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The Great Danton — Grizzly Hollow 
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Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
no one cares about
the man in the box
the man who disappears

November 16th; Early evening; Light snowfall, some wind.

Borden's musk hung heavily in the air. The leader could have been exactly where he stood a mere hour before he had arrived. Angier - obsessed, traumatized, and forever changed by the events of the weeks prior to this very moment - smirked to himself. Since Borden had demanded that he stay away, the warning had done nothing but keep him close. He couldn't serve Alexander, he was no longer under Indru's charge, Vlarindara formerly held his heart when it had been whole, and now Elettra had no use for him. Yet.

Finding no one but himself to blame for all his undoings, he had hit rock-bottom, and in place of the desire, the longing, and the anger, the embers of an insatiable flame began to burn. Insanity. Greed. Jealousy and envy. Hunger...

He licked his lips and gave a snort. It was all his fault. There was just no other reasoning to consider. If Borden had not let his ego flare up, not allowed himself to be ousted from their family's ranks, the both of them would have had the chance to spar for leadership of the Bertram Valley pack. He might not have been happy under Borden's rule, but he at least would have had a purpose, to keep their younger brothers in check among other miscellaneous duties, such as patrolling, hunting, and fetching the odd herb when necessary.

Yes, if his brother had not been so egomaniacal, Angier would have had a place and family to come home to at the end of each day. The train of thought made his face distort into an ugly sneer. Whether Borden knew it or not, Angier was going to follow through with what he had last told the Hollow leader. Through all that the brothers had done, Borden had gained everything while Angier had lost whatever he had. It wasn't fair, and the awareness that he was about to commit the misdeed he thought would even the score did nothing but fuel him further to accomplish his goal.

Through the trees he forged a path that snaked along the edges of Grizzly Hollow. The target he had in mind made itself known, her image crystal clear in his head: one of his nieces, seemingly lost in the thickening snowstorm. The unknowing radium girl.

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:27 AM by Angier.)

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin
magician's child, white queen's daughter;
a girl of schematics, the rebel, the plotter

Left to her own devices and curiosity while Calla and her brothers went off on their own, Taima Lyall had somehow ended up near one of her mother's markers, one that signalled to wandering rogues that they were not welcome without permission. She brushed off the fact that she had gone much farther than she had intended to go and started following a trail her father had recently traversed. The confidence and security that came with her parents' scent eventually wore thin, and somewhere from the back of her mind, a voice told her to look out. She stopped and peered through the falling snow, her goldenrod eyes and frostbitten nose actively seeking out any trace of an undesired guest. She froze, half-blinded by the snow, rendered partially senseless by the frigid breeze.

If she hadn't been concentrating as hard as she had been, she might have missed the slinking silhouette that was making his way through the forest. Her head tilted in suspicion, assuming the figure before her had been her father. A smile lit up her face and she took a few bold steps forward, eager to greet him. The closer he drew, however, the more she realized that the man was too thin. Too ragged, too lanky, too twitchy. The latter of her observations made her somewhat uneasy and she took back the steps she had taken.

The instinct to drive him away surfaced and, letting out a wary bark, she straightened herself with an impressive display of spiked fur and forward ears, "Hey! Yer not s'posed to be here." She opted to howl for the pack, to request for assistance in driving off this tall, unexpected rogue, but it was with foolish pride that she kept quiet, fairly sound and sanguine in her ability to hold her ground.

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:48 AM by Taima.)
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
no one cares about
the man in the box
the man who disappears

His patience did not go unrewarded as he tested the boundaries of his brother's packlands, waiting to see if a patrolling guard would appear. Instead of someone likened to Elettra's sentries, the form of a disproportionate cub manifested before him. Even through the seemingly never-ending sheets of snowflakes, her presence was unmistakable. The large ears atop her crown and her still-stocky legs readily gave away her age. To confirm the fact, her voice, youthful and brazen, sounded out to address him.

"Hey! Yer not s'posed to be here." The shout, crisp and clear under the cedars, might have caught him by surprise if he hadn't been anticipating it. His head lifted upward upon being acknowledged and the smirk on his face softened his expression into one of a well-composed gentleman. "Sorreh, miss," he smiled, his tail lingering at his heels as he came to a stop. "Kinda lost my way," he gestured with a nod to bring her attention to the difficulty of navigating through the snow. "Ah'm lookin' for a place to stay the night. Didn't mean ta startle ya."

