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Rise up, Fall down
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Played by Riptide who has 16 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Harp Lafalia
It had felt like a long travel back from the lagoon. Harp had so much on her mind from the beginning of her walk, but as she neared her new family's home, her mind was almost empty. Her head hangs slightly lower than usual due to her sore neck. The bite wounds were still fresh and open to the air. She scowls as she stumbles slightly on a small patch of rocks toward the cavern. As she regains herself, a sigh escapes from her whitening muzzle. She was tired.

The scents of the pack wolves fills her nostrils. Her head lifts slightly, but not enough so to feel the sting of the bites again. Hunger pulls at her stomach viciously. Harp was unable to hunt again after Sagacity had taken her fish. After acquiring bite wounds on the base of her neck/shoulders from her, her hunting abilities were limited. She nears the opening of the cavern now, and the dark coated wolf seats herself right before the mouth. She lands with a heavy umph before bringing her tail around her right haunch.

The woman allows her eyes to close now as a cool breeze envelopes her. The crisp scent of autumn hangs loosely in the air as the leaves on trees begin their color change. Autumn was Harp's favorite season, and this was not a good way to start it off. The woman shifts her weight slightly as she points her muzzle into the cavern. She had not a clue what her leadess was up to, but she called out softly in case she was in the cave. "Narimé?" It was not loud at all- it was almost a mere coo. Harp's tail flicks as she awaits any sort of company. Her confident, happy mood was exhausted- she was nothing but tired right now.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
His gray legs twitched as the sound of paw steps echoing from the entrance of the cavern. The older male opened his jaws passing the air over his tongue literally tasting the scent of the newcomer. Just another pack member, and yet another female I don't know. the Lagina wolf wondered how a pack could have so many females and yet practically no loyal males among their ranks. It was strange for there to be an imbalance in the members of a normal pack. Whether by age or gender a healthy pack should have a certain number of each kind of wolf. At least that was Tokino's way of thinking.

The pale gray male twitched once more as the stranger called out for none other than his niece. Kino's let his ears fall to the sides while he let out a yawn and stretched laid out upon the ground like a giant shag carpet. Should I answer or no? Kino thought quietly. It wouldn't help him too much trying to get close to Whisper Caverns wolves. So far the icy eyed male had looked over the four females (including Narimé) of Whisper Caverns and found them to be rather incompetent at their tasks. As much as Kino liked his niece and loved seeing the replica of his sister living healthy and happy; Kino couldn't say that she was the best alpha he'd come across. She was still too young and inexperienced for his taste. Then there was Inali and Minka the loyal scout and hunter. Kino actually liked Inali thinking of her much like a niece to look after. But still she too is young. Though she does her job well enough. the gray wolf cloaked in shadow shook his ruff. He wasn't sure what to think of Minka. He knew she had a good heart, or at least she hadn't left him to get surprised by a bull elk all alone. However he hadn't seen her true strength yet both physically and mentally.

Then there was Simaea. Kino didn't particularly like this female. She held herself too high for his taste even though he had to admit that she was good at her job.

But what about this one? His gaze, already used to the darkness, pierced through the shadow eyeballing the newcomer from a far. He spotted the limp and immediately found himself annoyed at Nari again. She had obviously accepted a lame wolf into her pack, and the elder knew that would only put a strain on the packs resources. Well let's go see what little Nari thinks she's good for then... The proud wolf lifted his head and propped himself up with his front legs. Then he stood up stretched once and finally answered the woman's question while still hiding within the shadows.

Narimé isn't here right now. Something about taking the pups out for a walk around the borders. He answered allowing a sigh to leave his lips as if the male were bored. Which, in truth, he was rather bored. Kino had nothing to do at the moment except protect the caches.

Slowly the dark and light gray wolf padded forward further into the light towards the new she wolf. He watched her quietly for a few moments then avoided eye contact out of courtesy. Pausing only a few feet away to greet the woman Kino kept his tail in a neutral position wondering whether the female would submit or try to raise her banner higher than his own.

I'm Tokino Lagina. Who're you? He asked casting a side glance towards the peppered woman trying to evaluate her body condition. She's thin, obviously from being a loner. Won't be much use for hunting deer. Maybe she's a good healer? The only reason Tokino could think of accepting a lame wolf was if they had some great skill in healing. If she didn't have that ability then why would an alpha accept her? Injured, sick, and old wolves without packs should always be taken seriously and cautiously. No matter the reason a weak wolf should not be brought into a pack. Every good alpha knows this.. Kino looked towards Harp gauging her reaction to his presence.

Played by Riptide who has 16 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Harp Lafalia
Within moments, there was a response. The voice not of Narimé's, but it was that of a male wolf's. Automatically, Harp thinks this may be the male leader. He comes out of the cavern and out into the light. Harp turns her head gently, observing the wolf that stands feet away. The mottled gray man introduces himself to her. "I am Harp Lafalia" she says as she rises to all fours now. Her tail remains at a neutral position as she looks to his icy gaze.

