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Running From The Past — Lost Lake 
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Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><i>I got these questions always running through my head
So many things that I would like to understand
If we are born to die and we all die to live
Then what's the point of living life if it just contradicts?</i> - <b>The Drug In Me Is You</b></blockquote>

The she-wolf mauled plants over like a trunk, refusing to walk around. She left a trail of nature broken behind her, each sparkling flower tilted at the stem. That was how she felt. Such a promising creation now tore to a useless bent piece of shit. She was still fresh from the battle. Her wounds didn’t sting as badly as they could have. The experienced male had left damage, but not enough to seriously impact her daily routine, or not physically. Had she not prepared herself for the experience, the mental trauma would have left her paralyzed. She still explored and hunted, yet her mouth was dry and left a sour residue on her cheeks. She was thirsty, continuously licking her mouth. Her mottled fur made contact with a small bush, but she didn’t hesitate nor walk around. It was in her way. Yet again she tore through, refusing to whimper as it made contact with spots still tender. After dealing with Marsh she found no amount of pain would seep through her voice, pain didn’t result in whining. Her own crying was now a foreign sound. Her howling was more known. She stayed up at night and sang to others of her kind, sorrowful and longing, explaining her life in a few short notes. It was like medicine, seeping her troubles away.

Treena stumbled into the clearing without noticing, the water reflecting the blue sky magically. Her limbs bunched up like a feline, and she debated pouncing into the water. Yet, the wolf didn’t have the heart to show such youth. Instead her face stayed chiseled and well defined, unreadable as her paws dragged forward. A pink tongue, one more like a swab of bubble gum, unwrapped from her perfectly perched muzzle and lapped at the water desperately. She swallowed in pleasure, her throat trembling in a slight moan. She could feel the strength returning to her paws, with each stroke of the solid cold ground she felt like herself. Instead of grabbing hold of the water with her tongue, she lowered her entire head and opened her jaw, letting the fluid drift in with a large mouthful. It drenched her entire muzzle, even her throat was dripping. It was addicting, but she was satisfied and no longer had a need for being greedy.

She couldn’t stand the weight on her chest. Water was clinging onto her fur, pulling her down. She shook, sending the droplets flying. A couple landed back into the water, a small plunk as they hit the water. The sounds of the wild eased her troubles, the calling of nearby birds and the wind blowing through her pelt. It all sounded like home. The wolf stepped forward, attracted by her reflection. Her eyes narrowed, not blinking as she watched her own figure. She was well groomed. The she-wolf always took good care of her beauty. There was a slight pink scar noticeable on her fur, from her cheekbone to the start of her neck. It didn’t bother her, <i>why would it</i>? It would heal, maybe not right away, but she was taking care of it. Oblivious, her drinking had cleaned it well. Dumping her entire face into the lake had given it a chance to remove the dirt. She stayed there, looking at the water with a tilted head and a frozen body. She had no need to move, she was too perfect in that moment. Like a written fairy-tale everything was sculpted to full beauty, and the she-wolf seemed created just for that exact scene.
(This post was last modified: May 12, 2012, 07:12 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry it took so long! Hectic weekend. <3

<blockquote>Border patrol. He hated it with a passion. Rhysis should be doing important things, like exploring the mountains, dozing in the sun, arguing with his female about something pointless; anything other than border patrol. It was so darn tedious. Being way up here, in the middle of nowhere, it wasn’t like they were teaming with new scents and faces; of course, wolves had somehow found their way onto their home, but not many. It just seemed like a waste of energy to the tall black beast and today was proving to be just as dull as yesterday. Still, he supposed it was better that he was here on the lake shore then his female who he hoped was at their den, under the watchful eye of little Athena. Their last argument had hopefully hit home with her; he had no guarantee of course, but patrolling the borders served two purposes, to keep her off them and to know that she had not crossed them.
He hadn’t yet realised that his new fixation had been his female. No matter how clever, how manipulative and sly he was, he had never put his life down to chasing his obsessions. As a child, he had been infatuated for his father’s praise; so much so that he had agreed to track and kill a half-sibling he didn’t even know when he was just over a year. Obsession followed in hunting down his sister, his litter mate Volkan who had abandoned him after their exile. Next his mind was set on finding wolves who would come to him to form a pack so that he may rule and live as he pleased. Mania over Naira and dominating her, owning her every breath. Perhaps that was why he had been giving her so much grief, he had nothing new to fixate his attention on. He had gotten everything he had set out to do (except kill his siblings of course, but that mission was not forgotten, just not obtainable right now) so now he was bored. He was never a patient wolf and doing menial tasks such as border patrol gave him time to think, to reflect on just how stale his life was. Amusing really, that one would think of their life as stale when they had a pack to lead, bounty on his head and pups on the way. Rhysis was never satisfied and probably never would be.

