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hello darkness my old friend
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Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The quiet of the woods was deafening. Fiery eyes cast about the gloomy depths, the eerie fog held a hint of blue as it swirled about his paws, glowing faintly in a sense that the Argyris wolf could not explain. Of course, this wasn’t his first visit to Spectral Woods, and the sight of it held little effect on him now in comparison to his first encounter with the haunted forest, but it did not stop his guard hairs from lifting slightly, and his senses heightening to what he only assumed could be otherworldly influence.

But Phineas prided himself on logic, and each time he would leave the shrouded woods he would chide himself for allowing such thoughts to enter his mind. Today was no different. The ivory Leader stood in the silent land, his ears swiveling for any hint of sound as the overcast sky rolled above, blotted out by the canopy of leaves upon the trees. Winter would be upon them soon and it was something the Glen wolf grew worried of – how plentiful would the resources become the snow? Especially with the amount of neighbors they had accumulated since settling down in the Vale?

With a shake of his large frame to free himself of these thoughts, the male prowled forward now, his eyes darting to and from the shadows that lurked within the fog. It was then that a small chitter echoed across the once silent woods, causing his figure to still as his muzzle canted slightly. With darting eyes, he looked to see if he could find the source of the noise, and sure enough, only feet from him stood a brazen chipmunk, clutching a nut of some kind and staring at him intently with its beady eyes.

With only a moment’s thought, Phineas twisted his figure, launching himself toward the small creature as it darted away. His jaws snapped shut on nothing but air, and his eyes drifted upward to find the cinnamon cloaked animal up to a tall branch on a tree. As if it were laughing at him, another chitter escaped it, before the nut it had previously been holding was hurled his way, striking him o the nose with a soft clunk.
(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2013, 11:54 AM by Phineas.)

Played by Melorama who has 101 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Anouke Khasekhemre
This may be a very interesting thread c:

The silence that wrapped around the Young Hellion was deafening. It was like a hand that pressed down upon the woods; blocking out any sound from escaping, or entering. His first reaction was suspicion, but as time went on he became more relaxed. He was always aware of his surroundings, that skill was needed to be able to work his way through tricky situations. But from the silence he could tell that nothing would be able to sneak up on him. Any sound would immediately be heard from miles away, which would alert him to its presence, be it predator, prey, or wolf.

Bright, calculating amber eyes scanned the forest, searching for anything that may be unusual or suspicious-looking. Chatters from up above sounded almost distant, but they were audible. Chattering’s from chipmunks and other creatures, squawks from birds and many other sounds that his dark ears couldn’t quite decipher.

Under the canopy of leaves upon the branches it was cold, dark and damp. Slight amounts of light filtered through the leaves and beamed down upon the ground, where it would have to battle with the ghostly blue fog that swirled on the ground, carpeting it with a ghostly glow, to be seen. Large paws padded through the fog –which swirled around his legs and licked at the underside of his creamy brown belly- towards an unknown destination. The Young Hellion often wandered around, searching for new wolves to meet, to play his tricks on, and just to have fun. Plain and simple.

The sound of a chipmunk chattering close by caused the Young Hellion to prick his ears for a moment, before he dismissed the sound. It was probably just wandering around, like himself, or gathering nuts for the winter. Mentally shrugging, he blew hot air from his mouth into the cool air before walking onwards, unintentionally towards where the chipmunk was, and a strange wolf.

The sound of jaws snapping shut and large paws pounding on the earth alerted Anouke, and he picked up his dark head, ears twitching and eyes scanning the area. A white figure was standing close by, its figure hidden slightly by the trees. Curious, the Young Hellion stalked forwards, all of his senses directed on the pale, ghostly figure. He had heard rumors that spectral forms lived in the woods, but never thought that they were true. Although, on closer inspection, the ghostly figure was indeed a wolf, with its head pointed up, muzzle aiming into the branches of a tree.

A few moments went by silently until something from one of the branches flew out and hit the wolf’s muzzle with a clear, soft clunk. The corners of his lips twitched up into a smirk as his chest rumbled slightly, the ghostly figure sure hadn’t seen that coming. Staring intently with bright amber eyes, Anouke studied the wolf, while wondering why he was in the strange, mystical woods.

Cloaked in a ghostly, creamy ivory, the male’s pelt was pure, save the marring of small hairs of cinnamon and ebony, which created a prominent saddle upon his spine. The wolf was rather tall like him, but had a more streamlined build than just pure bulk. Once he had finished looking of the ghostly pale male, Anouke strode forward, a slight smirk on his face while he made sure his posture was neutral, for he wanted to know more about the male before getting into the action.

Cocking his head slightly to the left, the tip of his brown tail twitched to the side as he lifted up his right leg –which was all white- and flexed it calmly. Whenever he met a new wolf, he always did that, but why, he didn’t know. “Look at us here, trying to catch a morsel to nibble on?” His voice was deep and soft, yet also full of volume, like a bass guitar. The Young Hellion would attempt to find out valuable knowledge that he could use against the ghostly male. Not necessarily for a fight, but just to have fun.

Oh, he would enjoy this interaction.

681 Words

I do it because I can,
I can because I want to,
I want to because you made me.
Played by Rachel who has 473 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Phineas Argyris
The clunk of the nut that hit his muzzle stung sharply -- it was his pride that seared more though, and a grunt escaped the beast before he backed up a pace, fiery eyes ablaze as they sought out the tree to the tiny offender. The little bastard chittered then, shrilly and loudly, and it did not take a genius to realize that the creature was actually laughing at him. Blinking at this prospect, the regal male shifted then, his tainted lips pulling back slightly as his eyes roved the tree trunk, wondering if there was some miraculous way he could bounce his way up that tree and clip the little trickster in two.

Of course, gravity was against him, and logical stated it to be impossible. Pacing slightly under the tree trunk, his muzzle still aimed upwards, it wasn't until he heard the near silent crunch of oncoming paw falls that caused his gaze to shift, his attention diverted to his company. His new found companion was male -- large and robust, though young. More interesting was the myriad of hues upon the wolf's pelt -- stark brown upon his spinal, while his pelt coursed down to ivory. The ebony mask was a unique marking, and all Phineas could assume was wolf dog hybrid.

The words that interrupted the ghostly silence caused Phineas' brows to lift, his own figure following suit. He might have been taller, but his opponent outweighed him -- not that the Argyris male was intimidated. Dominance emanated from the stark ivory wolf now, his tail curling in a challenge of this dominance -- if the other wanted to sport sarcasm, he could welcome the possible consequences. "If I manage to catch it, I'll be doing more than nibbling on it," he promised darkly, his eyes drifting up to catch a quick glance at the little bastard, as if to reiterate his point. Yet he did not leave his eyes away from the stranger for long.