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The Sound — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
Open to anyone in OTB. Feel like getting some stuff out with Sceral suddenly!

Sceral ran as fast as he could, which wasn’t very fast at all, around the signature Oak of the pack territory. His salmon-hued tongue lolled out the side of his jaw that hung open. Huffing and puffing as he finally slowed, the Oak Tree Bend pup dropped to his tummy before rolling onto his side in the dirt. Wiggling around in it as if he was trying to cure an itch, the Aesir boy was delighted with the outside world. He’d been out for a little while now and everything was so … so interesting! The colours, the sights, the—


—sounds. Large ears suddenly perked, Sceral whined loudly. What on Earth was that? Slowly rolling onto his stomach again and fumbling to his feet, he stomped his feet a little. What was that noise? Where had it come from? Would it ha—chirp chirp—ppen again? Whipping his head up, Sceral’s mouth gaped at the little creature in the tree. It looked down at him, tilting its head side to side, hopping on the thick branch before making that chirping noise again. Sceral was suddenly jumping up and down as if he’d suddenly fly into the air and land on the branch. If that little thing did it then so would he!

Getting as close as he possibly could to the oak, Sceral began scratching uselessly at the bark with dull baby claws as he whined angrily. He wanted to be up there too. “Wha’ you?” He yapped, still scratching. He couldn't see much of the little thing but it had weird legs, they were like … like little sticks! That sound happened again, chirp chirp chiiirp, and Sceral squinted at the weird little thing; maybe it knew the origin of that sound? He was about to ask if it knew what that sound was but the thing suddenly shot through the air to another tree. Woah! It was fast! Spinning to follow it, the Aesir boy watched it flap weird long bits and land. “Wha’ you!? How you do tha’?!” He ran and jumped and yipped and flailed every single part of his body in an attempt to recreate the little flappy thing. Chirp chirp again! “Hey you! Up in tree! Wha’ tha’ soooound?!” Oh, little prince, if only you stopped to actually listen then perhaps you would know by now.

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata

The older of the two Aesir cubs was lounging on his stomach in the grass. It was a shady spot, under the shadow of the big tree which the pack gathered around. Mom had said it was okay to leave, but Ser was still too afraid to wander too far. His eyesight had grown better, but even so, he was loath to travel so far away that he couldn't see the den.

But traveling after his brother was always worth it, because where Serach's curiosity seemingly had a limit, Sceral's seemed to be boundless. Today, Sceral was racing around the tree, much more coordinated than his previous attempts had been. Ser wagged his tail, his chest lifted and his pointed ears standing erect atop his skull. His pink tongue rolled out in a grin as he watched his brother run around the tree. But the grin subsided as Sceral came to a rather abrupt halt, looking upwards. Serach hadn't heard anything nor seen anything to prompt his brother to stop. Half rising from his perch, his rump gave a nervous wiggle and he yipped in the general direction of his littermate. But his brother started shouting at the tree and seemingly didn't hear him.

And then Sceral was up on his legs scratching at the tree and Serach was brought to his own feet in excitement. What was happening? Sparing only a moment to look around and reassure himself that he could still see the den where mom was, he took off towards his brother, little legs stopping just short of pushing his brother into the ground. "Wha' you doin, stupid? You can't climb trees. Mom said!" Whether mom had actually said any such thing was questionable, but Sceral didn't know that.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
Back on his hind legs and scratching at the new tree in a rather fribble manner, Sceral was suddenly alerted to his brother’s arrival. The second born Aesir boy wagged his tail at his sibling’s arrival but was cut short when he was called ‘stupid’. Pouting, Sceral huffed loudly before lowering himself onto all four paws. “Well, mum told me you can climb trees! Is jus’ hard.” Of course, Sceral had no idea that mum had not told Serach that you couldn’t climb trees and Serach didn’t know that she had not told Sceral that you could.

Finally realising that, oh right, Serach asked him what he was doing, the second born stared up into the tree. “There’s a thing, Seeeeerach.” Would his brother see the thing? Sceral doubted it so he needed to point it out, he was sure. “Can you see? It has weird thingies on it.” Yes, what an excellent description. He lifted his paw, wobbling and struggling to stand on three feet, and pointed (like his mum had done not long ago) towards the bird. He associated the pointing with ‘look there’ and would, consequently, use it for the rest of his life. “Wha’ you think it is?”