With the sun climbing higher into the sky, he slipped from the treeline which surrounded <i>his</i> lake and would allow himself to take a short drink from the cool clear waters, yet as he cleared the shadows that the trees cast, he spotted a wolf, a stranger, on the bank a little further down. His nose took a whiff of the air, her scent was present but faint upon the breeze. There was something upon her body however that hit him straight in the face, the scent of a River wolf. A snarl escaped from his lips- so they had sent a spy? He would have to deal with her quickly and painfully.
He turned in her direction and began to pace, not run, but march towards her. His head held high in regal dominance whilst his hackles rose all along his scuff and shoulders. Lips pulled back to reveal a snarl that somehow didn’t make his handsome face look ugly. With each step he took he tested the air, revealing more about her. The River wolf scent was faint, very faint in fact but that didn’t mean she hadn’t washed and muddied it off from her fur. At closer inspection she had a few scars that were healing but he felt no pity for her and nothing would stop him from his investigation now.

<b>”You. River wolf. You have five seconds to tell me why you are here before I tear you limb from limb and send you back home in pieces down the river.”</b> he growled as he approached her.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><i>I felt the darkness as it tried to pull me down
The kind of dark that haunts a hundred year old house
I wrestle with my thoughts I shook the hand of doubt
Running from my past I'm praying feet don't fail me now</i> - <b>The Drug In Me Is You</b></blockquote>

The wolf still stood by the water, her head reluctantly dragging upwards towards her unexpected guest. Silver, black, and white spine did not bristle, unlike the past run-ins with wolves she had nothing to fear. Had it not all happened already? She was prepared for everything now, even the lengthy pure black male snarling with such passion at her. The sun reflected off ivory teeth, not in a warning growl, or a sign of aggression, but in a sheepish smile back at him. It was a knee-jerk reaction, something that happened instinctively due to her need of approval. He showed aggression, she showed a need for a hug. The wolf could feel the ground under her paws and the wind beneath her fur, the rocky terrain was strangely more comforting than the forest. She could sense things here, see things, even her paws climbed with a new found power. It was almost second-nature. Her breathing came in soft gusts, stepping back from the other wolf out of habit. It was not that she feared the male, Treena only wished for a non-violent outcome. She’d had enough blood-lust the last couple days. Her golden eyes were like boiling liquid, emotions bubbling to the surface and finally overflowing the container. She mentally cursed her own stupidity, inhaling the stench that was now so obvious. In her moment of ecstasy she had overlooked the border. Her fondness of a drink had led her up to forgetfulness, and now a risky situation. This was quite obviously claimed territory.

Yet, Treena still dropped her head and took another quick mouthful of water. She wasn’t mocking the leader, or testing the boundaries. She only knew that she should take advantage of the water, in case she was attacked, or chased off. Being chased off looked like a likely outcome so far. Treena washed it around her mouth, rinsing away the foul dryness that was clinging to her taste buds. Then she swallowed and took another step back, head lowered and ears flat in submission. Her mouth opened to thank the wolf, but there was no reason for it, so she clenched her mouth shut and kept quiet. Why thank a wolf for not attacking another for drinking? Plus she was still trying to understand his words, and a way to reply. Her white chest was still damp, even after shaking it out. Her orange paws shifted her slightly into a more comfortable position, this way she could escape and run back without falling, and yet was still facing the other wolf. Her well portioned figure stretched, showing off the thick muscles beneath lean arms and legs. Her curved stomach clung to her bones, not as badly as they had it the past, but enough to prove she was a loner. The bones in her face were unforgettable, with a narrowed muzzle and the strong glare she wore, the she-wolf was one tough and attractive creature. Not like she cared, nor took much pride in her physical appearance. It did not keep her fed, it did not protect her from attacks, and it did not make her faster or smarter. What use was beauty? Unclenching her tight lips the she-wolf allowed a deep breath to escape, followed by angelic clearing of the throat. <b>“You must be mistaken.”</b>

