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Just One of Those Days — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
curious, fearless, yet held of high regard
behold the rogue! Faol Bayard.

Ooc: Damayanti only please. Valentine's Day Post Prompt. Faol usually isn't all happy-go-lucky so this might take a little work xD

IC: It was almost ridiculous how long Faol had been traveling through Relic Lore. Although he had come from the Northern Eden, his paws resisted the urge to stay glued to the ground for very long. Mobility was his nature, and he found this area of land deemed The Lore to be much more promising than most places he had traveled in the past. It was vast and offered almost anything a wolf could want. The weather was fair and the game seemed to be slowed by the onset of winter and he found himself gnawing happily on the majority of game he exerted the effort to capture. Aside from a few awkward encounters and one rough spell with a patch of fungus, he was enjoying himself nonetheless. Perhaps it was the nice amount of sun that shone down on him, or the absence of the bitter winter cold, he felt in a rather odd mood. Not necessarily happy, but not necessarily hateful either.

He found himself easily taking in the sights around him, breathing the crisp air through long drawls in his nose. Upon exhalation a cloud of warm air swirled about his salt and pepper muzzle, before he drew it back in like a dragon would its smoke. The large male felt a slight drop in the temperature around him as he broke from a line of trees and what would have been a waterfall had it been spring, appeared in his line of sight. Although Mother Nature had laid her white blanket upon Lore the vision of what it would look like come spring was promising. The water did not roll, there was no rushing sound of water, just the frozen sheets of ice that cover the rocks.

Stopping at the edge of the bank he found himself a large flat rock that had been basking in the sun, almost as if it were calling him. Taking a sitting position upon it he could feel the warm burrowing down into the pads of his paws and warming the fur along his hindquarters. Quietly he closed his eyes and tilted his head towards the sunlight, knowing that this place wouldn't remain solitary for long. Whether it be predator or prey that come eventually he wanted to enjoy this moment for now.

Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha
(I have to base this before her fight with Naira and Tenzin)

Damayanti’s icy blue eyes swiveled from side to side with curiosity as she went about the forest of no leaves. With winter here, it did not surprise her much that all the leaves were perished in the snow of winter. The snow crunched lightly at her feet as she walked. She had been here a few days and she knew of a small pool of water at the falls that she just loved to swim in, of course the water being frozen made it hard to do that. Every time she went, she would take her mind off of things with the swim, it relaxed her. With the winter here, she was more frustrated then ever because she could not relax herself. Her tail had a bit of a wag to it as she walked. All was peaceful here, it felt like a safe haven to her, she would be more than willing to share it with those worthy of such a place. It was such a safe place. It was such a beautiful haven.

Damayanti came across a scent; it was rather odd to her so she wanted to scope it out first. It was obviously a lone wolf by the smell of it. She poked her head out of the forest to see none other than a wolf enjoying the place. “Greetings, I’m Damayanti.” She said in greeting as she passed him to look at the frozen pool. She went and tried to crack the ice with her paw, but it too frozen solid for that to happen. He was black and grey. His fur was standard by her standards. She saw a lot of gray wolves, especially since she had arrived in the lore. She glanced at his yellow eyes. Her icy blue ones quickly steered away however.

(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2013, 06:50 AM by Damayanti.)
All Tangled In the Roots of my past
Played by Rebel who has 61 posts.
Inactive No Rank
curious, fearless, yet held of high regard
behold the rogue! Faol Bayard.

It didn't take long for his silence to be broken. It came first by the light compression of snow and then the scent of another curling about his nares. Before he had the time to turn around and ready himself to see what exactly was approaching him a female figure appeared from beyond the trees. She seemed careless, or stupid, to just stride past him and bring herself to the waters edge. She had thrown a quick greeting to him but did not seem at all surprised to find another here. One furry brow lifted suspiciously at the woman's behavior. He knew from age and experience that one does not parade themselves before another wolf without even the smallest of common courtesies; especially one such as Faol. He immediately took to the defense and raised himself from the warmed spot on the rock. A cold chill passed under the length of his underbelly and sent his frustration higher.

"Greetings, Damayanti," he said. His voice was deep and the smallest tone of caution laced his words. He watched her for a moment more, noticing the slightest wag in her tail as she moved before him to press her paw on the face of the unforgiving ice. Her actions were peculiar to him and this caused him to be more wary. He was not afraid of the female, for she looked average in size, but for her mentality. "Shouldn't you be more cautious of strangers, miss?" he said. It was more of a rhetorical question of course, but she would benefit from taking it as a statement. His large form didn't move from his beloved rock to join her at the waters edge, but he was curious as to what she was looking for. Her red coloring was bright against the white of the woods and he caught the sharp blue of her eyes only for a moment when she met the yellow of his own thinking them odd.

Played by Namara who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damayanti Abhilasha
Damayanti had a glint in her eye as he greeted her and as he asked her a question. "Part of my caution is hiding what's inside. I am cautious, just I don't think about it or I'll slip up." She stated flatly at the male, she needed to be nice to strangers to learn what they were truly up to. Then she had to go and use her instincts to decide what it was she had to do. That was the way she had always done things and she wasn't going to change that at the moment. She couldn't afford to, at least not as a lone wolf. If she did that, then she would die. For death always happened when someone changed to be a nice wolf as a lone wolf.

Her tail was drooped and her ears perked up in curiosity. "Couldn't I get a name to call you sir?" She asked, she had that spark of personality to her that she was trying with him. Trying to persuade that she meant no harm, when in truth, she had all the harm in the world to give. She hoped to not get to that. At least not yet, she could use these situations to her advantage to get information about this place and all the other wolves in the area.

Her eyes had the faintest glint of caution, she shut her eyes to regain control of herself. She could not risk showing her true emotions. Her eyes fluttered back open when she got a hold of herself. She was nervous about this one. This one seemed different then the others.

All Tangled In the Roots of my past