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New Begining — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by pokewolfpup who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yoru padded down the forest, muzzle raised in curiosity, ears pointed in caution, his golden eyes simmering in the little spots of sunlight that seeped through the trees, his dark fur moving with the direction of the winds, taking in the scents of the new area. This forest was a bit more cleared out than most he has been to, so it was allot easier to navigate and to and take in new scents. He could easily hear the other animals around him, ignoring them somewhat because he wasn't extremely hungry, although he deicided he would hunt soon. His head and ears perked suddenly, catching the scent of a pack in the distance. "Great.....just where I needed to be.....near a pack....." he had muttered to himself.
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer

It was the closest she had ever come to Grizzly Hollow since she had left. And still, she felt nothing. Not an ounce of remorse, sadness, longing or regret. It only made her furthermore certain that her decision to leave, and when she had, had been the right one.
Still a sigh seeped past her parted maw, thinking back on what she had left behind. Without a doubt, it had been her time to leave this place, though still she wondered of Jaysyek, wondered if the children were even still there, and wondered how long Kade had stood before Borden would have (sooner or later) retaken his placement as Leader.
And it was deep in these thoughts which got her startled by the voice of another, his words a whisper by the distance between them, but instantly she crept forth closer. It was as though her limbs reacted before her mind. She was tensed - on end with the feelings to protect these lands and the pack within it, despite the lack of connection as of now. Though of the past, this place was as much a part of her as the Ridge and her birth home in Torbine. So when she came, she was all very much aware of him, moving to cut off his path, her tail out straight at her back end, rigid. "And whats so wrong about a pack?" Her words came out a snap, dark as her tones had ever been. "I hope you are aware you are a pack animal." She explains, holding back the growl. She had her share of 'pack haters' and quite frankly, thought that shying away from their natural instinct and smarts to band together was ridiculously.
Played by pokewolfpup who has 8 posts.
Inactive No Rank
The young wolf's ears had shot forward, hearing the sound of another wolf coming closer. He immediately had braced himself for an attack, and for he, himself to attack. His tail now also rigid, showing that he wouldn't back down no matter who it was. His ears up and alert and head held high now. It was what he saw other pack wolves do saw it as a form of dominance. He had looked her in the eyes. <b>"Packs are evil, they only exist to attack the weak, I don't need to join something as cowardly and evil as that.</b> he had replied. <b>"Who cares if I am technically a <i>'pack animal'</i>?"</b> he said. <b>"It doesn't mean I have to run with one...."</b> he replied. His stance automatically saying, <i>I'm ready to fight, any second now</i>, clearly. He didn't expect seeing a pack over here, and by the way the other wolf acted he suspected an alpha, he wasn't sure of what might happen if he went against an alpha, since he has never been against such a strong opponent of a high position. The only reason he had come this way was to enjoy the space of the forest since most he went to never had this much, yet again with this much space they could fight more freely than in others.
Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
{In this timeline, I'm assuming Rose has already told Elettra about Shade.}

http://i45.tinypic.com/23sgruw.png) top center no-repeat; background-color: #690000;">
Gabrielle had been making it a point to stay near the Dropping Willows and get used to her packmates, but she always found herself craving to explore Relic Lore. Every day she was just a tad little hungrier than the one before. The brown fae was trotting without a sound around the cedar trees, swishing her tail for she had never explored the west side of this majestic land. Although the Willows whispered for her to come home, she ignored them like a naive pup ignoring their mother, continuing right on her path to no where in particular.

She felt weird walking around here without Shade beside her, comforting her the whole way: but in another sense of her mind, she also felt free like a bird. She had gone no where alone but the Mountain of Dire. So far, freedom in Relic Lore tasted good...even if she planned to run back home to Willow Ridge at the end of the day.Her smooth chocolate pads brought her to the familiar scent of her alpha: Elettra Archer. Gabbie stopped in her casual tracks and felt her fur rise on end. A sudden shock of urgency hit her. Was Elettra okay? She couldn't be dead. Was she wounded? Hungry? Thirsty? In a fight.