Her voice was soft and well-natured, louder than a whisper but with the same demanding pull, forcing her surroundings to go silent. Her tone was as light as bells, but even softer, more like a flowing current. Her breathing was that fluid, her vocal sing-song pronunciation broad and clear. She had no idea the effect her lungs could have when put to the use. Her eyes didn’t dart around, yet she wasn’t glaring the wolf in the eyes. Instead she looked off into the distance, her tail slowly dropping. It had been resting high in the air, it normally was. Now, with company, she let it drop to a respectable height, unwilling to be a threat, yet not look pathetic and squeeze it between her legs like a pup. <b>“I come from the borders, but the scent is just as old as the scars on my pelt.”</b>

She tilted her flawless face, showing the wound to prove her word was truth. <b>“An orange scarred male crossed the border, wanted my food, never one to give up I must’ve rubbed him the wrong way. He got a chunk of my pelt and the damn food. Might even smell Copper Rock Creek in there too, just have to search hard enough. Story ends pretty much the same way, got a little too close for my liking and snapped at the alpha. He got my food.”</b> The anger was seeping through her face, her upper-lip starting to rise. She pulled in down, the last thing she needed was to provoke tension. <b>"Everyone just loves the starve-the-loner game.”</b>

OCC: Don't worry about it! Take as much time as you need. I actually got some work done thanks to it ;)
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2012, 09:45 PM by Treena.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Aha. I’m the same. I have tons to do but RoW calls. :c

<blockquote>He didn’t know whether to be surprised or offended when the female lowered her head to drink. Clearly she thought she was confident, making her business more important than his but that was no way to form a good first impression. Rhysis was many things, but he wasn’t rude for no reason. Of course, he had come down on the stranger all guns blaring, but the scent of the River wolves was there upon her fur, buried into her as deeply as the scars. He would take no chances here to act stupid and not get information. No matter how much the move had irked him; he kept calm and his face expressionless. He wouldn’t let the <i>spy</i> rile him before he got what he wanted.

From taking a drink, the girl lifted her head and moved backwards, slipping into brief submission. Did she really think that a dip of the head would make up for the fact she blatantly ignored him at first to continue on drinking. He didn’t give a crap how thirsty she might have been, she was on his borders and would treat him with the respect of a king. Still…. He couldn’t react. He couldn’t risk her running or if they were to fight, him injuring her or killing her so he’d never know why she was really here- and that would drive him nuts.

When she said he was mistaken, he did not flinch. Instead he remained silent, the cold grey of his eyes meeting her own as he studied her intensely. Her story what somewhat amusing, she tested the borders of packs, got into a fight then ran? Was that why she was here now? Well if it was a fight she was after he would give her one, but he wouldn’t give her the option to run. She had discovered their home now, his scent was ripe upon the land which was marked as their home and secrecy to their location was so far, all that was keeping them out of harm’s way. He hadn’t ventured back to the river or the creek, he did not know what went on there, whether they were hunting him or simply went about their lives as if he had never been there. He could only assume he had seen none of their faces as they were so far away, so well hidden. Therefore he would not let this female, be she a spy or simply here for trouble, have the chance to spill his most treasured secrets.

<b>”Have you tried perhaps not hunting close to pack borders?”</b> he then asked with a dark smirk as he took a step closer to the female. His nose went to work, taking in every scent upon the female and judging the strength of each. It was true, the scents were not of a marked wolf but they were present. Of course, with the scars from a river wolf the smell would cling to her very blood, but he could barely detect the creek wolves. For now, her story would suffice.
He wasn’t surprised that the pack wolves tried to steal her kills. They were all lesser beings, who worked on instinct rather than smarts like he did. Of course they’d bully someone for a meal, but at least she had stood her ground; that was notable in her favour.

<b>”You got a name, starved loner?”</b> he asked then with a quirk of his brow.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><i>I've lost my god damn mind
it happens all the time
I can't believe I'm actually
meant to be here
trying to consume,
the drug in me is you
and I'm so high on misery
can't you see?</i> - <b>Drug In Me Is You</b></blockquote>

When the male stepped closer Treena stood her ground, tail still lowered. Being around Ash had made her comfortable around brutes double her size. It was only natural instinct now that warned her to run, something easily ignored. She wanted to learn more about him, inhaling the pack scent, searching for clues. Her need to break the mystery quickly overpowered her paranoia. She knew he was strong, wasn’t it obvious? She’d seen alphas in the past. Ruiko had given her a good glimpse of head male. Marsh, being second, was close enough. She focused even harder on staying comfortable, crouching slightly as he searched her scent. Eyes too busy taking in his stance to meet his face. Her spine stayed where it should, never once rising, but ever so slightly curling to the ground for a moment or so as she thought.

