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if i should be so bold — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(Hopefully a quick thread, but anyone's welcome to get their feathers ruffled about the Poison Path tresspasser ;p)

The moon hung in the sky when she finally came close enough to smell Swift River. Ava could barely place it in her memory, as she'd only come near the grove in passing (literally) but it had a way of making her heart thump louder anyhow. Make no mistake; the shadow of a girl that slunk through the night upon the enemy's border was no coward; but she was very realistic, and entirely aware of her mortality. Unfortunately so, she was also prone to think logically, and through the use of basic statistics a strong pack like Swift River would have more than the three wolves she knew of. Ice liked her, sure, but Triell probably wouldn't be too keen to save her life a second time, and the leader - Corinna - sounded so deeply enraged on the night that they had stolen away to create her home that she would probably be unlucky seeking mercy from the female. The others did not know her and certainly couldn't be keen to either - the odds were really not in her favor at all.

This would be the only time she was less than proud to wear her brand, for it was unmistakable that she brought with her the distinct scent of Rhysis and Naira. While the black-furred girl had not stolen close to their land on some petty grudge's bidding, it was unlikely she would have the time to explain the what's and why's for her arrival. All she needed was that purple-petaled flower to bring back for the dead man walking Naira had uncovered. For a moment her footsteps grew shoddy - oh she was nervous, any wolf with a brain wolf be - but she pushed through.

It helped her to list, as she came closer and closer to the scent of the River wolves, names of those who would benefit from her return. <i>Sticky,</i> of course, came first (that being her nickname for the mangled wolf that even gave her purpose for such a trip. Given the pus and blood and blackberry root paste she'd slapped all on him, well... Sticky was a fitting name.) <i>Naira. Rhysis. Athena. Kade.</i> Well. Her list was short. From there, it morphed in to wolves that she was pretty sure liked her, at least. <i>Lettie. Chantille. Ice.</i> Wow, was that really it? Man, for all her troubles and adventures it would appear she was still but an unnoticable scratch on the surface of Relic Lore, one you could only see if you held it in the sunlight and turned it at an angle, even.

Her thoughts had consumed her, and all of a sudden she crept through the brush and appeared at the flowing river that was the border of Swift River's land. The names that had trailed within her mind to give her solance disappeared into nothing; now her mission had really begun. Bright eyes peered out from the cover of her night-like fur, roving the overgrown banks of the river for the plant she needed - <i>hellebore</i>, slow the pulse, reduce the fever, take away the pain. In moments she spotted it, and of course, it grew on the <i>other</i> side of the river, the side she legally couldn't step over. <i>Thank you,</i> she thought sarcastically while she regarded the heavens, though Ava knew that there wasn't time for curses. As silent as she could be, she approached the swimming waters and eased in. Delicately she waded across the length of the river, nearly holding breath as her eyes kept flickering between the blackened surroundings and the beacon of hope that was the stalks of flowers. Ava was <i>so close</i>; she prayed trouble would not find her.
(This post was last modified: May 11, 2012, 05:53 AM by Ava.)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Ruffled feathers? Well, who is Marsh to disappoint? Also, it seems strange that I post to stop a wolf who is helping to save one of my other characters... ho hum. Sorry if this makes it way too complicated. xD Maybe someone can show up who can be reasoned with...!

<blockquote>That scent had been permanently blacklisted. A part of him had never hoped to find it again - but another part of it had been rather looking forward to it.

His own slice of wrath had been decidedly missing at the treachery of Naira and Rhysis, something which he sorely regretted. Now, the second-hand stench on the air was not them, he knew, but the bitch who carried it was one of theirs. No friend of the traitor Second and arrogant subordinate was a friend of Corinna's. The ferocity of her howl that night had cut him to the bone.

