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Starring Down the Barrel of a 45 — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex
Dated: 6/3 - early evening.


Hatred roiled like acid in his belly, burning the back of his throat and lazing his canines like poison fangs. There was no fairness in this world – he hadn’t even managed to balance the scales yet and now another weight had dropped, knocking the air from the grandfather’s chest and shattering any small sense of compassion that might have remained in the shriveled depths of his heart. He didn’t care about the minor details, how the final blow had been struck or by who, as far as Vasco was concerned, this was all the fault of those monsters on the mountain. Two! Two grandchildren had now been stolen from him, from their family still wracked by grief and split into pieces. The world was not fair, but Vasco Halex would make it so!

These were the thoughts storming around the pale man’s head as he traversed the meadow between Serpents pass and the Backwater. It took him much longer than it should have, his frenzied mind repeatedly distracted by that same scent trail he had first caught back in the grove. Why had a Cove wolf seemingly followed this same route only a few days ago? What are they doing down here? Vasco’s intention was to return home, to support his son and the rest of his family, but every time that stench crossed his nostrils, his hatred blazed hot enough to drown out all other thought; They have to pay!

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2024, 02:45 AM by Vasco.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 184 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

His frustrations were unquelled, but he had already been gone too long, probably causing undo worry and toil back home. He couldn’t keep chasing ghosts forever, however much he might like to, the Cove needed him. Still, it was begrudgingly that the young Vuesain turned back towards the mountain, moving with stiff steps and head hanging low, in no hurry to make his disgraceful return – especially after his overdramatic departure.

Night was falling over the meadows of Northern Eden, the first rays of the moon reflecting silver in the thin ribbon of heartleaf creek. Leo moved quietly alongside the water, not expecting to run into anyone else. And yet, as he gazed ahead through the growing dark, he spotted a pale figure, ghostly in the moonlight. The young man froze, eyes widening to take in as much light as they could, fixated on the approaching wolf.

The pallid stranger seemed to prowl ahead, not even noticing Leo, clearly agitated body language making his hackles stand on end. The closer he got, the clearer it was that the stranger’s ghostly appearance wasn’t just a trick of the light – he was gangly, almost gaunt, small in stature and with a coat that almost looked faded, all pale grey, tan and white. A sudden jolt went through Leo’s body, ears flattening back and teeth flashing as he recognized the description, the fur standing on end all along his back.

There was no time left for thought, it was too much of a risk. The guardian sprang into action, taking advantage of the element of surprise while he still had it. Sprinting forwards, he aimed to grab hold of the stranger’s muzzle, hoping to neutralize him first, before determining if he’d really found the culprit.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

His anger had him so preoccupied, he didn’t even notice the other wolf until it came barreling right at him. Unfortunately, Vasco’s reaction was to freeze, eyes narrowing to pinpoints as they focused on the attacker, right before he closed the distance.

Unable to react in time, Vasco felt the stranger’s teeth close around his muzzle, the larger weight baring down on him, forcing his belly to the ground. But, once he’d gotten past the surprise, Vasco was not about to take this lying down – he may be a general pushover, but he would not stand anyone attacking him out right.

A growl building in his belly, the smaller man squirmed in his opponent’s grip, eyes darting around, looking for a week spot. As he did, the other wolf’s scent filled his nostrils, quickly overwhelming his senses as he recognized that foul stench; YOU! Incredibly, Vasco’s prey had come straight to him, and though this was not the way he would have most liked to take it on, he was more than ready to strike.

With newfound strength, fueled by fury, Vasco made a sudden thrust upwards, raising himself high enough to get a paw off the ground, pressing it into the younger wolfs neck with all his weight, cutting off his air and forcing him to open his mouth.

Thoughts ”Speech”

(This post was last modified: Jun 14, 2024, 02:46 AM by Vasco.)
Played by PuppyThief who has 184 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

Leo was a bit surprised when his teeth found purchase, claws digging into the ground to pause his forwards momentum as he gripped the stranger hard. Still, he continued to press his advantage, forcing the smaller wolf down, wanting him all the way on the ground before he would risk letting go to start his interrogation.

Except, his pale prisoner wasn’t ready to submit, pressing ferociously against his hold. The vicious growl from him startled Leo, and he involuntarily pulled back, just a little, but enough to offer an opportunity, and the pale wolf took it.

