were meant to be if they stayed here forever, she knew as surely as anything.

She let the moment stretch on, savoring it. Then at last she rose and with a gentle nudge to each of them, roused the small forms of Pan and Sonnet and urged them follow her out into the sunlight. Her voice was singsong as she gently urged them forth.

"Now dear ones, come and see. There is so much here for you!"
Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sonnet twisted away from the nudge, not yet wanting to wake, her tiny form snuggling closer to Pan. After Isomne spoke she begrudgingly compiled without complaint, stretching out her paws and yawning. The child battered her sleepy eyes and fixed her gaze on their mother. Then she turned to look at the mysterious den entrance. Mother had said there was so much here for them, but what could be beyond the comfort of their home? Rising to her paws with curiosity the pup waddled forward and did not wait up on her sister. She made her way to the mouth of the den and basked in the first morning rays. She squinted at the blurry world full of colors, pupils gradually adjusting. A soft coo of awe parted her tiny lips. It was her first time standing in the light of day, feeling the warmth of the sun, and seeing the magnificent world.
[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by Molo who has 48 posts.
Inactive Pup
This place, whatever it was, was dark, warm, safe. The tiny cub knew no else, and for many days had been content to lounge with her sister and the much larger figure - the food provider that she’d eventually recognize as mother.

But, with each day that’d passed, she’d become just a little bit more aware of her surroundings. Of the other large guardian-like figure - father - who was also often present, but less so. Regularly he came and went through that mysterious, and sometimes times very brightly illuminated space in their tiny cave.

In her tiny, childlike way, she wanted to see what was out there, too. Wanted to see where he went, maybe go with him.

And this morning, her wish was granted. A nudge, words from the provider, and the sound of motion indicated as much. Pan recognized the tone of the speech if not so much the words as granting her permission to wander shakily forth.

Towards that very bright light. She squinted but persevered, and eventually sauntered a few tiny steps beyond the cave. The first thing she felt was warmth. Not like the warmth of another body, though. But this seemed to come from the very light itself? Then.. scents. So very many. And as her eyes adjusted, colors. The sky, clouds. The figures of the provider and her sister, which she was beginning to be able to see in more detail.

A tiny, excited little whine escaped the girl. It was so much more than she could’ve ever dreamed.
Played by becca who has 42 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate

There had been a stark difference between the first moment he had known he would be a father and the moment he faced now, experienced in the early days of fatherhood. How eager they seemed to wiggle and move now. Strong hunters — or singers! Their mother's blood flooded their veins too, that he could not deny.

It was why he prepared a toy for their arrival in the world beyond now. An old deer's rib bone with the soft grooves of his own teeth aligned into it. So that they might test their own might against it like he had.

He waited with pride just outside the den, the bone between his teeth as he watched their mother rouse them free from the only place they had known so far.

He lowered himself and the bone to the ground, green eyes fixed upon the two of them. He rumbled low and warm, just as he had many times over their small bodies. Now grown enough to venture into the light.

spartan does not speak!
Played by Winter who has 81 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Isomne Yvain
She moved to her beloved's side, greeting him with a lick of the muzzle and a soft hum. "The perfect gift," she affirmed his choice before turning her gaze back to the clefted cave mouth.

How could she know that they'd understand, follow? This was brand new to them. But they did know, and they did follow, her two beautiful girls rising and following her into the light of day.

Isomne's chest swelled and her tail swayed as she watched them emerge, one after the other, blinking at the sun and the world and everything it held.

There was no pack to celebrate such a milestone, but it warranted a song nonetheless. And a gift from each of their parents, of course. Their mother the bard would hardly let such a moment go uncelebrated. And so she tipped her head back and let out a happy song, announcing to the skies that this little family was here, the Fold was theirs.

Isomne hoped her daughters might lift their young voices and join her in song too, another gift she wished to give them if they'd have it. Or perhaps, like their father, they would keep their silence and secrets. She would love and protect them fiercely in either case.
Played by WildFlower who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
There were so many fuzzy blobs of color to look at. One high above in the sky hurt her eyes and several different green shades surrounded the family. Sonnet stepped out slowly onto the grass, stopping to wiggle her toes in it. Looking down with curiosity and confusion at the blades that tickled against her skin. She brought her attention to Pan when her sister whined, quietly observing how she reacted to the newness that surrounded them.

Sonnet's attention was drawn to her father at the low rumble he released, baby blues fixated on the antler he held. She staggered closer with caution, reaching out to first sniff it. Then she brushed passed to crawl beneath his front forelimbs and nestle up to his chest. Her tiny body curled about itself as she watched the world from the safety of her dad's fur.

As her mother began a song, she listened in silence. Her eyes sparkled. The little one was captivated by the notes that were carried out. After a moment, inspired, she too let out a shrill baby tune. Her song was not as pretty, but loud indeed. The usually quiet child passionately howled out her first of many songs.
[Image: 7Afz1Ny.png]Tonight we make our dreams come true
**Sonnet hasn't spoken since losing her family.
Played by Molo who has 48 posts.
Inactive Pup
Their guardian was already out there, too, and mother had moved to position herself next to him. His familiar green gaze and countenance provided a familiar and comforting presence amidst the novelty of this new experience, bolstering the child’s courage and prompting her to continue forth on shaky limbs.

He had also brought with him another new thing that Pan, after her sibling, tottered forth to investigate. First she gave it a sniff, and then a tentative nibble. The thing was hard, like a rock - but also different. What was it?

Mother’s song brought her attention away from that for now, however, for her melody was something that the tiny child couldn’t help but marvel at in silence. Especially in this new world, where there were no stone walls to contain it.

Like all of the new things they were seeing, that too, was beautiful.