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Question the Truth, Deny the False
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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
[I apologize that this starter is sucky </3 Challenge; As of right now I will assume Sema will attack first, PM me if you want to talk about it :) ]

In the spring, we made a boat
Semananti Whurshire
Out of feathers, out of bones

Quickly, Semananti had worked to find out who was above her. All she needed was a name, if she had a name then she could clearly call out for that one wolf and challenge her for the rank above her. Semananti felt like she needed to be a higher rank to have any real say or real sense of security. If she was a lower rank, and the females wanted to challenge into the pack, then she was at risk of possibly losing. It was the one insecurity she felt. So she raised her muzzle, and she let out one long and clearly defined howl for Muerda and @Muerda only. The fact was that the Ridge was much more cramped than she was use to and she wanted to feel like she had more of a say.

Though she knew that Elettra trusted her, her insecurity rang through again. The scarred woman stood firmly next to one of the many Willow trees in the territory. Her eyes narrowed as she waited for her opponent to arrive. The howl had made it clear almost that she was challenging her for her rank. She held her tail up, in a dominant stance. She knew that Elettra might show up, but this was clearly just between her and this Muerda wolf that she had briefly seen in the pack den. After all, to her knowledge, every wolf except Tempest [who was/is in the infirmary] slept in the pack den. She took a few deep breathes, closing her eyes and bringing out her almost violent side. She was ready for a fight, but she hoped it wouldn't come to that.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
(I don't mind her attacking first.)

Muerda had been only walking around borders keeping the pack safe from outsiders when she heard a call for her. Instantly she knew that it was for a challenge. The sound in the voice had been asking for such. But why? She wouldn't give up easily to this other woman. Muerda was here first and this was her spot. As she was not one to share. Nor would she easily give in. Nothing would go without a fight.

As she walked to the source of the call Muerda's hackles were raised and head was held proud. Muerda then laid eyes upon her victim. Yes, victim was the word. No one went unpunished while trying to take something from her. This female would feel her anger whether it be now or later. She couldn't loose because that meant failure to show her hard work to Elettra and Narcissa, the one who found her. Letting a low growl escape from her chest she narrowed her eyes onto the girl "You called." It was stated more as an acknowledgment then a question.

If only the other woman knew what she was getting into. Yet for some reason Muerda was desired to mess with her and twist her way into her mind. Destroy her mentally more then physically. It was what she had always been good at. Only because she had years of experience on her from messing with the minds of others and using them to her own will.
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
[Cool, Fen rolled me a stat on the thread, so you could request a roll now? Sema spares no time before attacking >:D XD]

In the spring, we made a boat
Semananti Whurshire
Out of feathers, out of bones

Semananti would make it extremely simple for the older woman, and she would get her spot. If there was one thing that Semananti was good at, it was fighting. Though she was only 3 years of age, she had been in more fights, brutal fights, than this female. It was just these past few months when she had been on leave where she had been in several fights. The thing that Muerda hadn't realized, she was an assassin with many victims already at her feet. She'd sent so many wolves 6 feet under, but per the rules of Elettra, Semananti could not harm her to kill her, only a little bloodshed. It was something that would be difficult for her to do, but she would somehow manage.

Sema stated it outright and simple. "I want your rank, and I will get it. It is clear that you refuse to back down.... so we fight for it." She hissed, leaping at her enemy, sinking her teeth into her shoulder, trying to force her down to the ground [which given her strength compared to her opponent, it would be difficult] to force her into submission. A crazy fiendish look on her face. Her scars were brightly shown against her brown and almost auburn colored pelt and face. It was clear she had experience.... where as the other wolf, as far as she could tell, did play fights, and that was it. She supposed that she could, and she would, find out soon. Her tail was curled up in a sign of dominance. She refused to lose.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
(Shaking things up a bit on Muerda's part ^.^)

It was not a surprise when the female attacked. Trying to shake the woman off her shoulder Muerda was some what successful in escaping the grasp. Now it was her turn to take the move. Moving into take grab of the neck she slipped but still managed to take a nip at the side of her face. Before she could have been pinned to the ground Muerda jumped right up and released a growl that came rumbling deep from her chest. Her lip had been pulled back. Her tail now high but her eyes narrow and her head low as if she was staring at the other woman (which she was). Now why should she have to give her spot up?