If Serach didn’t know, maybe his mum would? Or maybe his dad, @Ice, would! Truth be told, Sceral desperately wanted to see his dad. He wanted to do leader things with him and be a big wolf far too soon. The younger sibling was absolutely enthralled with the idea of being big and strong and he was sure that dad knew a lot about the outside world. He was there more than mum, right? And he always smelt funny when he poked his head through the den mouth, a smell now associated with outside: dirt. Yes, Sceral was now positive that their dad would know exactly what that weird noisy thing was.

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
This will be my last post before I head on vacation. <3 P.S. Your avatar is zomgasdfohsaoifdhosfh adorable!

Huffing in response to his brother's defiance, Serach shook his head from side to side. Mom wouldn't lie to him, not ever. She loved him way to much, that she did say, all the time. "Nuh uh," he pouted, pale shoulders sulking as he peered upwards as his brother looked up. A thing? His butt began to wag eagerly - he liked discovering new things, as long as he could still see the den and call mom for help if his discovery was something bad. Squinting, he tilted his head back as far as it would go, but his proximity to the tree made it difficult to see anything but wood. Sceral was pointing in the general direction, but it did no good until Serach leaned back on his back legs, trying to balance on his butt as he brought his forelegs off the ground to "sit". Higher off the ground now, he tried looking once again.

"Whoa!" Black lips forming a near perfect "O", the older of the two brothers had clearly seen the thingy. He had never seen anything like it, and now that he was paying attention, he could hear it. What was it moving - he'd never seen a mouth like that before! "It's gotta weird nose!" Too eager to crane his neck even more, the young wolf gave a loud WOOF! as he tipped over. Forelegs flailing uselessly, Serach hit the ground with a thud. The thingy gave a shrill cry and spread its funny looking legs and - Serach blinked rapidly, had it really just done that?! The thingy had hopped up to another branch above him! "Di you see dat?!" Too excited by what he had seen, he asked his brother, tilting his head to the side in the grass to look at him. Maybe wolves really could climb trees...

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
Aaaa Sceral and Serach are so cute!
Serach had seen it and voiced the fact with a “whoa”! Sceral was immediately wagging his tail, grinning at his brother with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. The thingamabob kept making its weird noises and the younger brother yapped in agreement. “Yeah it does got a weird mouth! And a weird voice!” He watched as his older brother hit the floor and suddenly the thing yelled and flapped its weird bits and went higher into the tree. Had he seen it? Had he seen it? Of course he had seen it as Sceral was now jumping up and down, making high pitched barks in an attempt to recreate what the flappy thing had done.

Sceral scooted closer to the tree and eyed his brother mischievously. He was going to show Serach he could climb the tree and play with the weird creature. He was going to ask what it was, what was its name, where did it live, how did it do the weird flappy high jump … he had so many questions buzzing through his head. Lifting his front paws to rest on the tree, wobbling a little, he yapped. “I’m gon’ say hi to it, maybe we needs to be closer so it can hear us.” And so, Sceral bent his legs and with a loud ‘hup’ he pushed off the ground, scrambling his front legs to fly. He went up. He did it! He flew! He was flying and he—bonk. Landing on his rear with an ‘oomph’, Sceral lifted his head so he could glare at the flappy thing that made its stupid noise as if it was laughing at him. He wasn’t going to give up that easy though, oh no. Maybe he just needed to be higher. “Seee, lemme stand on your head!” Sceral was already clumsily making an attempt to clamber onto Serach’s body. He was definitely going to get up there.

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata

The noise of the thingy was deafening now, or maybe that was all Serach could focus on. He watched with awe as the creature flapped its legs, it's strange looking mouth open and closing as the loud "CAW" noises filled the air. Sceral was barking at it, bouncing up and down beside him, and from his place in the grass, Serach opened his mouth and yipped along as well. They were a beautiful choir of noise - surely @Ice or @Fenru or @Kisla or somebody had heard their commotion by now.

Rolling over onto his side and then onto his stomach, Serach scrambled up to right himself. Sceral had his paws up against the tree, and thinking it was a good idea, Serach decided to join him. Pushing off on his back legs, he stood up and smacked his paws against the bark, yipping at the thingy above him. "Come heere!" He yipped up at the funny looking bird, his lips curling upwards in a desperate attempt to make his smile bigger. Maybe if he looked friendly, the thingy would come down!

