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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
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Anastasia Starklen
@Nina, set before her thread with Shade & Lachesis.

The grand allure of joining Reaper was growing thinner in time, just like the hair on her back. Though she was young and the young usually kept such beautiful fur, hers was beginning to dampen with the decrease in nutrients she was able to take in as a loner. Anastasia had expected that they would be in a pack by now, reaping the benefits of being apart of a pack and earning their place just enough so that a proper meal would be granted to them. However, it didn’t seem like the time was coming soon or at all. Reaper had given her and Lachesis orders to join one of the nearby packs for a while, but that just left Anastasia right where she didn’t want to be. In between two places at once and having to choose the best place to be.

The thicket was not too far of a walk from where her temporary den currently lay, though she was constantly on the move for something that was substantial enough to eat and be satisfied. However, there never seemed to be enough prey in any area that she could take down solo. She looked much more decent than she had in days, having stopped north of the Creek to take a quick bath to refresh herself before journeying northwest. Her only reason to go so far up was that she had heard of a pack up there, one that might open up to two more wolves that needed a decent home. As per usual she stopped clearly of the marked territory, lowering her head then raising it so that she could call for a conversation.

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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
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Nina Hervok
Sorry that this took me so long! <3

Finally out of the den, she happily trotted around, her golden head high and proud as she waved her way through her thorn bushes. It had been so long since the alpha of the pack had been able to stretch her legs, and she found relief in the fact that she could finally get out without any one coming up to her. She was completely company free for the time being and she honestly did not mind that. She would not be alone for long though for soon a ringing, unfamiliar call came from her borders. Snapping her head in the direction of the call, she let her paws take her towards where she would have to go, her golden body easily snaking through the dense forest around her. When she finally arrived at the scene of where the call had taken place, she was pleased to see that the loner who had called for one of them seemed to have stayed a respectable distance away from her borders. Raising her head and tail high, she trotted forward, an authoritative look crossing her features, but kindness radiated in her single green eye.

The woman in front of her was pure white, just like Athena and her eyes a piercing blue color, which was what set her apart from the Poison Path alpha. She was also smaller than both the other woman and herself; making her look slightly younger than Nina was sure she was. It looked as if though the girl had just come of age and Nina took this in consideration. Clearing her throat, she let her voice ring strong and clear towards the younger woman, "Greetings. I am Nina Reinier, alpha of the Secret Woodlands pack…I see you have respected my borders." The golden woman nodded towards where the other girl seemed to be staying further back by the boundaries and a small smile lit her face. She did not wish to seem too cold-hearted towards this female, even if her motherly instincts were telling her to get this newcomer away from her home. The inside part of Nina knew that she always gave others chances, and she had yet to know who this woman was.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
No worries! :)

Ana was certainly relieved to have found a friend here in Relic Lore, a few friends even, that she could trust in. It was them that had brought her a sense of hope for her future, seeing that her past hadn’t been too kind. Her pack had been quite alike a mishpocha, including dominantly of the arctic wolf that she was and perhaps a few others that were friends, or even a mate. As far as she was considered, it wasn’t quite the family that she wanted to be raised in. Nor did she feel that any other child she be brought up in that environment but the best she could do was save herself at the time.

While gazing around at the thicket in wait for whomever showed up, she pondered what life might be like living here. It seemed a decent place for her and XIX, perhaps playing games in the thicket or even having a conversation or two with a pack mate. The idea alone thrilled her, desiring nothing more than to be with a pack that adored her—but, she also had to wash that idea away because she would eventually, one day in the future, be with Reaper in his pack. Perhaps even lead it one day with hi, as he had proposed the idea himself. She had never seen herself as a leader but perhaps there were potential qualities in her that he saw?

After a few moments a wolf showed, a timber wolf with wicked emerald green eyes, and provided friendliness to a stranger that Ana appreciated. Secret Woodlands … she did not believe she had heard of this pack from any member so far so perhaps this was one of the packs that Lachesis and herself could consider for a while (even if they were both bent towards seeing Shade soon). After bowing her head towards the pack wolf that arrived, she nodded her head in kind. “I would wish for those to be respectful of my borders if I had a pack of my own,” so she would show Nina the same respect regardless.

