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Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin
Go Ahead, call me all the names you want
heiress of the pass
You won't dare when I'm mated to Datura
September 8th; Early Afternoon; Overcast; 73° F/23° C

Having endured a tumultuous week with Mapplethorpe on her back and at her heels, Taima Lyall had vowed to herself more than ever that she would make her own name within the reaches of Nomads Pass. She didn't and wouldn't need to have the gray-haired leader around once she was Queen; truth be told, the second daughter to be born within the heart of Grizzly Hollow had been raised from birth to follow in her parents' footsteps. She had already taken to heart and mind the lessons both her mother and father had drilled into her head. She knew what she wanted from the start, but now she knew how to get it all... thanks to Naira's beloved Advisor. While she had had the mind to keep the worldly male around as her own personal mentor, after he had practically spent the last few days snapping and growling at her for not behaving as a graceful monarch might, she opted against it. @Datura, alone, would be enough to guide her should she need input on anything; after all, when they had been lost together in the Fen, he had done everything in his power to make sure she cast away all her weakness and challenged her to be the fiery spirit she had been since she had come into this world.

Leaving the communal den behind at such an early hour provided her with enough time to find the steep paths that led up to Midnight Plateau, where she had ultimately decided she would spend her time if she wasn't needed on the borders. After what had happened in the Secluded Spring, she realized that she would only be wasting her time in catering to those who dwelled around the foot of the mountain. Once she was able to place all her feet on level ground - the stony shelf that had supposedly once been the home and hearth of Arlette Dieudonne's family - she peered up into the afternoon sky and the dim white circle that was presently the sun behind the dense, gray cloud cover.

She took a deep breath then released it in an airy sigh before straightening her posture as Mapplethorpe had once instructed her to do so many days ago. Chin up, ears up, muzzle level, tail held confidently out behind her... By now the stance had become familiar to her and as she gazed down at the slowly changing hues of the treetops below, she smiled to herself. It was just as she had remembered it last; and, one day, it would all be hers.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
'Bout time these two meet ;) This'll be Sage's SDS- lust thread.

Having successfully pried herself from Mercy's grip- the growing boy seemed to still insist, in his sleep, that he practically strangle his mother with his long, gangly legs- without waking him, Sagacity breathed a small sigh of relief when she left the communal den and stepped out into the dim light of the approaching dawn, pausing to stretch out her legs and smile lightly as her spine gave a satisfying crack in the process. Shaking the trusses out of her fur, she stepped lightly away from the den and made her way along the mountain's slope with the intention of reinforcing the border markings before going on her way. Mercy would be hungry when he woke up, as would Naira's pups so breakfast was the first thing on her mind as it was every morning.

She was sidetracked, though, when she saw the profile of young Taima on a ledge not far away. Sagacity knew the girl to see, but had been so busy working with Naira to take care of the pups that she hadn't set aside the time to meet the girl who had stolen the male heir's heart. From Naira she'd gleaned bits of information about the girl- that she was proud, a bit haughty, but would make a strong queen. Naturally, this caused some conflict for Sagacity, who followed Naira alone as the female lead. And Sagacity was presently ranked higher than Taima and expected a certain level of respect from the girl, whether she was the heir or not. Only in the future would she bow down to anyone other than Naira, but she knew better than to poison the waters of their relationship where the river began- because further down the line when the throne was passed on, she knew she would be dealt with for her earlier treatment of the heiress. Thus why she felt the sudden need to win the girl's approval, through whatever means possible. If she made herself appealing now, then it would be of use to her in the future, to earn her keep and maintain a comfortable rank within the pack...So she wanted- no, needed the girl's approval.

"Good morning, Heiress," Sagacity spoke, approaching the girl. She was seated like a queen, shoulders set and head level. Sagacity's body was relaxed and neutral; as the higher ranked of the two, she had no obligation to bow down to her, but respect was shown in the way in which she was addressed, with a voice soft and charitable. If anything, she would need to find Taima's favour, just as she had found Naira's. "I was about to hunt something down for the pups; would you like to join me?" She invited, hoping to provide a reason to spend some time with the pretty young heiress and establish herself as both an asset and an ally. She hungered for this girl's approval- and a meal to eat, something to bring back for the pups to establish herself.

(This post was last modified: Sep 09, 2013, 12:44 AM by Sagacity.)
Avatars by Arla!

Played by Grey who has 177 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Taima Lyall Avelin
Sorry for the delay! D: Got devoured by things for a while there.

Go Ahead, call me all the names you want
heiress of the pass
You won't dare when I'm mated to Datura
"Good morning, Heiress." The feminine voice broke the heiress from her present reverie - picturing a small ball of tawny fur at her side the child's eager eyes peering into her own with mismatched irises, one golden yellow, the other as dark blue as the surface of Iridescent Lagoon on a cloudless day. In a little more than half-a-year, Taima could very well finally make attempts to get what she wanted: a pack role to bide the rest of her time under Naira, territory of her own, Datura's heart, and even her very own family. The first of those things would be her top priority, first and foremost. The rest of the pieces, she felt, could come as naturally as they could and fall in place wherever they may; it would all come together eventually since her young body had only just started to touch upon what very well could be when the cold winter winds had ceased to blow.

Taima shook her head to clear the forefront of her mind and tuck away her precious daydream to dwell upon later. She turned to find her superior, the pack Scout, at her side. "I was about to hunt something down for the pups; would you like to join me?" Sagacity, who was perhaps the only other adult subordinate Mapplethorpe spoke highly of aside from the dark knight Chulyin. She blinked, willing the clockwork in her mind to finally shift into gear. "Um," she hesitated at first, rather unconfident in her present hunting skills. She let her tail lilt from side to side shyly. "I'm... I'm not too great at it, but, sure?" Perhaps if she was lucky enough, the Scout would settle for something like having Taima help her round up something small. The yearling, while practiced in her father's ways of hunting hare, had very little to no experience in anything much larger than anything she couldn't carry back home in one piece; before she even had the chance to experience a second pack hunt, she was spirited away to the other side of the Dire mountain.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Jess who has 343 posts.
Inactive II. Scout
She'd heard that the young heiress was given to bouts of stubbornness and pride, but she saw neither of the two on the pretty young female's face when she turned her head to acknowledge the scout. Instead she saw a young woman, thoughtful, who was somewhat taken aback by the invitation. She felt thankful that Taima expressed a humble disclaimer about her skills hunting, which Sagacity embraced with a small smile and a nod of her head. "Practice makes better," She said, with a joking tone. She couldn't say that practice made perfect- after all, hunting wasn't something that any wolf could ever be absolutely perfect at.

Thus she turned and began to lead the way, moving down the slope, knowing that an easier terrain might give them a bit of a leg up. Mountain goats would have had the advantage on the higher slopes, making them an option for more skilled hunters, but not the two females who were now in pursuit of a meal. "How is your training going? With Mapplethorpe- I understand he's grooming you for your future postion," She said. This she had gleaned from Naira, naturally, as the alpha female was Sagacity's main source of information in the pack. Mapplethorpe was a wolf she appreciated and respected, but the two tended to stick to their own tasks and leave the other to their job. There was a silent sort of truce between the two which had definitely been tested when she'd returned with Mercy- so by keeping her head down and fulfilling her duties to the pack, she hoped to keep on his good side. Befriending the young heiress, of course, was her next course of action to ensure her place in the pack.

Avatars by Arla!