She thought of Ash, if he would ever find her again, where he was now. Maybe he was following her scent, maybe they’d meet again. The thought was one of many in the back of her mind, lifting a vibrantly red paw and slightly stepping closer to Rhysis. Of course, there was still plenty of personal room. She was just engaged in his scent, unaware of the action, only pleased when she received more information. Her ears faced the direction of his voice quite nicely, giving her the best angle. When she moved her head the sun casted a glow around the orange fur, sparking like flames, reaching higher than it could touch. The smile reflected off his face and onto hers, like a fun-house mirror she managed to alter it into a fairy-like grin of enjoyment to fit her facial structure. A strange gift, she was able to feed off others emotions without knowing. She was drawn to a good feeling, and Rhysis’s smile had sparked something in her. Whatever reason he smiled for, Treena had felt it, and the she-wolf was determined to keep things light and flowing. <b>“I am Treena Rose.”</b>

It was a start, obviously though, more information of her history was essential. She couldn’t past the background check with just a name. <b>“I come to Relic Lore alone, happy with my life of traveling. Now I have settled in these lands.”</b>

Her words weren’t rehearsed, though they had such tendency to flow away from her main thought. She spoke to him, not to the ground, not to the hills, to him. Her muzzle was in his direction, and despite his height she managed to keep her head high when in conversation. Not to question his rank, her body still showed signs of submitting, but to get him to really listen, or to attempt. <b>“Tried to join a pack or so, but none have fit. I came here with nothing more than a thirst for water, but now I’m intrigued in joining this one. I am brave, a fighter of sorts. I am the best with combat, my hunting isn’t bad.”</b> She thought of Nina for a moment, another smile twitching at her lips.<b> “I can’t heal worth a shit, but I could learn, if it’s what the pack really needs. Might take me awhile, but I could do it.”</b> She remembered the pregnant female beside Ruiko, the bulging stomach of cubs. Mind drifting off the wolf wondered if there was a pregnant female here too. <b>“I could watch over children, protect them, teach them to defend themselves and hunt.”</b>

<b>“The mountains here are so home like. I’d serve a pack well, never return to the forest.”</b> Her eyes seemed to be one of an excited puppy as she looked around at the territory, her body one of a strong warrior. <b>“I will do anything to prove myself.”</b>
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Just fyi, Rhysis doesn’/didn’t smile. He smirks but never smiles- he’s a grumpy git. :P I shall work around that though to save editing. :)

<blockquote>He listened, quietly as usual. He was a man of few words and spoke only when he had something worth saying, or could get something out of it. Listening was often tedious, but he had to play the part here of the caring leader; the more he could get the female to talk, the more certain he could be that she was not lying and was in fact here of her own accord.

<b>”Why do you think my pack might fit you better where others have failed?”</b> he then questioned but wasn’t really too interested in the answer. If she could be of use to him and his pack then he didn’t care how the other packs had come to her disapproval, in fact he wasn’t even sure how they managed to recruit members; bunch of idiots, the lot of them. He didn’t include the Hollow wolves in that category however for he had yet to come to blows with them but who knows, that wasn’t exactly off the table at this point.

He looked at her then, as she revealed her talents and snorted. A good warrior who was riddled with scars? Rhysis considered himself a warrior too, but he had nothing to show for it other than a handsome face with no marring. He though then to the two females of his pack whom he had seen fight. His female, the gold and silver beauty, was fearsome but it took a lot to push her buttons. In fairness, Valiant, the wolf she had attacked, hadn’t attempted to defend himself but the show she had put on gave him faith in her abilities all the same. Then he came to Athena, the little white wolf with the heart and courage of a lion; so tiny was she but such an impact she had on him and the pack. She’d recently been in a scuffle and whilst she might have gotten a soar tail, at least she had been there. He supposed he couldn’t really turn away a wolf who wanted to show valour for their pack. However words were cheap, and she’d have to prove herself.

