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i just need you now — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
The sky is dark with storm clouds.

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
The dark wolf had watched her go, had let her go. Damn, that woman as if she didn't know where Triell lived. It had took every ounce of his strength not to yell SWIFT RIVER! when she so calmly replied. Though he knew quite well he had not been there. He had been scouting with Marsh even if she had went looking for him. It dawned on him....had she? That's when the guilt trip started. Triell had already been on one, and being angry was not what he wanted to be when he spoke with her again. If she would even look at him, or better if he could find where she lived on that bloody mountain. He could feel his gut tighten, thinking about it all. While another part of him thought it was only because she had ran off without a word he was being rude, and shouldn't feel so...awful.

When he had taken care of other matters (sorta) he knew he had to do this. He had to see something. He began the climb up the bitter mountain, cursing under his breath at every rock, every sour bush he came across. While he didn't have much of a clue where he was going, he had decided to merely walk the trails as long as he could stand, hoping to find a scent. Even if it wasn't hers. She had to have other members, she wouldn't stubbornly raise two girls alone. When he had dare draw closer, he could smell others. It seemed Naira was a pretty flower, drawing in ugly, hairy things with nasty stings. The Tainn didn't smirk, he was looking at his imaginary map, making sure to avoid the former Midnight Plateau. Trying to keep track of the ground he had covered, and how badly this could turn out. He had to know.

The sky began to darken, and there was rain upon the air. It was colder because of the higher elevation, something that made his lungs a little squeezed. Then the wind started to thread its invisible fingers through his hair, and his fiery eyes started to sweep downward, wondering if that was his only option.
(This post was last modified: Jul 17, 2013, 11:44 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Already Nova was learning the sky and it's moods. The darkening clouds told her of rain to come, and as a child of spring and summer all that meant for now was more puddles for her to play in later. Usually Mamma liked to usher them inside when the rain started to fall, though Nova liked sitting out in the deluge just fine. But Mamma wasn't around this time to tell her otherwise, and even before the first drop had fallen Nova was out in search of the finest puddles to stomp in. Perhaps her timing was a little bit off, the threat of rain was there but none had fallen yet, but the girl was convinced that she just had to look a little bit harder to find those elusive pools.

Lanky limbs she had yet to get used to brought her over the mountain paths that she was just beginning to memorize. Even though the wind began to push her this way and that, she regarded it as a friend trying to push her the right way. With the wind at her back she continued on, oblivious that she was in the company of anything but the elements. She didn't even notice the tall black wolf until she rounded about a stand of boulders and nearly ran into the male. She abruptly stopped, wordlessly staring up into the man's yellow eyes with her own matching pair. She'd never met a wolf outside of the pack before and was at a loss for what was the right thing to do. "Uhmm," She managed to mumble, finally backing away a few steps from the stranger. "Mista... You look for puddle too?" She finally asked. Why else would he be here?

Nova Aquila
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
The Tainn didn't mind rain, but with his luck he was guessing it would pour buckets and buckets. He was here, the last place he wanted to be. Yet he had to be here, trying to fix his latest mistake. If only he knew....

Triell soon decided he was not going back. "Not worth two trips up the mountain," he muttered under his breath, his paw reaching another rock, pulling the rest of his heavy frame onward. It was cooler, it did feel pretty good to his black cloak, in fact it would be perfect if the wind settled a bit. This he would admit to no one. He felt like some miserable traitor the way his steps continued on the search. Dark crown raised, nostrils tasting the air for more solid clues of the woman he sought, he did not notice the little child ambling his way. It wasn't until, the faintest of move caught in the lower part of his vision did he glimpse. Whether his face was widened with surprise because she was a miniature or seemed to appear out of thin air, he stared into the bright eyes. Knowing his look was intense, dark lids fluttered, and he stole a breath of the cold air, forcing his body to relax. He was thinking she would scream any moment for a Guardian, for her mother. Instead, she gave him his space, a little worried, but not frightened.

"No, not exactly," he answered, his deep voice softer than he had meant it to be. What he really wanted to do was yell Naira?! Yeah, gathering her whole pack thinking their leader had a stalker lunatic would be just wonderful.

Peering down at the girl, he tried not to notice the patch of white. "It hasn't quite started raining yet. I bet it will, then there will be lots," he assured her. While behind his dark collected mask, he was trying to decide if this was a cruel joke, and what exactly he planned to do about it. Since she definitely smelled of Naira, there couldn't be a doubt that was where she belonged. Saying he was looking for her mom might raise a red flag. "I'm Triell, where do you usually find the biggest puddle?" He inquired, thinking the question innocent enough, and might get them on the track to her home.
(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 02:10 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Feel free to catch her out ;)

Do it with passion
Or not at all

Clouds were gathering overhead and so Naira had returned to the den... only to find her daughters had chosen to take themselves off on an adventure. With little more than a roll of her eyes, she set off on the trail of @Aponi first, under the impression that her sister couldn’t be far behind. Quickly ushering the youngest home she set back out after her older sister confidently moving across the treacherous terrain, confident that very little harm would come to her in her new secluded home.

