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White Rain — Dead Empress Backwater 
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Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle
Oct 6th early morning

Lashes blinked open slowly, a loud yawn announcing the end of her slumber. Amber gaze drifted to the pack den's entrance as a chilly wind ruffled her thickening pelt. The growing youth with her opinionated mind and loud personality strode forth from the comforts of their home. She peered outside with a narrowed gaze. White rain? Her brows knit together and for a moment she thought to ask @Vayko what this was. Then, selfishly desiring a moment to herself, she stepped out into the falling fluff. Curiously she put her tongue out for pieces to melt onto. She couldn't contain the smile that crossed her lips and within a moment she was bounding forward to leap and frolic in the strange white rain. Her joy was verbally contained, but Euna did not hide her excitement as she jumped and rolled and darted to and threw about the trees.

Her nonsense came to an end after her burst of energy settled and she shook her pelt. Did this stuff give her any advantages? She couldn't see how it could be used to benefit aside from being pretty. She was no longer amused. She wanted a discovery to impress the adults and show she was the best. Not this. She grumbled out loud to herself.

Dead Empress Backwater
— through trials to triumph.

Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Your toxic I'm slipping under

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride

As he healed and became more comfortable with his surroundings once more, Vayko found that he enjoyed watching his children grow. It was terrifying, of course, knowing that just about anything could bring them harm… but to see them on their adventures, learning the world around them from first hand experience? That was something he savored… even as his children squabbled. After all, what children didn’t? He saw nothing wrong with it… sometimes Tori got a little too rough with her siblings, but that was also the nature of pups.

His children would grow to be fine in whatever they did… be it as warriors, or hunters, or scouts, or healers. Of that he was certain. As he rose, having slept in slightly that morning, he would stretch his paws out in front of him, his rump in the air as he felt his muscles stretch from their embraced slumber. It was quite a far cry from just a few months prior when his wounds had not allowed him such things.

It was then that he saw Euna bound out of the den, the coolness of the air hitting his face at the same time as he pocked his head out, seeing the girl light up from the small flakes that fell from the sky. He’d chuckle at that, amusement in his eyes. “Euna…” He’d drawl out in gentle greeting towards her as he moved over. “Do you know what it is?” He had told stories of gentle frozen rain, but wondered if she had connected the two.

Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle

She turned to face the familiar voice of her dad, watching him as he approached her. She smiled, even though he was taking away her moment to herself. She knew she was gaining the attention of her dad solo. No siblings to compete with over him. Just them...and the..."Do you know what it is?"

Puzzled she looked skyward, lips parting to mumble an answer, "White Rain..." She thought on it, watching the flakes descend. "Rain used to go on adventures...did he go north?" She asked, not truly seeking an answer, "Get too cold and freeze...like in your other stories..." She was trying to piece it all together. Thinking back to what he'd told her about the changing seasons. She met his glance, mustering her pride, and spoke confidently despite the hesitation lurking beneath, "Snow."

Dead Empress Backwater
— through trials to triumph.

One Kiss away from Killing
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Your toxic I'm slipping under

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride

His daughter was puzzled, which caused a gentle smile to spread across his features, a slight chuckle when she commented that it was white rain. He had thought that at first. As she began to expound, calling upon the stories he had told her of the rain in an attempt to keep her from crossing out into it. She found the word, a nod on his features as he gently nuzzled her shoulder in an encouraging manner, encouraging her to explore more of it.

“Yes, darling. It’s snow.” He added in, a twinkle in his eye as he said it. He wondered in that moment if she would like it or not. He preferred the cooler weather due to the thickness of his pelt but he knew not all were built the same as him. “The rain ventures to the north once a year and brings in the cooling weather… it helps nature around us through a natural cycle.” It was a cycle of renewal, though he did not expect his daughter to understand fully. “It means that the season called winter will soon be upon us.”

Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle

Euna semi-ignored the nuzzle. Outwardly she did not acknowledge his touch, but on the inside, it warmed her cold little heart. She smiled when he confirmed her answer to be right. She loved being right. Especially on the first try, of course. Always seeking to learn the girl presented a question, "Are there any advantages?" She wanted to understand the purpose while watching the flakes drift down around them. It was very pretty.