“I’m Anastasia, just a loner for now, but perhaps looking to relinquish that title and find a pack suitable. I don’t normally travel alone, as I travel with a close friend that is also on the search for a pack but we are searching for one that we can join together.” Even with their idea of moving south to the pack that was supposedly being created, Anastasia still wanted to keep options open. She assumed that Reaper would be joining a pack too and it would always be nice to have an idea of where her comrades were going.

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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
On a side note, Nina has only one eye! <3

She waited patiently, her ears pricked forward, curious as to why this loner would be calling for a pack member outside of the borders. Not had she ever encountered any loner come across borders and actually called out to someone, unless the wolf knew another within the pack. The lady in front of her, however, had not asked for anyone in particular, just someone else besides her own company. Flicking her tail high above her back, she smiled with the words that greeted her. The lady seemed polite enough and Nina found herself content with her company. The next words that were spoken by Anastasia brought some spark of interest from within her. The Secret Woodlands pack had room for more member; she knew it would take some stress off of the other members. She was sure they would not mind having others even out their duties.

Lifting her head slightly, her voice came out was cool and collected, "Well, Secret Woodlands pack is open for new members…though, I’m sure, much like other packs…we will have our expectations." She tried lightening her serious expression with a light smile, one that she knew would lighten up her golden features all over her face. Nina was not one to like making others uncomfortably, but unfortunately the golden woman did not tend to notice when things got tense…unless it got extremely intense. She flicked her tail once again, tilting her head slightly and waiting for a response from the other female.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
awkward ana is awkward as she swims in her failure

Ana was, at this point, determined to join a pack. Though she was sure that Lachesis would not want to join any other pack besides Capella’s, she still wanted to see what else was out there. It certainly would not hurt to have a few more options or to just know what the packs were and how they functioned. She was an inquisitive young adult who felt she had unlimited options, an easy way to feel overwhelmed with all the places they likely could go.

Being the gentle soul that she was she tried not to stare at the remaining eye that her company had. It wasn’t an obvious portrayal that she was avoiding it, she just didn’t know how to address it properly. Ana wished to embody the idea to the Alpha that it made her look stronger, wiser and more experience. However, she came up with nothing. Just stood in silence, wanting to avoid the option altogether instead of swimming around in her own conversation failures.

Nina was quick to reply to Ana, something that she appreciated and that she had not skirted around a rejection or even of telling her any information at all. It meant that there could be trust laid in her and that was a good sign. “If by expectations you mean the drive to provide and learn, then me and my friend are likely qualifiers.” The two of them were adamant individuals who were great at wanting to help others and to see others excel. Anastasia liked to see others happy, well-fed, and treated like family. She hoped that by ‘expectations’, it meant that Nina ran a tight yet friendly ship.

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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The woman in front of her seemed to be pleased with the response that she gave, perhaps because her answer came so swiftly. She did not expect the woman in front of her to answer so quickly, but when she did, Nina found that she was pleased with the words that were spoken. Flicking her tail, her single eye narrowed on the woman in front of her before speaking, "As well as loyalty and commitment. In this pack we must gain each other’s trust…and freely speak openly to one another…we also do not take kindly to deserters." She swept her tail behind her back, watching the woman intently before gauging the girl’s reaction.

What she had said to the lady was perfectly true. Over the months she had found that the Secret Woodlands pack had been build strictly on trust, devotion, and love for one another. Nina would not have had it any other way. Sometimes, she still found herself looking back towards Aeylen and Ruiko, wanting to ask them if she were doing the right thing and just needing their advice and guidance. The woman had looked up to the pair so much…until they had left. Nina was glad she had been able to get everyone, well almost everyone, back together though. She knew that now…she was the only remaining wolf from Copper Rock Creek in the pack, save Ashanti. Sloane, Kashikoi, Durai…they were all gone. She had a new family now though and she knew she would not let them down. Never…would she intentionally let her friends down, they were her new life now and she intended to make the most out of her new life.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen

Loyalty and commitment? Yikes. At first she was considering it, wanting to join a pack for a while for Reaper’s sake but she also didn’t want to disappoint those she joined. Nina seemed like a lovely lady and at this point she wasn’t sure that she could handle doing that. At least not here, not this time. This did not deter Anastasia or alter her expressions towards the Alpha, not wanting to alarm her that she was anything short of loyal, committed and a hard-worker. Ana was all three of those things but at this point in time she couldn’t be all three at the same time.