He studied her face, not at all daunted when the vibes she gave off exactly matched the ones he had been subject to when he and Borden were growing up. She was just a girl after all. "I'm Danton," he introduced himself with a toothy smile, hoping she would allow him to come closer. "Are your parents around?"

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:29 AM by Angier.)

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
<blockquote>A dash and a lunge was all that was needed to ensnare the unlucky hare in her jaws. It would be a nice prize for the caches, and with pride the little wolf turned to head back to the den for the night. She didn't want to get stuck out in the middle of nowhere when the snow really started to fall. On the journey back she caught the faint scent of one of the pups over the metallic stench of blood from the prey in her mouth. She thought it strange that they would be out, especially in weather growing foul. Perhaps it was just a family outing, but it really never hurt to check. She remembered what happened last time she didn't stick around to check on things. No one was dying if she could help it.

She glanced around, seeing a row of paw prints newly pressed into the snow. Relatively undisturbed and uncovered, she knew it hadn't been long since whoever had passed through. Letting the limp hare fall to the ground forgotten, she sniffed at the smattering of prints. It was one of the girl's, Taima. Horrible scenarios formed and collapsed in her head, recent intrusions of bobcats and strange wolves adding fuel to the imaginative fire.

Her heart beating a panicked pace in her chest, Sibyl raced along with the tracks serving as her path. Her eyes roved up ahead, a small form taking shape through the white flurry. <b>"Taima!"</b> She shouted as loud as she dared, the soft timbre of her voice nearly swallowed by the snow-covered forest. Her gallop slowed, then stopped when she noticed a tall figure before the girl. <b>"Taima?"</b> Confusion and apprehension were written plainly across the tawny surface of Sibyl's face. Her reddish ears were folded back, eyes fixed on the lanky stranger as she moved to stand beside Taima. The male's purpose was unknown, but Sibyl took all unknowns as dangers. The little wolf's stance lacked the resolution of a guard, but her heart was steeled. Nothing would happen to the pups on her watch. <b>"E-excuse me sir, but what are you doing?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

The snow added to her speckled effect now making her appear more white with grey and black flecks than the other way around, but that tended to happen in winter, with her undercoat growing in white, like her mothers. It served her well at this time of year. She was casually strolling amongst the cedars, trying to track down the overly adventurous young when she froze in her tracks.

Something was off. It could have been the swirling snow, making it difficult to see too far ahead or it could have been the way her paw steps disappeared so quickly behind her. Brows drew together in concern as blood was added to the mix along with the scent of the young and a stranger. Her skin crawled, what monstrosity was this? As she walked forwards, memory flashed. The cedar trees morphed as the snow turned red, and the small black tufts scattered across the clearing bought her heart thundering to her throat.

A growl grew in her chest as the tiny woman moved forward, faster than she would have had she been alone among the trees. Sibyl’s scent washed over her with a sense of relief as she darted past the abandoned hare. With it, the scent of blood began to fade, easing some of her nerves, but not enough to stop her from barreling into the scene at an alarming rate. Although the fear wanted to take hold, knock her over with a yelp at the sight of the large, strange man, she held herself upright on stiff legs. Her honey eyes fell on Taima, still alive, still standing, still in one piece and it only added to the lifting of the load that had been weighing her down only moments before. It only added to her tiny confidence.

She gave Sibyl a reassuring nudge as she moved to flank the young girl’s other side, and turn accusing eyes onto the tawny man. He looked so... familiar and yet not. She knew the question would have been asked already, so she kept her mouth shut. Only adding an accusatory glare to the two that already rested on him. Her tail was held rigid with her spine, a stance she was unaccustomed to taking of late, although still not yet quite as bold as the young girl beside her.

(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 02:40 AM by Aniu.)
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Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
<blockquote>It was a black-and-white fact that the Lyall children had always been something of a handful, and this year's litter had proven no different. There was one, however, who he had spent many a day and night covertly watching over. Taima had made a habit of wandering from the safety of the Hollow wolves' domain on what now seemed a regular basis, which was alright, he supposed, on most days. With winter now knocking on their doorstep, it was no longer safe for the little ones to go so far, lest they lose their way in the whites of the snowfall and freeze to death...

