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Against All Odds — Poison Path 
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
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Athena Moon
Here's the pack meeting after the discovery of Naira and Rhysis's disappearance. Please have your first round replies in by June 5th. PM me if you have a problem with that date. Also, Bridget will be posting with Tlarx first, since Athena and him are already together, then you may post freely. <3

She dreaded giving this news to her pack. She and the others believed in their leaders. They had all their faith in them. That’s what a pack was. Faithful. You were expected –especially in Poison Path- to stay loyal against all odds. You would face punishment if you didn’t. Take Jedd for example. He abandoned Poison Path in their time of need. About a week later, he was killed. Not by any Poison Path wolf, but it didn’t matter. Karma can be a bitch. Now, the roles were switched. Their leaders now abandoned them. The leaders that pounded loyalty and respect into them since the day that she joined. They were now gone. No goodbyes or instructions on what to do. They had vanished. Now they’re going to experience the karma that came with abandoning Poison Path in their time of need. They’re going to experience their own rules, biting them in the ass. And Athena’s not going to be there to help them pick themselves up.

With her burly man at her side, the new Leader made her way down to the lake. There was no more confusion, no more doubts. She knew what she was going to do. She was going to lead. Just like her previous leaders, but perhaps even better. The glizingly lake shone in the late afternoon sun. The gentle breeze swept through the valley and ruffled through her fur. She stopped for a minute and let it soak in. She was actually the leader of this beautiful place now. Turning to her mate, she spoke with calmness in her voice and a light smile upon her face, ”Welcome home.” Looking back out across the lake, she picked out the rock that she once laid on besides her previous leader. She flickered her eyes back up towards the mountains were she caught a mule deer with Naira. Lastly, she looked towards the thicket of deadly nightshade where they first lay claim to this serene place. The thicket led to their den area and where Kegan currently was with the children. She would soon introduce them to her mate and spend some time with them. However, that would have to wait. She had pack business to take care of.

Lifting her delicate muzzle into the air, she released a melody calling all poisoned wolves to her side. Her melody lasted until she was sure everyone heard. She expected everyone to come. If not, they’d suffer the consequences. Looking back towards Tlarx, she smiled again and spoke with a light chuckle in her voice, ”Ready to meet my family?”
(This post was last modified: Jun 05, 2012, 07:17 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
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Tlarx Everfall
Tlarx padded alongside his mate with pride thumping through his veins. His love was now the leader of a pack. It is a lot of responsibility, but he knew she would be able to handle it. She may be small, but she's got one hell of a personality. With his tail swaying back and forth, he carried a grin upon his face. "Beautiful..." he said, head nodding. Looking at his mate, he winked, allowing a smug grin to raise his inky lips "And I ain't talkin' about the land."

Looking back to the area, his head continued to bob up and down slowly "Always ready" he said, allowing the faint scent of the other Poisoned wolves to enter his nostrils. The scent of pups caused him to lean his head forth. He was excited to see the little ones, for he would help in raising them. Bringing his head back up, he nuzzled his mate gentley. "You're going to be a fantastic leader." After the nuzzle, he leaned his body gently against the small ivory woman.
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
The panic had never left Ava. Not since she smelled Swift River on the idiot males of their pack. Not since Athena barked her name full of urgency. Not since she took off to search the southern end of the Lake's territory, trying to swallow the fact that <i>Naira and Rhysis were gone.</i> They took with them two children, and left the other two. She hardly believed it, but during her wild search she had returned to the den just to "check up on Kegan and them" but in fact she'd seen it with her own two eyes. There remained the golden-hued pup, Datura, and one female, Belladonna. By now the adrenaline in her blood had run out and her full-fledged anxiety attack had simmered into numbness. She had seached <i>everywhere</i> but there were no signs, and when Ava had neared her limit of exhaustion she had taken to the edge of their territory, where once they had hunted as a pack together. Naira's and Rhysis' smells were faint, but there was a trail leading simply <i>out</i>, away from Relic Lore. The dark-coated girl fought all her feelings off at once, confused, angry, and most of all depressed that they'd up and left. On her way back home, she had tried to come up with reasons why they would've done such a thing - but none seemed good enough.

But Ava refused to weep.