The brown lady forced her body to take a controlling deep breath and calm herself down. Elettra was fine, being as strong as she was. Ears perked, Gabrielle went to check the status of her dominant female ahead.

Table by Abbie, for Abbie
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
not sure how well this is going to go. XD

If her small, brown hued pack mate was far behind her, for the moment, she would go unnoticed, as Elettra's full attention was upon the male in front of her, his words a clear explanation of his hatred towards packs. It had not even been a reasonable one, as El might have otherwise expected. At least Shade's parents had been murdered by loners (though be it unknown to Elettra) to warrant such hatred. But this wolf? A fool, to think that pack members warrant something of evil. Elettra had not seen an ill bone in Narime's, nor Kyrie's body, far beyond that of evil intentions. And though perhaps Skana, Remy and herself were a bit of harder stuff, she never would lower herself to consider being something from the very bowels of hell.
Elettra snorted, her position shifting to something into a readied stance though she shifts back. She wouldn't even waste her precious time. ”Whomever taught you this was a fool, as you are for believing it.” She speaks, returning so she may retreat for she had no further interest. ”There are many evil packs in these lands, so I suggest you watch your back.” He would not make it far within the lands of Relic Lore with such an attitude, filled with various packs all around seemingly every corner. Surely, within time he would learn his lesson, but Elettra had no means of babysitting a child in order to due this bidding. He was a stranger and with this, meant nothing to her.
Played by Namara who has 438 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Shade Slayer
>:D Guess who is back to bug Yoru???? >:D
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/sets/shadetable.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #c7b49b;">
Shade continued to follow the faint scent of his leader and mate. He was extra protective of Rose after seeing Elettra's reaction to the news. The fear kinda made him freak. He was slowly, but truly going paranoid with anger. The memories of nightmares, daymares. The daydreams, the dreams, all gone wrong as some terrifying face appeared. His fathers some of the time. The bear that had mauled Rose's father. Sometimes even the pack leaders. But the pack leaders had nothing to fear of the couple. No, they were as loyal as ever.

Shade came to see the beatiful fae he called his mate and Elettra, the fearless pack leader. He heard a conversation. There was a third wolf. This wolf was familiar. But from where? Then it hit him. Yoru. He tensed, his stare solid cold with hatred towards the male. There last meeting wasn't so pleasant, he dipped his head in respect towards his leader and took a place beside Rose. IT had felt different not being around her. So he tracked her and Elettra here. <b style="color:#8e989d">"Yoru." He said with disdain in his voice. His tail raised in slight dominance to the male. The dominance just to screw with his head.

table by bryony
[Image: pinepride7_zps7a552c31.png][Image: ShadeSig_zps8e8a9e64.png~original]
Played by Abbie who has 106 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rosealia Slayer
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/bluepups/RoseTable-2.png); background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:200px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;">
Rosealia felt her paws stirring the grass around them wildly, making them whisper and crunch under her leathery pads. She was making quite a noise, but there was nothing she wanted to hide. Her ears went down on her head as she came into view of the noble Elettra standing across from an unusual, golden-eyed male that seemed to be giving her a problem. She was about to make her appearance obvious when her mate shot out and spat the male's name, "Yoru." Shade was no doubt uncomfortable and angry with this male.

A very unusual name indeed. It made her spark up and automatically lean forward and use a paw to catch herself. Like Molasses, she got faster in her pawsteps until she was standing to the right of Elettra, eyes glinting with fury. What a cocky wolf. "Elettra, is this guy giving you problems?" She grounded her paws and raised her tail like Shade did, thinking she could scare him.

Even if Elettra could easily handle herself, she treated her alpha's being like her own. She knew that it was naturally loyal as soon as she had asked the question without thinking. Her ecru fur slightly raised, sharp on their tips. This man's aurora was threatening, but he was destined to flee out of the Drooping Willows any minute.

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