“Secret Woodlands sounds so lovely,” she remarked with a wagging tail, “I’ll have to bring my friend by here to get his opinion.” She would likely do this when they gathered the time and when things cooled down between them but she would be open for consideration—after all, they were still keeping an option open to Shade and his.

“I hope you don’t mind more questions but my friend and I arrived in the Lore a little over a month ago so we’re looking for a pack that won’t have their own cliques,” she hoped that wouldn’t rub off the wrong way as if she was judging Nina’s pack but she did want to know what packs were fresh, “we want to be able to socialize without stepping on any toes.” Lachesis and herself were likely shy creatures compared to those here, probably mingling away from the party to avoid the glances of those around them.

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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She waited for any sign of an expression to cross upon the woman’s features, but when none came, the emerald eyed female narrowed her single eye, curious as to what was going on within the young woman’s head. Flicking her tail behind her patiently, she pricked her ears for any sign of what would give her away. Finally when she spoke, a small smile gave away on Nina’s dark lips, her eye flashing to the face of the pale woman in front of her. At least she spoke kindly about her pack and before she could get a thanking note out of her mouth, the woman’s voice greeted her again, as her words frayed off the alpha’s head tilted to the side, a small grin planted on her features. She did not wish for any cliques within the packs? Ana was sure asking for plenty then…but Nina would happily make her case and state it forward, and be completely straight forward with the information that she knew about.

Nodding her head, she cleared her throat, her voice coming out soft, but pronounced, "As far as I know, to the south are Whisper Caverns and Willow Ridge, of whom I am highly acquainted with, as well as Swift River…I have not heard from them in quite awhile though. To the west I know of a new pack…but I do not know the name as of yet and Poison Path…both of the packs are near the mountains. I also believe that in the Cedarwood Forest there is Grizzly Hollow…but I have not spoken to any of the members…and therefore am not sure about their whereabouts." Little did Nina know that three new packs had formed, two of which were the new generation for Swift River and Grizzly Hollow, as well as one that had come out of one of Elettra’s own. She wished she could help the loner in front of her more, but that was all she knew.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen

In truth, Reaper’s plan of action for her and Lachesis was a good one but it was the fact that she couldn’t be forward about it that ruined her. Ana was a good natured soul who believed that keeping something a secret wasn’t an honorable choice of action. Not being able to tell whatever pack she joined that she wouldn’t be staying for an indefinite amount of time tore her a little. This woman here was a lovely woman, one that she would have liked to know better and join the pack as a long-running dependable member, but she had other arrangements. They were arrangements that she could not erase, for the moment.

From the packs that Nina spoke of, there were approximately seven packs available to her. Though, a couple of those packs likely might be long gone since she had not received word or news of them recently. Perhaps she would check on this information and see if the packs she mentioned were still present or maybe she would just lay content with what she already knew. “You have given me valuable information that really helps me out in my quest,” and she certainly was very grateful that Nina had been willing to give her the names and directions of said packs as most wolves here seemed to want to slide by in secret, “thank you Nina for your help. Take care.” She waited, wishing to know that she had at least made an acquaintance and that her time here had been appreciated just as she honored Nina’s.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The woman in front of her seemed to be grateful for the information that Nina was willingly giving to her. The alpha was never one to hold back when it came to information that one needed, especially when she was in the teaching and informing role. When Ana finally spoke, it seemed as though the lady had been accurate with her conclusion, the woman indeed did appreciate the information. Nodding her head, she pricked her ears forward again at the sound of the woman’s voice. It seemed as though the two lady’s times were up with one another and in truth it was. Nina had to get back to the three hungry mouths that she had birthed and now must feed. So nodding her head in farewell, she spoke, "As to you. I must be getting back to children now."

Watching to make sure the woman left, just as she always did with any loner, Nina turned on her heel and started back towards the den, hoping that the children were safe where she had left them and all of her pack mates had not disappointed her. If anything she would not be surprised if Ashton had caused a little bit of trouble while she had been gone, with his brother, Tacoma. Then, as usual, their sister would come in and try to make peace between the brothers. All three of them had a star quality from two members of her tight knit family, while Danica was a mirror of herself personality wise, Tacoma seemed to take after his father, while Ashton had gotten his little genes from his Uncle, a surprising feat considering Ash was only martially related to her. None the less, Nina was content with her offspring and could not have asked for a better litter.

{Nina exit}
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.