<b>”A test then, Treena.”</b> he said nobly as his mind fished around in his box of tricks for something to test her strength and her bravery.
It was the roaring of one of the falls, sliding from the mountain side and into their lake at the far side which was the winner; a fete even he had not yet attempted but had planned to use for his training sessions. <b>”To show me how brave you are; I shall ask you to climb the falls over here.”</b> he said with a gesture of his muzzle to the far side of the lake where the water crashed with the shore; littered amongst it where boulders of all shapes and sizes, peaking out only a foot or so and covered in slippery plantlife.
<b>”Through them, not over or around, but through the cascades of water themselves.”</b> he said before looking back at her. He wasn’t a fool, it was a tough ask and with her smaller weight and size he didn’t expect her to reach the top. Surviving and trying was all he asked for, but he would say that outloud. He would let her think what she wanted, the more daunting the better for it would certainly prove her worth to him and right now, she wasn’t getting in without that stamp of approval.

You can assume from here if she agrees that they travel there together in silence (Rhys isn't a talker) and he will sit and watch from the bank to see how she does. :)
(This post was last modified: May 14, 2012, 07:47 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
<blockquote><i>I've lost
You tried to reach me but you just can't help me
So long
You tried to save me, it won't work this time</i> - <b>Drug In Me Is You</b></blockquote>

<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>*</b></font></blockquote>

Treena glared at the rocks like it were a puzzle, each shape, each amount of slippery greenness upon the solid form. Her upper-lip twitched towards the falls, accepting the challenge. Ever since a pup she’d never turn down a dare, she’d rather die an idiot than live life as a coward. A philosophe not many risked their lives on, it was obvious Treena was brave and idiotic, maybe even suicidal to some. A daredevil at best, the wolf was both driven by her own need of acceptance, and by her foolish hunger for danger and success. The mottled wolf didn’t move though, she only watched with cunning eyes. Stamina was something Treena had. All she had to do was focus, and try to survive. If she failed, not only would she be rejected from the pack, but she would beat herself up mentally for days.

That is to say, if she was not paralyzed at the bottom, with rocks jagging out of her body.

The she-wolf couldn’t afford failure, or eagerness. She’d rather die than give up, and so she took a step forward and ignored the impossible. One step led to another, her eyes still calculating the chance. She took her time, refusing to rush and misjudge a single ounce of room. Once she approached the start she already knew where her paws would go, where to push, and how to turn in order to keep moving.

But knowing did not mean succeeding. She leapt into the air, her black paw-pads desperately gripping to the boulder. She held her breath and waited until she was sturdy, then counted by the seconds and watched the next platform. Her tail tilted, her body twisting, her ears going flat, not in fear, but in an attempt to adjust her weight. It was slippery, but she was determined to hang on, and mind over matter seemed to work in her favour. Each breath she took she was thinking, courage building up inside her like a blood clot. Then she jumped again.

And again.

And again.

Panting lightly she refused to look down, her back-legs already protesting. She ignored the pain, still driven by a desperate fantasy. The ledge she stood on was fragile, and she seemed stuck for quite a decent amount of time. Her mind was running on full blast, scanning the area like a hawk. She told herself she could do it, and so her back-legs bunched and flung her into the air. A dramatic moment of pleasure as she either fell to her death, or caught the ledge seemed to tick by.

The wind blew her fur. She felt the sun on her pelt. That moment of either life or death past through her mind. Her pulse grew to an unnatural beat. Her claws extending, forepaws holding on. She smiled, but panted, the danger feeling seeping into her hopes. Somehow she had managed to reach more than the half-way point before feeling slightly defeated. That was shocking.

Tail sticking straight out she took deep breaths and looked upwards, debating what the next attempt could mean. If the risk she had just taken was based purely on luck, the next one would kill her. Yet, she was still living in the moment. Paws refusing to tremble in fear, in case the wildlife growing on the rocks was just as slimy and dangerous as Treena imaged, the she-wolf slowly gazed down to where Rhysis was standing. Her eyes full of excitement, her mouth curling into a half-smile, she did not dare to move her chest, she had found her core strength and balance. Her mind shut down. There was no way she could suddenly have the strength to make it through the rest of the way. This was the last platform she could even risk standing on, and even then the danger was eating away at her. <b>“I will be no use to you dead.”</b>

Her joke echoed through the mountains, her voice rumbling in her throat. <b>“But I will make this next jump, if you really want to test the boundaries.”</b>

OOC: Sorry :3 I'll remember that though, grumpy git ;) He's going to kill my poor easily manipulated and peer pressured Treena <3
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2012, 12:05 AM by Treena.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>He stood upon the bank in silence, no words of encouragement were given to her as she began her climb. The water cascaded down mercilessly but the female pushed on, forcing herself ever higher. At points she was smiling, and he thought her mad. She lost her footing at one point, he guessed down to exhaustion but he wasn’t going to help her. His father didn’t help him when he had faltered this task back home, and he certainly wasn’t going to help her- the idea was to prove herself and so far she had done so without question. He couldn’t fault her loyalty, but he had also come to expect that from Jedd who then betrayed them when he was needed most- would she do the same?
He supposed there was a difference, between risking your life to climb up a waterfall in comparison to hunting a goat- the goat was difficult, but it didn’t have as much risk as this task had and she had done it without question, without hesitation; she was eager to prove herself and it pleased him.

