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sun in my mouth — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Morning. Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 25° F/-4° C

She looked down at her creamy paws, watching the slick ice beneath them for any sign of creaks or cracks. She started slowly, first one step, then another and another, all the while watching her feet as she went. Gradually she built up a momentum, the steady click of her claws ringing dully against the ice as she walked. It was almost magical, moving over something which had once been liquid, fluid and permeable. She'd walked out over ice before, small cattle ponds and the like in the wake of her daring brother, but nothing so massive as the lagoon. The simple pleasure of walking over water brought a small smile to her face.

It wasn't until she had made it well into the center of the frozen lake did she look up. Her bronze eyes went wide with surprise, hardly believing she had gone out so far. It was an odd perspective from the middle of the lagoon, a body of water she was only familiar with from its shores, and it was quite alien in how different everything looked from here. She looked to the shore, a shiver working up her spine as she thought about walking all the way back. She was lucky she hadn't fallen through yet, and she wondered if she'd be so lucky to not fall through walking back. She was nearly frozen at the thought, her legs starting to wobble beneath her.

(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2013, 06:39 AM by Sibyl.)
[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
Note to self: After rank challenge.


He had not wanted to lose, nor had he wanted to leave the territory that he had been glued to since he had joined. No freedom had given to him and finally Rock had to accept that he needed to loosen up his leash and have a few hours to himself in the peace and quiet, where no loud pack mate would topple in and disturb his tranquility. He was not exactly paying attention to where his body was taking him, just glad that he was traveling further away from the drama that had occurred within the pack. The alliance, Shade stepping up as leader due to Koda’s disappearance, so much more was to be added onto that. He had not realized that his paws were leading him back to the lagoon, and though he did not favor the place as much as others, he could still find the inner beauty to it all.

When he arrived, the sight that he saw shocked him, a beautiful creature was making its way across the ice and he had to blink his golden amber eyes to make sure he was not imagining things. There, in the middle of the icy battlefield, was the female. Her multi-colored pelt stood out to him, along with her matching eyes that he could not see so well in the distance. She looked small from where he was standing, almost as small as a mouse if it would have been directly in front of him. Possibly, compared to him, she might have actually felt like a mouse, but it was time to find out. His body moved gracefully towards her body, his roughened pads gliding against the ice, using his core to keep his balance. He was sure she had seen her, and when he got close enough he tried to slow himself down, his large muzzle reaching down the support the body of the owner of wobbling legs.
Pillar of Strength
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Sibyl wasn't sure what she was supposed to do now. The childish thought that she could call for the pack to come rescue her from the middle of the lagoon passed through her mind before she quickly dismissed the idea. What would it say if she couldn't walk her way back out of things she walked right into? And surely her pack mates had better things to spend their time on than ushering a grown woman off of something that was perfectly safe... Right? She whimpered a groan as she looked down at the ice at her feet, imagining she could see small cracks under her paws that truly were not there.

Looking up, again, she was surprised to see a reddish shape making it's way towards her. From a distance, she was pretty sure it was a wolf, even though the wide shoulders and broad body were more reminiscent of a bear. Surprisingly for his size the wolf was quite graceful on the ice, and his pace much more self-assured than the little baby steps that had lead her out here.

Sibyl was starting to grow more nervous, but for a reason separate from the lake under her paws. She wondered if she'd done something wrong, but supposed that wasn't it from the amicable expression on his handsome features that were growing clearer by the moment as he came closer. If it wasn't that she'd done something wrong, then why was he coming towards her? She started to back up on shaking limbs as he continued his path, the fear that the male's considerable bulk in addition to her own would be enough to fracture the ice. Who knew how thick this stuff was?

His wide head ducked down towards her, and Sibyl wordlessly shook her head back and forth. Already she could imagine the ice cracking and cold water covering her ears. "T-The ice. S-sir, it's not safe out here, I-I don't think you should be-" Despite her protest he didn't seem to stop, whether it was the lack of warning or the lack of traction she wasn't sure. The rather gentle poke of his muzzle to her ribs was enough to nudge her right off of her unsteady feet, paws splaying out in all directions as she landed with an "Oof!" on the ice.