Almost gently had her scent come past his nose, unobtrusively, as if her attempts at sneaking carried over to his nose. For a heartbeat, he had ignored it, for being sat near the river, all kinds of foreign wolfish scents came his way; he only investigated the strongest or most threatening. Most simply passed on by, deterred by the pack's dominant markers. But in another heartbeat, the filth was recognised on her. Without thinking, his ears went back, his muzzle wrinkling in distaste and anger. How dare she.

Potential recruits worried him enough, so an already rival wolf...?

Quietly did his growl begin, as the russet wolf snapped angrily to all fours, his head in the air as he tried to better discern where the bitch was. It had been a long-distance scent, carried by the wind from a very particular angle, but what if she had stolen herself closer? She could not have gotten far - and he would ensure that she did <i>not</i> get any further. Whatever trouble she was making, she would have it tripled.

It did not take long to figure out which direction she had moved in. The rumble in his chest died, if only for the sake of a more quiet entrance, and he immediately broke into a run, tail ramrod-straight behind him, head low and teeth bared.

It may have been dark, and a black bitch in the black night little more than a shadow, but she was also a shadow which stank and made noise. It was subtle, incredibly subtle, but this night was a quiet one, and he was so accustomed to the rhythm of water that the very nearby sound of a body passing into the river was more than enough. The stench grew to its strongest - and he knew that she was not just passing by.

The low snarl in his throat did not start until he had placed all four paws decisively on the opposite bank, with the intention of ending her passage before she even crossed halfway. The river had clearly not been obstacle enough. Whatever mischief she was up to, it would end now, or the traitors could come pick up their bitch in pieces.

His silver eyes caught the light of the moon occasionally, wild and immovable.</blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
Wow, never thought a moment like this would come in Ice's life xD

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He'd known her for some time - played with her in the dead of night, with only the stars for witness. He'd wanted to protect her from her own pack, and from his own - from himself. He'd theoretically given her the chance to switch allegiance, and she had rejected his theoretical offer. They had bounced about like puppies, laughed with no care in the world, and he'd wished he saw her more often, for their meetings were memorable. He knew where she lived, smelled it on her fur, but never went there. He knew she belonged to Rhysis and Naira, he'd never forget their smell, and he hated smelling it on her black fur - he hated it as much as he loved the twinkling merriment in her eyes when they fooled around with flowers. The assassin, and the knight. How could such a simple thing be so utterly complicated? It was all tangled up in the pack politics, of course. He ought to hate her, ought to kill her, ought to do anything to weaken the two criminals. And yet... he was unable to lift paw in harm against her, for despite the cursed scent she carried, she was a friend, was she not? You didn't hurt your friends.

He'd hoped he'd been dreaming when her scent drifted through the Grove, that it'd just been some trick of the fickle wind - imaginations, because he'd been thinking about her. It wasn't, though, it only grew stronger and stronger and, perhaps, he would've ignored it, hadn't Marsh's scent gone from calm to furious in the blink of an eye. Marsh was an animal of deeply rooted instincts. Marsh didn't stop and think. Marsh seemed to always want things in black and white. Marsh was dangerous, if you got on the wrong side of him or Corinna. Even as Ice dragged himself to all four, he felt the futility of the situation descend on him like a sledgehammer. He couldn't shirk his duty as a Guardian and turn the other way while an enemy pranced on their pack borders - nor could he turn the other way while Marsh ripped his friend apart. "Damn it," he whispered feverishly, feeling sick. Could your heart really be torn in two ways like this? Was it possible to feel it as a physical sensation? The worst part, though, was that he knew what choice he'd have to make if Ava was hellbent on getting into the Grove.

She might be one of his closest friends - but she wasn't his pack, his future, his family. She wasn't Marsh. But he couldn't just give her up without a try, either, and so he snarled some unintelligible and dashed away through the night, a white streak of lightning heading for the river.

