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Going Crazy
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Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
The bright sun hung in the air like the faraway ball of fire it was. Its heat radiated down onto Darkwater Rapids territory, warming the earth and rock alike. Occasionally this heat grew to be too much for the large, brown male, but today he felt more relaxed, the heat not getting to him at the moment. Nevertheless, the rapids were always a respite from any sort of warmth, but this was not where Destin was headed today. He had decided to put his own hunting skills to the test and carry some prey back to his pack, for the pups and adults. Thus he was now loping along by the edge of the water, grateful for the splashes that rose from its depths as rocks proved to be barriers along its path. Thoughts of rabbits danced through his head as he continued his trek along the boundary, when he heard a sound that made his ears perk and eyes wander warily. Gait stopped short, with head turning and eyes peering, the 4 year old tried to make sense of the noise. It had sounded like the snap of a stick as if something was around. Destin felt the hairs on the back of his neck move upward and he started forward again, this time towards the sound that seemed to have radiated from a copse of trees near the edge of the banks.

Scenting the air with his large nose, the male smelled... well, nothing at all. It was as if nothing was present amidst those trees. Destin stopped uncertainly. Maybe he was just hearing things after all? Even so, he walked slowly forward once more, intent on clearing his mind of any doubts. He felt as if he was being watched by something, and that was never a pleasant feeling when you were trying to focus on hunting and relax. Soon enough he was beneath the canopy of pines and other trees. Feeling silly, because his golden eyes saw nothing out of the ordinary, the male was about to turn when something did come towards him from the trees... and it was nothing that he had been expecting.

A brilliantly white buck came striding towards him, stopping a few feet away. The McBain instinctively scented the air again, but the result was the same as before. It was as if this animal did not have any scent- like it did not actually exist. Yet there it stood, staring at him with large, brown eyes. Its white fur gleamed in the sun that managed to reach the forest floor, and its brilliant, powerful brown antlers stood tall and proud on top of a large head. Alone this buck could be rarefied in some sort of culture that was not wolven. But that was not what had the male wolf so puzzled. No, it was the fact that there was something was on top of its head. It was pointy, like the edge of a particularly sharp rock, yet multi-colored. And the stag had it on its head? Destin just stood there, dumb-founded, staring at this strange animal with a look of pure confusion on his face. No, this was not what he had been expecting at all.
(This post was last modified: Aug 04, 2013, 03:42 PM by Destin.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya

don't over kill this painless thrill it's bitter still your pretty pill

He was hot on the trail.

As riddled as the forest was with winding paths and misguiding landmarks, Kade had come to know it well. The sounds, the smells, the way the morning and evening light lanced through the tree tops to light the fern and root mottled forest floor. The rushing sound of the rapids resounded through most of the territory, and even though it was easy to get lost, their watery song was much like a beacon to guide a way home. Today, however, home isn't where he was going. As elusive as he'd been since the birth of the children, it was safe to say that he hadn't spent much time where his time might matter most─with his pack mates. He'd seen Sibyl on the outskirts, the day he'd first encountered the mighty hawk who ruled the tree tops. He'd met Lily the day she'd arrived on their borders, but hadn't seen much of her since─she was a meek and polite girl. Isadora was a fine prospect and addition to their ranks, and her yearning to be a skilled and recognized hunter among them was, in his eyes, admirable and likely. And then there was Maksim─the loyal and dependable guardian. Few words had been spoken between the two men (a loss, really.), but the guard's scent lingered often in the fur of his mate and children, and they had remained safe and happy, and that spoke volumes in itself of the Baranski's loyalty and worth.

Destin. For whatever reason, there was a soft spot in the leader's heart for the elusive, oversize wolf. They'd walked the cedar forest together for seasons, and Kade would never forget who was at his side those days spent this side of the mountain in more dire times, when war was upon them all. Fondness aside, he hadn't seen Destin in some time, since the children had first left the den. It was with some surprise, then, that he'd by chance came across a fresh trail left by the McBain. A thoughtful furrow creased between his eyes. As disconnected as he'd come to feel here some days, maybe some conversation with an old friend was just what he needed. Besides, as elusive as both men were, this might be the only chance to see the fellow for some time.

It was with hopeful, rare optimism that the silver-eyed wolf tracked the trail through the tangled grove and past pack borders. Somewhere near Secret Falls, beautiful and puzzling as they were, he found him, and something he'd never laid eyes on before─a white buck. Immediately Kade came to an abrupt halt, holding in his breath so as not to scare off the...curiously unknown wonder that had stolen his complete attention. This place was full of secrets and surprises, it seemed. Watchfully, quietly, he eyed his companion from a ways, his gaze shifting between Destin and the buck.

Going Crazy

Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
lol this is the best possible situation ever

Destin's first thought was that the buck did not actually exist at all. It did not smell like anything, and it was acting so strangely- who had ever heard of prey that stood ground and stared back? The male thought back to his last actions, of hearing the noise and following it into the clearing. Had he eaten some bad prey, or maybe he didn't get enough sleep? Was he actually in some faraway land where the deer wore colorful rocks-that-didn't-actually-seem-like-rocks on their heads? The 4-year-old was just about to decide that he had actually fallen asleep by the rapids when he heard a noise behind himself. Turning to look, the form that greeted his confused eyes was a reassuring one- Kade: the loyal protector and leader of Darkwater Rapids. Maybe he could provide some method in this madness?