As she sauntered back, legs shaking from the sheer effort and her chest heaving, she held her tail up straight and remained vigilant of her surroundings. Perhaps Naira and Rhysis had abandonned them, but Ava had not. And Athena hadn't either, given when her howl pierced the sky. Funny how in her absolute state of shock the world, which was full of noises, had seemed dead silent. The white lady's call shattered her daze like it was porcelain, prompting her to pick up her weary pace as best as she could. To her surprise Athena was calling them together not within the Poisoned den, but instead out toward the Lake. It would appear she'd taken over, as was her duty as Second, but Ava was still uncertain of where the reign would take them. Was she to relocate the den? What was to happen to Naira's children? Briefly her gaze flickered toward the path of nightshade as she approached Athena - and some other male? He was leaned up against her side as though they'd been lovers for a while. <i>What</i>.

Confused, but in no mood to question anything, the defeated wolf would come up to her packmate and lay a solemn nudge upon her cheek. It took an actual effort to lift her dampened gaze off the ground and land it upon the stranger - for whom she managed only the meakest of smiles. "<b>Ava,</b>" she introduced herself in a voice lacking life. Then, quietly, she would seat herself upon the ground and pretend she were a ghost so she could mourn their loss in privacy while she endured the meeting.
Played by Minou who has 113 posts.
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Treena Rose Hervok
Her fragile paws already knew where to push and how to bend, as did her hypnotising figure and sparkling eyes. The muscles beneath her fur were wound up tightly, clenching almost magically to her bone structure. She was a pixie, dancing across the rocks which rested in her path, flapping her wings and flying through the air without concentration or effort. She wasn’t a creation. She was a gift, bouncing side to side in order to avoid a land-slide among the stones. She had been a reward for the world to witness. Once you saw Treena move you never forgot. She glided across the mountains with a smile, barley letting out a pant after doing so for hours. She had the elegance many never possessed, and many never would. It was a rare occurrence which left others speechless. She owned that power, and she used it. Why be coordinated and purposely fall over daily? Though, something about her presence was altered.

That was an unstable back-leg, which gave out when too much pressure was placed on it.

It was from the fight with the small she-wolf, who stank of Grizzly Hollow. It was the worst time for such a disability, so Treena pretended it was not there. Only slightly weighted down by the injury, she let it drag behind angrily. Taking the last graceful leap, the well-portioned timber wolf stood among the entrance silently and looked it all over. Things became more real, the air was thick and heavy, almost lacking the emotion it once claimed. Ava was already there, somehow isolated, but so close. It wasn’t unnatural to see the small white female beside a bigger man one. She just scanned the pair over, quickly labeling them Vafri and Athena, an easy mistake. This, my friend, was no Vafri.

<i>This</i> was bipolar Salamander-man.

As soon as she spotted him, a cheeky smug smile wrapped around her face tightly and she nearly squealed in pleasure. Oh, how she enjoyed this moment. She remembered the disgusted look on his face as he looked at her and Ash, muzzle wrinkling as if he smelt something bad. Then the question came, dripping in sarcasm as he stared at her, ‘mates?’

He could suck it now. Wrapped up in Athena the way he was, so close, so provocatively close. She could practically feel the embarrassment she’d force upon him, the taunting chants she’d sing for his pleasure. It all started right that moment, watching him from the entrance. Her teeth glimmering from the smile which was hurting her cheeks, clearing her throat till it was down the octave, trying her hardest to mimic the rough manly tone he held with her own. She pulled her head back, puffed out her fur, raised one eyebrow like he had that day and gave a dark smile. <b>“We meet again Bipolar Salamander-man.”</b>

Her golden tipped tail wagged, but she managed a couple more seconds before having to embrace Athena with a small nudge. She practically flung herself at the pair, acknowledging Ava with a small secret smile. She knew it would do little to lift everyone out of this mood, but like a ball of light she tried her hardest to light the room up. Even though, history had shown Tlarx wasn’t too fond of her, she strained on her tip-toes and gave him a soft lick. He already smelled of Poison Path, which meant he was already accepted in. There was nothing she could do, had she even wanted, but give her blessing.

And there was nothing he could do now, to get out of it. <b>“<i>Welcome</i> to the family.”</b>
user posted image
Played by Bridget who has 139 posts.
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Chantille Idasis
As usual, the milky colored woman was on patrol. She was scenting the borders, and lifted her head as a howl pierced through the air. She was trying to remain as positive as she could...she really was. With the disappearance of Rhysis and Naira, though, life seemed to spiral downward. How were the pups to be taken care of? A female would have to nurse them, and she was more than willing to, but she did not know what Athena would want to do. Chantille moved quickly, reaching the gathering of her family within minutes.

