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Post-traumatic violence — Red Fern Forest 
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Played by Eoran who has 2 posts.
[Image: b1f813d2-987b-4a33-bc86-7dc66c355c1a_zpsfced06fd.jpg]
Life sucked. He hadn’t gotten anything he wanted lately! Why did everything have to be against him like this? First kicked out of his own home, then chased off a mountain and losing his business partner and now he was – god knows where of a forest. He had never seen it before, not even heard of it before and he felt like a stranger. He was a grumbling mess at the moment, being away from mom and dad didn’t exactly do him too well, he was more used to being surrounded by people who babied him, gave him what he wanted and fed him well, he wasn’t exactly big on being a hunter or living on his own in general. He was used to taking, being given and overall being spoiled, he never really took care of himself before – not that he wasn’t able to really, but he didn’t want to if he could force others to do his shit for him. He was truly lazy, something people hated about him because he had often shown talent at different things he had tried, like hunting and scouting had really been his ace of triumph, but he wasted this talent on doing nothing.

Just the way he liked it. He took rather great pleasure in bossing others around for his own good, just telling them what to do, grab what he wanted, raid homes and burn them to the ground, He had little to no knowledge of the so called word “respect” he may have made a skeuomorph out of it by using such things as “bullying” and force to gain something he thought was respect and power. Even though it was more sort of a fearful submission, so they followed him around and took his orders because they feared for themselves if they didn’t obey him. He could be both persuasive (with his teeth) and he could be immune to insults – sometimes. He was a hard bargain to some and he was rutheless when there was something he wanted.

Speaking of want – By the smallest creek in the forest he had squeezed his body in between the red ferns, shrouding himself with them and was licking his lips and mentally wounds of being all alone and without others to boss around, more or less being out of his element. Then as if sent from heaven in outer bliss and pity of his self-pity, out came a rabbit just by his nose. His ears went up and he was ready to hunt, but another wolf seemed to have gotten the very same idea. A very light colored male stormed through the vegetation after it and Scavenger was quickly up from the ferns as he watched the other male finally catch its well hunted meal. A well-deserved prize indeed. One he would have to hand over.

Scavenger walked out the ferns, didn’t try to hide and stood close by, watching the male and the rabbit, his tail rose slightly then – he wagged and sat on his rump with his tail wagging like a pet dog, begging for food. He looked rather miserable at this stage, shaggy and obviously he was a boy who once had been well fed but no longer was in such a stage. His silver eyes attempted to look over the other wolf to the meal he has caught and his tongue rolled out of his mouth as he panted like a happy, happy dog. Then it went back in and he looked very seriously at the other male and pinned his ears toward his skull and frowned. ”Gimme!” A child’s demand without a doubt. Should the other male for SOME reason actually give in to the youngster’s hungry and greedy demand he would launch himself over the meal. Should he (as more expected) say no and fend for his meal, then so be it.

If Scavenger didn’t get his will he would immediately throw himself at the other male, almost blindly. He wasn’t a good fighter or participant of it. He hadn’t really done it too much in his short life, never really wanted to, but now this other male had something he WANTED and by GOD was he going to take it from him! He would use teeth and claws to grab it out of the way from this male, maybe not because he was particularly hungry or in need of eating, but just simply because this other male had this thing and he wanted it because he had it. It had to belong to him and even if he might toss half of it away when done eating it, he wanted to feel the rush of taking other’s belongings to himself he wanted what he couldn’t have as a true spoiled child. Spoiled and loving it was a bad combination.

This other wolf was cut in for some work to fight off this spoiled rotten brat.
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2013, 03:46 PM by Scavenger.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

The chase was on.

His paws flew under him, and it felt as if he wasn't touching the ground, like he was flying across the landscape. Pale grey eyes were locked onto the small brown tuft of flesh and fur, salmon pink tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth; which was stretched into a grin. How he loved feeling the wind rush into his face, flowing across his long coat and feeling the muscles in his legs push off the ground with each beat. The rabbit was barely two wolf-lengths in front of him, but the grey male knew better than to lunge for it. He would have to wait until it was directly under his large paws before delivering a swift bite to the neck.

With every stride, he was gaining on the small animal, and pushed himself to go faster. The scenery was blurred around him, as all of his senses were locked onto his target. He had no idea how far he was from home, and wouldn't stop until he had caught the rabbit. It was either that, or eat nothing for dinner.