"I am sorry if I awoke you, Tokino" she offers a light shrug of her shoulders, forgetting about her wounds. A slight grunt escapes her muzzle as she does so. With an air of embarrassment about her now, she speaks once more. "I had caught a fish earlier by the lagoon, and a wolf thieved it away from me." The Lafalia wolf obtains silence for a moment. Her ears focus upon a bird singing in the distance as she continues, "Not sure of her name. She was definitely from a pack, though. All in all, she ended up leaving me half of the fish to eat." What if the man before her didn't care about what she had to say? Harp's face becomes stoic as she awaits a harsh response. Instead, she adds in a bit more to what she has to say.

"I'm a fisherman, by the way. Narimé took interest in my ability" As she stands, she raises her slightly shorter limb. Her gaze falls back to the iced eyes of the man. She is done speaking now, for her white muzzle closes shut as she stands near the wolf. Tokino Lagina. A relative of Narimé. How they were related, she did not know. She was to wait and see what Tokino had to say- she felt as if she had spoken enough already.

Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Tokino let his gaze drift to the caverns entrance. His ear tilted to listen to the woman flicking it every so often so she would know he was listening. It is a pleasure to meet you Harp... Lafalia? Tokino did not know the name. Though he found it a pleasant one to let roll off the tongue. The gray male had no clue of his sister Darkwind's pack, her children, or of her mate Black Feather. So naturally he had no idea of the small connection Harp's brother had to his family. That Harp's brother Vice Lafalia had become mates to one of Kino's youngest nieces.

He gave the woman a crooked half smile and let his head slide to the right tilting as he spoke. No worries for I wasn't napping. I'm not that old yet to fall asleep while on duty. Though Kino wasn't sure if protecting the den was really a duty when no one else was there.

What he heard next was of no surprise to the proud wolf. That the woman had caught a fish and lost it to another pack wolf. Well with a lame leg I could see any predator attacking her for a good fish. He thought quietly not voicing the rude comment.

The platinum coated male let his tail lift ever so slightly above Harp's then glanced sideways at her again. Next time bring someone with you when you head out fishing. That way you don't lose the meal. Plus you could teach the rest of the pack about fishing. Kino acknowledged her knack for fishing with a nod. Though he was interested in seeing for himself how well she could hunt the swimming creatures. He'd seen his mother fish but not many of the Mountain Rose pack fished at all. Mostly because they were elk hunters. At least she's got a useful enough skill. He tried finding a reason to respect his nieces choice in subordinates.

So what's the biggest fish you've caught? Tokino turns to look at the entrance of the cave once more wondering when the rest of the pack was going to come back.

Played by Riptide who has 16 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Harp Lafalia
Harp listens to the man as he speaks. As he instructs her to take someone with her next time she goes fishing, all she can do is nod. He is right, so there was no need to open her mouth up and be pinned as talking back to him. "Hmm. Probably a big catfish" She tilts her head in thought now, attempting to picture the catfish she had caught. "I lived near the ocean when I was younger. We would catch sea fish sometimes, but we generally stayed fishing in freshwater" She offers a small smile as she speaks of her past. "Too risky to fish from the ocean. There's many creatures that are poisonous that we do not know of. No risk taken." Her tribe had been a fantastic family to her.

Harp clears her throat now and looks to one of the food caches. "Would you mind if I...?" her question trails off as her eyes settle on a plump rabbit in the pile. Its tawny fur caught her gaze instantly. A moment later, Harp gets embarrassed. She looks back to Tokino, then looks to the dirt. "If I took something to eat. I feel horrible not returning with anything, but hunting with these damn bites on my shoulders is a bit of a task." Her golden eyes look back up to him. The Lafalia woman feels small now for some reason. She had joined a new family and didn't bring anything back from a fishing trip. It was more of an ashamed feeling for her.

With a quick glance around the densite, Harp is surprised no others had shown their faces yet. Well, perhaps it was a good thing. She was too embarrassed to talk to any other at the moment.

(This post was last modified: Sep 30, 2013, 06:45 PM by Harp.)
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
Kino turns his gaze to a bird flying from one viburnum bush to another. He gestures quietly with a flick of his tail for the woman to eat. She wouldn't be any help to the pack while being skin and bones. He thought quietly. Besides, why she he care if his nieces other subordinates ate from the packs caches? As long as there was enough food to go around the gray man had no problem with a gimpy wolf eating food that others caught for her.

His blue gaze turns back to the she wolf who seemed to have shrunken towards the ground. He knew that look which passed through her eyes. Shame, something I know little of... Kino raised a lip showing one fang in annoyance. Do not feel ashamed for bringing nothing back every once in a while. Hunts go awry, it happens. The mans muzzle flattened out smooth once again while eyeing the cache.

Harp...Just eat up and heal up so your next hunt does not go as badly. His voice took on a more gentle angle as the Lagina spoke to the new Cavern wolf. He moved his icy eyes back to the plants outside monitoring the comings and goings of any wolves who decided to come back into the den. He would have to take the time to speak to the Thorben fella soon and learn about that particular family. Tokino greatly wondered whether the alpha male was from a rich respectable line of wolves.