Her ears pressed forward eagerly listening to him, "Natural cycle?" Did her siblings know about this too? She wanted to be smarter than them. To accomplish this she needed to find out more! "Winter" She repeated after him, "How many seasons are there? I know Winter..." She paused to think if he'd told her any others. She couldn't remember their names if he had and just allowed herself to fall silent as she expectantly waited.

Dead Empress Backwater
— through trials to triumph.

One Kiss away from Killing
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Your toxic I'm slipping under

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride

Vayko chuckled softly at Euna's curiosity, admiring her hunger for knowledge. He appreciated her inquisitive nature and the way she always sought to understand the world around her. "Indeed, there are advantages to snow, my clever one," Vayko began, his voice gentle. "Snow acts as a protective blanket for the land, insulating it from the harsh cold. It helps to preserve the delicate life beneath, allowing plants and creatures to rest and rejuvenate. Some animals even find it easier to hunt in the snow."

As Euna pressed forward with more questions, Vayko nodded approvingly. "Yes, the natural cycle is like a dance of the seasons, each playing its part in maintaining the balance of nature. There are four seasons, my dear: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each has its own charm and purpose."

He continued, his warm gaze fixed on his daughter. "Spring brings new life and growth, summer provides warmth and abundance, autumn is a time of change and preparation, and winter, as you've discovered, is a season of rest and renewal." Vayko couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in Euna's eagerness to learn. "You have a sharp mind, my little one. Keep asking questions and exploring the world around you. There's so much to discover, and I'm here to help you unravel its mysteries." With that, he gave her a playful nudge, a silent affirmation of his love and support.

Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle

Euna perked up at his answer, looking at her father with calculating eyes. She needed to know exactly how they could benefit from the snow. To know if she could use it to gain an upperpaw and in what situations. "Easier to hunt? Would it be like that for us, can you show me?" Maybe he'd say yes to both! They could keep talking...and he could show her whether or not hunting in winter would be better.

The pup listened intently as he explained the purpose of the seasons and how they maintained nature. Naming them off and telling her that they all played a part. She smiled at the concept, a growing curiosity burning within her. "Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter." She parroted back in the order he'd presented. Her tail thumped happily behind her as he revealed there was still more to know by explaining the role each held. The information excited her, and she lightly laughed when he spoke of winter's purpose. "I like that. The natural cycle."

She beamed at his praise, a big smile engulfing her muzzle. Her chest swelled with pride, "Thanks Dad!" Euna then knitted her brows together in concentration. She searched her mind for another question to ask her father, hopeful to keep his sole attention on her for as long as she could. "What does preserve mean? How does Winter make hunting easier? In the fall we're supposed to get ready for Winter, but why not in Summer if prey is abundant then? Will the meat go bad? Is that why we keep our food in the dirt?"

Dead Empress Backwater
— through trials to triumph.

One Kiss away from Killing
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Your toxic I'm slipping under

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride

Vayko chuckled softly at Euna's barrage of questions, delighted by her unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He lowered himself to her level, meeting her gaze with affectionate amber eyes.

"Ah, my inquisitive one, you have an intellect to you," Vayko praised, nuzzling her gently. "Let me unravel these mysteries for you."

"Preserving, my clever daughter, is like keeping something safe and sound, ensuring it stays as it is. In winter, the snow acts like a cozy blanket, trapping the cold outside and the warmth within. This insulation helps protect the plants and creatures, including us, from the biting chill."

"As for hunting," Vayko continued, a spark of playful anticipation in his eyes, "let me show you." He gestured towards a patch of snow-covered ground nearby. "See how the snow muffles sounds? In winter, the world turns quieter. It's like nature's hush, allowing us to move more silently. Prey, unaware of our approach, becomes easier to catch... so long as we are careful about the crunch of it. The white landscape also acts as a canvas, making it simpler to spot our prey."