Leo gasped, releasing his grip as he gagged against the sudden weight on his throat, taking a proper step back now, to get out of the other wolf’s reach. He breathed heavily, sucking in air as if to assure himself that his throat hadn’t been permanently crushed. Eyes fixed on the stranger, the younger man was shocked to see the look of utter hatred on his opponent’s face, his blood running cold under the look of those bright, colorless eyes.

“It is you!” He snarled, even more certain in his conclusion, as he lunged forwards again, making for another grab, this time around the ghost’s throat.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

It all happened within a second, the Cove wolf loosened his grip, stepped back and then, with Vasco having only just straightened up, lunged forwards again. His words were slurred by the movement and sheer fury in his voice, not that the older man cared what he was saying. All his focus was on avoiding the oncoming assault, snaking his head sideways and half-stepping left to get out of the younger wolf’s reach.

But he wasn’t quite fast enough, feeling canines connect with his shoulder in a burst of pain, strong enough to push a hiss out between his own gritted teeth. Rather than go in for another attack himself, Vasco had to duck and pull back, slipping from his opponent’s grip before he had time to clamp down properly on the unexpected target. Still, the teeth had left a notable gash along his shoulder, dripping blood onto the ground as he slinked backwards, lowering himself defensively.

But he wasn’t beaten yet, eyes narrowed as he studied the other wolf; Hardly more than a boy… Archer’s age! With a snarl of hatred, the grandfather lunged forwards, like a snake striking, teeth bared to tear at any flesh he might catch.

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by PuppyThief who has 184 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

Despite his age, the ghost was fast and slippery like a snake, dodging far enough to protect his throat from Leo’s teeth. Instead, they scraped against bone, sending shooting pains through Leo’s jaw as they latched loosely onto his opponent’s shoulder. He’d done some damage, but couldn’t get a proper hold around the joint, feeling the flesh tear under his teeth as the pale wolf slipped free.

Leo was gasping for real now, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins and tasting wolf’s blood on his tongue. This was his first real fight, and he was starting to realize just how unprepared he was. Meanwhile, the ghost seemed to have no issue with hurting another of his own kind, taking only a brief moment to collect himself before he made another attack.

This time though, Leo was prepared, leaping out of the way of his opponent’s gnashing teeth and then, not wasting time, he used that same momentum to strike back. Halfway up on his hind-legs already, the larger wolf continued to rise before coming down with all his weight, aiming to pin his smaller opponent, and give him a nice bruise in the process.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

Regrettably, his teeth met nothing but air, closing with an empty snap as the larger wolf leapt out of reach. Vasco snarled in frustration, but the sound was quickly cut off, as he realized what the boy was trying to do; Oh no you don’t! With his larger size towering over Vasco, the Cove wolf clearly meant to crush his opponent, but Vasco was faster than him!


Like a snake striking, he lunged forwards, catching his target by surprise, while he was still raised up on his hind legs. Vasco latched on to the soft belly and wasted no time in pulling back, tearing as deeply as he could, a deep, dark satisfaction blooming in his chest as he tasted blood and felt flesh give way under his teeth; I’ve got you now!

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by PuppyThief who has 184 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain

Leo was truly taken by surprise! One moment he was bearing down on the ghost and the next, white-hot pain shot through his gut, a yelp escaping him as he staggered backwards and dropped heavily to his feet. Vision blurred by the pain, Leo veered his head from side to side, trying to spot his enemy, instinctively stepping backwards in a feeble attempt at self-defense. Maybe the young guardian had bitten off more than he could chew.

Fear suddenly looming in his chest, he swallowed hard, biting back the pain throbbing in his abdomen. Panic was gripping him, and he fought desperately against it, forcing his eyes to focus on the pale wolf in front of him. “Why?” He shouted, trying to intimidate, although his voice was trembling; “Why are you doing this? Why are you hurting my family?!” He just wanted answers, that was all he had wanted in the first place; Not… This!