At last the rabbit was close enough, and he bunched his hind muscles before pushing off onto the ground and sailing into the air. He landing with a loud thump directly onto the furry animal, and nipped at its neck with his front teeth, quickly killing it. But the grey male had no time to savour his victory as a voice rang out behind him just as he scented a wolf.


It was like a child's demand, saying to him that he should give over his prey immediately or face the consequences. Whirling around, the large grey male bared his fangs, showing his sharp canines to the whiny little wolf who stood before him; ears pinned to his skull and a frown on his face. Just from a glance, he could see that the male was smaller than him, and very slender and scrawny looking. How dare this wolf demand him of his prey, when he could easily just catch something himself.

His fur bristled and his ears were forward and erect, with his lips curling up to clearly display his incisors. A slight rumble was forming in his chest as he stared at the smaller brown male. There was no way that he would just give up his prey to some random wolf that he hadn't met before, and especially not now. He would not give in to some insufferable whiny pup that demanded he hand over something without consulting him first.

A low growl emitted from his jaws, and he crouched down over his prey, his eyes narrowing, staring directly into the other male's eyes. His tail was pointed straight out, parallel to the ground with the tip curling slightly over his back. If this male wanted his rabbit, he would have to fight him for it, and at the same time he would teach him not to mess with another wolf's prey. Oh yes, he would learn the hard way not to mess with him, or anyone else.

536 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever
(This post was last modified: May 26, 2013, 05:53 AM by Ace.)
Played by Eoran who has 2 posts.
[Image: b1f813d2-987b-4a33-bc86-7dc66c355c1a_zpsfced06fd.jpg]
He wasn’t going to hand it over. It was clear to Scavenger now and he launched himself at the other male, ready to fight for it with all he got. No outcome was going to be pleasant no matter who lost or won.
”GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY!” He passed up beside the male, before finalizing an attack he felt something grace his cheek – fur. Fur – fur~ the texture was rough yet comforting like wool but most importantly it was long. An almost ecstatic look came upon his face at this, feeling it, his eyes became soft like kitten eyes, his nose moved toward the fur, scented it, feeling it and ”Say.. That’s a nice fur you have gotten there. Reminds me of my mother’s fur~ she had the softest silkiest fur. Yours is more scruffy, but the same length. It will do.” Before the other one could even ask what the fuck? Scavenger had bitten.

His teeth sunk deep into Ace’s right side of the face, his teeth sinking into the skin and – pull! POP! Scavenger took a step back to assess the damage. The oozing wound of blood on his cheek, the now very bald spot on the side of his face – Scavenger with a large chunk of fur and skin in his mouth. He slowly leaned over and put it down, careful to not ruin this additional collection. ”How wonderful! How wonderful indeed. Now – That rabbit of yours, yes I haven’t forgotten about that, I still want it. Don’t you understand stranger? It isn’t personal it’s just – I WANT IT! I need it so badly, it’s like a sick little craving inside me, like something bids me to simply have to take it from you. Yes, yes I know, I am not all normal, not all focused, but that’s okay with me I don’t mind it at all. I just need see?”

He made another leap toward Ace in an attempt to attack him, almost dancing around him snapping and biting and giggling like a playing child, then his face turned cold and angry, furious, blind furious rage ”I need it, give it to me. GIVE IT TO ME NOW! No, no don’t hover, don’t defend, I – no I won’t leave you alone if you hand it over, I want more of that fur~ Mmhn even if it’s a little rough it’s so long, so long and comforting, just STAND STILL! I can’t take it off you unless you stand still can I? Come on stand still. I am crazy you say? Why yes thank you very much. I have nothing personally against you – no yes I do, you HAVEN’T MOVED YOUR CORPUS AWAY FROM MY BELONGING! but beside that I have nothing against you. I just like this.

The thrill, the attack, the rush and the entire movement of everything we do, our little dance, come! Come blow at me and I will do it all right back, I don’t see you trying hard enough! You can do better I know it. I don’t expect you to understand anything I say, I don’t expect you to ever like me, heck why should you? I don’t even like myself – what I do like is that little rabbit of yours so step aside will you? Hand it to me and I will – still attack you to be quiet frank. Hmm. I am making such a bad offer aren’t I? Indeed. Let us dance big man, let us fight and I shall take everything that belongs to you, it is my claim as the winner, I will take whatever I can from you, I will kill every happiness in your life – not out of hatred. Just pleasure. MY pleasure of course.”