He saw them both, lit by the strong moon - Marsh, standing on the river's bank like a stone statue. The monochrome light bleached his copper to dust, tipping the spikes in his fur with silver; Ava, his assassin, was edged in the same light as the waters rippled around her dark form. He saw her eyes, those bright and brilliant eyes, but he didn't see Marsh's from this angle - he knew what they'd look like, though. Cold flint, glinting silver in the moon, hard, unyielding. Ice wished he could summon up some form of control and dignity, a mask, but it was with pained and swirling eyes that he graced the scene. Silent and pale like a wraith he glided up beside his Second, brushing against him and putting his nose against his cheek. Pleading eyes drifted out across the water, pinning Ava, and if he'd had the breath to scream at her to go away, he would've. His thoughts were swirling, a roaring chaos consuming him from within. He felt weak, pathetic, unworthy. How could he ever explain his friendship with Ava to anyone? Would any of them understand? Marsh, Indru, Corinna?

He had to stop her, but no way he was going into the water.

"Stop there, stranger girl," he called out across the gentle clucking of water against rocks, the stream murmuring consent. "Don't - don't - come closer." Could they hear the pain he tried to lock away, the pleading tone in his voice? She would, hopefully, understand, but Marsh? Marsh had seen him angry with trespassers, he'd never seen him like this. Truth to be told, he didn't know if he'd ever felt this miserable before. "What do you want?" he cried helplessly at her, hoping - wishing, demanding - that she'd understand the difficult position he was in. "My assassin..." he whispered, knowing Marsh was unlikely to pay attention to his words, and wanting - desperately - to give Ava more reassurance, that he didn't want to hurt her - that he knew her - that if he could, he'd help her...
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
(Pish posh, I looovee the drama :D)

Halfway across the river and midstep did Ava realize she was no longer alone. She really did wish, sometimes, that these damn wolves would actually sleep at night (although she was the biggest hypocrite for that) so that these stealth missions would be easier. She also really wished Swift River would stop breeding them so damn big and male. The dark she-wolf did not turn her head at the approach of the guardian, because she knew what was coming her way thanks to the thunder of pawsteps. SWiftly he appeared on the opposite bank, his hulking figure standing like someone were about to make a statue of him - and it was fitting, too. Strong, cold, proud, <i>fierce</i>. Barely did she flick her eyes toward him, taking in just enough of the coppery fur and scars to recognize that she didn't know him, nor did she really want to. He was likely the sort to rip her apart for eye contact. Instead of leaning forward and completing the step she hadn't finished, Ava eased her paw into the water and leaned away so her body language wouldn't add to the threat she had already created. But it was more than clear by the glint in her amber eyes that she was not turning around yet.

Truly she did realize the insanity that had to be hidden somewhere within her character when Ava felt her pounding heart was still dead-set on getting across the river and fetching hellebore. The black-furred female stood, still as the grave, eyeing the flowers she had come for. They were a little to the giant male's right, along the bank, but there was still no easy way to get them. If she reached out her head to snatch them up he could sever her neck with just about one snap. Maybe... maybe she could be quicker than him. If only she were tiny as Athena, she could dance beneath his legs and be in and out in a flash. Just barely had she narrowed her eyes and tensed her legs, prepared to go out on a limb and make a break for it, did the second scent drift in, followed immediately by a sight she'd seen before. Pale like the moonlight Ice appeared on the bank, taking position beside the menace that had found her first. Nearly did a smile tug at the corners of her lips as she turned her gaze upon him, but not because she was particularly happy to see her friend. Did he have any idea that he had just saved her?

Inadvertently, of course. By no means was Ava expecting him to flounce into the scene and welcome her like the friend she was - at least to him. His arrival had stopped her from seizing the moment and in hindsight she was grateful for that. But it had dawned on her as well the difficulty that their relationship would bring to this situation. Quickly, she lowered her head and stared at the grass. Tonight she had to actually be some <i>stranger girl</i>, lest she get him in more trouble than she was already causing. Briefly Ava stole a glance upon the face of the copper-colored warrior that blocked her path, brows furrowing as she replayed the pained tone in which Ice's commands had come. Would he really kill her for this? No, they couldn't, she reassured herself. She was Balto, come to get the anti-serum. And Balto didn't die. Balto saved Rosie.

