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Coffin Nails — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe Stood tall, with a wicked smile lit upon his face, it was an unnerving smile, the kind one sees in nightmares but Crowe cared not. This was his domain here, his wicked mind ready for conflict, craving it. He was a machine, made to kill made to instill fear today he was waiting, looking for a way to ruin the serenity of this place. Silence was his friends as the insane thoughts began to overtake the huge whit wolf's broken mind. Kill them all, maim them, you remember what they said, your own father told you never to return, what kind of weakness is that, banishing ones own son. A growl rose up in the huge males throat and his eyes burned bright as he began to pace by the spring, tail lashing and hackles raised, the occasional click of teeth made the wolf look as if faced with a wall of enemies.

His vision began to blur and he was running through this very spot but instead stood all of his enemies and even those he knew not. He could only feel hatred the great wolf snarled more viciously saliva dripping from glistening white fangs, the trees, the fucking trees Wolves were twisted through the branches, dead. His growl deepened it was his own anger causing the Hallucination, this he knew but it was not a fearful sight for the wolf he loved it reveled in it. "Fear me all! For I am the beast if nightmares!" He snarled the words, Momentary blindness as he was used to. His vision returned and the massive white male was met with utter silence, nothing, desolation. A snarling crack of laughter his mouth curled back into that wicked smile the face of demons and nightmares, it was perfection of power to Crowe.
(This post was last modified: Feb 20, 2013, 10:28 PM by Crowe.)
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael
The large female had a continuous grow erupting from her chest, as always. The harsh yellow eyes of the fae looked upon the small spring with a snort. What a pathetic little thing, I have seen better springs. Her nose twitched as she sniffed the air. Her eyes widened as she smelled the very fresh scent of a male Wolf. Her growl grew louder and her ears swerved back, flat against her skull. Her tail flicked around anxiously. She snarled slightly, hoping the male would hear. Just then her eyes rested on a white figure, an creepy smile upon his muzzle. His eyes has a blank look in them his voice then flowed into her ears. '"Fear me all! For I am the beast if nightmares!" Her head tilted, she began to whisper very softly, "What an interesting statement. I c-certainly don't fear this tiny pup." Her eyes narrowed into angry slits.

She began to pace back and forth, her eyes glued to this male, "What are you?" She snorted loudly, the ever lasting growl flowing from her louder. Her lips curled back, flashing him long fangs. She began to whisper again, "Should I k-kill this little man? It would be easy. I should rip his little throat out. He shall be but another number. Or shall I not? He spoke of fear, and fear is g-good. Maybe I will spare his soul this time." She was speaking loud enough for him to hear but still a slight mutter.
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
(OOC: Guess I didn't proofread enough times XD)


Crowes broad white head snapped around at the sound of a voice, a female voice. Fun sang his wicked mind, He stepped into the water paying no attention to the icy feel swirling around his massive paws. He snapped on the spot, very suddenly his white hackles raised to full height and his teeth bared in a vicious snarl escaping the beasts jowls. Anger, she interrupted his thoughts,how dare she, why he would shred her for this. No one interrupted Crowe Shane's thoughts, no one did and lived to tell about it. His voice audible across the water came as gravel, and anger, like the sounds of a landslide he spoke.

"What am I? I am a demon, fear, fear is MINE and I rule over hearts and minds with it. I am the beast of nightmares girl!" Nothing would stop this black hearted wolf now his rage was in full force, he would make her quiver in fear. His twisted evil grin plastered itself back to his facade and his eyes were wide and staring, boring into her pelt as if he could light her fur aflame with his gaze. "I am made of the terrible things you dream of, ripping flesh and blood I am Crowe!" Now he waits, for weakness or strength, every wolf had the choice to die by his teeth or be let live by them. It was his power to sway with his insanity that fueled his words. For he did not know this wolf's purpose here. Had she been sent to kill him? If so she would have a terrible time of it.
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael
His voice was harsh and full of anger. She smirked as he spoke, she liked this man. Her ears then flicked and her tail twitched as she heard the word 'girl.' She let a very loud growl erupt from her chest, She bared her teeth and snarled at the white creature before her. "How dare you call me GIRL! I am much more then such horrid nonsense! You are nothing but a blind fool if you can;t see that!" Her voice could cut a Wolf in half. Her eyes peering into his, non-blinking. Her claws digging into the ground beneath the snow she sunk into. The cold did not bother her at this point, she was seeing red. When this happened, nothing could stop her.

The large brown fae took a single step forward, stretching her neck out. Her nose pointed at him, her yellowing teeth visible in a very threatening way. "Take it back or I will rip your very soul from you body! WEAKLING!" She spat through her teeth, you could cut the tension was a wooden spoon. Her tail was raised above her head. She would snap at any moment.
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
"Yes! Let it flow! Take over and wreck your heart and soul! Anger is good, now grasp it and hate me! He nearly howled the words at her his tail raised equally as hers, her anger would demolish her if she wasn't careful for she did not know of the wolf he had met earlier today. She was unaware that somewhere Tenzin was in these woods, Crowe had nearly forgotten in his maddened state with his hallucinations. He watched with an excited gleam in his yellow eyes, waiting, for the response this wolf would give him. Satisfied as he was with her reaction he no longer cared if she attacked. He was toying with her now.