This particular evening the guard was not far behind the princess as she meandered closer and closer to the borders. It would be time to retire to the den soon, and he was not unaware that his belly was not the only to be growing empty. It was in his mind to allow her more time before revealing himself to her, to nudge her back to where he knew safety and her mother to be; he'd kept his distance, enough so that she would be blind to the fact that there was an extra set of eyes watching her every move, and, perhaps, it was just a little <i>too</i> much.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye she was gone, out of sight somewhere among the foliage. The man took in a deep sigh, rolled his shoulders, and picked up the pace as his muzzle roved the surface of the snow in pursuit. But before she was within eyesight a voice broke the evening quiet. It was foreign, not one he'd heard before, male. <i>"Are your parents around?"</i> How curious...

<i>"Taima!"</i> Sibyl's voice was more of a frenzied screech as she shouted for the cub. It only took a second and a few well-placed strides before the silver-dusted wolf came upon an unlikely scene: Taima, Sibyl, as polite and reserved as ever, a small female he'd never met but knew to belong to them, and a stranger. For a second he could have mistaken the wolf for Borden himself.

<b>"Taima, come."</b> The statement was no polite request. Silver eyes narrowed upon the tawny figure who had apparently come too close for comfort. His tail would curl above his back in warning as he purposefully and slowly stepped closer. <b>"<i>They're not around</i>, but I am."</b> His calm tone was permeated with venom as he made his way to encircle the intruder's back.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2012, 02:24 AM by Kade.)
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
no one cares about
the man in the box
the man who disappears

The shrill shriek of what presumably was the young girl's name made his grin press his lips into a hard line across his muzzle. He had half-expected that Borden would appear to reclaim what was most precious to him, and he was thoroughly pleased when a spritely woman approached, taking up a guarded stance beside his niece. She stuttered a question to him and he merely arched a brow. His eyes flickered from one to the other, then to a third set of eyes. A pair that was just as wary and guarded.

"Just talking," he answered, his tone of voice as slick as oil. "Taima, come." The addition of a masculine voice apart from his own made his attention abruptly turn to the dark man who had spoken. Angier sized him up, somewhat impressed by the Guard's response. His tail stiffly hung at his heels and his eyes narrowed. The girl, Taima, no longer held his interest now with three Hollow wolves to worry about.

It should have been easy to whisk the cub away with a flight of fanciful, whimsical ideas only an endearing uncle could think up, but he had forgotten however, how much time had actually passed. His four youngest nephews and nieces, apparently, were now far beyond reach of imaginative wishes and colorful promises. If Taima was quick to question his presence on her family's doorstep, then Angier would have to think up a better way to seize one of the pack's prized assets. Mentally going back to the drawing board and brainstorming what and why he had returned to Cedarwood, a list formed. Next to the very first bullet point, he remembered. He could have a family again. Starting with her...

The Lyall's gaze shot to where Taima stood and again the corners of his mouth lifted. "In good timing, too," he slowly uttered. "Just... didn't want... Taima, here... to lose her way." He smirked to the pair of women who had first addressed him, "Impressive display, the two of you, I see Borden's done well with recruiting." He rounded on the coal-pelted Guard again. In attempt to quell whatever animosity he had initially sparked by purposefully trespassing on pack grounds, he relaxed his ears and posture as a whole and evened out the smug expression on his face. In the most convincing and courteous voice he could manage, he asked, "You wouldn't happen to have use for a Hunter and Botanist, would you?"

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:30 AM by Angier.)

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin
:x Ack, messed up the post orderrrrr. Sorry. His muse got ahead of hers. lol.
magician's child, white queen's daughter;
a girl of schematics, the rebel, the plotter

"I'm Danton" the stranger extended. He had apologized earlier for frightening her, if he had, and given his reason for why he was where he was. Possibly unknowingly headed toward the den. "Are your parents around?" The harder Taima glared at the rogue, the more she felt her defenses crumbling. If he was so bold to come this close to her then, really, what odds did she have against protecting herself from a the potential deeds or misdeeds of this Danton?

Sibyl's voice shattered the air and the girl gave a jolt. Taima's eyes darted about her surroundings without luck, but as a second utterance of her name was heard, her eyes locked with Sibyl's bronze-eyed gaze. She asked the tawny man a question and as Sibyl came to stand next to her, she listened attentively, the audacity within her flaring up again. He proclaimed they had just been talking, even if the pup had barely said anything at all aside from telling him indirectly that he was intruding upon her parents' land. Aniu brushed up against the side opposite of Sibyl. Even though she merely glared, Taima took a step back, sensing now the protective vibe both women took up without a moment's hesitance.