Lifting her chin, she angled it toward the hellebore she'd come for. "<b>That purple-petaled flower over there, and lots of it,</b>" the Poisoned intruder responded, her voice quiet as if somehow the first wolf couldn't hear her if she spoke softly. Ava prayed he'd know that she wouldn't have come if it hadn't been the best option. The plant grew in more places than just the the Grove, but it was the closest territory to the mountains. She was in no place to reveal anything about Sticky, but hopefully the gravity of the situation would be reflected in some way or form by the unrelenting stare she'd flung on the plant. Determination pumped rapidly through her bloodstream; Ava could not leave without those stupid flowers.
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2012, 08:41 PM by Ava.)
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Marsh's first instinct, on Ice's musk gracing his nostrils, was satisfaction. As if he alone was not enough, now the bitch had two of them to deal with, and it always made a nice impression to chase off an unwanted intruder with superior numbers. They had intimidated many troublemakers from the borders together, and though today's was of a special nature - they did not get many true rivals making an appearance around here! - it would end no differently.

His eyes had never left the shadow in the water (having noted her hesitation upon his arrival, which had set a fiercely pleased fire in his heart) but even before Ice had brushed up against him, nose to cheek, he knew something was amiss. This was not the proud guardian who had snapped at the heels of so many unwanted visitors.

Still, it was a fleeting notion, and Marsh dismissed it at first. He was swept up in fury, in the proud defence of his pack, and a moment's strangeness from Ice did not yet draw too much suspicion. Smoothly his growl grew deeper, a backdrop to the scene and to Ice's voice, which inevitably rang out across the river. It was not unusual to question them first, not that it was Marsh's way. He understood why Ice chose to do it. Today, though, it seemed particularly futile; there was going to be no good reason for such a blatant trespass.

Ice was right to think that Marsh did not pay attention to the words, but he did not need to. Unencumbered by the content of the white wolf's message, the Second instead heard only the tone, and he was reminded of the earlier oddness. There was something in his voice - a desperation - which Marsh saw no reason for and could not understand. A moment passed, and then the bitch's head tilted, her reply soft, as if truly every aspect of her was designed for stealth - her coal pelt against the night, her scent, her tone. But she had not gotten past <i>him</i>, oh no.

His head lowered, ears pushed forwards, and he swayed imperceptibly from side to side as he kneaded the ground, impatient. His jaw fell open slightly, and he clashed his bared teeth together once with a sharp sound. Diplomacy was a waste of time, and it was nothing but his respect of Ice which stayed his paw and kept him from charging the bitch.

For <i>now</i>, at least. Ice's power over him was very fragile.</blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Time seemed to slow and grind to a complete halt. For a moment everything was still and silent, sharp and cold in the pale light - the only thing that gave it away as a situation with living creatures was their sides that rose and fell steadily, in different rhythms. As he stared across the water at Ava, her black form hesitant in the cold waters, he became aware of the fact that Marsh was growling, vibrating with the noise. Why hadn't he noticed it before? Was he truly so used to the copper male's growl that he didn't think about it when he heard it? A slight frown creased his forehead and he leaned in closer for support and warmth, nosing his cheek. He wasn't sure who he was trying to reassure; Marsh, or himself? He loved Marsh for being here, for his sense of duty, for always keeping Swift River safe - and tonight, he also wished the russet wolf to the other side of the Grove. No one would question him if no one was here. It tore at his heart to watch Ava suspended there in the river. Spring nights were cold, and the water colder. It seemed black in the darkness, and it took effort to tear his eyes from it and watch Ava instead. She wasn't a stupid wolf. She wouldn't come here just for fun, or to mess with the guards. She certainly seemed more inclined to live, so coming here to dance a deadly dance with Marsh could hardly be her reason. If it had been, she would've been up on their bank already, yipping and growling and being torn apart.

