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A Friendly Face... — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
The golden wolf was restless. Not in a bad way, but in the 'there's so much to see and explore' way. She had followed her feelings and landed in a brand new pack, Secret Woodlands. It had not been her plan, but all of the pieces seemed to have fallen seamlessly into place. She'd seen the elk that had led her to speak with Sloane and Hollow, which had led to her joining the pack and the hunt. It had been her first group hunt and quite an adventure.

She decided that exploring her new home would be a good way to utilize her energy. She could mark the borders when she neared them, but her primary goal was to see her new home and to discover what it had to offer in terms of plants and herbs for general good health and healing. Honestly, it was an activity that was second nature to her, so she didn't even have to think about her actions as her unusual blue eyes scanned the winter-barren brush and her nose ferreted out the scents masked by the powdery white snow.

In fact, her explorations relaxed her so much that her mind began to wander to her new family. To be honest... to one wolf in particular, a midnight pelted male with amazing blue eyes. She'd felt like she could get lost in them the first moment that she'd looked into them. The memory brought a warm heat to her face and she smiled shyly to the frosty cloud formed by her own breath. They'd seen each other during the hunt, but hadn't had the chance to talk, really. With a dreamy sigh that sounded foreign to her own ears, she tried to think of something other than the handsome young wolf.

Her mind turned to her leadess and she wondered once more why she'd seen her in her dreams and why she dreamed of her having the use of both eyes. She felt as if she was meant to help, but she honestly had no idea how, or even if, such a miracle could happen. If she believed her dreams, then it would. But, how? Now she was confused and frustrated. She wished that she had Solarra here. She would know exactly what to do and say to make it all right.

A sudden wave of sadness overcame the young girl and she stopped, giving in to the bout of despair. She hung her head and then slowly curled up in a ball of golden fur with a soft whine.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow was walking the borders with his mind set purposefully on his new family. He was beginning to feel like he was really home, home was a thought that always saddened the young male. He missed knowing his parents, he couldn't remember anymore, the faces or names, even of his brother and sister the only blood kin he had here in relic lore, or this life for all he knew, was Pandora, and if he were to be honest with himself she was almost insufferable. However the one thing he always could remember were their soft voices and gentle words, their wisdom was unmatched in Hollow's eyes.

The weak winter sunlight dappled Hollow's coat and made the small dark patches of color appear in certain spots, to an outsider it would look almost as if his fur were constantly changing its dark hue. The sunlight coupled with the snow patches also played strange tricks, at times in shadow the ring of green around his right pupil would almost disappear and when light shone off of the snow and ice in the trees it would almost flood his eye with pure emerald light. He could be terrifying to an unsuspecting loner, he laughed as he remembered a loner telling him he had looked like demon slinking through the trees when he himself was lone.

But the young wolf was far from a demon, his heart good and head square on his shoulders. However today the young wolf's thoughts traveled not to his parents nor to his strange coat and eyes, but to a set of beautiful sea blue eyes and a white and gold coat. She had stunned him just by meeting him and in all truth be told he had eyes for her during the hunt, Hollow would never admit but he had nearly ran into a tree head on. His mind set on the beautiful young she wolf and his absent minded marking of the border had him in a daze.

Her scent drifted to him lightly and he inhaled it before suddenly realizing it wasn't in his head so naturally he turned and headed towards the source. Not being headstrong nor the sweet talking type Hollow had absolutely no idea what to say to her but he knew he wanted to talk, and get to know her. It wasn't long before he came upon her curled up in a ball of soft golden fur. Hollow was sure to step into the open so as not to surprise her when he heard a soft whine emit from the form. He said as softly as he could trying his best not to frighten her "Azariah, is everything okay? His face bore a look of concern he did not often wear, but this was Azariah.
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
The sadness washed over her and she felt completely bereft in those moments. She missed her beloved mentor, plain and simple and she had not allowed herself to grieve for her. From the moment that she had fully realized in her mind that Solarra had sent her away so abruptly because she had known that she wasn't long for this life, Azariah had been very pragmatic about it. She understood the 'why' and had simply accepted it. But, suddenly, the lost little girl in her wanted her beloved 'mother' by her side.

Her rage of emotions had caught her completely unprepared and she felt almost crippled with her despair. She was always so strong and confident and positive and now this. She felt like her heart had been broken into a million pieces and she was grateful that she had not broken down in front of her new family. What would they have thought? The wolf that had stood on the border and gratefully accepted the claims of leadership from Nina and Sloane was not the pitiful heap she was right now. She really needed to pull herself together, but she didn't even know where to start, so she continued to lay there with the occasional whine escaping her creamy throat.

