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Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

Figuratively anyway. Titan had wandered off nearly a week and a half ago searching for his mother to see if she had gone to Willow Ridge for something. However he didn't find her scent anywhere. Narimé had been gone for a very long time. It was the longest she had ever left the pups along with the pack and their father before.

On his way back to Whisper Caverns Titan had started a small group of foraging turkey on the fringes of Hush meadow. It was then that he'd made the mistake. The youngster was ever hungry and that instinct to hunt drove him towards the turkey. From there he'd chased the fumbling birds a few yards before the lighter females took flight back into Drooping Willows forest. However the two male turkey with their large tail feathers were unable to fly for too long. The pup changed direction going after the lower flying males while they fled. He caught one male, the larger tom, by its tail dragging the bird down.

Then the bird struggled. Two sharp spurs reached out to slash at the dark pup. One turkey leg missed flailing all around Titan's left shoulder. The two inch long spur on the turkeys right leg however scored a direct hit on Titan's chest effectively cutting and pushing the youth away from the distressed bird.

A chorus of yelps echoed from Titan's mouth as he let go and stumbled backwards away from the turkey tom who righted itself and began fanning itself out to look more intimidating. The tactic plus the wound given to the young Thorben definitely worked. Titan was backing away staring at the bird with frightened eyes. Every so often his blue eyes would glance down at the large cut welling up with blood on the left side of his chest. It was only a flesh wound that with appropriate treatment would heal quickly. However the sight of his own blood frightened Titan to the point that he turned to flee from the injured turkey. His legs brought him back into the willow forest northward between Whisper Caverns territory and Willow Ridge. He was headed for the Whisper Marsh which was a place unknown and unexplored by the Thorben brood.

That was how he'd gotten himself into this mess.

Now Titan was wandering around Whisper Marsh without a clue in the world as to how to get back to his parents territory. He was almost at his limits. Titan wanted badly to just sit and cry but the dark child knew that wouldn't help him in this place. Nobody would be there to comfort him. So instead he growled and walked onward favoring his uninjured side whiled headed towards a forest he could see on the horizon. Of course the Thorben pup did not realize that this wood he was seeing was Cedarwood forest. Nor did he know that he was going the opposite direction from home.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Raven who has 5 posts.
Avaline Hayles
Lana had been busying herself with a carcass that she had scavenged, not very good at hunting due to her past and the fact that she was a yearling made it difficult. However she had gotten better at stalking and knew how to move through the marsh without making noise. The rather noisy yelps had gotten her attention and she had deduced that they were from a pup, thinking of how this pup could affect her life style she had made the decision to go and inspect it.

Now she was moving through the shallow water well hidden in the reeds, bright yellow eyes searching the land for the owner of the yelps. A slight wind rustled the trees and her nose was assailed by the scent of the wolves of Whisper Creek, a cruel smirk twisted up the otter brown she wolfs muzzle, oh yes she would play with this pup for a bit.
Her eyes locating the pup walking away heading the opposite way to home she stood up straight moving out of the hiding spot and shaking out her long brown fur. Her own den was under the roots of an old mangrove tree, far enough away from the packs that most of them had no idea that she even existed. Of course that was the way she preferred things, with a flick of her triangular soft brown ears she moved forward, slightly on the skinny side after a hard couple of months her muscles were well toned. They worked together to move her forward in a light trot after the pup, when she was within range she let out a slightly amused laugh cutting it off abruptly by snapping her jaws closed.

Yellow eyes ran over the small pup, his fur stunk of turkey and the large cut on him told her what had happened. She slowed down her tail brushing her heels neatly before she said “Poor little pup lost out in the marsh, oh is mummy gone?” she lifted her lips in a cruel smirk. Fun fun fun, she hadn’t been doing this for a while and it was good to get back into the swing of things. She felt nothing for this pup, wouldn’t bother saving him if he got attacked and wouldn’t help him for free, but she knew most things that were going on in this part of the world and never did anything for free.
(This post was last modified: Nov 04, 2013, 01:02 AM by Avaline.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
I am very sorry this is late. College will not let me post often!! Not enough time between studying and stuff.

The dark pups steps faltered a bit sending him lurching forward into the frosty marsh after a small bout of laughter and a loud "SNAP!" sounded behind him. After face planting into the muck Titan quickly whirled around to see a stranger eyeballing him with an evil look upon her maw. Almost as soon as the teen's words left her mouth Titan growled a warning to stay away. An immediate dislike of this young she wolf entered his heart making the young Thorben look away in order to ignore her teasing.

Titan felt that heat rise in his chest. The heat of anger as he tried to press onward skirting around the she wolf. However the boy was smart. Or at least he knew that retorting back to this kind of female would get him nowhere. Perhaps all those arguments with his sister had given the dark lad some patients that he didn't even know he had. However that patients would only go so far. If the gray girl decided to continue pestering the poor puppy, the lad was not sure what he might do. Perhaps try to run away? She's too big to try to show her who's boss. Titan snapped angrily in his head keeping his jaws firmly shut.

Keeping a weary eye on the stranger and his footing was proving a little harder with the injury to his chest. Every time he stepped into a deeper puddle the injury would stretch and pain the boy as he padded forward. It was all he could do to move forward without snarling at himself and the girl following him.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...