She must have a good reason. She knew what Swift River thought about her treacherous pack.

Even if she decided to forge on through the river, he knew he couldn't kill her - or stand by and watch as Marsh killed her. He could beat her, and cry at her, and chase her away, yes... But kill her? The entirety of his being rebelled against the notion, and he felt sick. If it wasn't for the crisp wind blowing through his fur and the steady warmth of Marsh by his side, he would've decided it was a nightmare and gone back to sleep. Now, though... he couldn't. He couldn't leave these two incredible wolves to an unknown fate. And so, when Ava gave him a response to his inquiry... he wondered if he had misjudged her entirely. She'd come here - for flowers? Either she was raising an army, or she was plain stupid, or... or there was some possibility he was overlooking. He was hardly in a state fit for thinking anyway. But, really - flowers? Still, there was nothing of flippancy in her tone, and nothing but determination in her gaze. No merry twinkle, as if she was pulling his leg. Just... determination. Cold, unyielding. He had a notion she wouldn't leave without those damn flowers. Strangling a sigh, Ice touched his nose to Marsh's cheek again. Calm, he wanted to tell him, but couldn't. The Second was weaving from side to side, looking absolutely ready to just leap into the waters and drown Ava. Time was running out. He had to make Marsh stall further.

"Get out of there, up on the other bank," he barked at his midnight friend. Of course he'd get her damn flowers, if only she'd get off their border! He still felt like jelly, but something was hardening inside him, a little of his usual resolve waking up. If he collapsed into a puddle of white fur.. well, no good would come of it. He had to do something, exercise his brain a bit. Getting Ava away further would lessen the threat she was, but at the same time... Marsh hadn't come here to investigate. Unless Ice was blind, deaf and had a clogged nose, Marsh had come here to fight. It had to be Rhysis and Naira - their scents were capable of invoking rage in pretty much every loyal River wolf. And, as was natural, Ava reeked of them. "I'll.. I'll get you those damn flowers, if only you get out of there!" Desperately he wanted her to have faith, and do as he said. Get out of there, girl. Marsh was a ticking time bomb, but there was a little more steel in Ice's voice now, so perhaps he'd not pay so much attention to what he was saying. Pleading, he focused his gaze on her. Maybe.. unless she'd suffer a heart attack if she didn't get the flowers in five minutes... He ground his teeth together, the dry noise rolling out over the sleeping land. Defensively he told himself it wouldn't be to deceive his pack or Marsh... After all, he wasn't going to tell anyone he wouldn't do it, was he? So, when he did, no one could say he lied... He hardened his voice further, trying to make the encounter seem more normal to his loyal Second, and the words came out fast and clipped. Even if Marsh was listening, he'd make it hard for him. Normally the Second didn't care a whit what Ice told loners, so hopefully he wouldn't now. To further prove, to both of them, that he was honest - please understand the play, my assassin - he raised his tail and head, ears forward.

"If you get out of here," he snapped at her over the water, his eyes honest, pleading, everything that his aggressive stance was not. Marsh stood slightly in front of him, as was his right as Second, so he wouldn't see. Only Ava would, if she cared to look. "I'll get them for you... But not this instant. I can't, and he'd eat us both! Especially you, if you take but a single step closer... Before the sun rises I'll be with them at the base of the mountains. Please, go now and wait for me!" Desperately he wished no one else was close enough to hear his words, and unless Marsh had been secretly honing his skills, well... Whatever she needed the flowers for couldn't be too urgent, for he had a feeling she'd waited for darkness to settle before coming here at all. Damn, but he wished Ava would just turn and leave, so he and Marsh could go back into the Grove and do whatever they did for a couple of hours. It wasn't unusual for Ice to leave on excursions after all, the mountains were so close he'd be back before nightfall, even if he stopped to have a chat with Ava. Maybe he could still save his heart from breaking.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
She'd always had difficulty thinking of herself as the enemy, but the silent wolf's wavering stance and snarl certainly helped the viewpoint. Looking upon him, the way he stood and snapped those teeth at her, only agitated the uneasiness within the pit of her stomach. Weaker in the legs than she had been before, Ava slowly moved backwards, making each movement of her paws slow and deliberate not as to taunt him, but to maintain that she was not on any offensive still. If the violent electricity he had brought to meet her wasn't bad enough, he'd clearly amped up the voltage, and she could have sworn she saw a desperate want for her blood beneath the coldest layer of ice that were his eyes. It was dawning on her slowly, the notion that her clock was ticking and quickly even. But it could not be helped, the fire that remained in her downcast gaze- failure was unacceptable.

