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every nerve like a firefly — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by - who has 5 posts.
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To some it might have seemed harsh, to be cast out from one's home without so much as a prayer for good fortune. In Sorren's mind, however, it was only natural—she had been warned that it would be so as a young pup, and had trained for it for all her life. When she and her litter mates had reached their first birthday, they were set to face different directions before being chased off by the pack that had raised them. It was a right of passage.

She had known, too, that she had been followed closely for a time—not for protection, but to ensure that she did not attempt to reunite with her siblings. "You must make a new name for yourselves," they had been told, "Do not cling to your past." Sorren would obey, for it was the way of things. But she couldn't help but wonder how it was possible to simply start fresh.

It was also very likely that she would die.

Somehow, though, she had survived two months on her own—stamina was her greatest strength, and she was swift on her feet. Though Sorren was never likely to overpower an opponent, she could outmaneuver and outlast them. These talents had only grown stronger during her time alone; evading larger predators and skirting around dangerous territories. She had scavenged for food and taken down small prey when her body yearned for more energy, but she did not weigh herself down with a full belly. Sorren would go until she could go no more, and that was where she'd search for a new home.

She couldn't say how she found herself in this marshland, and it would not have been her first choice for stopping... but her entire body ache, and her belly screamed for nourishment. With winter coming soon, she would need to establish herself within a pack's ranks—or she would die. So, giving in to her body, Sorren soaked her sore forepaws in a pool of water. Though it was not particularly clean water, thirst and hunger got the best of the yearling, and she bent her head down to steal a drink.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver had been sticking close to pack lands sense returning from her trip. Her paws padded across the damp land. Everything was becoming dark the closer winter got. Oh how she looked forward to winter. Listening to the sounds and sniffing the smells something came across her nose. A wolf was near. Certainly not near their home enough for Silver to chase her off. But just enough to go talk to the wolf. Pushing on she came across the sight of a small wolf. Instead of approaching in a demanding matte she came on as friendly. Wagging her tail she went and took a sip of water with the she-wolf. Lifting her head to meet the others' she voiced her thoughts "Hello there miss! My name is Silver of Pitch Pine trail. I don't mean to question you, but what has brought you so close to our homes?" she forced a smile and a wag of her tail. "Just stay friendly."

Taking another lap of water she waited for the small girl to voice her thoughts. Taking in the sight of the girl she would remember her if she decided to join the Trail or if they were to ever cross paths again. Both were likely though. Her tail stayed in a soft low wagging motion. Silvers' golden eyes only glanced across the girls' green moss eyes once before returning her gaze back to the refreshing water. Knowing it was rude to make eyes contact her eyes stayed away until the girls' voice would break out into the silence.
Played by - who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Her head lifted and her body tensed as the sound of footfalls reached her ears; but before she could analyze any scents on the breeze, a female was there and taking a drink nearby. Sorren froze, her body moving to an instinctive and more easily defended stance—though she by no means took an aggressive pose. Had she trespassed without realizing the mistake? If so, she would surely be killed or at least run off... but the other seemed relaxed and unconcerned with her presence here.

She hadn't expected such friendliness; strange wolves would not have received it at home. In short, Sorren didn't really know what to do with the situation. Sorren remained quiet for a few moments after the other female spoke, unsure of the best way to respond. Maybe this was a trap?

<b style="color:#84b55a;">"I'm sorry if I strayed too close," she finally began, polite. <b style="color:#84b55a;">"I'm new to the area, and I've been tasked with scouting out potential shelter for the winter." It wasn't exactly a lie, and at least made it sound like she wasn't alone.