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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
@Kasimir <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
Although she was happy within the Trail, she recognized that there was turmoil within her. It had come out of nowhere last night and had kept her awake for hours. If she could find a way she wanted to fix it... but she wanted to fix it without further ruffage. The behavior of Spectre upon greeting Beelzebub had begun to tamper with her mind, causing her to feel like there was something amiss. Something that Anastasia had not quite met as he had been nothing but kind to her, and although she could be quite the gullible and accepting woman she also could not see how another made a pack mate feel or react. It was obvious that Spectre had not wished to talk against her Alpha but perhaps in that moment, it might have been the right thing to do.
Then, there was the topic of Lachesis and Reaper. She adored the two of them, as they were polar opposites of one another. Lachesis was her best friend, knew everything about her that there was to know. Then Reaper who had the physical strength to protect her and comfort her when she was scared and it seemed that he was always willing to do what was best. He foresaw a great thing in her and voiced it outloud, showering her with the feeling of being the most important asset. Even those did not compared to her somewhat confused thoughts regarding her co-Alpha, Shade. Occasionally she would catch a glimmer or sadness hidden behide his eyes but when he was with his children, all she saw was the love and care that caused her heart to melt. She wanted her future mate to look at their children with that much love, as if the whole world was being given to them with a single expression.
Thoughts caused her to loose track of where she was going, but after having scouted around most of the areas in her spare time she was quick to realize where she had gone. Clandestine Brook was the place, its eroded banks coveting the stream of shallow water and hiding away animals that none could see due to the murky contour of the water itself. That was how she felt--eroded by her own emotions as they lay murky and unsorted within. A sigh unwillingly escaped her as she stood atop the bank, what now?
(This post was last modified: Jul 31, 2013, 06:44 PM by Anastasia.)

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Played by Tokio who has 11 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kasimir Ragnarök

Thanks for starting Kira! <3 Hover over the German for translations.

It seemed, as of late, that large portions of Kasimir’s time was spent within the Clandestine Brook, even though he could not, particularly, pin point the initial cause of this. It wasn’t, he reasoned, as if he felt some sort of attachment to the specific area. In fact, this was almost the opposite. He was not overly fond of the humidity that he often felt, twining through silver and raven black guard hairs like unwelcome fingers, causing said tendrils to curl along the curve of his spine. Curling was better than frizzing, but Kasimir was used to cold summers and frigid winters and the humidity of the Brook, accompanied by the almost disgusting sucking noise the muck made as he walked through it, he could validly say that: No, he wasn’t impressed by this Brook. Yet, the Northerner found himself here again and again, despite this. He was sure to never stray too far from the Trail’s borders, but it had been weeks and still, many that he had failed to introduce himself too. He was around enough to know that he was still with them -- he had promised his loyalty to the one called Shade Slayer, after all and loyalty was an iron clad contract among his people -- but not nearly enough for him to be considered well known. Though Kasimir craved friendly conversations, he was also, contradicting, ok with being an enigma. Discovering that his English was not nearly as good as he had thought it had been when he was still a part of the Cold North had been a rather low and painful blow to his self-esteem (see: ego). He had heard the way in which Shade and the little few others he had met - though not of his own design - formed their elegantly forming language and his stumbling and embarrassing inability to mimic their languid speech patterns and sentence structures. More than his own embarrassment it was the expectation of being mocked that also kept him keeping to his lonesome. Mockery was all that Kasimir had learned to expect; though in the Cold North it was because he was not as burly or as tall as the other males that had been the super nova in which the teasing had orbited. He loved them still, yet had also left in part, because of them.

Kasimir’s life and reasoning had never ceased to be complex, and it seemed this trend had no intentions of ending simply because he called new lands home and new wolves - however loose the term - family. It was not swiftly that he moved through the muck, unable to help the contortions of disgust that twisted his muzzle as he wadded through it, the murky waters splashing up his legs and coating the fur of his belly in the sticky mud. Turquoise eyes had been trained upon his slippery path as he moved through the brook itself, not paying much to any attention to the bank that had, seemingly, in his lack of expanded attention, sprung up out of nowhere. A scent tickled his nose, out of place in this territory, similar to his own except different for it carried the scent that Kasimir uniquely associated with the female gender. Kasimir stopped abruptly in his path, contemplating the puzzling scent as turquoise eyes rose to take in the white beauty atop the bank.