The rush of the waters that swirled around her body combined with the growl of Marsh and the pump of her heart, creating a disonant rumble to be the backdrop to Ice's words - commands. <i>Get out of there, up on the other bank.</i> For a split second she narrowed her eyes - backtracking only lost her time and distance and she needed that hellebore and needed it quickly - but the thought was washed out through the realization that she was only of any good to any one alive. Ava obeyed, though there was an urgency in her movement as she swung around and hauled out of the river, not even daring to shake the water from her lower half. Any sudden movement would likely bring the wolf Ice was so valiantly trying to control across the river in one bound to return her head to Corinna.

For a moment the Poison wolf looked entirely confused. What was that he'd said as she had turned to get out of the cold water? <i>I'll get you those damn flowers.</i> Nervously she looked between the River wolves. A great part of her wanted to turn and face the scarred male again, and fix him with an angry stare - not that she really had the right, being the tresspasser and all - but thankfully she had half the brain to know that if she faced him head-on by her own choice she would only be inviting death. And wasn't Ice doing the same for himself, offering his (strained) help to her right in front of the behemoth? She turned toward him, keeping her head and tail low while her gaze was wavering toward distrust, but she wouldn't let it. Why was he being so open about his intentions?

Ava stepped even further back when Ice drew himself forward, nearly gripping the ground with how steady she planted herself. It wasn't like she'd never seen him with his chest puffed proudly and his tail like a banner in the night, but the genuine ferocity of his stare was foreign to her. Her nose twitched slightly - all of her instincts were prying her to bare teeth and engage, for she had a mission to accomplish and they were her obstacle, not her friends. But she had to give him the same trust she had begged of him - whatever Ice's actions were, no matter how coldly as he seemed to be regarding her, were for the better purpose. As he began Ava nervously flicked her amber eyes upon him.

It was so strange what a conflict his hardened voice created with the plea in his gaze. As confusing as it was to look upon, she understood, yet she didn't relax her posture at all - the copper one was still watching, bursting at the seams for the chance to maul her. Ava didn't doubt at all that he would eat them both, so she similarly gave no doubt to the rest of his words. Silence hung uncomfortably in the air for a few moments after his angered speech had rang out; the black wolf had a hard time drawing words from her tongue. She'd held herself noiselessly the whole time to prevent provoking the speechless wolf, but now she needed to speak. She lifted her head and, just as quietly as she had before, begged, "<b><i>Promise</i> me.</b>" It was more than she wanted to ask of him, and the actual demand of the two simple words was far more than what she was willing to tell him. "<b>What limited explanation I can dare to give you, I will, if you show.</b>"

Her dark body leaned away from the two, legs bent slightly in case the nameless wolf's patience ran out and he charged her. For the time she stood, focused entirely on the pale guardian, and would remain just long enough for the response. Her pounding heart could only hope that his words reached her before the other's teeth did.
Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>His blood was boiling. There was only one wolf who could have successfully and reliably held Marsh back, and he honestly believed that she would not have been as cordial as Ice was behaving. Nothing that Naira and Rhysis represented was to be treated amicably. It may not have been this particular bitch's fault, but that was as irrelevant as the conversation that was happening; not chasing her away with sore ankles was giving entirely the wrong impression. What if she went running back to her leaders with the message that Swift River's defences were lacking, or soft? Marsh had no idea whether or not it was appropriate to assume that the two packs were 'at war', but there was <i>no</i> friendship between them. To imply otherwise was dangerous.