Her anxiety mounted however, the closer her child grew to the borders. Picking up her pace a little, a familiar voice drifted to her ears, punctuated by the higher tones of her daughter. A silent sigh of relief left her chest as she skirted to the side, using the landscape to her advantage, slinking between boulders and lifting her toes so that her nails would not scrape or click against the rocks that were strewn about her paws.

After their last encounter she was reluctant to immediately make her presence known and risk interrupting the encounter that was unfolding before her eyes, although she knew that she couldn’t stay hidden the entire time either. She couldn’t keep the gentle smile from the edges of her lips and a quiet chuckle slipped forth unbidden when Triell asked where the biggest puddle was to be found. Her ears pinned flat to her skull and her eyes screwed shut as she held her breath and hoped she hadn’t been overheard, although she knew her chances were slim.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2013, 03:08 PM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kydnt who has 158 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nova was taken aback when the stranger told her there would be lots of puddles once it started raining, but nodded her head sagely as if she knew that all along. Rain first, then puddles. The stranger, no, Triell now that she knew his name, had asked her where the biggest of puddles could be found. Nova tilted her head, a thoughtful look as she tried to think of the biggest, the best, puddle. She needed something to impress Triell, particularly since he seemed to be a stranger to these parts and unknowledgeable in the local puddles.

Finally, it came to her, her wide face lighting up as she beamed up at the older wolf. "Da stream! Iss not a puddle, but it has the bestest splashes!" Nova assured him, her tail wagging with pride at her answer. She was just so excited to show him the little stream that cut the pass in two, and she was sure he'd just have the best time splashing around in it. And best of all, it wouldn't be something Aponi had already showed him first.

Through all the excitement, Nova didn't even notice her mamma hidden among the rugged mountain scenery. "C'mon! We can go there togedder!" The girl twirled around in a quick circle, before trotting a few feet back into the territory, towards home. She then stopped, her head whipping back to peer over her shoulder and see if Triell was actually going to follow her, not entirely expecting that he would.

Nova Aquila
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
The girl still didn't seem alarmed at all, being in the presence of a stranger. Triell had mixed emotions about that, glad she wasn't screaming at him to leave. While at the same time worried how many other strangers she may or may not talk to without questioning them. It was neither here or there. Triell wasn't about to scare her, or rise immediate call to her guardians. Tucking those thoughts away, fiery eyes settled downward, watching her carefully choose her answer.

The Tainn cracked a smile, his dark tail wagging in turn. A stream, imagine that. Should he be more worried? "Ah, a stream. Those are the best fun," he agreed. When he was a boy, whether it was from the fire, or just the combination of getting dirty and wet he was often found in any source of water.

The child became eager to show him, Triell's smile began to grow wider. "Alright, you lead the way, miss..." He realized he didn't have a name to add, but couldn't quite figure how to ask without sounding like a child stealer of sorts. So the sentence hung there, while the young wolf quickly headed back toward pack lands. Triell had a very brief indication he should not follow her. When she expectantly looked back, it too was left behind.

Padding slowly, keeping her in sight, he had no idea what happened when someone spotted him. If he would have much of a warning. With the wind continuing to blow this way and that, the Tainn registered Naira's scent. It was not that of the borders, but of herself. Eyes scanning brush he couldn't quite tell where she was. Surely, she was meant to be hidden. Nova continued on, and he mumbled to where he guessed she stood. "You can come out now...." Though she would probably have found it very hilarious when he was seen by the rest of her pack, sweet talking the youngest Princess of the Pass.
(This post was last modified: Sep 10, 2013, 02:34 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Oh gosh I'm terrible. Sorry guys!

Do it with passion
Or not at all

Naira listened as her daughter declared that the stream had the bestest splashes and made a mental note to take the girl to the bottom of the Pass the next time the basin filled. The shallow temporary ‘lake’ would make far better splashes than any measly stream, and it was, after all, the biggest ‘puddle’ for miles. She wasn’t surprised when she was given the all clear to come out, and waited until Nova’s head was facing forwards again before quietly slipping in beside her dearest friend, a smirk on her muzzle as she threw the Tainn a sideways glance.

She didn’t want to break the magic of the moment by revealing herself to her daughter and so she kept her mouth shut, trailing along silently as they made their way closer to the stream. Eventually she knew @Nova would turn and see her, but for now she was content to remain as little more than a shadow in their wake.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]