But the thingy stayed in the three, despite Serach's charming smile. But he was only disappointed for a moment when Sceral decided that he was going to go up and say "hi". Falling back to earth, Serach watched as his brother bundled his legs beneath him and then leaped upwards - only to fall back to earth with a thud. Tongue rolling out of his mouth, his tiny milk teeth were visible as he laughed. But his laughter faded when his brother came towards him, declaring that he was going to stand on his head. Shuffling backwards, Serach tried to escape, "Nooooo! Oof." Unable to escape, Sceral had his paws up on Serach's back and shoulders, quickly moving to perch on his head. Unable to handle the weight of his brother (when did he get so fat anyway?), Serach's little legs began to buckle beneath him. "STAWP IT!!!!" Toppling over, his forelegs gave out beneath him - his little rump in the air and all four legs pawing wildly at the ground in a feeble attempt to escape from underneath his brother. No thingy was worth this.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
Serach laughed, too, and Sceral didn’t like it. So he was even more set on standing on his big brother’s head to get the thing. The way he moved was amusing at best, his brother’s uneven and fidgeting body making it difficult for Sceral to stand without slipping. “No! I’m not gonna stop See! I’m close!” Front paws found his brother’s head and as he went to push up to get onto Serach’s head the Aesir boys went down. Donk. Serach hit the floor and Sceral flopped, rolling off his brother, onto the floor and into a little ditch amongst the roots of the tree. He let out a little yelp of surprise as he kicked at the air, forgetting how to right himself in his moment of dizziness.

“Halp,” he almost shrieked, unable to twist and turn correctly. “Halp, Serach, I broked!” He couldn’t see straight, the world twirled above him in circles as he lay on his back howling up a storm. The more he wriggled, the more his butt got stuck. It was all the stupid, stupid thingies fault! Now he was stuck and broken and he wasn’t ever going to get free. He was going to have to live his entire life as an upside-down wolf. His eyes widened and he yowled again. “I don’t wanna be broked Serach! I wanna be fixed!” Kicking at the sky again, the Aesir second born whined loudly. Where was his family? Oh god he was going to look so, so silly if mum or dad or anyone saw him.

Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata

On a rather pleasant summer day like this one, Fenru Tainn was taking a much needed nap not too far from the old oak. He had decided for the time being to slowly switch his border patrols back to a sort of "night shift" routine. Aiyana was no longer around to keep him company, but he was more than glad to let the rest of the pack rest while he ran his rounds while keeping watch over the night-cloaked forest. The pleasant dream he had been enjoying - something like playing with Lucero in the Weir - was abruptly disturbed when the "dream Lucero" opened her mouth and a high-pitched "Wha' you doin, stupid? You can't climb trees. Mom said!" came out when he splashed her. He was just about ready to laugh and counter her with "Trees, Luce'? We're not climbing trees..." when a second voice piped up and brought him back to the waking world.

His ears came up and his eyelids fluttered a few times before he could fully open them while Sceral's yips continued. "There’s a thing, Seeeeerach. Can you see? It has weird thingies on it." Fenru's eyes widened and he held still for a brief moment to let his mind wake up and make a guess or two about what it was his younger brothers were up to. "It's gotta weird nose! ...Di you see dat?!" The Tainn stood up and leisurely stretched out his forearms as far as they would go. He had to smile to himself, sadly yet absolutely happily at the same time. Had he and Rihael been this loud when they were younger? He couldn't recall such an event, except that time when the brothers were lucky enough to deposit a freshly killed groundhog next to a sleeping Kisla...

The conversation of excited babble and whimsical intentions continued but it wasn't until one of the boys cried out with an undeniably loud "STAWP IT!!!!" did Fenru, their older brother, come running onto the scene in a panic. Barks and growls and all sorts of sounds that were associated with the all-too-familiar "puppy scuffle" was nothing to be alarmed about but when an opponent has to stop and shout at the other to stop whatever it was they were doing... someone had to step in. Perhaps they were lucky, whichever one of the two Aesir boys, that Fenru had been nearby.

There was a yelp and shriek and what the Tainn discovered was nothing like what he had imagined: Sceral or Serach playing a bit too rough with one another or the two of them messing around with a wayward boar piglet (the mentioning of a strange nose brought him to that conclusion) or, goodness forbid, one of the two boys critically injured on accident by some presently dangerous scenario... But, no, none of the scenarios he had thought of even prepared him for what he was about to stumble upon...