Wasn’t that obvious? Everything he did was for his sake, just for him, no one else and he couldn’t help it, couldn’t/wouldn’t change for the sake of someone else, it was just a painful way to pass time at the very moment. And of course because he show this shiny little object – figuratively speaking, behind the other male that he wanted, needed and had to sink his teeth into – just because. No better reason would ever be given than that.

”I am not hungry, I am not angry, I am not a frustrated person that needs an outlet, I am simply… Enjoying myself~ Tehe, don’t you know that feeling? Love it like I do? You should. Once we are done of course. I have this inner need you see. I have this – feeling, this craving for what others possess and call their own. A little Scavenger they called me as a child, it was so cute they said. Not so much anymore is it? I need and I crave and I have a growing greed. I can’t help but love it – no wait I think I am supposed to hate it aren’t I? Hmm – Possibly that was what I was meant to do, but right now? Right now I am loving every minute of it.”
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2013, 04:42 PM by Scavenger.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Slight PPing from my part. Just tell me if you want it changed :)

Ace didn't expect the male to back off when he bared his fangs and growled, and he wasn't disappointed. The smaller male leaped at him, and he braced himself against his attack; but nothing came. Instead, he heard the voice of the smaller male; first yelling, and then complementing his fur. What the hell? But he barely had time to open his mouth to retort back to the smaller male, before he felt a stinging pain in the right side of his face where his cheek was. A ripping sound could be heard before he jerked his head back; and a loud snarl of pain escaping from his lips.

The grey male felt blood ooze from the gaping wound in his cheek, and the constant stinging pain that came with it. Looking back at the smaller male with hatred and contempt upon his face, he saw him put the fur that he had ripped right from his face delicately on the ground; and what came next was more talk. He didn't make any attempt to listen to whatever the smaller male had to say, as he knew it was all rubbish anyway. Shaking his head slightly to avoid causing more pain in his cheek to flare up, Ace looked directly into the smaller males' silver eyes, before opening his jaws wide and letting out a loud snarl. "Shut up!"

Whether it was his words that did it, or if the smaller male was planning on doing it anyway; just moments after he had spoken, Ace saw the smaller male leap at him again. But this time, dancing around him; snapping at his legs and body....And giggling? But then he saw a dark and angry look came upon his face, one filled with malice and evil intentions. A look of confusion crossed Ace's own face for the briefest amount of time. One second the smaller male was giggling, and the next he was blind with rage and anger. But no matter, Ace wouldn't let the smaller male distract him enough to strike at him again, next time, he would be ready.

Throughout all of the smaller males' chatter, the grey male managed to avoid blindly attacking him out of pure annoyance and rage. Oh how that high-pitched voice annoyed the hell out of him. The constant chatter echoed in his mind, and he wanted it to be gone, but first he would let the boy have his say. It seemed like forever until the voice became quiet, and Ace let the smallest of smile's cross his lips before speaking in a soft, but dangerous voice. "Now it's my turn."

He had all but forgotten about the rabbit, and stalked forwards, circling around the smaller male; looking for any weaknesses that he might possess. As his grey eyes studied the male, he noticed how slender he was, very tall and long, with little muscle on his body. Another smile crossed his lips, this should be easy enough. The grey male paused his circling, and angled his body slightly inwards. He would rush at him, aiming for his side to bowl him over before gripping his bared throat with his fangs. A glint showed in Ace's grey eyes, and he paused for a few seconds, allowing the smaller male the chance to run before he would strike. Lucky for Ace but unlucky for his opponent, the smaller male stayed, and the grey male barely gave it a second thought before he pushed off with his hind legs and leaped at the smaller male's slender body.

His shoulder connected with the smaller male's body, and the force of it caused him to fall on his side, exposing his underside and throat. Barely a moment passed as Ace stood towering above the small, brown wolf below him. His legs were firmly placed on either side of his body, his fangs were bared and his hackles were raised to their full extent, making him look almost twice as large as he really was. This wolf would learn to fear him, and never tell him what to do, or how. His grey eyes were blazing with anger, and a growl escaped from his maw before he lunged at the smaller male's throat with his muzzle, seeking to clamp them around his throat.

He would only let go if the smaller male submitted fully to him, and then only unwillingly. He always gave an extra chance to those that opposed him, even if hatred burned throughout him. But, if the smaller male decided not to submit, he would kill him instantly with no remorse. This was the way of the wolf, those that were stronger and smarter had an easier life. And those that didn't, they would have to learn to submit or die. This male would learn to fear him, or he would face the consequences.

810 Words

If I could have you in my heart, I
would protect you forever