[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
The words from the female had not come fast enough and when he bumped into the girl, he was once again reminded of his size. He forgot his own strength sometimes and compared to this scrawny female he was massive. Soon after he fell, the same vibration through the ice caused him to also slip and fall, a small crack sounding from behind him. Wide amber eyes stared the the gray form of the female in front of him, his back legs pushing him forward towards the small form, wishing to help her before something else went wrong. He slid across the ice, on his stomach, until he reached the female's side again, before slowly standing by up, with many failed attempts, before he finally managed to keep his balance. Grabbing the smaller girl's scruff, much like he would have a pup, he gently dragged her towards the shore, knowing full well that his grip was not hard and it was simply enough to get her to shore. Hoping that he was not causing her too much discomfort, he lightly released her scruff and settled to nuzzling her towards the shore, his crimson russet muzzle quickly getting drenched in the wetness. It took them much longer than he would have preferred but when they got there he gently lifted her towards the shore and placed her, before he to hopped up onto the shore.

Then he faced her, his amber golden eyes blinking at her in silence. He did not say a word, but simply lay down and put his head in between his paws, trying to desperately catch his breath. He had enough strength to do what he did but perhaps not as much stamina as he would have preferred. It did not matter though, for she was safely off of the ice. Clearing his throat, he stepped away from her, his red ears pricking forward as he silently stared at her. Should he say something? His black nose twitched slightly, snorting out the small ice particles that had formed within his large nostrils. The red girl in front of him, though much smaller then himself, was of the same coloration and it made him relax slightly. With a small sigh, he decided to introduce himself, "Guiness Thorben..." He then looked away, his golden amber eyes drifting off to look at the sight of a nearby tree.
Pillar of Strength
Played by Kydnt who has 172 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sibyl Balik
Sibyl winced as the giant fell, the little creak of ice not going unmissable by her big ears. It was almost comical how he started sliding towards her, but as he came closer and closer Sibyl started scrabbling to stand back up, only slipping more and more in her panicked attempts. The big wolf had managed to get back on his feet before he reached down and easily lifted her right up off of the ice as if she weighed no more than a feather. At first Sibyl wriggled around to try and get him to let her down, before giving in and letting him carry her. He didn't seem mean, and eventually he did let her go. She glanced at him, a curious look before she averted her sight away shyly and instead focused towards land.

With some poking and prodding from him she was headed back towards solid, firm ground. With a squeak of surprise she found herself again levitating off of the ice, the bear-wolf lifting her up onto the shore though she was sure she could have made the jump easily herself. He had settled down to catch his breath first, and Sibyl stood awkwardly as she looked around, not entirely sure what was going on and wondering why he'd helped her out. She shuffled in place self-consciously as he stared at her, letting her eyes bounce around everything except for the red giant before her.

"Thorben?" She wondered aloud, looking up and at him. Luckily he wasn't looking at her now, rather, he was staring off into nothing. Sibyl was wondering what a Thorben was before it it hit her, that was his name! "O-oh, of c-course. My name's Sibyl Balik." She quickly introduced herself. "T-thank you for helping me off the lake, sir. I didn't notice how far out I'd gone."

[Image: Sibyl-greysig01b.png]
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben
He continued to stare off into the distance, settling his eyes on a tree in his line of vision. His ears twitched towards her voice as she spoke, and he couldn’t help but look back towards the small female who easily stuttered. Cocking his head to the side slightly he twitched his ears again. Her stutter was cute in an odd sort of way…perhaps she did not like the art of speech either. Upon looking closer at the female, he instantly realized that he had seen her once before. She had been the girl that he had snarled at and scared dearly, but now that they weren’t in a situation that involved his pack mate’s life on the line, he felt extremely bad about the way he had treated her. Debating on whether or not he should make amends with her, the large russet man figured that it would be disrespectful not to apologize for his irrational behavior.

His gruff voice replied softly, “You‘re welcome…I…I‘m sorry for scaring you…back in the…meadows." It was not that he was struggling with his apology, just with finding the words to give to her. The large man wasn’t much of a talker when it came to situation where is services weren’t needed. He preferred to keep quiet and stay in the back ground. The only other being that he had actually bonded with, besides his siblings, would probably be the male Kiche, whom had challenged him and won. Though, position wasn’t really something that bothered Guiness, as long as his job got done, he did not find a problem with it. But now that Shade had risen up to alpha position, the Thorben was no longer as comfortable in the pack. He hoped that one day soon someone would challenge the man and he would fall from the position of alpha.
Pillar of Strength