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because the world is round it turns me on — Kingsfall 
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Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling
All welcome! Addison is high on psilocybin, so also rated M for drug use.

Her world's gradual expansion had finally spread past the pack's territory and out into Kingsfall proper. Not far, but enough to really come to understand that distinct difference of being separate, alone. Without even the faintest scent of another wolf. Slowly, it would come to mean more and more to her, all of this space.

Her long legs stretched far, until her toes spread, as she lay within shadow and leaf litter at a notch in the roots of a redwood. Beneath the twisting braces, where it was dark and damp and smelled of decomposition, fungi had been flourishing. Now, when she moved her muscles, slow and liquid as though they were made of wet sand, it felt like the burn after a run without any pain or exhaustion. The light didn't just dance, it sang, a symphony she fully believed was real.

This was reality, and she never wanted to forget it.

(This post was last modified: Jun 22, 2024, 10:33 PM by Addison.)
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
Enera had been wandering for a long time now, with no sign of @Luca or anyone else. Since her encounter with the strange man diving in snowmelt lakes she hadn't run into a single other wolf.

She was mostly okay with that. Her mind went strange places these days. Sometimes she thought about going back to find Sova, but she wasn't sure she'd be welcome there. She hadn't really fit in anyway.

It almost felt like she was meant to be alone. Her mother had died and left her, and one by one everyone else had left her too. Marrah, running away. Adelard, to who knows where. Woya and all of her children - although Enera recognized she had done some leaving of her own - then Adonya. She'd been the one to leave Sovanya, but at least it had been on good terms and she knew where her sister was.

Yes, perhaps alone was better. There must be a reason she seemed unable to conceive or find her family. Even Anatole had vanished after their brief reunion.

As she moved through the trees Enera spotted a young wolf resting beneath the trees, flexing her toes in the earth. Enera paused. "Oh," she said, surprised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your nap." She turned to go.
Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling

Someone else's voice punctuated the warm spring air, gathering Addison's attention all at once. Her eyes bounced all over her surroundings until they found the source, more words inching their way toward her in the air. She could almost see them, waves of disruption through the air slowly ebbing their way toward her, like time was grinding to a halt.

The wolf herself was made of light, it radiated off of her in arcs and spirals, moving like nothing she'd ever witnessed before. Was this... a celestial?

The final syllable reached her after what felt like an age. She blinked, head twisting to the side. Why would she think that?

"I wasn't sleeping," she corrected simply, though she did not make any attempts at changing her position to prove her point. After all, the two were not mutually requisite. The misinterpretation was no big deal, however.

"Who are you?"

That was a thing of interest, great interest actually, and her emerald eyes lit up in proper proportion to this. It was like the sun itself had come down for a visit...

Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


The girl corrected her and her voice gave Enera pause. She turned back, only to be faced with a question. It didn't feel like an accusation, even if the emphasis might have suggested it. "Uh, Enera," she said, taking a few steps closer to the fiery-pelted girl. Enera eyed her. She looked relaxed, without a care in the world. Were things so good here, than she could just lounge about, happy as could be, while the rest of the world rotted away around them?

If so, maybe this was the kind of place Enera wanted to be. She could use a little break from reality. She missed the happy days in the sun, playing with Marrah or listening to her mama's stories. Even ice skating with Woya, when the woman had stopped being quite so terrifying. "Who're you?" she asked in turn. "...May I rest with you for a bit?" Some company would not go amiss, either. She was lonelier than ever after losing Luca.

Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling

The other turned her face, and there the light held shadow within it. Above, two points of dancing green, like long grass in playful wind. Enera. Her tail thumped heartily against the ground. It was wonderful to meet.

"Of course," she answered blithely, her own emerald eyes melting into little rainbows of happiness. A rusty paw patted the ground in welcome, and then she arced and twisted her whole body in a way that was wholly unnecessary to angle herself facing the hidden trove of mushrooms. Now that same paw stretched out toward them, pointing.

"There's food here, if you'd like. They're positively delightful."

The corners of her mouth drifted ever higher as she kept moving along the ground in a circular direction so as to get her phantasmal visitor back in eyesight. Once she was, Addy would end with a simple, "I'm Addison."

Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


At least the girl appeared happy, even though Enera had stumbled into whatever rest she was having. She moved in a strange, sinuous manner that couldn't be comfortable, and yet she seemed wholly unconcerned about anything. She pointed to a patch of mushrooms and Enera glanced over; she hadn't eaten in a bit and if food was offered... but she didn't see anything there. Not even a mouse. She tilted her head, glancing again at the girl. "The mushrooms?" she asked, curious as to why someone would eat something like this.

Not wanting to be rude, Enera sniffed the patch and hoping she didn't look terribly stupid for the assumption very carefully plucked a mouthful up. The texture was horrid, but the flavor was mild. She hummed and elected to settle down next to Addison rather than eat any more of the fungi. She could find something else later. "These are... interesting," she said slowly.

Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling

Addison's head bobbed up and down to answer yes, while her elongated body now rolled sideways to give her company better access to the proffered goods. She wouldn't be offended if the other turned the snack down, but the youth was positive she would be quite pleased with the choice to accept once their blessing set in.

Or... did Enera already see this way? Addy sat up abruptly, looking upon the wisp of a wolf with renewed interest. That would make sense, wouldn't it? Or perhaps it would take her further still, beyond what Addison could ever reach as a mortal being? The woman swallowed, and those bright green eyes never left her features. Waiting for whatever effects might set in to make themselves apparent.

"This is my first time finding them," she would offer what little information she had, for if Enera found them interesting it meant she wanted to know more, right?

"They've changed everything. I imagine... this must be what you see. Do you know?"

It didn't occur to her how little sense she might be making, that this being of light wouldn't know they were divine in nature.

(This post was last modified: Jul 23, 2024, 12:41 AM by Addison.)
Played by Flywolf who has 287 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enera Rayvne
had a dream so big and loud


This girl was making very little sense, and even less as she continued. Although, Enera wasn't sure if that was due to Addison simply not making sense or if Enera simply couldn't make sense of Addison. As she sat the world almost seemed to warp around her, but if she tried to identify what about it was warped she couldn't. It all looked normal and yet... not. She blinked slowly, languidly, relaxing for the first time in months. "I... suppose," she mused. "I've never had them before." She looked again at the mushrooms, trying to see if there was anything discernably odd about them, and couldn't.

Ah, well. No use wondering about it right now, was there? Enera stretched and yawned, resting her chin on her paws and blinking up at the dappled world around them. "This is nice," she hummed.

Played by Cade who has 41 posts.
Paradise Falls X. Yearling

That was an affirmative answer, as far as Addison could tell, even if Enera also confessed to their novelty. She smiled broadly back in response. They would find out together then, hm? At the least, it was nice to see the other beginning to truly embrace the relaxation available to them both.

"It is," she agreed, green eyes finally leaving the deity to cast about their blissful surroundings. A perfect moment, with perfect weather and their needs perfectly met. What more could be asked for, much less received?

"Why did you come down to earth?"

The question might have seemed to come out of the blue sky itself, but it had been on her mind for most of their interaction. One of many, to be sure, but why not start with this? Enera's purpose for being here at all, to enjoy this small bit of perfection of simple, mortal Addy?