Though he recognized her as one of Pitch Pine Trail’s from her scent, he was not able to place her as Anastasia, the Alpha Female, mostly because he had never met her before. Most unfortunate that there was not extremely useful pieces that scent alone could tell him. Hallo,” He greeted her, barking softly, forgetting for the moment, that he was caked in mud, and bits and pieces of vegetation that had gotten snagged in the messy tendrils and sticky muck of his fur. Kasimir, as he always did, kept to the hope that one day he would come across someone who, too, spoke the German tongue like him. It would certainly make the conversation a lot smoother for both parties.

even my memories cannot drown me
(This post was last modified: Jul 31, 2013, 08:04 PM by Kasimir.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
Not a problem! <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
With time being given to Ana as she contemplated the Brook in its seclusion, bringing forth the earth calm that she had yearned for, she couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different. The young Alpha had a horrible habit of dredging up the past in her thoughts, contemplating where she would be if she hadn't taken the direction that she had. If she had stayed with her birth pack, she would likely have children by now. That, or her arranged life partner would be anxiously awaiting the time when he could expand his the pack with his own line. There was no doubt in her mind that she would adore her children regardless of their father but she didn't want to have to raise any female children she had there. Not if she had anything to do with it.
Then the whole path with Reaper. She adored him, but she also wanted to stick by Lachesis' side and protect him for as many years as she could. Forever, if possible. Unfortunately, the two didn't get along so she felt ripped between the two and if she were to tell Reaper that she was staying... what would he be capable of or forced to do to her? Life seemed a bit too complicated for the pale, pristine woman and she felt that it simply wasn't right to dwell on these things when life was supposed to be smooth here. To be undisturbed by matters that were out of her paws but when there was something to worry about, you could be sure that Anastasia was on it.
A single word broke her silence and she turned her head to look for the accented english beginning and landed upon another wolf. He was slightly silver in color with a shade of striking blue with bits of black sprinkled across his back but it seemed to covered by residuum of him rolling in the dirt. Although she wished that she could alert him that a bath was necessary, it seemed that he could at least pull it off proudly. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">Hello, she answered with a nod of her head and a tail raised somewhat higher. From what she gathered he was of her pack, likely one that Shade had recruited, and obviously he was a few ranks down than she and her co-Alpha.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">I'm not sure if Shade has told you but gathering from your scent you are of the Trail, which I co-lead. I'm Anastasia. It was probably a strange way to get around to introducing herself but she was still having a hard time adjusting to being in her position. With the trouble of wondering what Spectre and Beelzebub had discussed prior to Ana's arrival, she felt as though her chances of keeping her position were dwindling down to nothing.

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Played by Tokio who has 11 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kasimir Ragnarök

It seemed that life had little to no intentions of giving Kasimir even a sliver of what he wanted from it. While this was not entirely unexpected to the Northerner, it was still, despite the fact, a sobering thing never the less. Though Kasimir’s reasons for leaving the Cold North were quite valid, and executed for his own sanity, there was definitely a part of him that wished he had stayed there. What were the teasing(s) compared to the inability to effectively communicate with the wolves of Relic Lore? Or those that he had met thus far, at any rate. The language barrier was certainly Kasimir’s biggest obstacle this far and he was…not necessarily frightened but weary. Rightfully so. Though Kasimir was a gentle creature it wasn’t as if anyone would automatically know that upon setting eyes upon him; and the added horrors of being unable to communicate with the clarity in which they spoke the common tongue he was left in an uncomfortable position of running the very likely risk of being misunderstood. It was too easy to misunderstand, in Kasimir’s personal experience. The white woman offered him a greeting in return, his turquoise blue eyes following the slight rise of her tail with unhindered curiosity before it started to, albeit slowly, sink in. As the assumptions swirled around inside his skull, Kasimir’s ears lowered, shoulders slumping slightly.

Anastasia’s words merely confirmed his suspicions and his head lowered in submission.

Oh fack.