Corinna was on the brink of giving birth. How could Ice think to do anything but show just how fiercely he would protect his family?

But then Ice's attitude changed slightly. Marsh heard the harsh tone, saw the change in stance from the corner of his eye, and his jaws quivered eagerly, glad for it. Diplomacy was the most sorry waste of time, and it made him sick. Still, he watched as the bitch slowly retreated, standing once more on the opposite bank, and though he was pleased for it, he wanted nothing more than to send her back to her leaders with a few <i>alterations</i>. Still, respect for Ice stayed him, though it was waning; quite deliberately he lifted a paw, with the intention of stepping forward, making his point clear. Surely there could be little left to say.

He had not really been listening, it was true. But despite his aversion to the words, occasionally they slipped through. Normally, if he was not interested, he did not pay attention.

For all intents and purposes, he was not interested now. But when a small part of his brain recognised the word <i>please</i>, something nearly snapped.

He froze, the swaying of his body temporarily ceased, as he boggled at why Ice would plead with a rival, <i>plead</i>, when there were so many superior methods. He knew Ice was not soft. He knew it. So why was this so different?

<i>Promise</i>, said the girl, so softly, and the sheer insulting illogic of it all was more than Marsh could bear.

The snarl exploded from him, renewed, and he jerked his head towards Ice once - just once, and though he wanted to grab his inferior's muzzle and remind him of his duty, it would stand to weaken their appearance of unity - and the coldness in his expression would have said it all.

Marsh was tired of waiting.

The paw finally came down, and then another. His movements were smooth, steady, unrushed - but purposeful. If she was not gone by the time he emerged on the other side, he would deliver her to her traitorous masters in pieces. <i>How's that for diplomacy.</i></blockquote>
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Or, perhaps, he wasn't interested in having a raid of vengeance coming to the Grove with Corinna in her current state. Marsh would surely consider such a notion weakness, but that was one of their fundamental differences - Marsh always thought forwards, a growl and blow always ready. Ice sometimes sought different routes in life, but - to fabricate a story out of Corinna and Rhysis and vengeance if Ava came home tattered, was just sickening. She was out of the river, but stalling still, and he felt his heart tick rapidly. Beside him, Marsh was taut and tense, one paw lifted, moved forward, froze. Ice's heart froze, too, and the world slid out from under his feet. Bile rose in the back of his throat, fear left his mouth dry and his lungs - something dark and horrible was lying across his throat, choking him, iron bands constricting around his chest. He. Couldn't. Breathe. His carefully constructed plan - or well, as carefully as one can construct something in the blink of an eye - had gone horribly wrong somewhere, and Ava wanted him to promise. Promise. How the hell could he promise when Marsh had heard something? He couldn't repeat the word. He couldn't say something simple. In fact, he found himself incapable of anything at all, just staring with a sort of spaced-out expression at Marsh's cold, enraged face.

I'm sorry.

His world had shattered, a single and masterful stroke sending the cracked glass into an explosion of shards - fragments of a reality that had once functioned. He felt sick, absolutely wretched. Pathetic. Marsh was advancing on his friend, and he had to promise her, or she wouldn't leave and wait. If he'd been any less sane, he would've broken out into hysterical laughter, but as it was, he thrust himself into the first frame of mind that opened itself. It was labeled something along the lines of 'silly' and the words that burst out from his lips were: "Don't mistrust a paladin's honor!"