It was all hush-hush. An awkward silence rippled about them, grabbing them by their throats and demanding their moods to be lowered. Her deep brown eyes looked around, observing her pack-mates as she entered the clearing. Ava seemed extremely distressed. Chantille felt a pang of sadness waver through her heart as she looked at the dark woman. She padded over quietly, nudging her cheek and offering a lick. Turning now, she approached the two white wolves, who she thought were Vafri and Athena.

Apparently, it was not Vafri. Who was that? She gazed at him, lowering her tail and ears. Offering a lick toward Athena's chin, the woman shrunk back, seating herself and waiting for the meeting to begin.
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
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Kegan Richie
Kegan was left with the puppies, though, he was in an emotional mood to play with them, even talk to them, although he kindly looked down and nuzzled them to stop squealing, these puppies were worse than human babies.<i>'Naira and Rhysis? Are they really gone? I....I can't believe it. And they left some puppies with us. They're.... they're gone'.</i> He was shocked that the pair had just abandoner they're pack mates. Kegan had faith in them, but not now. Even Vafri has disappeared.

Kegan suddenly heard a loud, harmonic howl, which he knew was Athena's.<i>'Wouldn't it be safe to guard these pups?'.</i> He thought in his head, though never said it aloud, now he was too upset to even talk, though Kegan maybe young, he wasn't the man for weeping and crying. He glanced at the pups one more time, and ventured off, out of the den. Kegan suddenly felt uneasy and weak, you couldn't tell, though, Kegan was a master at trying to hide his real emotions, which can be good and bad.

He ventured to where the source of howling was, and noticed most wolves were already there. He noticed a new scent, a new wolf as well. <b>"Hello, and welcome to the family."</b> he said quietly, he was made for talking and even he felt at least not to for today.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
I'm assuming Mist and Shentai are not going to post, so here it is. 2nd round replies should be up by June 9th by the latest, but I'd like to have them sooner if that's possible. There isn't exactly a post order, so go ahead and post freely. <3

As she gazed out across the lake, the masculine voice answered her. A light laugh escaped her maw despite how nerve wrecked and beaten she was. Her head looked back at him one last time before her pack mates started to trickle in. His words surprisingly kept her peaceful for the duration of their waiting, but once the scents of the Poison Path loyalists started to trickled into the area, her facade became gloomy. Reality sent in once again, reminding her of what was done and who had left her by herself in their wake. Her once calm and happy mood was once again crushed like boulder when she saw the ever recognizable black coat of her close friend.

The surely defeated and worn-out Ava, approached Athena with a look that broke her heart. She couldn't help as a low whine escaped her maw and she nudged Ava desperately on the cheek. It almost seemed as if her world was falling apart and she was afraid of loosing Ava within the rumble. She wanted to badly cup her in a ball and hold her in her paws forever. Her heart was as broken as hers was, but if they were there for each other, they could possibly pick up all the pieces and fix them. Tlarx was already starting her and perhaps all Ava needed as support as well. As Ava seated herself, she wanted desperately to run to her side and weep alongside her, but today was a day to be strong for herself and her pack.

Another poisoned wolf made her way to the gathering, Treena with a bright smile that could blind the world. Her eyes narrowed at her words, but she was too confused to even start questioning. Bipolar Salamander Man? She looked towards the man at her side, giving him a questionable gaze. The soft nudge from Treena was returned, but before she seated herself, she gave Tlarx a lick on the chin. Had they met before? Sure Relic Lore was filled with wolves and you were bound to run into some from time to time, but this situation just outright confused the hell out of her. She shook her head and looked on as the creamy woman, Chantille appeared. She too noticed Ava's anguish and her heart softened as Chantille attempted to comfort her. She then approached her and her salmon tongue snaked out and licked her chin. Her grim facade brightened slightly and she gave her a loving nudge on the cheek in return. The next to appear was Kegan from the den behind them. Her concerned sky rocketed as questions about the puppies arose. As her got closer though, she decided to would wait to check on them herself. It was time for the meeting to start.

