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Things don't always go as planned — Hush Meadow 
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Played by HowlingWolf who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moon Hollow
Moon made her way through the meadow, her belly almost scraping the ground as she stalked after a fat hare. The only thing that distinguished the brown rabbit from its surroundings was its fluffy white tail. From that, it was easy to see the whole thing with her sharp eyesight, Currently, it was nibbling on some blades of grass and seeds, completly unaware of the danger that lie just a few wolf-lengths away. Already, she hadn't eaten for a couple days, not because she hadn't been well enough to hunt or hadn't been able to, but because prey had been elusive lately.

She had never really had a destination in mind when she traveled. She just wandered, seeing the sights and watching others. The scar on her back had been caused by her wanderings but in the wrong way. It was partly the reason she avoided other wolves. That memory seemed to sca her deeper than just the flesh.

However, at the same time, she longed to be part of a pack. She wanted to have friends and experience pack life, maybe even get a mate and have pups one day. With those thoughts already on her mind, she allowed her mind to wander for one of those rare moments of what she imagined her pups would look like or how her mate would be.

Finally, she focused back to the real wold and on the rabbit in front of her again.