But Kade's gaze was more focused on the white buck. That was even more comforting, since Destin now knew that the other male saw it too; maybe he wasn't going crazy? Or maybe they both were? Just to make sure, the McBain asked a simple question. Now did not really seem like the proper time for a greeting when the situation itself seemed so bizarre and mind-bending. "You can see it too... right?" Turning back, the white stag was still staring at them with those empty, shark-like eyes. The subordinate shuffled back slightly towards Kade. The buck's vacant gaze was making him feel uncomfortable and... rather violated if he was going to be honest with himself.


(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2013, 07:42 PM by Destin.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya

don't over kill this painless thrill it's bitter still your pretty pill

The sense of wonder that pulsed through him now only heightened as his eyes rover over the ivory and ashen curves of the sight before him. Shades of grey and hints of sienna and black wound around its thick, stalk-like limbs, and the finest layer of fuzz─soft and fluffy and translucent─gloved the buck's impressive antlers like fresh snowfall on the branches of a leafless tree. Robust and healthy, Its chin was sooty and its broad nose was wet as its broad nostrils flared, perhaps to take in the smell of two wolves who were basically dumbfounded by its presence. Wherever it had come from, wherever it had been and lived, it didn't seem to fit here. In a way the stag was...majestic, and certainly beautiful.

Somewhere between the amount of time spent tracking Destin down and a killer's instinct was a whetted hunger, and the pit of his stomach churned and tightened as saliva pooled beneath a now dry tongue. Under other circumstances, the leader may have seen this encounter as a rare and obvious opportunity to hunt down what could have been a meal to feed the pack for a number of days. He'd never had white buck before, and as his silver eyes grazed over a ripe, pulsing artery in the hooved beast's thick neck, he wondered idly what its flesh might taste like. "Yes," the words slipped from parted lips as a whisper as he glanced briefly at his friend before continuing to gawk. In a way, he felt challenged by the animal, as if the look in its unabashed and unafraid black eyes said "I am the king, and what are you staring at, wolf?". As reverent as he'd first felt, Kade was overcome with a predatory lust, offended by the fact that, perhaps, the buck wasn't quite as fearful as he should be in the face of the true king of these parts and his rather large and able companion.

For now, he held down the vicious growl that was shaking his lungs and throat, waiting for the buck's next move and Destin's reaction, as still and quiet as a snake posed to strike.

Going Crazy

Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
I think Destin might explode.

Destin turned back after Kade had replied. So yes, this buck did exist and this apparently was not a dream. The male did not know if this made him feel better or worse. Turning around to glance back at Kade again for the umpteenth time, the McBain was simply at a loss. Should he attack it in order to find out what the buck was wearing on his head? Kade certainly held a look in his eyes that he could not hide completely, and Destin could not help but feel that predatory instinct as well. They were wolves and whatever this stag was doing was unnatural.

Looking back at the brilliantly white animal, he watched in surprise as it stepped forwards. Any other prey would have run away as soon as it saw one wolf, nevermind two in one place and so close. Its black eyes seemed to be watching them, its large, quivering nose smelling them. And the peculiar thing it was wearing on its head was still there, somehow balanced perfectly despite the sudden movement. The subordinate was so confused that his jaws just hung open, golden eyes watching in pure amazement similar to when he had first laid eyes on the creature. Maybe they should just attack it to see what it would do? But what if the buck was sacred? What if this was a test? Finally he looked back at Kade, for orders, for anything.


(This post was last modified: Sep 01, 2013, 03:06 PM by Destin.)
Played by Allie who has 226 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kade Attaya
Let's start a riot!

don't over kill this painless thrill it's bitter still your pretty pill

Kade could feel the weight of Destin's uncertain stares as the tawny wolf looked back and forth between himself and the antlered beast, and eventually his silver gaze would meet Destin's own. It was certain that the sight they were seeing was rare and in a way...unnatural, but he wasn't sure whether he should surrender to instinct or regard the reasoning that told him to steer clear. But when the buck moved closer something inside of him instantly clicked. His eyes tore away from his counterpart and locked onto the round, dark orbs that were staring startlingly or with stupidity back at him. Driven by a predator's will, Kade set off in the blink of an eye, long and powerful strides propelling him straight at the ashen coated animal who should have known that it was rude to stare. In seconds he was nearly upon the deer, who did well to stand his ground. For a very brief time. With Kade hot on his rather large and knobby heels, the buck shot into action, lurching from his position and bounding quickly into the forest. The stomping of hooves and the pattering of wide paws on the damp forest floor was like a war time drum beat as the sable-furred beast challenged the might and strength─and speed─of the majestic creature. He didn't really have time to looked behind him and see whether or not Destin was there, but he figured he would be. Hunting down such a large and strange animal was clearly a long shot, but it wasn't impossible, and who knew─maybe this was just their lucky day.

Going Crazy