She was so distracted by the shadows of her past that she failed to hear the soft footfalls approaching her. When a soft voice called out, "Azariah, is everything okay?" she nearly jumped out of her skin. She lifted her head with a start, blue green eyes wide and shimmering from tears that she hadn't realized that she'd shed. Blinking rapidly a few times, the golden fae could finally make out the form of Hollow. He'd found her in her time of need almost as if summoned by her earlier thoughts of him. She flushed, then shook herself inwardly, almost violently. He'd merely been doing his job and must have heard her.

She wasn't sure what to say and the silence stretched on for a few moments as their eyes met and held. The usual quip 'I'm fine!' nearly came out of her mouth, but she wasn't. For some reason, she felt like she could trust Hollow... that she might be able to lean on his strong shoulder a bit. She'd never had a friend her age before, having lived almost her entire life secluded with Solarra. That had not prepared her for the new rush of emotions that washed over her as she looked into Hollow's unusual eyes. Azariah didn't realized that she'd spoken until she heard the barely whispered words with her own ears. "N-not really..."
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow's heart nearly split into as the young white wolf in front of him lifted her head and blinked away watery tears, he knew the look she wore, he knew it all too well. It was grief, he had worn that same look for many months wandering aimlessly throughout the world. It hadn't been until he came upon the forest here that he had begun to get away from it. She had lost someone close to her and if she needed a friend she needed one now. Hollow wanted nothing more than to curl around her and let her cry into him, but he held himself in place .

"N-not really..." At this he felt his confidence in his ability to remain calm fracture and break. It was grief something had happened to Azariah, and everything in his body that always seemed to bring up its own memory at the sight of others pain, held back for once. He was allowed to think clearly, his heart had released him from his own grief to help her through hers. Hollow was grateful for this and let his eyes remain solidly on those of Azariah's sea blue ones which seemed to be darker in their shade with her sadness. Even as her heartbroken words pierced him she was still breathtaking. He still found it hard to speak but he did, "If you want to talk, I'm here....If not, I'm still here." He spoke gently and waited she could either tell him what was wrong or not, and he would stay with her either way.

Hollow stood there the wind had since chilled him to the bone but he did not twitch nor shiver, he wouldn't have noticed if he had turned to stone his attention was entirely focused on Azariah and whatever she would say or do he would remain. He felt a resolute feeling he didn't even know he could feel towards another it was all very strange and confusing. But Hollow knew that she needed someone right now, and Hollow would be just that.
(This post was last modified: Jan 25, 2013, 05:46 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah froze once the words left her mouth. Would he think her weak? Nothing but a silly, emotional child? The answer came quickly to her, first in his eyes and then with his words. "If you want to talk, I'm here....If not, I'm still here." His simple words comforted her and she gave him a small smile the say 'thank you', but it did little to disguise the grief that still covered her like a blanket. He stayed where he was, as if rooted to the ground, but all of his attention was on her... and what she wanted.

She truly mattered to him, by the grace of some unknown deity. When she needed someone, he had appeared to offer her his support, and more if she needed it. Though they barely knew each other, she felt blessed to know this kind wolf and suddenly she wished that her were closer. She did not have the strength to go to him, nor the nerve to ask him to come closer. For now, she just let his presence comfort her and lift a bit of the grief off of her slight shoulders. She wasn't sure what to say, or how much he truly wanted to hear, but the need to express some of her pent up emotions, to free her heart from their painful grip was strong.

She finally tore her gaze from his, letting her eyes focus dazedly on her ivory paws. She felt too raw to look at him as she bared her soul. Her musical voice was soft, barely a whisper. "I miss her. Solarra. She... she saved me, taught me, loved me. She was more a mother to me than my own ever could have been..." Her voice has started to crack and she simply let her words drift away. Her eyes were almost glazed with the memories of her beloved Healer and protector and all that the older wolf must have given up to take her in. She shivered violently in the cold that her body felt, but her mind didn't even register at that moment and lay her golden head on her creamy paws, fatigued by her raw emotion.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Let's see if I can sneak this in befor my shift starts

Hollow listened silently to the she wolf as the sadness seemingly racked her young form. Hollow felt her pain and knew all to well the feeling of loss one of losing a loved one. He had lost all of his it was funny that her story was near his and still he felt no pull of sadness for himself it was all for her. He was still stunned in a funny way that she had crossed his path when she did, the last thing either of them had suspected. Before he would offer her words of comfort instinct told him they should not sit in the snow and he almost unconsciously moved from his spot and found a few dead snow covered bushes that offered at least protection from the wind. He flicked some of the powder off with his tail and then nosed a small gap big enough for two wolves to lay comfortably. It still had enough space for her to move away if she wished, although he hoped she wouldn't.