Anger sparked from her like a lightning bolt and fueled his insanity, it was such a thrill that he felt himself burn with her energy. The angry spark that was lit within her eyes was exactly what he wished to see rage unchecked. It could destroy even the strongest, master it and it was your greatest weapon n the mind of Crowe. Fear only meant weakness, and little did the she wolf know Crowe already approved of her due to her lack of it. Only with a slight disappointment in the fact that there wasn't fear evident. But Crowe knew deep inside that with uncontrolled rage came uncontrolled fear, she would surely be driven into madness and soon. His voice lowered to and icy trickle "Let yourself be overtaken."
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael
Her chest was rising and flattening very fast. Her eyes bearing into his like daggers. A very loud growl continuous. He was chanting at her, cheering her on. She began to babble to herself, speaking through the wall of teeth. "What is he doing this? Was he searching for h-his mind like me? He seemed to enjoy this. Maybe he is suitable to be a...companion." He mentioned something about being over taken, he is foolish to not see that she has already been devoured by her demons that were hiding in mind. She snorted slightly, "I l-like you." She managed to get out through her teeth. This is one of few times these three words have exited her mouth. She enjoys others who share her mental pain. They do not see her as a loony but as an equal.
She let herself soften. Her curled lips lowering and covering her teeth for the most par. Her ears raised slightly and her tail lowered to a medium level. Her eyes were still on his and her lips moved into a creepy little smile. A smile that would haunt you on eery nights. Her shaggy fur shifted in the brisk wind, "You c-call yourself Crowe?" She questioned him, she thought he had mentioned that. She was attempting to be 'nice' to the male.
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
OOC: after your post we will wait for Abbie to get Tenzin up ok?

What? No she should be angry why isn't she angry anymore? Fine. I guess I can deal with another ally As Irritated as the massive male was he could use another ally such as Tenzin. But this girl seemed to be a little bit more insane than he himself. She was talking to herself.... but why was her mind taken from her as Crowe's had been, no this was different hers was lost he could see it in her eyes. His was right where it should be it had been his heart and soul he had been stripped of. His mind was intact yet, though it was warped it was there. This day keeps getting better doesn't it Crowe? He thought menacingly to himself. He began to prowl in a circle around the she-wolf. It was time to prod the broken mind of this one.

I could be, or I could be called Shane, maybe Crowe Shane. Maybe even Shane Crowe, and you would never know it would you? Do you have a name or must I call you 'girl' as it seems that you don't like that very much." Crowe's voice rose like Silk and poison through the air, his eyes like yellow suns boring into her every hair on her pelt. Examining, slowly pacing, and thinking, evaluating this fae as friend or foe. Seeing her current reactions to what he had done she seemed to pass so far. Just wait until I snap these killing jaws at your muzzle... girl. came his wicked thoughts.
(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2013, 03:21 AM by Crowe.)
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael
She measured the large male before her. She stood tall, staring into his eyes. She would not give into his anger-driven ways. He spoke again, asking for her name and stating his. She tilted her head, snapping her jaws at the wind and licking her long fangs. "Well, I will call you C-crowe" She nodded slightly, he did not mention the name Crowe so she chose that, to be different. Her empty yellow eyes scanned him again, his form was large, he was muscular like most male Wolves. But, she was confident she could kill him. She could kill everyone and anyone if she pleased, right?

"I am Canttina Cael. You may c-call me Canttina, Cael, Cael Canttina, or nothing at all. Just -not- girl. If you would dare let that word escape your mouth I will rip out your tongue and feed it to a bird." She snarled slightly, her tongue gliding over her teeth and muzzle. Her nose wrinkling slightly, no one dared to call Canttina girl. It was an extreme insult to the fae.

Her form shifted slightly, she began to pace side to side, her head remained forward and empty eyes on his. Her lips curled into a slightly smirk, her yellowing teeth peeking through. "Are w-we companions?" She wondered out loud. She had never had a companion since her mind wandered off. She was a little excited to have one.
Played by Abbie who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tenzin Laylani
[words: 261]

Tenzin felt himself leaning into the leaves of his bush to hear more. He was getting anxious at the thought of a fight breaking out. This woman seemed antsy and odd. Her words stung the air like needles. Crowe was circling her, making himself seem ready for battle. His weight shifted as he listened to her name. Canttina Cael. He made a mental note that she didn't like to be called "girl", which made him chuckle a little. Her stuttering came off as a bit annoying to the viking, but he shrugged it off. She seemed quite large, just like he and Crowe were. His ears flicked. He actually wasn't as scared of her as he should've been-maybe it was because he was hidden and un-noticed. He wasn't the prone to a beating.
It didn't take long for the man to intervene their conversation. His stood close to his ally and smiled gladly. "Laylani. Nice to meet you Girl." He spat, dipping his head, extending it, and growling. He was teaming up with his friend whether he liked it or not. He also wasn't giving his first name to some random girl, especially to one that seemed to be so damn aggressive. His tail curled light above his back dominantly.

After all, HE was in a pack and he wasn't afraid to assert his rank above them both. So, there he stood, the raspy-voiced, gray-dusted brute, next to a wicked white jester or sorts. The woman before him was moot until Crowe decided she was okay. For now, she simply wasn't.

code by SWITCH | graphic by GREY | photo by DAWNTHIEVES.DE
[Image: NPminiCBD.png]
Played by Kara who has 18 posts.
Canttina Cael

The large brown fae was being cirlcled, this made her more anxious. Her tail rose high above her body, her lips curled back, yellow teeth visible to the white male before her. She then breathed in a new scent. A growl erupted from her chest like venom. Her eyes flicked around before the male showed himself. "Laylani. Nice to meet you Girl." He added emphasis on the word girl. He had been listening to them or he was just an unfortunate soul. The look in his eyes made her cringe, she already disliked this male. He stood next to Crowe, a smile on his muzzle. She was determined to wipe that smile right off his lips."I am not a GIRL. I am a...WOMAN! But d-don't you dare call me that either. I shall shred your body into tiny little fragments if that word manages to sneak out of that little muzzle of yours again!" She stepped forward slightly, baring her teeth at this new male. Her muscles tensing, her fur shifting. She snarled slightly, "Call me Canttina or call me nothing.""speeeeech"