"I'll still give you the chance to talk about it. Or we can continue with our childish ways. The choice is yours, but choose wisely." Only they could settle this. Not even Elettra could satisfy the fire that ran through her while she faced the other. Now that she thought about it, Muerda didn't even know the name of this woman that wanted her rank so desperately.

Waiting for the woman's actions or words she took on a defensive stance. Her fur was fluffed making her look larger. Muerda was ready for anything that was going to come her way. As long as it didn't interfere with her home in Willow Ridge she could face it. Nothing could tear her away from her new found home.
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
{Damn the auto misses}
In the spring, we made a boat
Semananti Whurshire
Out of feathers, out of bones

Semananti was so pumped by a hatred she suddenly had for the woman that she didn't even aim for her target like she normally did. She had backed up from Muerda and charged, just as the female had stepped to the side, Semananti hit where Muerda was suppose to be, instead, she hit her head on a tree. "Damnit!" She cursed at herself, her eyes fueled with hatred. She had left her brain and common sense behind. She was almost on the brink of passing out, she refused to do that too. Her head was all shaken up, she couldn't think straight and she would have to go see Elettra afterwards. What an embarrassment that would be. 'Yea, hi Elettra, I was fighting and ran into a tree when challenging Muerda for her rank, got anything for headaches?' Yea, she'd rather die than go there as a failure on her part.

No, she let her hackles raise, and she let out a vicious snarl. Her eyes narrowed and blazing with a fiery anger that only she could obtain {so she thought}. It was evident that she hated this woman and that this woman hated her. That was pack love right? Just a friendly pack scuffle? Yea right, both these woman looked like they had been raised and trained to fight. Semananti wanted to give her a scar she could remember, but her head was too shaken for her to do anything except defend herself, she had to defend herself, or else her blood might spill, and she might die. Granted Muerda would be banished from the pack, Semananti did not want that to happen.

[Image: WR3.png]
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire

Muerda was not surprised the woman had missed. This was her chance to show the other she was the higher out of the two. So without any more seconds passing by she let a wild snarl flare out before clamping down on her muzzle and forcing her to the ground. Her tail was raised and she had been angered by the amber eyed woman. Holding her grip tight (but not tight enough she couldn't escape) Muerda made sure that this 'Little girl' would understand her place. The younger woman's spot was under herself. Of course if she could prove herself worthy enough just maybe she would let her have her spot. But not without a fight.

Slowly she let go of the muzzle that was rested in her jaws. Backing away slowly she dared to look the woman in the eyes before speaking "When you've cooled your head come talk to me, just maybe I'll let you slide past me with ease. But I did say maybe." Muerda had walked backwards for a moment before she the thought of turning her back on this woman had come to her. Knowing that the other had lost, but had put up a good fight, she turned herself around and walked away. She had nothing left to say. Not even a good day, or the offer of helping her. A small smirk was placed on her face. Maybe she would go dine to replenish all her lost energy. As it was obvious the lower would try to take her rank. Which meant she would need all her energy.

Table by PuppyThief

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased

Semananti felt the strength of the other woman as she was pushed down with a muzzle grab. Anger filled her eyes, but when the woman let go and spoke, Semananti had to respect it. She had indeed put up a good fight, and Sema would commend her for that and that alone. The lady turned without a word and headed off. Not even asking for her name, no good bye, no good fight. It almost offended her, almost that was. In a few weeks Semananti would have trained herself to the point where she could beat this mysterious woman. Muerda, the name, it was all sinking in and Sema knew next time she would not fail. She was a fighter at heart, a scout in the mind and a faithful servant of Elettra, nothing would ever change.

<b style="color:#2897ed;">"Just you watch out, next time, if you don't let me 'pass by with ease', I will not lose." She had hissed the words to the other, even if she was too far away to hear them. Her head was aching, she had a headache from the shaking and of fast movements up and down, like if one were to get up too fast, except she was pushed to the ground too fast. She'd go see Elettra and ask for something for the headache so she might be able to get work done that day. She had training to do, scouting to do and plots to put into motion. She wouldn't, couldn't, let a headache stop her from doing all that.

Table by PuppyThief
STOCK: ALP-stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de

-End I guess even if it isn't 10 replies-
[Image: WR3.png]