Just as he raised his eyes back to the golden she wolf he saw her shiver, "Here, it will at least shelter us from the wind." he offered. Then he walked over to her and nosed her shoulder and spoke softly into her fur " I understand, my family was taken by rouges, it hurts and it always will, I can't take that away but I can let you tell me about her, it helps to talk." Hollow sat back by he entrance to small makeshift den and gazed at her softly and let her decide for herself wether or not she would come with him. Grief could be a terrible thing it could hold you to your own death, a few times it had almost done Hollow in. But if she didn't go he would join her for the sake of keeping her warm. For at this moment he set aside any thoughts of a future for the moment. All that mattered to the young wolf was that this one be happy and with or without him he would see to it hat she was
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Through the haze of her sadness, Azariah was dimly aware of Hollow moving around and her golden ears flickered towards him. When he spoke, if appeared that it was from experience and the thought occurred to her that he too had undergone great sadness, though apparently not as fresh as hers. She unconsciously filed away this information, knowing that she wanted to know everything about him.

When he had come over to her and gently nudged her shoulder, his warm breath penetrating her soft fur, she came too enough to realize just how cold she had become. Slowly, she rose to her feet and moved over to him and the makeshift shelter that he had constructed. She gave him a sad, yet grateful look with a soft "Thank you" before she maneuvered into the space that he had created and curled up with her golden plume covering her nose.

The space was much warmer with the snow piled up a bit on the sides and the bushes blocking the wind. With a final shiver, her young form finally relaxed somewhat. It was strange, her lush pelt normally protected her well from the cold, especially given that she hailed from further north. Her heightened emotions must me affecting her more than she thought. Though she was indeed warmer, she would not be antipathetic to Hollow curling up in the makeshift den with her.

She glanced up at her dark young hero and smiled shyly, wagging the tip of her tail weakly a few times. "Come out of the wind, Hollow." She blushed lightly beneath her fur at her own invitation for him to join her, but she felt better with him near. More able to cope with the flood of emotions, somehow. Once he joined her, she would tell him her story. Then, if he didn't want to be around the broken female, he could just walk away. But he deserved to know her past.
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow, silently sat outside the den as Azariah stirred, rose and curled herself inside the shelter, while she was doing this Hollow was scenting the air around her scent. Hoping to find something to take inside to her but no, not today there didn't seem to be any prey out. All the same Hollow was very sure it had something to do with the wind that was beginning to pick up and whistle. It wasn't loud nor was it ferocious but it was there lightly weaving through the trees, whistling softly. Not only was the young black wolf scenting for prey but danger, as she would be unable to protect herself while she settled into the den. He would find none, there would be nothing more today than their simple gathering.

"Come out of the wind, Hollow." Hollow turned his head and gave the absolute most ridiculous looking grin he had ever mustered and nearly ran his eye into a stick off of the bush. He had never spent a lot of time around other wolves after his family was killed, he was a loner until he had met Nina and been invited into Secret Woodlands. Even now the den he had made for himself was near the others, but to go into a den with another wolf? Especially Azariah, this was new territory for Hollow and he had no idea how to conduct himself. Still he crawled into the little den and stretched out next to the golden she wolf and sighed shakily. It seemed that once he settled in, it all became more comfortable than the softest bed of leaves and feathers, and grass in spring. It felt very comfortable and as Hollow lay there waiting silently for Azariah to tell him what she had to say, if she had anything for to say he was no longer aware of the hard ground just the feel of his fur occasionally brushing hers as he lay silently. Whatever she did next, the young wolf was entirely at her mercy. His ears pricked and waiting for words or silence, he would stay, no matter if they lay there until they were dust he would stay.
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2013, 06:15 PM by Hollow.)
Played by Jen who has 55 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Azariah Phoenix
Azariah felt odd about inviting Hollow in with her. She'd never slept even near another wolf other than Solarra, but she couldn't deny that the gallant young male was soothing to her, just in his nearness. When he gave a goofy grin and almost skewered himself with a wayward branch, she couldn't help the chuckle at his silliness. Then he made his way carefully into the nook and lay beside her. The warmth that radiated from him felt good, but she suspected that his mere presence was far more effective in warming her from within. As their pelts mingled lightly she found herself wishing that he would be with her always.