With the three members missing, Vafri, Mist, and Shentai, she waited a little while, but assuming they would not be coming tonight. She'll find them later if they were still in the territory and give them a stern talking to, maybe even kick them out for their lack of attendance. Looking at each wolf gathered around her, she observed their grim looks, calculating how she wanted to start this. She never was one for talking, but now being the leader, she had to master that skill. "As you all know, or should know by now, that our previous leaders have left us, leaving us with two of their children. It is my duty as the Second-in-command to take up leadership that was so heftily thrown back at us. Kegan, being the next in line for leadership with Vafri's disappearance as well, will also led alongside me." She almost wanted to state 'for the time being', but decided to leave that to him and Tlarx to figure out. She was done speaking about lead roles and such, but now she wanted to direct her concern about the grim moods of her pack mates. They needed something to lift them up and get them back on their feet.

"Today is a sad day, full of hurt and betrayal. What our leaders did to us left us a hole in our hearts that seems so hopeless to be able to repair. But mind this, all of you have met other wolves and seen them come and go. Some of them hurt to see them go, but others didn't affect you. Sooner or later, you got over them. You moved on. You got back onto your feet and kept going. That is what we have to do now. Get back up and move on. It's no use dwelling in the past. All that does for you is make your pain worse and soon you're dead to the world." Her speech paused for a moment as she let the words sink in. She feel her own hurt seeping away from her like a river flow. It was no use dwelling in the past or hoping that your loved ones would come back. She learned that a long time ago and she hoped, desperately, that her family would learn that too.

"You have a family now that will support you through your hardest days, your longest hours. That is what a pack is. That's what you signed up for. Promise yourself that you'll make the effort to move on and I'll promise you that I will do everything in my power to help you as well. You are my family, the only family that I care about. I don't want any of you withering away like a dried up flower." She paused again, looking around to see how everyone was taking this. "Remember, I am here for you." She said, finishing her speech. She let it all soak in for a minute or so, glancing from each of her members, making sure they were alright. She then moved on to the business aspect of the meeting. "The rules are the same. No openly speaking about Poison Path." She said. They had puppies to worry about that we Rhysis and Naira blood. Swift River was still a potential threat and she didn't want them to know everything about they're small pack. "And I highly recommend that none of you saunter into Swift River territory, unless you want your hide to be torn off." She said, glancing at Kegan for a moment. She then wondered if that's what happened to Mist. Hmmmm. "If there are any questions, please speak now." Or forever hold your peace.
(This post was last modified: Jun 05, 2012, 08:30 PM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Ver who has 365 posts.
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Ava Attaya
She accepted Athena's sympathy and managed to turn her head toward her Second - her <i>Leader</i> - and offer a few licks to the bottom of her chin. It was an oath of loyalty as well as it was her support for the ghost-colored female. A part of their hearts had died from Naira and Rhysis leaving them, but Ava knew well enough that Athena was only hiding it. She supposed that she had to, for she was the one to take over their reign. Perhaps it was selfish of Ava to be happy, then, that she got to be broken. At least for today. She hadn't the strength to fight the waves of pain; the ocean could overtake her. But not Athena. So she turned her head and fixed her amber gaze on the new Leader's, holding for only a moment. Ava <i>knew</i>.

She vaguely flickered her eyes toward Treena's approach, though something was strange about her arrival. Was it that she was walking a little funny, or that something had visibly changed in her peaceful expression upon viewing the man that took up Athena's side. But oh, what came next was entirely unpredictable. She gave a polite smile crackling with black energy and pronounced him to be... Bipolar Salamander-man. Ava had to lift her head for that one and gave the black-backed male a strange face. Uhhh... alright. The multi-hued female's smile was not unnoticed, but Ava hadn't the heart to return it. Still she accepted it graciously while Treena welcomed him to the family with all the warmth of a fake candle and she couldn't help but wonder <i>whose</i> family exactly was he here to join...

Ava was slightly taken by surprise when the cream-colored wolf appeared at her side to offer her condolences as well. Ava leaned into her soft fur for a moment, appreciating her kindness. Chantille was a good wolf, and loyal wolf. Perhaps her adventures were more quiet than others' in the pack, but her place was not to be undermined. Like always she took her seat and waited patiently for what was to come, while behind her came Kegan from the den. The male's fur gave off the smells of the puppies who had been left behind, just like they all had. Before she'd been entirely cruel to him, and while the thought of his brainlessness was still irritating to the dark-coated female, she had no more anger to give him. She merely ignored his approach and let her sullen eyes wander the mountaintops. Had the sky always been so bleak?

