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Not The Best Of Wolves — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Whitewolf who has 7 posts.
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Melodia Eagleheart
Melodia quietly stepped through the Drooping Willows, remembering to stay away from the borders that made the entrance to the pack's territory. She didn't want to get caught, and she knew she would be in deep trouble if she was found. Instead, she traveled about four feet away from the border, always sticking to that safe radius. Her ears were pointed forward and her nose slightly raised, breathing in all the sweet scents that came from the Willows. "This place is quite nice," she murmured, closing her eyes in bliss. She then traveled farther from the pack territory, hoping to find a secluded place for a nap.

About five minutes later, the fresh scent of a rabbit reached her nose. Immediately salivating at the delicious smell, she followed it and saw a hole at the bottom of one of the trees, where the fresh scent was coming from. She crouched in front of the hole, making sure the rabbit inside couldn't see or smell her, and waited. As she waited, her tail was kept still, her ears alert for any sound, and her eyes concentrated on the hole, never wavering. Soon, she spotted the tips of soft ears coming from the hole.

The unsuspecting hare popped out of the hole, only to meet the gaping maw of Melodia. With a terrified squeak, it made to go back into the hole, only to be stopped as Melodia's strong jaws clamped around it's neck. With a quick snap, the animal went limp and Melodia dragged it out of the hole. Satisfied, Melodia stood and loped away from the area, lest any other wolves catch the scent of fresh blood.
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
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Steel Kaldorr
After his last encounter with a lone wolf, Steel was getting entirely fed up. It seemed that everywhere he turned there was another one and they all wanted to <i>talk!</i> Except the huge female that is. She had been much more his style. A woman of action and few words. He was now in a new area with trees with great drooping swatches of branches. Everything seemed peaceful enough until he ran into the fresh markings of a pack border. One thing that Steel would never do, was cross into a pack border. It wasn't really that he was worried about causing <span class='word'>pilikia</span>, he just hated interacting with other wolves. Packs usually had many and they got testy about trespassers.

Which was why he was veering away from the borders. Nope. No socialization for him today. Not even the nonverbal kind. He would simply skirt the area and be on his way. Steel was staring at the land before him, relaxing ever so slightly as he moved off from the pack land. This was more like it... peace, quiet and solitude! Life was right, once more! He took a deep breath and shook his black and white coat, feeling invigorated by the fresh air and making good time with his usual ground eating pace.
Played by Whitewolf who has 7 posts.
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Melodia Eagleheart
Melodia happily loped around trees, filling her nose with numerous scents. Then the smell of a lone male reached her and she stopped dead in her tracks. Curious she decided to follow the scent, which was now beginning to fade. Quickly realizing the scent was getting closer to where she had killed the rabbit, she decided to pick up her pace so she could block the wolf's path.

She skirted the area where the rabbit carcass was, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn't find the male's scent near it. Before he could come closer, Melodia stepped in front of the male and sat down, saying nothing as she examined him.
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
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Steel Kaldorr
The more distance that he put between himself and the unknown pack, the better he felt. He war relieved to have avoided any of the pack wolves and therefore any potential <i>conversation</i> with them. Feeling more than satisfied at his success, Steel traveled with utter confidence, strength rolling easily off of his form. He did not have to work at it, it was just who he was. His last encounter with the yearling male still irritated him. The pest just wouldn't leave him alone until he had lost his temper.

He hated to lose his temper, but it wasn't because of any social niceties. It was merely that in order to lose his temper he had to be around others. For most of his life as a loner he'd managed to successfully avoid <i>all</i> contact with others, but since entering Relic Lore his luck had apparently run out. Aside from the white fae that offered him a way out from irksome loners, every wolf he had met had aggravated him to no end.

Looking around, he realized the the mountains that she had spoke of seemed nearer. In his wanderings he had made his way back in their general direction without even thinking about it. Well, he hadn't committed to anything and he was merely living his life. It was nothing more than a coincidence he assured himself briskly. Then a young white female came out of nowhere and plopped herself down before him, bold as you please. Instantly, he head and tail were raised high and he favored her with a toothy snarl as his hackles raised to full height. <i>Seriously? Another one, already?</i>
Played by Whitewolf who has 7 posts.
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Melodia Eagleheart
Melodia freely watched the male, not reacting one bit when he got defensive. <b>"No need to be on the defensive side,"</b> she teased lightly. She had a feeling this wolf didn't enjoy much company. <b>"My name is Melodia. Yours?"</b> she asked quietly. She could be calm when she wanted to be, but she would absolutely <i>snap</i> if this male decided to be rude.

As far as she could remember, she had never seen him before, so it positively puzzled her as to <i>why</i> he was acting like this. <i>'Oh well, can't hurt to be a bit friendly,</i> Melodia thought, swiping her tongue over her muzzle. She dully noted small things, such as fur color and length, as well as the muscle underneath that thick fur.
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
<i>What was it with the young these days? Didn't they have the sense that they were born with?</i> You did <i>not</i> step in front of a strange wolf, bold as you please! It was a good way to get your throat ripped out and after the night that he'd had last night, his patience was only holding on by a thread. The <span class='word'>surfeit</span> of upstart youngsters was enough to drive a loner mad. Simply mad...in more than one sense of the word. Steel glared even harder at the girl as she tried to be friendly, resisting the urge to look for the <i>'Annoy Me!'</i> sign on his butt.

He stopped snarling, barely. Giving her a brief appraising look he growled out, <b>"Steel. Loner."</b> Then he turned and proceeded to walk around her without another look, seeing no need to get into a <i>'conversation'</i> that would only aggravate him further. Hopefully, she would take the hint and not pester him as the stubborn boy from last night had. <i>Three times</i> the lad had persisted, until Steel could take it no more an the boy's sense of self preservation kicked in and he'd high-tailed it away from the dour wolf.

(Sorry he's such a jerk!)
Played by Whitewolf who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Melodia Eagleheart
Melodia stood, the fur along her back beginning to stick up. <b>"Look. Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed doesn't mean you have to be <i>rude</i>,"</b> she growled. Every fiber of her being radiated annoyance, and her eyes were narrowed to slits. If this Steel character wanted to be rude, then so be it.

As long as she could remember, Melodia had a short fuse. She was nice when the other wolf was nice, but she would take any aggressiveness they aimed at her and shoot it right back. Her mother often called her 'her little time bomb,' and it suit her perfectly.
Played by Jen who has 83 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Steel Kaldorr
Her sheer audacity gave him pause and he stopped, counting slowly before he turned to her. She had no idea the fire that she was playing with fire with her impudent words. He really was <i>trying</i> to refrain from harming another wolf. All he wanted was to be left alone, but no one seemed to get the message. <i>Why did it seem as if he was a magnet for wolves wanting to talk and be friendly, when all he wanted was peace and solitude?</i>

Slowly he faced her, eyes midnight blue and brows furrowed in anger. His hackles raised to full height and a low growl rumbled in his chest. His eyes snapped with blue fire as he bit out, <b>"<i>I</i> did not ask for your company, impudent pup! And just for your information, this is as good as it gets!" </b> That was the most words that he'd ever strung together in one go. He was tired and frazzled and this girl was stepping on his last nerve, actually acting offended, when <i>she</i> had interrupted <i>him!</i>