The errant thought brought a hot flash of embarrassment and she was sure that her ears must be blazing red. Suddenly not caring, she shifted slightly so that she leaned more into his side, suddenly greedy for the reassurance that he brought to her without even trying. She could only hope that after hearing her story that he wouldn't turn away from her. The thought brought a sharp pain to her chest that made her eyes widen in surprise.

The she settled her wayward emotions and collected her thoughts carefully. She glanced at him a bit nervously with a wan smile before beginning. "My family hails from northeast of here and they were a strong, healthy pack... large and robust. Until I came." She glanced briefly at her own slight form before continuing. "I got deathly ill, time after time. Sometimes high fevers, sometimes seizures, sometime...both. I had two other sisters and three brothers. All healthy, strong and thriving. My parents made the decision that I was not meant for this world and decided to leave me to the elements and my fate" Her voice cracked terribly here, for although she was a pragmatic wolf, it still hurt.

Afraid that she would get no more out if she didn't do it right away, the golden fae hurried on, afraid to meet his beautiful eyes. "Solarra was our Master Healer, a foreigner that no one knew where she originally hailed from. But her way of thinking would not allow her to just let me die. I wasn't even six months old yet! She implored my parents to let her foster me and they allowed it, not wanting to displease such a powerful Healer and Soothsayer." She risked a glance at him then, wondering what he thought of such a controversial issue.

Deciding to forge on, and get everything out, she continued, "Yes, Soothsayer. She would predict things, major things, and they would come to pass. Anyhow, she took me in and nursed me through many more illnesses for more than six months. Each bout weakened me more than the last and she knew that I would die soon, regardless of her efforts. Solarra made the decision to use a risky remedy. An amazing healing herb from her homeland, I don't know the name of it, but also potentially very deadly." She shivered delicately at the memory of that time.

"Indeed, it did nearly take my life, but somehow I survived. Whatever kept making me sick was gone... forever it seems. For all intensive purposes, I'm now completely healthy, but the illnesses and the exotic herb caused many side effects. The most obvious one is my size. If you saw my family, you'd think that I was still six months old!" She tried to make light of it, avoiding thinking about the one other major side effect of it all. The one thing that he must know if he returned the feelings that were growing in her by the second. They were both young and all if it seemed so far away, but if they were falling for each other he had to know that she could never bear young. She was damaged goods...
Destiny leads and I follow...for I am Destiny's Child
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
As Hollow had finally settled in beside Azariah, she shifted almost suddenly and directly into his side and the warmth of her touch, the feel of her fur mingling directly with his shot waves of electricity down his spine. He was almost afraid, afraid he would not know what to say to her story, afraid that she would change her mind about him. Hollow did not want for this moment to end and closed his eyes to soak it in. It was briefly thereafter she began to speak.

As soon as she spoke he immediately felt calmer and serene, her voice was like the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, even though she would not look him directly in the eyes he knew it was only because of the pain she was in. She spoke about her family leaving her to the elements, Hollow understood this for if the young cannot survive they simply can't. It was the law of nature and Hollow knew well that nature picked no favorites.

The next part of her story about the soothsayer sparked a memory within Hollow it was were his "last name" had come from an old she-wolf whom had whispered destiny about him and things he knew very little of. He recalled the words said to him and decided to save them for Azariah's ears later. He felt her shiver and press on with her hard story, Hollow knew nothing of medicine and was somewhat afraid of it. Not so that he would ever go against the word of a healer but he was always wary not to eat anything that he did not recognize, that went for herbs, unless of course they were meant for his health.

As her story came to a close, Hollow could tell she was holding something back, however if she wished him to know she would say, he was not going to ask what it was. A silence stretched out as the young wolf gathered his thoughts, truly it was long enough for her to think he wouldn't respond until at last he nosed the back of her neck, hoping she would turn and look at him. He hoped that she would understand what he meant, "Life can be a hard thing and can be cruel I understand that very well I wish I could say that it was all for the better but I can't, because I don't know, the only thing that matters to me is that you're here Azariah and that whatever happened in your past, you have a future now I don't think that I could be this happy if you never ran into me and Sloane. I think Solarra sounds like a wonderful soul, and I'm glad she saved your life, and I am thankful to her for that."