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Breeding Season 2024 Registration
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Breeding Season '24 Registration

Interested in having puppies this year? If so, please read this thread carefully. It is mandatory for couples to fill out the form found below if they are to have a litter this season.

Breeding season in RoW runs from March 1st to March 29th. Female wolves are pregnant for about 60-64 gestation days before giving birth. Breeding can not happen after the month of March, so sign-up's will end 8 pm March 28th, 2024. Breeding threads that are not complete by March 29th at 7pm before the lottery begins will not meet the qualifications for cubs to be born.

After the cub lottery night, we ask that all couples that do complete their thread and have signed up send their litter information to the Spirit of Wildwood account, including cub names, appearances, and any other information that is preferred we share. To see an example of what the completed adoption post looks like, you can view an example template here. Once everyone has submitted their information, the cubs of 2024 will be posted in a special thread for adoption all at once.

Please, before filling the form out below, we ask that you review the following guidelines for breeding this year:

Maximum Possible Number of Pups in a Litter
Lead Female - 5 pups
Subordinate female - 3 pup
Lone Female - 1 pup
New this year: Female's age will now have an impact on their fertility. At age 6 females will get -1, meaning leaders can have a max of 4, subordinates a max of 2, and no loners.At age 7 females will get -2, meaning leaders can have a max of 3, subordinates a max of 1, and no loners. At age 8 females will no longer be able to carry viable litters.

Who can breed?
- Any wolf over the age of 22 months and older is able to breed.
- Pack leaders set the breeding rules in their pack. If a pack leader enforces a no-breeding rule for subordinates, then subordinates who disregard these rules will face the consequences that is set by their leader.
- Lone wolves are not guaranteed to have a successful breeding and must enter the lone wolf cub lottery. This year 1 loner lottery litter are up for grabs.
-A reminder that while RoW supports a wide variety of gender identities, litters can only be conceived by a female sexed wolf and a male sexed wolf.
Additional Information
- Two individual characters have the chance to either mate or breed. Breeding results in cubs, mating does not. Those who want to breed with the goal of reproducing will need to fill out this form.
- Cub Lottery Night will be held March 29th at 8pm EST. This is when couples will be assigned the maximum amount of puppies they are allowed, as well as the loner lottery litter assigned. For more information on how this works please see the official announcement for the 2024 breeding season.
- The number of puppies in a pack cannot outnumber the number of adults/yearlings.

The Form

[b]Parents' Names:[/b]
[b]Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread:[/b]
[b]Link to breeding thread:[/b]

Please remember that RoW has a wide age range of players. Please keep this in mind when RPing out these threads, overly graphic threads will be closed and removed. Fades are acceptable endings to these threads.

Parents' Names: Aquene and Nash
Mother's Rank, Pack, and age at the time of the breeding thread: III. Shaman, Sanguine Cove, 4 years
Link to breeding thread: click

[Image: jNJyCis.png]
Parents' Names: Iris and Cashew
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Loner, 2 years
Link to breeding thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=22285

Parents' Names: Nia and Ipnos
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: IX. Subordinate, DEB, 7
Link to breeding thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=22334

[Image: Nia.png]
Parents' Names: Isla & Cashew
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Subordinate, Paradise Falls, 22 Months
Link to breeding thread: meet me quarter-past one


Parents' Names: Isla & Adelard
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Subordinate, Paradise Falls, 22 Months
Link to breeding thread: and the moon is the only light we'll see

Parents' Names: Vanadis & Viorel
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Subordinate, Dead Empress Backwater, 4 Years
Link to breeding thread: the feeling came late

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Parents' Names: Cashew & Nia
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: I.X. Subordinate, DEB, 7
Link to breeding thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=22356&pid=461591#pid461591

We'll get him falling for a stranger, a player
Parents' Names: Enera & Luca
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Lone wolf
Link to breeding thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=22335&pid=461737#pid461737

Parents' Names: Sophrosnia and Vili
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Loner, 2 years
Link to breeding thread: click

Sophrosnia is currently travelling with Lillia and is closely tailed by Vili
Parents' Names: Apolline & Claw
Mother's Rank, Pack, and Age at the time of the breeding thread: Loner, 22 months
Link to breeding thread: https://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=22378

[Image: CwM5irV.png]