It would have to do. He - damn, there was a fucking river in front of his paws and Marsh was wading in and Ava was there on the other bank, so fragile in the darkness of the night. So.. mortal. The river was, however, a totally legit reason for Ice to not follow his friend in the pursuit of driving her out, but - Marsh suspected too much. Grinding his teeth together with a dry, sickening noise, he took the step that put him into the water in the Second's wake. Cold, hungry, taunting, it clutched his pale paw as his pads touched the slimy bottom. Another step, and another; rage keeps you warm. A growl teased in his chest, his hackles rising - every hair stood on end, spooked by the sensation of the waters enveloping his thick legs. It was cold, it was alien, and he hated every moment of it. He hated advancing on his friend like this, his silver eyes cold and distant. If he could, he would've bludgeoned Marsh and dragged him up on the shore and told him it was a bear that came to say hello, but - he could never do such a thing. Never lay a paw on him. Instead, he had to figure out how to please the older wolf, and to divert suspicion, though he figured it'd be mildly impossible. Show familiarity with Rhysis' pack... How could we have been so stupid?

He shuddered again, the midnight waters cooling him, chilling him to the bone; his soul felt frozen, ice crystals in his blood, ripping his veins apart. Go, his mind whispered, and yet every step he took brought him nearer. How could he possibly make this right..? The futility of it all nearly stopped him in his tracks, but he kept going, staving off the darkness, the panic - the thoughts, the dreams of cold water rushing into his lungs, the deadweight of limp limbs, the ache of not being able to breathe... He upped his pace, not caring that it seemed menacing, not caring if he passed Marsh. He just had to get out of the damn river, even if it meant charging Ava with Marsh on his heels.
.ice aesir

let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ava Attaya
Shame shivered down her spine when she saw Marsh regard her friend so cruelly - that was <i>her</i> fault. She didn't look for Ice's response to the frigid stare, didn't need to see the way it affected him. It was more selfish than it was respectful of his emotion and privacy. No one likes cleaning up after their own messes. No one likes <i>looking</i> at them, for that matter. Ava did not want to see the guilt, the uncertainty, the misery, the distress, the <i>pain</i>. It wouldn't have made her feel any better to see the blank stare that was actually Ice's return to his superior's anger. Her desolation was intact.

Ava could have sworn she heard the last tick of the clock when Marsh's paw, raised previously in warning, came down upon the earth. <i>Time was up,</i> she knew, watching his approach with a wide gaze. He had only taken to the river but she could've sworn she felt the fires of hell upon her the very moment he decided to draw close the distance between them, like the wildfire of fury was burning from his copper-colored fur, or perhaps it was from his throat that the flames roared. It was a strange fear she felt then, almost like she was becoming blinded by the smoke again. No one had ever actually attacked her before, and had her heart not been racing she would've remarked what a curious life it was that she'd taken here.

Time dragged on so slowly. He wasn't racing to snatch her before she could escape, but even worse he seemed to be relishing the stride. Though he'd said nothing, and she couldn't figure out what his hearing was like either, it appeared he was no stupid wolf. By no means was he giving her another chance to leave - he was now acting of his own will, didn't care for Ice's any longer, and certainly never did for her own. The only thing that could break her concentration on the doom coming her way were the paler guardian's words, cutting across her fumbling mind with absolute clarity.

<i>Don't mistrust a paladin's honor!</i>

If only her thoughts had any ability to be isolated she would have laughed - the anger in his voice and the silliness of his words certainly asked for such a reaction. But Ava knew that no choice of words had been better or given her more trust in torn man. Only for a second did she see him descend upon the river as well, joining Marsh to rid their home of some traitor's filth. The lock upon her legs had released with her freedom of mind and immediately she folded in on herself and tore away from the riverside in no leisurely pace. He didn't seem like the kind to play with his food, but perhaps there was so much pent up rage within his chest that the other one would want to chase her down anyway - so she didn't give him the chance. Swift River's angered growls would be the soundtrack to her hasty retreat back toward the mountain, where she'd wait with the sound, echoing in her ears.

(retreat from the scary wolves!)