Sceral was on the ground, twisting and turning while he cried, “Halp. Halp, Serach, I broked!” Instinctively, he rushed forward, looking over Serach first before cautiously placing a large paw over their younger brother's shoulders to make him stop squirming. "HEY," his voice practically boomed over their mousy-furred heads as he attempted to take charge of the situation at hand. "What're you two doin'?" He could feel Sceral still wriggling about and addressed him once more, "Oi, stop it. You're not stuck."

Overhead the bird let out some more "CAW!" noises but the Tainn paid no mind to it; Uncle Triell hadn't when Fenru had been a pup, so he wouldn't either. In a rather protective fashion, he craned his muzzle and the tip of his nose over his two siblings, to mainly check for blood and look for any other malady. Serach might have looked like he had his chin in the dirt but nothing seemed wrong with him. As for Sceral... well... Now that Fenru was really, really looking at him, at the both of them... he figured them out. "Are you guys trying to get that thing?" His head tilted to one side, his expression half-amused and half-actually-not-so-amused. This opportunity was just too good to pass up. He didn't even dare to wait for either of them to answer, "You know what thing I'm talking about..."

(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2013, 12:51 AM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata

Serach whimpered as his nose was shoved into the grass and dirt as he went down under Sceral's weight. His whole body was fidgeting and straining with the effort of trying to hold his brother up, but it was no use. The Aesir boys went down together, Sceral rolling off Serach's head and into the roots of the tree. Down on the ground, the older Aesir made no move to get up, his muscles tired. But Sceral was shouting, and he couldn't just abandon his brother, even though he had tried to climb on his head. Huffing and puffing, the puppy pushed himself on to his feet. "I comin! I'll save you!"

Waddling over, still very much disoriented from his own fall, Serach was trying to take in the situation when a familiar scent smacked him in the nose, followed by a loud and authoritative yell. Whipping his head around so fast it made him wince, Serach's grin grew and his butt began to wag wildly. "Fenroo!" He yipped in excitement. It didn't matter that Fenru didn't look like Sceral or himself, mom had said they were brothers, and so he had immediately decided that he loved the big wolf. He loved Sceral, afterall, so it was only fair that he love his other brother too.

Grinning like an idiot, pink tongue rolling out between his milk teeth, Serach watched as Fenru stepped over Sceral. What were they doing? Couldn't he tell. But before Serach could answer, Fenru snapped at the "stuck" Aesir. "Yeah!" He chimed in, puffing out his chest to make him look big, just like Fenru. "You not stuck! Get up!" Looking up at his oldest brother, he grinned, clearly looking for approval that he had done well.

And then came the inevitable. The thingy made another noise, and this time even Fenru heard it. Serach peered upwards, his smile giving way to a frown as he looked. The stupid thing was still there, making that funny noise. "That thingy. Up there." Serach answered, lifting up a forepaw to "point" as Sceral had done earlier when he'd asked the same thing. "We want to play wit it."

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata
Sceral wriggled and squirmed unhappily in his little root and dirt tomb. Even Serach’s little I’ll save you did not lift his spirit from its place on the ground with him. His brother, however, did not make an attempt to help. The younger brother whined loudly, almost demanding in his tone. “Serach wha’ you doin’? You not helpin’ m—” A sudden yell caused Sceral to bark, half in surprise and half in momentary confusion as his little brain put things together. He knew that smell, he knew that voice. Family. He smelt of pack, but also of mum. It could only be one person. “Feeenroo!” Whilst Serach’s yap had been a tone of pleasure at the arrival of their big, big brother, Sceral’s voice was still a whine. He was still on his back and though the world had stopped spinning he was pretty worried.

He wiggled under Fenru’s paw. What was he doing?! He didn’t want to be push into the ground more! The upside down pup almost whined again when the oldest wolf present snapped and Sceral visibly cringed, pressing his mouth shut into a frown. He didn’t like that. “B-but I can’t get uuup …” Big eyes peered up at his older brother, slightly scared. He hadn’t done anything wrong! They were just playing. He especially didn’t like Serach’s little attempt to be a big wolf. He twisted and turned his head so that he could try and glare tiny little daggers at his brother from beneath Fenru’s big paw.

Sceral peered up as Fenru finally acknowledged the thing in the tree with its pointy nose and flappy bits. “Wha’ is it, Fen? Why it gotta laugh at me!” It had laughed when he fell and now it was laughing at the fact he was stuck, at least that was how the pup saw it. Mean, ugly thing. “Wha’ it called?”