Moments passed. Vafri did not re-appear, neither did the other new girls. Ava hadn't gotten to know them well and hadn't a clue when they'd disappeared either. Perhaps Swift River had killed Mist? Perhaps they'd merely ditched, like so many wolves liked to do. She wasn't certain how she felt, or if she could feel anything at all. Thankfully, Athena prevented her from having to try. The she-wolf started, and went over everything Ava had assumed true - although she did not mention the male at her side. One thing struck her a little shockingly, and would finally provide a favorable light for the stranger. Kegan, as leader? If it'd been in her right she would take the position from him herself, but two females never lead a pack. Leaving the glare from her eyes she realized she'd have to settle for something else.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she meant none of the terrible things she'd thought in the last few hours. Her heart was far more kind than that; curse emotions and all that they did to her. There would be time to make amends, and time to recreate everything that had supported her for months. Loyalties to pledge. It was in her best interest to start now, and mope alone in her den when the night fell.

Quickly after, before anyone else had the turn to voice their opinion, she set her amber gaze upon Athena. "<b>You know me. You trust me. Allow me to serve as your Second, just like I always have.</b>" Short, simple, reasonable request. Ava half wondered if anyone would attempt to challenge her, flexing her toes against the cold ground. Her voice had been quiet, to protect it from the unfavorable emotions within her, yet it rang with strength. There was a steely hardness to her stare as she passed it among her packmates - it was not at hateful, not at all. These wolves were her rock and they had all treated her so kindly in the past few moments. Yet it was resilient, just a reminder of what she was on every other day besides this day. Come the next sunrise, her pieces would be put back together. Then she would sound again, with a little more threat in her tone: "<b><i>And</i> let it be known that alongside your lack of hide, I will personally tear the paws off the next Poisoned wolf to walk back in here smelling of Swift River so the mistake can never be made again.</b>"

Her piece had been said; she turned her eyes back to her lead female for judgement.

(*Not sure if II. Subordinate is the same thing as II. Second, buuttt whatever just throwing that out there for IC intents and purposes x3)
Played by Bridget who has 109 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tlarx Everfall
Bipolar salamander man. Ok. Well, that was a new one. He only managed a small grin, but it twitched a bit, as he did not know how to properly react to Treena's teasing name-calling. With a flick of his tail, Tlarx could sense Athena's stare- she was probably confused as hell, and had all the right to be. Turning his head slightly, he whispered "I'll tell you later." With a reassuring nudge, he watched as the rest of the Poisoned wolves made their entrance. As Ava approached, Tlarx offered his name as she spoke of hers. "Tlarx." A creamy woman walked forth, comforting Ava and licking Athena's chin. Although she seemed confused, Tlarx offered a nod to her. Kegan came after, and offered a welcome to him. "Thank you."

He realized that he and Kegan were the only males. Interesting. Ears twitching, he studied Kegan quietly, observing the man as he went to take his place. He wanted to battle for the role of leader, but would do so after the pack meeting. Perhaps a talk with Kegan would be in order first. As Athena began to speak, his attention snapped away from the man in particular, and instead hovered around the whole pack.

Swift River...this was a pack he had yet to come in contact with. Tlarx seated himself, remaining silent as his mate spoke her words. She was strong with her words; confident. The sorrow within the pack pulled at his heart, and he would work his ass off to make everything better. Although he barely knew his new family, he wanted to help them. Dark brown eyes fluttering toward Ava, he listened to her, and then looked back to Athena.
Played by Smeh who has 37 posts.
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Kegan Richie
"And let it be known that alongside your lack of hide, I will personally tear the paws off the next Poisoned wolf to walk back in here smelling of Swift River so the mistake can never be made again." The jet black female had said in a threatening voice. <i>" Can't she just stop blabbering on about it? For god's sake woman"</i> The male said in his head. Instead, he stared at the female quite in an annoyed way, why, the silvery male wondered, why was she so cruel to him. Kegan felt like fainting. He.... he was the leader? What? this has, has., has to be a joke."And I highly recommend that none of you saunter into Swift River territory, unless you want your hide to be torn off." Kegan noticed that the white female had glanced at him. Well, lucky Athena never said it in such a rough, threatening tone like the other female had done. He took a deep, calm breath as he nodded to what Athena and Ava had said.

If Kegan was the male leader, he would have to have the common sense not to go near Swift River, though the boy knew that he wouldn't possibly go near there again. He wanted to sort out his friendship with Ava, maybe he would even have time to actually be friends with her. Ever since he returned from that pack's territory he knew that she thought of him as a idiot.