"Now, about summer preparations," Vayko mused, "you're right to question, my curious one. Summer is a time of plenty, and we do gather and store food. However, the warmth can speed up meat going bad. That's why, as autumn arrives, we intensify our efforts. The cooler weather of autumn and winter slows down the spoilage process, ensuring our food lasts longer."

As for the last question, Vayko nodded, acknowledging Euna's keen observation. "Keeping food in the dirt, or burying it, is a way to take advantage of the cold to make it last longer. It helps keep the food cool and prevents it from spoiling too quickly."

He finished his explanation with a warm, affectionate smile. "You're absorbing so much, my little one. Keep your curiosity alive, and the world will reveal its wonders to you." With that, Vayko playfully nudged Euna, inviting her to explore their snowy surroundings together

Played by WildFlower who has 63 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Euna Valle

Euna smiled, leaning in eagerly as he met her gaze, tail thumping against the ground all the while. "In-tah-ell-ect?" She accepted his nuzzle, happy to receive it, but still attempted to hide such. She loved her dad, but she didn't need anyone thinking that she, Euna Valle, was weak! She listened intensely to what he said. An expression, of utmost seriousness, was painted on her pretty face, "In...Insul...Insulation!" She held her head up proudly, "So Instulation is what preserves?"

"As for hunting," Euna sat up straighter, her ears somehow more alert, her tiny body radiating excited energy. "let me show you." She nodded her head vigorously, thinking that they were going to embark on a trip! Just them! She cast her eyes to where he gestured, half expecting a target to already be in sight. Less of an adventure, but thrilling all the same! Instead, her dad started to explain in detail how winter helped them hunt. She craned an ear towards him, eyes locked on where he'd pointed. "Ohhhh." She replied, visualizing the imagery he described to the best of her puppy brain's ability.

The change of subject caused her to look at him again. She listened, trying to take everything in, and doing her best to make it seem like she understood everything. Truth be told some of this was above her head and would make sense later on, but Euna would store it away in her mind quickly and do her best to learn. She wanted him to think she grasped every concept that left his mouth. The knowledge was exciting to her, and she didn't want him to stop teaching her if she wasn't understanding.

Euna gave a giddy grin, "Insulation!" She shouted in response to his explanation of why they buried their food. She couldn't help but giggle, returning his nudge with a gentle headbutt to the shoulder. In an instant, she was up and ready to explore with her father. Her amber eyes giving away to the adoration she felt towards him.

Dead Empress Backwater
— through trials to triumph.

One Kiss away from Killing
Played by Tasha who has 308 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Your toxic I'm slipping under

With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride

Vayko chuckled warmly at Euna's enthusiastic response, proud of his daughter's eagerness to learn. He could see the spark of intelligence in her eyes, and it brought him immense joy. "Yes, Euna, insulation is the key to preserving. It's like wrapping the world in a cozy blanket, keeping things safe and sound," he affirmed, a gentle glint in his amber eyes.

As Euna absorbed his lessons on hunting and the nuances of the changing seasons, Vayko couldn't help but admire her curiosity. "You're catching on quickly, my inquisitive pup," he praised, his voice a soft rumble. The bond between father and daughter deepened with each shared moment of discovery.

With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Vayko joined Euna in exploring their snowy surroundings. They weaved through the winter landscape, the pristine white canvas beneath their paws enhancing the magic of their shared adventure. Euna's excitement was contagious, and Vayko reveled in the simple joy of guiding his daughter through the wonders of their world.

As they ambled through the serene landscape, Vayko shared more tales and wisdom with Euna. He watched her absorb the knowledge, her tail wagging in delight. The connection between them was a tapestry woven with love, curiosity, and shared experiences.

Eventually, fatigue caught up with Vayko. The day's exploration had been filled with laughter, learning, and the warmth of their bond. Finding a sheltered spot, Vayko lay down, his amber eyes gazing affectionately at Euna. With a contented sigh, he closed his eyes, succumbing to the peaceful embrace of sleep, secure in the knowledge that he had imparted valuable lessons to his beloved daughter.