"Taima, come."

The order grated against her ears and she froze. Answering to her father was one thing but to answer to Kade was something entirely different. Her muzzle smoothed out and her own ears and tail lowered. If Kade was here, without Dad, then surely this encounter was something terrible just waiting to happen. He circled around 'Danton' and Taima's posture sunk down into the fallen snow between Sibyl and Aniu.

Danton continued to babble on and it caught the girl by surprise that he knew her father's name. That fact in itself was unsettling. She peered at Kade's legs through the spaces between Aniu's and Sibyl's limbs. Then, after edging forward on her elbows, she attempted to catch Kade's eye. She visibly shook her head from side to side, her ears swaying along in protest.

template made by GINNYSAURUS. of RPG-D.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2012, 07:49 AM by Taima.)
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j347/holdbacktherain/tables/sibyltab.png) bottom center no-repeat; background-color: #33353b;">
Sibyl had no clue what she would have done next, no matter what the male's answer was. It was with relief she soon noticed the scents of her packmates around her, and she met Aniu's reassuring nudge with a gentle push back. Aniu moved around to Taima's other side, which boosted Sibyl's small reserves of confidence. The rumble of Kade's voice was the most encouraging thing of all. She watched as the second circled around the intruder, and though she was glad the black wolf was taking charge of the situation, she disagreed with his order for Taima. The girl hadn't even made a move to get up anyways, but rather shrank down against the snow. Knowing this was the best place for her they could manage at the moment, Sibyl angled her body and limbs into a more defensive stance. Her and Aniu could chase off bobcats... Surely they could keep Taima safe.

Impressive display? Sibyl's eyes flicked to Aniu for the briefest of moments, her eyebrow quirking slightly in a secret gesture. She was quite proud what the two of them had managed, given their dispositions, but it was nothing you'd call impressive. Normally Sibyl would have blushed at such a compliment, but something about his words just felt off. She couldn't place her paw on it, but all the smirking, the greasy way his eyes slid as he glanced about, the slick way his words seemed to slither off his tongue, it just didn't seem right. Questions were rising up within her, how did he know Borden, or Taima's name even?

Sibyl kept quiet, glad that the man directed his question towards Kade rather than herself. While the two were technically equal in rank, Sibyl was out of her league here. With winter coming, more helping hands couldn't hurt. But could they trust this guy? Or was it all just a misunderstanding? She had no idea what to make of the situation, and hoped that Kade would know what to say to that. Feeling rather useless, Sibyl shifted her attention down to Taima, seeing the girl shaking her head from side to side.

table by bryony
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by becuffin who has 91 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate

She was not surprised when another wolf joined them. Clearly confident in his approach, this was another pack mate Aniu had been avoiding (simply because she didn’t like to get under the paws of others). His words cut through the tension with clear authority, but instead of heeding them, the small girl shrank. Aniu looked down at her with kind eyes. This wasn’t her fault. It would all be ok.

Just talking.

Why didn’t she believe it for a moment? Because any wolf with a nose would know where the borders ended. Had he been on the other side, she may have felt a little more lenient. His excuse about not wanting Taima to get lost tugged at her a little... Perhaps he wasn’t so bad? and his compliment about their impressive display instilled in her a great amount of potvaliancy that was usually absent her small frame.

A hunter and a botanist? Her tail twitched in the beginnings of a wag, but quickly stilled. Well they already had both in her, to and extent, but this only piqued her interest further. It would be nice to have someone to help for sure, with herbs harder to find under the blanket of snow, and it had been so long since she had hunted with another. Yes he was a bit scruffy for now, but weren’t all loners as the days shortened and the snow blanketed the earth? She began to relax a little, extra help was never anything to be snorted at, especially with winter upon them... But it wasn’t her call to make. Next to her, Sibyl had shifted to stand more between the young girl and the tawny man, and Taima was shaking her head from side to side.

She relaxed in an attempt to diffuse just a little of the tension. He was well outnumbered, he wouldn’t be able to reach Taima with the quick responses of herself and Sibyl so protectively placed over the small girl. Perhaps he was innocent. Perhaps they needed a leader here? She looked to the dark male questioningly. This certainly wasn’t her call to make.

(This post was last modified: Dec 30, 2012, 02:40 AM by Aniu.)
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