As she drew to a higher point, he was going to tell her should could stop now, but she seemed determined and enjoying the ride. He almost began to think she was a fool; there was no need to risk climbing higher, he would not ask it of her but she turned on her own merit and told him, in as light a manner as possible, that she would and could, go no further. <b>”Then climb down and let me mark you as our own.”</b> he shouted trying to be heard over the tumbling pressure of the falls that fell before him and over her upon the rocks.

Trying to keep it short and sweet so we can get you accepted. :)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Treena Rose Hervok
Treena wasn’t sure she’d make it down, but full of excitement she managed to flutter across the rocks and back to safety in half the time it took to get up. She would remember this climb. It was the climb to her new life, each step symbolizing a moment of her life, getting closer and closer to glorious success. Half way she was sure she could do it, there was no doubt. It was just a reply of fragile grace and beauty, constantly playing over and over with each prance. Her body panted, but in her was a deep happiness that was totally untouchable, she had proven not only to Rhysis, but to herself, that she was capable of strength. Landing, her paws nearly trembled with relief. It felt good to not be dizzy, or scared, or in danger. Her frosted gold eyes were glazed over as she stepped forwards the large black wolf, listening to her own thudding heart. She wasn’t sure it was healthy. She could feel the pounding, it vibrated her entire body.

It slammed against her chest and demanded freedom, something she couldn’t offer. Looking upwards, towards her new alpha, the she-wolf felt the need to share her new found acceptance. Slightly swaying, she tried to stand straight and walk in a perfect line. It was more of a zigzag as her entire body tilted to an unknown force. Standing there, it took quite some effort for her to find her voice. Her head raised and looking upwards with a grateful smile, the she-wolf tried to sound as clear and as important as she could muster up. The uncoordinated lopsided balance contradicted it all. <b>“I’m proud to be joining your pack.”</b>

She was proud.

She hadn’t felt proud in a long time, and now, standing, or not falling, in the male’s shadow, she was swimming in it. She had forgotten how it felt, not being ashamed, but actually accomplishing a challenge. <b>“I will not let you, or the pack, down.”</b>

OOC: I'm an idiot. Sorry for finishing the thread early.
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2012, 12:06 AM by Treena.)
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
No worries! I’ll wrap it up here and archive so you can claim points. Please excuse the PP! =)

<blockquote>He waited in silence as the female make her way back down the slippery steps, her pace quicker, almost excited as she descended the heights and crashing water. She had proven herself for now, but until the time that the pack needed her, he could never put complete faith in her, or any other member; not after the loss of Fallen and the betrayal of Jedd- a wolf’s words were just cheap now, it was action that mattered and whilst she had proven herself this time around, he could never put his complete and utter trust in her.

Finally she stepped before him, almost dizzy she seemed as she meandered, snaked her way up to him. He listened to her words, his black silky lobes flicked forwards to catch her speech and he simply nodded in response. <b>”We shall see Treena.”</b> he said as he stepped forward and snatched the females muzzle within his jaws. With a force from above, he pushed her down into submission, marking her with his scent, with the scent of all poisoned wolves and made her a part of his pack. Satisfied she knew her place, he released her and elevated his head and tail to a dominant stance once more.

<b>”Follow me, Treena. I shall show you to our home.”</b> he said as he turned, expecting her to follow him as he made his way to the secret entrance, marked only by the poisonous plants that lead the way- no trace of scent was kept along the path, they walked down it quickly to avoid their scents lingering too long and even now, Rhysis didn’t loiter. <b>”We have few rules. You speak of our pack to no one, we do not exist.”</b> he started, speaking as they walked. <b>”You may go and explore the lands as you please, but we expect you to check back regularly. Take part in pack events and above all else, you will care for your family, for your pack. You shall guard them with your life.”</b> and with his voice trailing, he lead her into their home.

(This post was last modified: May 22, 2012, 01:30 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]