Some deity definitely had it out for Kasimir. While Kasimir had been attempting to avoid this conversation -- and until today had been doing a fairly good job at it -- it was not done with the intent of insult. Shade Slayer had, even, had trouble understanding him, from what Kasimir gathered, and while the male did not mock or spurn, Kasimir was simply, weary of everyone. “Eehh,” Kasimir hesitated thinking through his translations. “My name is Kasimir.” He introduced slowly, English heavily accented. Kasimir figuring giving her his name first was something of a good idea. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Kasimir asked hopeful.

even my memories cannot drown me
(This post was last modified: Aug 05, 2013, 03:23 PM by Kasimir.)
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
Anastasia was an exceptionally friendly creature, perhaps too much so considering her willingness to allow others into her life without judgment. The two year old was too innocent and wished to believe that in all wolves there was a good—a side to them that would put a stranger first though she knew that for some, it didn’t come as easy. However, that didn’t mean that it wasn’t there. Ana wore her heart on her sleeve, wanting others to see that she could be a friend to them regardless of their situation. She would be there for whatever they may need of her. It was another reason as to why she felt it was good point to meet all members of her pack—innocently believing it would make her feel like she had earned her spot.
Being with this stranger would cure some of her fears, as he was new to her and thus they might be able to make a friendship out of this. It seemed from the moment he spoke that there was something teetering within his voice and Anastasia was curious to say the least. Having been from a pack that spoke both French and English, she immediately recognized that English was not a first language. After he gave his name he asked with a question with hopefulness presumably out of his own language. Anastasia gave a sultry nod, wishing she did speak whatever language it was that he was most comfortable with. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I don’t speak, uh, ‘deutsch’,” she answered with a wrinkle of her nose, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“just English and some French.” Since being here, she had almost forgotten she had the ability to pose another language but from what she had seen thus far no one knew languages.
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“Want to go for a walk with me?” She asked, hoping that he might enjoy a walk with a pack mate. Anastasia was quick to assume that he might not have met anyone in the pack aside from Shade thus far, seeing as he spoke such a different language and had walked all the way out to the Brook. Of course, he might have come out this way for different reasons like she had but a walk sounded nice regardless of who he knew or didn’t know.

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Played by Tokio who has 11 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kasimir Ragnarök

Thought the word of the day was Eyecandy. Turns out it's Eyetooth. *needs to learn how to read again*

Anastasia gave Kasimir a nod and admitted that she did not, like the wolves he’d met so far, speak his native tongue. Though Kasimir saw this as unfortunate he did not chalk it up to a loss, if only because she mentioned in the next breath that she spoke English and French. Though Kasimir did not speak French he presumed this to mean that despite how well she spoke her English, that she understood. Fluency of languages came easier to some. Kasimir was not one of those fortunate creatures. Ears rose to a tentative half mast position atop his skull as he demurely glimpsed up at her, hoping that she didn’t mind. He wasn’t looking at her with challenge in mind (him challenging anyone would be a joke, he wasn’t really a fighter), more he felt rude not looking at her. Avoiding eye contact, he hoped, was safe enough. He was not accustomed to how these wolves perceived dominance and submissive gestures so he had to trust his body language to do the communicating that he could not. Not all German to English (and the vice versa) translations ended up backwards, though majority seemed to get jumbled. It was just a matter of attempting to piece things together. Shake of muck drying coat was given though the attempt to dislodge it was inheritably futile. Here he was, stumbling over his translations like a fool, covered in mud and debris like some common rat and in the presence of the Alpha Female! Not a way to make a good first impression.

The ivory Anastasia then made an offer that took Kasimir, who’d been inattentively scolding himself for being such a…mess -- literately and figuratively --, for a surprise. Pupils widened within turquoise eyes, blowing them so large there was little but a thin halo of luminously colored irises left as he looked at her as if she’d (humorously) just spoken French. She offered for him to join her on a walk. He understood that he was free to refuse but knew that he wouldn’t because….well, he didn’t want to refuse. “Uhm, ja….y-yes.” He stammered over himself, hoping that she understood his stammering, heavy accented acceptance. “Uhm,” He started towards her once more. “Eh, what should I call you? Uh, by title or name?” He felt unsure of which she preferred, or expected him to use and he wanted to be sure he was using the right thing before he addressed her.

even my memories cannot drown me
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
lol eyecandy. :o <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
It had been quite some time since she had spoken French. Ever since forcefully leaving the pack and using French for the first few wolves she met, she realized that that wasn’t their language. Assumptions had rolled around in her declaring that maybe her old pack had used another language to their benefit—so that other packs wouldn’t see how twisted their traditions were. It made sense to her and ever since then she had taken on English as her primary language as it was what the majority of wolves spoke on her travels. Another language speaker was quite rare, so she expected that Kasimir and herself were one of a kind.
When she offered to him a walk he seemed surprised, but she wondered if perhaps he hadn’t understood her. Anastasia opened her mouth to ask again but by that time he had given her an answer. It didn’t sound quite like a ‘no’ would sound so she would quickly assume that it was a jumbled yes. Smiling she was grateful that she would have company on a walk, especially one that she felt close to within just a few minutes of conversation. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“By name. Ana or Anastasia, your choice.” To her, either name was applicable as Shade had never gone by calling her Ana as if it would keep thinks informal between them. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“How long have you lived in Relic Lore?” Unfortunately, they would have to manage with some small talk for right now given their lesser knowledge of one another.