But the ghost was still coming, even as he tried to retreat, the enemy was advancing on him with an icy smile on his lips, turning the blood to ice in Leo’s veins. He didn’t want to fight anymore, he wanted to go home, but this monster was in his way. So, with no other option, the Vuesain lunged again, frantically, acting fully on instinct. And as his body took over, it fell into a familiar pattern - taught and practiced so many times with Nash – barrel ahead, feint an attack to one side, then sidestep and strike. He was moving on autopilot, mind already checking out from the pain, but his body was working overtime, slamming his shoulder into the enemy to knock him down and going for the throat.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vasco Halex

Success was sweet, even with the stench of blood in his nostrils, a reminder of the good he had wrought. Suddenly the Cove wolf was not so bold, backing up slowly as his blood dripped a deadly trail on the ground. His frantic screams meant nothing to Vasco, who was in no mood to answer questions. Instead he just grinned widely, stalking forwards with death in his eyes. He would savor this, taking out a bigger opponent through sheer perseverance; Just like Vayko, just like Platon! They all fell in the end.

Absorbed in his murderous fantasies, already sure of his victory, Vasco was taken by surprise when the injured wolf suddenly charged. Despite significant bleeding, he charged with significant speed, and the older man got only one chance to dodge. He didn’t waste it either, seeing the oncoming attacker veering to one side and immediately stepping to the other.

He fell for the feint, taking the full weight of his opponent against his side as he stepped right into the real attack. The wind was knocked from his lungs as he was thrown to the ground, pain shooting through his side and shoulder. But there was no time to worry about potentially cracked ribs, as teeth flashed above him. Panicked, Vasco desperately jerked his head sideways trying to save his throat, but he was only partially successful.

Teeth dug deep into the flesh between his neck and shoulder, cutting through tendons as well as muscle. Vasco bit back a yelp, refusing to give the bastard that satisfaction. He could feel the blood streaming from the wound, already making him lightheaded, but he wouldn’t lose, he couldn’t lose! With a feral growl, not unlike a cougar’s scream, the pale man twisted against his opponent’s grip, ignoring the pain as his flesh was torn further. He lashed out, pushing forwards into the hold to get enough reach and snapped his jaws around the boy’s upper leg, clamping down hard. He would hold that grip, no matter what, putting all his force into it even as his teeth scraped against bone; I won’t lose!

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by PuppyThief who has 184 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Leo Vuesain
TW: This one is especially graphic


Warm blood welled between his teeth, the bitter taste bringing him back to reality. Two-colored eyes blinked against the blackness encroaching from all sides, narrowing to focus on the pale wolf under his hold. He hadn’t quite hit the mark, or the ghost would be dead already, windpipe crushed on impact. Instead, he now had the opponent wiggling furiously under his teeth, and even though he bit down with all his might, he could still feel the twisting against his grip.

Leo did his best to tear out a chunk of the ghost, hoping blood loss would do him in before it did himself. But before he could pull enough to get out of reach, he felt the pain of teeth around his leg. A gasp left him, though he kept his hold, at least for now, continuing to dig into the other wolf’s flesh. But he could feel the tension getting stronger and stronger against his leg, pain shooting up his shoulder with increasing intensity. In a last dich effort, Leo attempted to shake his prey like he would a rabbit, hoping the motion would do more damage.

And it seemed to work, flesh tearing beneath his teeth, but at the same time, his own bone creaked in the ghost’s grip. Finally, the pain became too much, and Leo’s jaws parted with a yelp as he stepped backwards, needing to get free of the excruciating grip. Only the pale monster would not let go, his jaws continuing to bear down on the bone with unwavering strength, even as blood gushed from his wound. Fear and pain clouding his mind, Leo’s initial move was to back up further, now pulling against the hold, attempting to yank his leg free. But this was his bad shoulder, and the tucking was agony on the joint, making him whimper. All it took was one twist and new pain bloomed as his shoulder dislocated – at the very same time as his bone gave way to the constant pressure, splintering under the skin with a nauseating crunch.

If it hadn’t been for the adrenaline, Leo would have fainted on the spot, eyes rolling up for a moment before he collected himself; There’ll be time to throw up later… For now he needed to get away, fast! At least the damage had loosened the monster’s grip and Leo managed to pull his mangled leg free and limp away. And once he was clear, he didn’t look back, turning towards the mountain and running as fast as he could on three legs, his belly still bleeding. All he wanted to do was go home.

”Speech" Thoughts

[Image: FFeXvE1.png] [Image: LuHJBlS.png]