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Played by Tokio who has 11 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kasimir Ragnarök

lol. :p

Kasimir could not place the origin of his surprise at her kind and wholly unexpected offer, expect, perhaps that he had never been invited to join a leader on a walk before. In hindsight there was nothing particularly special about the offer. A walk was just a walk, after all. Yet, Kasimir, despite this, felt humbled by her small, simple offer. It was the simple things in life that Kasimir took joy in, so his initial reaction -- to himself, anyway -- was of no real surprise. He was just a lowly subordinate, after all. A subordinate who could not even, truly, effectively communicate with her not even half as well as he had once thought. There was nothing more crippling than learning that what communication skills you’d once took a pride in were not even close to the correct caliber. It had been very well in the Cold North, but in the face of reality none of them harbored the necessary communicative skills they had assumed they had. Reality, it turned out, could be quite the bitch. Essentially, in the words of the males of the Cold North, in a, likely, much more crueler world, Kasimir was …useless. It was a truth he had accepted, of course, yet it did not mean that even now those words that haunted him did not still have the effect they had when first spoken. It still stung, even to simply linger upon them as he did now.

Anastasia, he saw, was smiling at him, and so with a unspoken gratefulness, Kasimir gave her a soft wag of his tail and a tentative smile of his own, in return. In was the very least he could do. Kasimir got the immediate feeling that Anastasia was a kind leader and a kinder woman and with those vibes he felt a hesitant comfort. What he had seen thus far of Pitch Pine Trail wolves, they were not the cruel, dog eat dog survivors of the Cold North, and this though as foreign and alien as it could possible come to Kasimir, was a good change. Giving her his rapt attention was easy for Kasimir, though when given her name he toyed with it in his head, trying to predict how badly he might butcher it as it left his lips. “Ana,” Kasimir finally decided, demurely, glimpsing down at his paws for a few seconds. It felt…different to address a leader with such informalities but also nice as well. “Uhm,” Kasimir used as a unsatisfactory filler as he attempted to gather his translations in his head. “I have not lived here long.” It sounded right to Kasimir as his words processed in his mind as German left his lips as English. “Was…uh,…what about you?” It was a struggle, to keep himself from slipping into the wrong language, but he would make the effort because he felt that Anastasia, who had shown him, like the few others, nothing but kindness, was worth it.

even my memories cannot drown me
Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
The time that she had thus forth spent in Relic Lore had been an interesting experience. The past was the past, one that she had left of her own free will regardless of whatever consequences she might have. Even more so, Anastasia had left in hopes to fulfill herself and learn what she could achieve regardless of her gender. To be pushed down and away from the simplest regard for gender had been confusing and when Shade had offered her an Alpha position she had surely been surprised but nonetheless prideful. It had been like a beacon shining the light upon herself that she was capable of many things in life. Through caring for Karpos and Adsila, and the pack, she had felt indomitable and invulnerable—unconquerable.
Occasionally she felt a weakness buried underneath her skin but she always ignored it, not wishing for it to peak its head out at her and smudge her confidence. No matter what she felt she always felt the kindness pour from her heart and into others. Lachesis had been the first wolf to be granted such a feeling, wanting nothing more than to help him in any way she could. Although they were not blood related like siblings and she likely would never call upon him as a brother, but it was certainly the closest to a wolf she had ever been. This relationship she wished to share to others with some minor barriers. XIX and her had a tight bond but nothing could compare, but she would certainly make the best of every relationship she ever came across.
When the german-speaking stranger offered a wag of his tail and a smile (tentative, but it was progress) Anastasia automatically knew that there could be a friendship here. He might primarily speak a different language but as long as he could understand English and communicate with her the best way he could, then she would have no problems. Patience was her best virtue. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I have only been here under two months,” and even she felt somewhat surprised by this realization as she had contemplated how many moons she had participated in. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“I spent a month as a loner before coming to Shade and helping him create this pack,” and as with most subordinates that she met she couldn’t help but to ask aloud, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">“has Shade mentioned anything about pack roles to you?”

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